Kundali matching is a Vedic practice that predicts the compatibility of a couple for marriage. It involves matching horoscope charts and 36 gunas or points to determine the compatibility of the couple. A good match is considered between 25 and 32 characteristics, with a high likelihood of marriage. If 33 or more characteristics align, the connection is highly favorable.
For a blissful marriage, a Kundli matching score should be between 18 to 24. The more points, the better the match. At least 18 of the 36 Gunas must fit, with the most critical aspects addressed by these 18 Gunas being mental compatibility and Mangalik dosh.
Online Kundali matchmaking follows the same Ashtakoota method of Guna Milan, which is a set of eight qualities that represent the compatibility of the bride and groom for marriage. Each Guna holds different numeric points, adding up to 36. A marriage is considered ideal when 18 or more points match, with a total of 27 being the most ideal.
A good match is considered when the 25 to 32 aspects are matched, and if 33 points are matched, such a pairing is considered the best, ensuring a happy married life.
In conclusion, Kundli matching is essential for predicting a successful and harmonious marriage. Matching between 25 to 32 aspects is considered a very good match, and an ideal match is one that scores between 18 and 24 points. However, compatibility results will be average.
📹 Logic Behind “Kundali Matching” – Marriage Compatibility Test According To Vedic Astrology
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What is 8 points in Nadi?
This koot is about the health and genes of the bride and groom. The three nadis are Vata (air), Pitta (bile) and Kapha (phlegm). If the brides and grooms have the same nadis, no points are given. If they’re different, 8 points are given.
How many points should match in kundali for marriage?
Marriage is advised after matching the horoscopes of the bride and groom to ensure a happy life. Vedic astrology says matching kundalis is important for this purpose. Kundali has eight categories. They have 36 matching Ganas for the bride and groom.
This system of horoscope matching is also called Ashta Koota Milan.
Is 20 points good for marriage?
If there are fewer than 18 matching aspects between the bride and groom, the marriage will not succeed. It is not advised to pair such individuals, according to Vedic astrology. If 18 to 24 aspects match, the marriage can be approved. The compatibility will be average. A match of 25 to 32 aspects is very good and likely to result in a happy marriage. If 33 or more aspects match, the pairing is considered the best on earth and can result in a happy marriage. There are eight categories in Vedic astrology for matching horoscopes. Guidelines are given for matching the bride and groom’s horoscopes under each category. Each aspect is given a score. The final scores are the total of all the scores. Here are the different ways to match horoscopes for marriages.
Based on the horoscope, every individual is categorized into four social classes: Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra. For a good score, the groom’s Varna must be one point higher than the bride’s. If this is not noted, the bride and groom are said to be incompatible.
Is Kundali matching accurate?
While the astrological signs are matched, many important factors are ignored, except by a few astrologers. Combinations like an afflicted 7th house and Venus, and the connection of the Lords of the 6th and 7th houses from the moon and birth horoscopes can indicate bad things and should never be ignored. We can’t always trust astrologers to get the horoscope matching right.
Check the ashta-koota matching if the two people getting married don’t know each other. In kundli matching, the compatibility of their nature, sexual abilities, attitudes, and tendencies is checked to see if they are the right partners. In love, two people get to know each other. Once you understand each other, there’s no need for kundli matching. When matching horoscopes of love partners, only consider lifespan, divorce, cheating, and children. If both partners are willing to work through challenges, kundali matching doesn’t make sense.
How many points are good in Kundli matching?
A marriage must have at least 18 matching Gunas. If there are less than 18 matching Gunas, the match is not approved. If 18 to 25 Gunas match, it’s a good marriage. A best match is when 26 to 32 Gunas match. In very rare cases, more than 32 Gunas might match between the bride and the groom. Such a marriage is ideal and the bride and groom are the most compatible.
1. Nadi is about health and reproduction. People with similar nadi shouldn’t marry. If this is not done, the children of the couple will be physically and mentally troubled. 2. Bhakoot matches the 12 zodiac signs. Marriages are approved between compatible zodiac signs. 3. Gana or qualities match the propensities or qualities of the individuals based on classifying individuals as gods, humans, or demons. Couples with similar Guna are the best match. Maitri determines if the couple will get along in the family. Yoni examines the physical or sexual compatibility of the couple. Taara matches the horoscopes based on the nakshatra or star of the individuals. This shows how long you will live and if you will be widowed. 7. Vasya looks at the people and decides who will be in charge. 8. Varna looks at how people marry based on four groups: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra.
Can I marry a girl with Nadi dosha?
Marital discord is often caused by differences in temperament and personality. This can cause arguments and make the relationship unhappy.
Shows a lot about their traits and personality. In Hinduism, couples’ birth charts are often interpreted before marriage to check through the Ashtakoot Milan method. In the system of.
, the final and most important aspect of compatibility is ‘Nadi Koot’, which assesses the health and genetics of the bride and groom.
What if the NADI score is 0?
If a guy and a girl have different Nadi, their marriage is considered prosperous. If the female also has the Aadi Nadi, it doesn’t count. This creates the Nadi Dosha.
In Vedic astrology, each Nakshatra has a Nadi. Each Nadi controls nine Nakshatras. The Nakshatras say that one Nadi is for birthing. The infant has an Aadi Nadi if the Moon is in the Ashwini, Ardra, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Moola, Punarvasu, Jyeshta, Poorva Bhadrapada, or Shatabhisha.
Did Ram and Sita Kundali match?
Shri Ram and Mata Sita had a match of all 36 Gunas, but their marriage failed. They were forced to leave the kingdom and when they returned, Shri Ram left Sita. Any man can change his fate. Purushartha is the only way to overcome risks and succeed in any situation.
How many Gunas are matched between RAM and Sita?
Lord Ram and Maa Sita had 36 matching guns, so they spent less time married. Their marriage wasn’t calm or peaceful, even though they loved each other a lot. A horoscope is also considered Manglik when Mars is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house from the Moon. The first house represents the self, the fourth the family, the seventh the partner, and the eighth and twelfth the physical intimacy. If Saturn and Rahu are in these places or even in the second and third house, it also affects married life.
Is 22 gunas good for marriage?
It is right to find at least 18 qualities of the bride and groom for marriage. Matching is moderate if 18 to 21 qualities are found out of 36. If you get more than this, it is called Shubh Vivah Milan. It is rare to find 36 qualities in a bride and groom. Religious beliefs say that only 36 qualities of Lord Shri Ram and Sita were found. If your horoscope has less than 18 gunas, don’t get married. Such a marriage is believed to be unhappy. Avoid this. If someone has Manglik Dosh in their Kundli, they should only marry someone with Manglik Kundli. She shouldn’t marry someone ordinary. If they get married, it’s bad for them.
How much kundli matching is important?
A happy marriage needs at least 18 matching gunas. Vedic astrology says that matching or milan kundali is important before marriage to ensure a happy, prosperous, and long marriage. Our websites and apps use cookies. Cookies are used for:
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Is 36 out of 36 guna match good or bad?
If the bride and groom have different gunas, their marriage might not work out. If the bride and groom have different gunas, their marriage might not work out. A match between 18 and 24 is average. A good match is one where the bride and groom are between 25 and 32. A great match is one where the Gunas match is between 33 and 35. When all 36 Gunas match between the bride and groom, it is considered a very auspicious match. However, some people say that if all 36 Gunas match between a bride and groom, it is not a good match. The reason: Goddess Sita and her husband matched in all 36 of their characteristics. But their marriage didn’t work out, and they had to go through a lot of problems. What are the 36 gunas that match in a kundali? Ashta kootas are qualities that determine compatibility in kundalis. The 36 gunas are: 1. Varan: checks the compatibility of the bride and groom. It determines their ego. 2. Vasya: 2 Guna, checks who will be the dominant one between the husband and the wife. 3. Tara or Nakshatra: 3 Guna, determines the destiny or luck of the couple.
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