How Do Domestic Violence Abusers Groom Their Victims?

Abusers use various manipulative tactics to groom their victims, including ingratiation, dismantling, and elimination. They create a sense of trust with the targeted person before they can become violent or controlling. Women aged 16-24 are at risk of becoming victims of domestic violence. Grooming is the biggest manipulative tactic used by domestic abusers, as it helps them gain trust and access.

The first step in grooming is when the groomer is targeting the victim. Groomers will generally learn about potential victims before they decide they are a threat. The abuser may also try to isolate their partner from friends and family, using words like “it’s for your own good” or “you’re too sensitive.”

Violence is preceded by verbal abuse, which damages self-esteem and the abuser needs to be right and in control. Abusers often use litigation involving child support and custody to prolong contact with their victims. They encourage secrets and secret-keeping, telling minors they love them and are special.

Opportunistic offenders do not always groom their victims and may act impulsively. Situational offenders, who perpetrate abuse for reasons other than specific sexual attraction to children, can groom therapists and victims through therapy.

Abusers can groom potential victims from the start, using gifts, attention, and sharing secrets to make them feel they have a caring relationship and train them to keep the relationship secret. People who recover from abusive relationships of any type, including cult situations, domestic violence, and sex, should be aware of the covert grooming tactics used by abusive men.


Sara Ann Brown is a licensed professional therapist who’s expertise is in helping victims of narcissistic abuse and domestic …

Which are the three main warning signs that someone may be an abuser?

What are warning signs of an abuser? Red flags of an abuser include:

Jealousy; possessiveness; unpredictability; bad temper; cruelty to animals; verbal abuse; controlling behavior; outdated beliefs about gender roles; forced sex or disregard of partner’s unwillingness to have sex; sabotaging birth control or refusing to honor agreed-upon methods; blaming the victim for bad things that happen; obstructing the victim’s ability to work or attend school. Controls the money; abuses other family members, children, or pets; accuses the victim of flirting or having an affair; controls what the victim wears and how they act; humiliates the victim. Embarrassing or humiliating the victim in front of others; Harassing the victim at work. For help, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) now.

What are the warning signs of being groomed?
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What are the warning signs of being groomed?

If a child is being groomed, they might:

Grooming behaviors. Groomers use certain behaviors to make children think what’s happening is normal or to make them feel trapped. The grooming relationship can go from good to bad very fast.

Gaining trust. A groomer hides their true intentions and gains the child’s trust to abuse them (Sexual Offences Act 2003: explanatory notes). The child or young person learns to respect, trust, and love their groomer. They may not know they’re being groomed because they think their groomer is a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend (Coffey and Lloyd, 2014). The groomer may also try to gain the trust of the whole family so they can be alone with a child. Groomers who work with children may use similar tactics with their colleagues.

What are red flags for grooming?
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What are red flags for grooming?

Abusers select victims. Abusers often look for victims and choose the easiest ones to get to or the ones they think are the most vulnerable. Abusers try to separate victims from those who can help them and often work with minors. Abusers try to gain victims’ trust and keep secrets. Abusers try to gain trust by giving gifts, paying attention to them, sharing secrets, and other ways to make them feel like they have a caring relationship and to keep it secret. Abusers often start by touching victims in harmless ways, like hugging, wrestling, and tickling. Later, they may touch them in more sexual ways, like massages or showering together. Abusers may show pornography or discuss sex with victims to make sexual contact seem normal. It can be hard for teens to recognize grooming tactics when the abuser is close in age. Watch out for signs that your teen is in a secretive relationship with an adult who controls them or pushes their boundaries. Grooming behaviors are used to gain trust and create a trustworthy image and relationship with their family and community. Child and teen sexual abusers are often nice and helpful. We value this in friends and acquaintances. Don’t be suspicious of everyone who is kind to your child. Most people are well-intentioned and trustworthy. Watch out for this type of behavior. It’s a way for an abuser to gain your trust so they can abuse your child. Talk to your kids about risks and boundaries. Make sure they know they can come to you if anyone crosses a line.

Grooming online. Online groomers often create fake profiles to befriend children or teens. This can lead to sexual abuse, online stalking, or harassment. Learn more at about grooming and how to keep your child safe online. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children also has more warning signs of online grooming.

What are the common features of perpetrators of abuse and grooming?
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What are the common features of perpetrators of abuse and grooming?

Gaining trust by pretending to be someone they’re not, for example saying they are the same age as the child online. Offering advice or understanding. Buying gifts. Giving the child attention. Using their professional position or reputation. Taking the child on trips, outings, or holidays.

Grooming behaviors. Groomers use certain behaviors to make children think what’s happening is normal or to make them feel trapped. The grooming relationship can go from good to bad fast.

Gaining trust. A groomer hides their true intentions and gains the child’s trust to abuse them (Sexual Offences Act 2003: explanatory notes). The child or young person learns to respect, trust, and love their groomer. They may not know they’re being groomed because they think their groomer is a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend (Coffey and Lloyd, 2014). The groomer may also try to gain the trust of the whole family so they can be alone with a child. Groomers who work with children may use similar tactics with their colleagues.

How do abusers train victims?

Overview: Manipulators and abusers control their victims with a range of tactics, including positive reinforcement (praise, flattery, love bombing), negative reinforcement (taking away items), intermittent or partial reinforcement, psychological punishment (silent treatment, threats, intimidation, guilt trips), and traumatic tactics (verbal abuse or explosive anger).2. The victim is targeted because they are vulnerable.Traumatic bonding can occur between abusers and victims as a result of abuse cycles. These cycles create emotional bonds that are resistant to change and a climate of fear. Attempts may be made to normalize, justify, deny, or minimize the abusive behavior. Some personality disorders involve gaining compliance or control over others. There are many types of personality disorders, which are often grouped into three clusters. People with cluster B disorders may act negatively when they want to control others. Cluster B includes narcissistic, histrionic, borderline, and antisocial personality disorders. 10.

What is a grooming process?
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What is a grooming process?

Grooming is when someone builds a relationship with a child or young person to abuse them. Groomed children and young people can be sexually abused, exploited, or trafficked. Anyone can be a groomer. If you find out your child has been groomed, you might feel upset and not know what to do. We’re here to help keep children and young people safe.

Grooming types. Children and young people can be groomed online, in person, or both. This could be a family member, friend, or someone they know. Online groomers may hide who they are by sending photos or videos of other people. Sometimes this is of someone younger to gain trust. They might target one child online or contact lots of children quickly and wait for them to respond.

What are examples of grooming tactics?
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What are examples of grooming tactics?

Groomers can use tactics like pretending to be younger, giving advice, buying gifts, giving attention, and taking them on trips. If your child has been groomed, you might feel distressed and unsure of what to do next. We’re here to help keep children and young people safe.

Grooming types. Children and young people can be groomed online, in person, or both. This could be a family member, friend, or someone they know. Online groomers may hide who they are by sending photos or videos of other people. Sometimes this is of someone younger to gain trust. They might target one child online or contact lots of children quickly and wait for them to respond.

What characteristic is commonly shared by abusers?
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What characteristic is commonly shared by abusers?

12. Many people are confused by their abusive partners. You may think he has a mental problem because he is nice one minute and the next minute he is exploding. Abusive partners are often moody and explosive. These behaviors are related to other characteristics like hypersensitivity.

13. Past Abuse: He says he’s been abusive in the past, but it was her fault. You may hear from relatives or exes that he is abusive. If someone is abusive, they will be physically abusive to anyone they are with if they are with them long enough. Situational circumstances do not make someone an abuser.

14. Threats of violence: This could include any threat of violence meant to control you. “I’ll slap you,” “I’ll kill you,” or “I’ll break your neck.” Most people don’t threaten their partners, but the abusive person will say, “Everybody talks that way.”

What is the hardest form of abuse to identify?
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What is the hardest form of abuse to identify?

Emotional or psychological abuse. Emotional or psychological abuse is when parents or caregivers do or don’t do things that cause or could cause serious problems with a child’s behavior, thinking, or emotions. This includes verbal or emotional abuse of a child, as well as extreme confinement. Emotional abuse often goes with other forms of abuse and is the hardest to spot. Many of its consequences, like learning and speech problems, can also happen to children who aren’t being emotionally abused. Such abuse can also have effects later in life. Some states allow CPS to intervene in cases of emotional or psychological abuse without proof of harm to the child. The child must be severely punished to get help. CPS agencies in these states won’t intervene in cases of excessive rejection, blame, or belittlement without proof of harm.

Factors Affecting Research and Screening. The different ways child abuse and neglect are defined make it hard to know how common these problems are in adults’ lives. Although there is no standard definition (Briere, 1996; Whipple and Richey, 1997), researchers agree that consistency is important. Researchers debate whether to define child abuse and neglect by its impact on the child or by community standards for behavior toward children. These distinctions have been important in defining emotional abuse, but they have also helped frame discussions about other forms of abuse and neglect. Policymakers want to discourage overly zealous interventions. They tend to define emotional abuse narrowly, requiring proof that the child was harmed. Some researchers say that definitions of emotional abuse should not depend on how the child is affected (Barnett et al., 1991; Shaver et al., 1991). Emotional abuse and neglect are often ranked on a scale, and people are not usually put in one category or another based on whether they have been abused or not. This approach is becoming more common in child abuse studies (Bernstein et al., 1994). Child sexual abuse is any unwanted sexual experience before the age of 18, including genital exposure and verbal propositions. More restrictive definitions say the experience must have involved physical contact with someone at least 5 years older than the victim if the victim is under a certain age. This is usually 15 through 18 years old. A broader definition of sexual abuse leads to more reports. Most people think that hitting a child is abuse, but many studies say that the child must be hurt too.

Do abusers know they are grooming?

Most violent or controlling relationships don’t start that way. They often start with a lot of romance. Abusers often shower their future victims with attention and care. The abuser may seem ideal at first: devoted, loving, supportive, and eager to spend every minute with their new partner. This flood of romance can make reality seem unreal. This is a type of grooming. It’s a predatory tactic that builds a deep emotional connection. Abusers know what they’re doing. The romantic outpouring can make the recipient feel unstable and unable to see the new relationship clearly. It can also make a victim overlook or dismiss abusive behaviors. Abusers often come on strong. Sara was 22 when she met Sam, 30. Within two weeks, he moved in with her, put his name on her bank account, and claimed her every second when she was not at work. Sam asked about her most intimate experiences and dreams. Sam went everywhere with Sara.

How does a predator groom his victim?
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How does a predator groom his victim?

  • Victim selection: Abusers often observe possible victims and select them based on ease of access to them or their perceived vulnerability.
  • Gaining access and isolating the victim: Abusers will attempt to physically or emotionally separate a victim from those protecting them and often seek out positions in which they have contact with minors.
  • Trust development and keeping secrets: Abusers attempt to gain trust of a potential victim through gifts, attention, sharing “secrets” and other means to make them feel that they have a caring relationship and to train them to keep the relationship secret.
  • Desensitization to touch and discussion of sexual topics: Abusers will often start to touch a victim in ways that appear harmless, such as hugging, wrestling and tickling, and later escalate to increasingly more sexual contact, such as massages or showering together. Abusers may also show the victim pornography or discuss sexual topics with them, to introduce the idea of sexual contact.
  • Attempt by abusers to make their behavior seem natural, to avoid raising suspicions. For teens, who may be closer in age to the abuser, it can be particularly hard to recognize tactics used in grooming. Be alert for signs that your teen has a relationship with an adult that includes secrecy, undue influence or control, or pushes personal boundaries.

Grooming Family and Community. Grooming behaviors are not only used to gain a victims trust, but often are used to create a trustworthy image and relationship with their family and community. Child and teen sexual abusers are often charming, kind, and helpful — exactly the type of behavior we value in friends and acquaintances. You dont need to be suspicious of everyone who is kind to your child; most people are well intentioned and trustworthy. Watch out for this type of behavior. It’s a way for an abuser to gain your trust so they can abuse your child. Talk to your kids about risks and boundaries. Make sure they know they can come to you if anyone crosses a line.

Grooming online. Online groomers often create fake profiles to befriend children or teens. This can lead to sexual abuse, online stalking, or harassment. Learn more at about grooming and how to keep your child safe online. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children also has more warning signs of online grooming.

Which of the following is an indicator of an abuser?
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Which of the following is an indicator of an abuser?

Domestic violence and abuse. Domestic abuse can also be emotional, involving things like making someone feel bad about themselves, threatening others, controlling behavior, isolating someone from friends and family, and stalking.

Destructive criticism and verbal abuse: shouting, mocking, accusing, name calling, threatening; Pressure tactics: sulking, threatening to withhold money, disconnect the telephone, commit suicide, take the children away, report you to welfare agencies, lying to your friends and family about you, telling you that you have no choice in any decisions; Disrespect: Not listening to you, refusing to help with childcare or housework, lying to you, withholding information from you, being jealous, having other relationships, monitoring or blocking your telephone calls, telling you where you can and cannot go, preventing you from seeing friends and relatives, and making angry gestures. Following you, checking up on you, opening your mail, repeatedly checking who has telephoned you; Threats: making angry gestures, using physical size to intimidate, shouting you down, destroying your possessions, breaking things, punching walls, wielding a knife or a gun, threatening to kill or harm you and the children; Sexual violence: Using force, threats, or intimidation to make you have sex; Physical violence: punching, slapping, hitting, biting, pinching, kicking, pulling hair out, pushing, shoving, burning, strangling; Denial: saying the abuse doesn’t happen, saying you caused the abusive behavior, being publicly gentle and patient, crying and begging for forgiveness, saying it will never happen again.

Financial Abuse. It’s when someone else uses your money or resources without your permission. It includes taking money or using someone’s money or property without permission. It also includes entering vulnerable adults into financial contracts or transactions they don’t understand.

📹 Psychology of LEAVING NEVERLAND: How Abusers Groom their Victims

‘Leaving Neverland’ showcases how abuse happens long before sexual acts take place. But how? Most people are hung up on …

How Do Domestic Violence Abusers Groom Their Victims
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Christina Kohler

As an enthusiastic wedding planner, my goal is to furnish couples with indelible recollections of their momentous occasion. After more than ten years of experience in the field, I ensure that each wedding I coordinate is unique and characterized by my meticulous attention to detail, creativity, and a personal touch. I delight in materializing aspirations, guaranteeing that every occasion is as singular and enchanted as the love narrative it commemorates. Together, we can transform your wedding day into an unforgettable occasion that you will always remember fondly.

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  • one thing i dont understand at all is how was wade robson groomed long before the sexual act? He met him when he was 5 1987 in austrailia after winning a dance contest and brought him up on stage next night and then Jackson left to finish his tour. Robson and his family all say they did not see him again for 2 years no contact at all and his mother is the one who got in touch with jackson by calling around. Jackson invite them to neverland the whole family and in robsons mothers 2016 deposition they all went to grand canyon. Wade claims his first or 2nd night jackson started molesting him and they had only known each other for 5 hours. How is there grooming when you have no contact at all for 2 years, they contact him, and Jackson is comfortable molesting a kid he has only known for a day i find that hard to beleive.

  • For me it was pretty easy after perusal their testimonies in the documentary to believe them. But I also have excellent intuition and empathy. It’s easy to read them and hear them and associate patterns they described of Jackson’s behaviors to the same way Lisa Marie Presley would describe his behaviors, of if someone didn’t give him what he wanted, he treated them as if they were replaceable. She said this about how he treated her when she didn’t want to have children and the boys said the same exact thing about when they got older and didn’t want to just do sexual acts. If they didn’t, they would be replaced by the other boys and were. As was Lisa Marie Presley to someone who would give him babies. It’s strange to me that so many people look at all of the evidence, and still believe there is no possible way Michael Jackson could have been a pedophile. I think they lack intuition and pattern-recognition abilities. I think they probably don’t want their love and view of Michael Jackson to be tarnished because he meant/means so much to them. This is a great article explaining everything from a psychological perspective!

  • Thanks for the article… And I thought how you presented it – was actually BETTER than the film. 2+ years has passed with the film, and so there is a lot more data points to draw on in terms of answering your validity question. Since Wade now earns income from his alleged victimhood, I feel as though LN was a product OR his victimhood is a product. This creates a huge conflict of interests with me. This means a product has been created, for which there is a need to sell. As a CSA person (and note I refuse to use word victim, since this has lost its meaning), I can’t see myself charging people to help them psychologically. There has been a lot of discrepancies of LN, which I think is inconsistent to my discrepancies over my experiences. There are many things to me from my experiences that are grey, as the Shrink Tank specialist pointed out – but I think that is different from haluscinating new experiences as in the case of both Wade and James. The issue with me is that they communicate these hallucinations with such conviction that you then lose confidence in what is real or not. When I tell my story – I will tell you the parts that I do not really remember well, or when I am not sure about something. Finally – there is the whole political discussion around this that taps into some serious society issues. I feel the idea that a black man who died exonerated was violated by a presumption of guilt in #leavingneverland. The idea that a white british director can frame a film with HIM deciding guilt (as a predetermined outcome) for a black icon, in spite being cleared by the courts, police, judges, FBI etc.

  • There are many patterns of behaviour that that the victims can follow. I am wondering if there could be something they would say or do that would make a psychologist doubt the alleged victim. I mean it’s kind of a “profession thing” for a psychologist to believe what people have to say. And thats good. But can a psychological evaluation be a indicative of a truth? Because this case doesn’t display any material evidence. There are only stories. Which have some inconsistencies and leave some of the facts unspoken. I am really sorry if that really happened to them and they can’t prove that. But we shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Innocent till proven guilty.

  • You weren’t there. You simply believe 2 guys and their families -who sue for millions of $$$ for years, but were reluctant to start a criminal case, which brings no money – without questioning if they are telling the truth. In reality it all starts with PROVING that they don’t lie. You’re a case of being unable to make a differnce between unproven accusation and proven facts. An issue worthy of research… why people believe a certain story without asking for proof.

  • Brandi Jackson and Wade Robson had a relationship for about 8 years. Brandi Jackson is a niece of Michael Jackson. They where both 12 years old when the relationship began. Do you know who brought them together?? Uncle Michael Jackson! When they where about 20 years old Brandi found out that Wade cheated on her with multiple woman who he hoped would advance his career. One of those woman was Britney Spears. Britney had a relationship with Justin Timberlake at the time and Wade Robson still had an relationship with Brandi Jackson. Brandi said: “Wade is not the victim, he is an opportunist! Wade, you constanly talked about wanting to be “relevant”. You’ve burned so many bridges now the only time you are relevant is when you headline with my family’s name next to yours. It’s time to stop these lies and live your own life.”

  • Why would the accuser Wade Robson say that he was served papers to testify for Michael in 2005, but the private investigator in charge of serving those papers confirmed he wasn’t? (Scott Ross) Why would Michael threaten Safechuck to testify in 2005 during the trial if the judge barred him from testifying several months before the trial started. (Confirmed by Scott Ross private investigator.) How can Safechuck say he was abused in a train station between 1988-1992, if building permits showed it was in construction in 1993 and didn’t open until 1994? Why would Dan Reed then extend the abuse period and don’t realize it goes against the narrative that Michael liked boys before puberty? Why did Robson leave out the fact that he dated Michael’s niece while the alleged abuse occurred? Why did Robson say he was left alone with Michael while the rest of his family went to the Grand Canyon, but his mother testified twice that the whole family went together? How did Safechuck and Robson realized they were abused as adults when they testified Michael didn’t sexually abused them years before? Michael allegedly dumped older boys and groomed younger ones to replace them. How can Wade at 36 years old claim he was replaced by Macaulay Culkin and Brett Barnes, if they’re 38 and 37 as of 2019 already? Why would Michael expose himself to children knowing he had Vitiligo and neither accuser mentioned it? How can Safechuck tell his mom Michael was a bad guy in 2005 if he didn’t realize he was molested until Wade came out years after Michael’s death in 2009?

  • Just saying MOST abuse victims wouldn’t of been asked questions about abuse as they were in this case and as an adult. If we look at these 2 individuals, they have over the years had plenty of times where they would of been triggered. It has been proven (by Wades own mums omission in an interview in 2011) wade didn’t spend much time with Michael, so didn’t have time to of groomed him to the position where he would be confidently lying at age 11 to a rigurous lawyer interview. Also, Michael has plenty of other children he spent more time with to gain trust and abuse for instance, Brett Barnes, mac culkin, omar bhatti, emmanuel Lewis, all his nephews and neices, Lisa Marie (ex wife) X2 children, his own kids, and countless of other children. It makes no sense at all that he would choose children he couldn’t ensure would keep it a secret as he simply didn’t spend that much time with these 2. Plus then risk having them and 1 of them especially twice be a witness. It’s just ridiculous when u think about it on a whole. Plus Michael lives in a bloody mansion and his bedroom was like a 2 floor apartment as mac said! He had live in staff around and other guests also staying all time. He was never home alone, excuse the punt! Mac’s friend mentions mac taking him to neverland when michael wasn’t even there as his staff were ways there and ppl stayed and went where they wanted even when he wasn’t there! The whole scenario is B. S. Sorry. My opinion.

  • I have questions.. 1. How come james or wade felt special while Micheal was treating like every other kid same as them infact in front of them. Have you listened to joy Robson’s 1995 and 2011 interview where she said they were not much around Micheal ..they had to do most of their things on their own and also wade with his mother was seen in line at midnight waiting to buy first edition of history that’s a special treatment? There are list of things about their non special treatment. 2 . You said they were groomed long before abuse started but in wade’s case while wade and his family came to visit him they spent a weekend there where wade was never left alone according to his and his mom’s deposition of 93 and including his sister’s deposit of 2005 in first visit and in their 2nd visit Micheal was not even in usa according to his alibi..and after they permanently settled to USA in 91 he was 9..and his mother claimed they didn’t meet Micheal for about 18 months after that because he was busy.. in her 2011 interview.and in 92 he went on tour and returned in 93..but was on investigation for Jordan and then married Lisa and never returned to ranch till 97 ..then how come he was able to groom them..even if he met them in between this it was not enough to groom a whole family to this extent. 3. And about sleepovers so many people have witnessed including parents and kids that they were the one who wanted to be in the same room as him.. and he never asked to sleep on the same bed .

  • “Those who are unable to accept unpalatable evidence should think twice about declaring their cognitive dissonance publicly, and instead keep their psychological pain to themselves. It pales into insignificance next to the pain they are causing to others by airing it.” It seems like MJ fans are exhibiting classic signs of Cognitive Dissonance.

  • Michael did not do these types of things. Im not in denial. Its important to do research on the situation. I started to believe these guys but then i followed the money and dug into their history. This is pure fabrication from these accusers. The only grooming these guys had was from eitger other to get thier story to sync.

  • Well you can give this analysis on something worth comparing with, not these liars my friend !!!! you seem to be trying to give the impression at the start that you are not saying MJ is guilty but go on throughout this propaganda article to talk as though its ALL FACTUAL what these liars say about MJ. So it seems like your an MJ hater and not a sincere advisor for us to take notice of !!! you don’t mention at all what MJs side is and at no stage do you say alleged this alleged that !!!