How To Cook Fire Emblem Engage?

In Fire Emblem Engage, cooking meals is a crucial aspect of the game. Players must select two partners to join them for their meal and choose the desired food or meal. The ingredients used for cooking at the Cafe Terrace vary, so it’s essential to have enough for each dish. These meals can be eaten with allies to increase support and give them a temporary stat boost.

In Fire Emblem Engage, you can dine with your party members in the Cafe Terrace, located at the top of The Somniel. You can see your connection level with these party members before selecting your dinner guests. Cooking a meal at the Somniel is a simple process, as there’s a cook to do it for you.

Some characters have expertise at specific dishes noted by stars next to the dish on the list. To maximize EXP gain, prioritize leveling up your bond with Marth, one of the earlier Emblems who will join your party. Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapon are available in Fire Emblem Engage.

When you approach a unit, select order a meal, and the cooking will begin. You will have to select two units to dine with and choose the ingredients you add to the dish. The more ingredients you add, the more likely you will have leftovers for battle.

Each unit has their own preferred meals, so there isn’t an objectively best meal. Try to match their liked dishes with what the chef can cook. The base may vary depending on the cook.

In summary, cooking meals in Fire Emblem Engage is a crucial aspect of the game, and players must navigate through various cooking methods to ensure they have enough food for their allies.

📹 Cooking Guide! Fire Emblem Engage

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How do you order food nicely?

.u9iNfb{margin-left:-20px}.ZGh7Vc{display:inline-block;margin-top:6px}.di3YZe{font-size:16px;margin-bottom:20px;line-height:1.375;font-family:Google Sans, Arial, sans-serif}.RqBzHd{padding:0 20px}.TrT0Xe{margin-bottom:4px}.co8aDb{margin-bottom:12px}.i8Z77e .TrT0Xe{list-style-type: disc}.X5LH0c .TrT0Xe{list-style:inherit}.truncation-information:link,.truncation-information:visited{color:var(–JKqx2);font-size:14px;line-height:1.58; .c2xzTb .co8aDb{font-family:Google Sans, Arial, sans-serif}.XZAt2e{font-size:14px;display:inline-block;padding-top:10px;margin-left:-20px}.Od5Jsd{font-size:12px;line-height:1.34;color:var(–IXoxUe);margin-top:6px}.rvIhN{font-size:14px;color:var(–IXoxUe);margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px}.FV85tb{font-size:12px;margin:0 4px}.TK6JBe{font-size:12px;color:var(–IXoxUe);padding:4px}.BqZivd{margin:4px}.Q29QOb{padding:5px}.FObuKc{border:1px solid var(–mXZkqc);border-radius:8px;margin:0 -20px}.RbVal: underline. vHWNec: var(–bbQxAb), flex, 8px 16px padding. GvDv7e: 4px padding. May I have… (polite, formal) I’d like the chicken Caesar salad, lobster bisque, and seafood platter. I’d like a 7-Up. I’d like a side of fries. Could I get another iced tea? Could I have two junior cheeseburgers? Ordering food is an important skill in any language. You will probably find yourself at a restaurant, airport, pub, store, market, or café at some point. What do you say if you want something to eat or drink? How do you order food in English? What’s the best way to ask for something and what’s most common in casual dining? This article is for that. Read on to learn the most common ways to order food in English. This includes how to order for others, how to ask for appetizers, and how to ask to take uneaten food home. Next time you order in English, try using one of these phrases. Please is always polite.

Can you romance everyone in Fire Emblem Engage?

The new Fire Emblem game lets you choose any character to partner with, regardless of gender. Once you reach S-rank, your character and ally will announce their love for each other in a special cut scene. After this, you’ll find a page in the Ally Notebook about your life with your S-rank ally. You can’t romance any character from previous Fire Emblem games in Fire Emblem Engage.

Can I romance in Fire Emblem Engage?

You can’t romance a companion until later in the game. The event happens in a side story that starts after the plot twist where Alear becomes an Emblem. Some paralogues require you to fight your Emblems to unlock their max bond level. You don’t fight Alear, but you can give the pact ring to any companion with an “A” rank to romance them. It’s not just romance. Alear can bond with characters regardless of gender. Some of these bonds will be romantic, while others will be platonic. A male Alear can bond with Vander, but since he’s one of the platonic options, you’ll have to rely on your own ideas to do the romantic heavy lifting. I romanced the dancer Seadall because he was the cutest person I had the highest rank with. When you give the ring to your chosen, they’ll leave you a memento on the desk in Alears chambers. I got a scarf. Seadall likes scarves.

What do you do with the ingredients in Fire Emblem engage?

In Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage), you can use ingredients to cook at the Cafe Terrace. See the full list of ingredients, their cost, uses, and dishes. Ingredients List; Where to Get Ingredients; Ingredients Uses; Related Guides; Where to Get Ingredients? Sparkling Ground Areas.

How do you eat meals in order?

.wDYxhc{clear:both}.cUnQKe .wDYxhc,.related-question-pair .wDYxhc,.M8OgIe .fm06If .wDYxhc{clear:none}html .dG2XIf .xpdclose .LKPcQc,html .dG2XIf .xpdopen .viOShc{padding-top:0;}.garHBe{color:var(–COEmY);font-size:20px;line-height:1.3;position:relative}.garHBe a{color:var(–COEmY)}.xpdopen .Hhmu2e{overflow:inherit}.xpdclose .a84NUc:not(:empty),.xpdopen .CQKTwc:not(:empty){border-top:solid 1px #ebebeb;border-radius:0}.xpdclose .pmYXee .a84NUc:not(:empty),.xpdopen .pmYXee .CQKTwc:not(:empty){border-top:none}.cAn2Qb .a84NUc:not(:empty),.cAn2Qb .CQKTwc:not(:empty){border-top:none}.SHa8ve{display:none}.xpdclose .TOfaBb.SHa8ve,.xpdopen .LL5J7d.SHa8ve{display:block}.rKR6H{padding-top:0.1px}.xpdclose .oHglmf,.xpdopen .xzPb7d{padding-bottom:16px}.xpdclose .kp-header .oHglmf,.xpdopen .kp-header .xzPb7d{padding-bottom:0}.c2xzTb .xpdclose .oHglmf,.c2xzTb .xpdopen .xzPb7d{padding-bottom:0}.HSryR .xpdclose .oHglmf,.HSryR .xpdopen .xzPb7d{padding-bottom:0}.Wnoohf .xpdopen .yp1CPe,.OJXvsb .xpdclose 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.ILfuVd{color:var(–bbQxAb);font-family:Google Sans,arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:22px}.HSryR .ILfuVd{line-height:1.5}.ss6qqb .ILfuVd,.ss6qqb .UiGGAb.ILfuVd{font-size:14px;line-height:22px}.c2xzTb .qLYAZd{margin:16px 16px 16px 0;}.d9FyLd{padding:0 0 10px}.hgKElc{padding:0 8px 0 0}.kX21rb{font-size:12px;line-height:1.34;display:inline-block;font-family:Google Sans,arial,sans-serif;padding-right:0;white-space:nowrap}.SPV4pd{display:flex;overflow-x:auto}.SPV4pd::-webkit-scrollbar{display:none}.Vjskue{margin-left:8px}.JT9o0,.ZnIJV{align-items:center;border:1px solid var(–mXZkqc);border-radius:16px;box-sizing:border-box;color:#1a73e8;cursor:pointer;display:flex;height:32px;margin-bottom:16px}.BkHX0d{font-family:Google Sans,arial,sans-serif-medium,sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;padding-right:20px;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap}.xv1D5b{display:block;padding:0 8px 0 12px;width:18px;height:18px}.LGOjhe{overflow:hidden;padding-bottom:20px}.trNcde .LGOjhe{overflow:visible}.SALvLe .LGOjhe,.Jb0Zif .LGOjhe,.HSryR .LGOjhe,.IVvPP .LGOjhe{padding:0 0 10px;margin:10px 0 0 0}.s6JM6d .SALvLe .LGOjhe{margin-top:12px;}.s6JM6d .HSryR .LGOjhe{margin-top:12px;padding-bottom:20px}#res .Jb0Zif .qDOt0b h3,.IVvPP .qDOt0b h3{font-size:16px;line-height:1.375}.Jb0Zif .qDOt0b .iUh30,.IVvPP .qDOt0b .iUh30{font-size:14px;line-height:1.58}.IVvPP .qDOt0b{border-bottom:1px solid var(–gS5jXb);padding-bottom:6px}.rjOVwe.ILfuVd{font-size:16px;line-height:20px}.dG2XIf .rjOVwe{padding-top:22px;padding-bottom:0;margin-bottom:1px}.xWd7I{padding-top:12px;}.ILfuVd.NA6bn,.ILfuVd.duSGDe,.ILfuVd.UiGGAb,.IVvPP .ILfuVd{font-size:14px;line-height:22px}.n6SJS .ILfuVd{font-size:14px}.ILfuVd.NA6bn,.ILfuVd.duSGDe,.ILfuVd.UiGGAb,.IVvPP .ILfuVd{line-height:20px}.xpd-wa .g-blk{margin:initial}.xpd-wa .dG2XIf{border:initial;box-shadow:none}.fm06If .ILfuVd,.c2xzTb .ILfuVd,.Jb0Zif .c2xzTb .ILfuVd,.w5mTAe .ILfuVd,.W0urI .ILfuVd{font-family:Google Sans,arial,sans-serif;color:var(–YLNNHc)}.fm06If .ILfuVd,.c2xzTb .ILfuVd,.Jb0Zif .c2xzTb .ILfuVd{font-size:20px;line-height:28px}.cUnQKe .ILfuVd,.cUnQKe .UiGGAb.ILfuVd{color:var(–bbQxAb);font-family:Google Sans,arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:24px}.fm06If .ILfuVd b,.trNcde .ILfuVd b,.cUnQKe .ILfuVd b,.c2xzTb .ILfuVd b,.w5mTAe .ILfuVd b,.W0urI .ILfuVd b{background-color:#d3e3fd;color:#040c28;font-weight:500}@media (forced-colors:active){.fm06If .ILfuVd b,.c2xzTb .ILfuVd b,.trNcde .ILfuVd b,.cUnQKe .ILfuVd b{background-color:Mark;color:MarkText}}.IiOSLb .rsGxI.Ww4FFb,.Ww4FFb{background-color:var(–xhUGwc);border-radius:0px;border-width:0px;box-shadow:none}.Ww4FFb .mnr-c:not(:empty),.mnr-c:not(:empty) .Ww4FFb,.Ww4FFb .Ww4FFb{box-shadow:none;margin-bottom:0px}.vt6azd{margin:0px 0px 8px}.vt6azd{margin:0px 0px 30px}.CBvvz{margin:-var(–sds-sys-measurement–space-sm) 0px 0px}.CBvvz{margin:-30px 0px 0px} Inchauspé sums up the research by saying that the best order to maintain stable blood glucose levels is: Vegetables first, proteins and fats second, starches and sugars last. In a meal consisting of chicken, bread, green beans and an apple, this means: green beans first, chicken second, bread third and apple last. .vBnbff .mO5MMe{padding-top:10px}.cUnQKe .vBnbff .mO5MMe{padding-left:0;}.trNcde .vBnbff .mO5MMe{padding:10px 0 0 0}.cAn2Qb.abzPbc .mnr-c{max-width:calc(100% – 162px)}.tF2Cxc{position:relative}.Jb0Zif .BDNLRc{margin:16px 16px -11px}.RUXr2d{display:inline}.MTB56{margin-right:12px;vertical-align:middle}.Pthbuf{display:flex;align-items:center}.m164Nd{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}.qpGQpf{clear:both;padding-top:6px}.aCOpRe{line-height:1.58;word-wrap:break-word}.aCOpRe sup{line-height:0.9}.yuRUbf{font-weight:normal;font-size:small;line-height:1.58;}.IsZvec{max-width:48em;color:#4d5156;line-height:1.58}.uo4vr{color:var(–IXoxUe);line-height:1.58}.IjZ7ze{display:inline-block;color:var(–IXoxUe);font-size:12px;line-height:1.34;white-space:nowrap}.FyYA1e{margin:5px 0}a:hover h3.LC20lb{text-decoration:underline}.M8OgIe .dG2XIf .fm06If .LC20lb,.n6SJS h3.LC20lb{overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;width:100%}.LC20lb{display:inline-block;line-height:1.3;margin-bottom:3px;}.c2xzTb .LC20lb{margin-bottom:0}.MMgsKf{padding-top:2px}.DKV0Md{padding-top:4px;padding-top:5px;}.Z3xoIb{padding-top:27px;padding-top:28px;}.NXKJM{display:-webkit-box;overflow:hidden;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;-webkit-line-clamp:1}.hceuRc{-webkit-box-orient:vertical;display:-webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp:2;overflow:hidden}.fzBvHb{font-weight:700}.DKV0Md,.Z3xoIb{margin-top:18px;}.xvfwl{margin-top:4px}.q0vns a.fl{font-size:12px}.TQc1id .qLRx3b{font-size:14px;line-height:1.58}.HGLrXd{display:inline-block;-webkit-text-size-adjust:none}.q0vns{display:inline-block;padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:1px}.NJjxre{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%}.M8OgIe .VWCdhc.Mjve0e .q0vns{width:max-content}.VjDLd .TieM1d .tjvcx,.IVvPP .tjvcx,.kno-kp .tjvcx,.VjDLd .kp-wholepage-osrp .tjvcx,#rhs .ss6qqb .tjvcx,#rhs .trNcde .tjvcx{display:inline-block;height:19px;overflow-y:hidden}.ojE3Fb{padding:0;padding-bottom:0;}.ojE3Fb .q0vns{display:flex;overflow:hidden;padding:0;padding-bottom:0;align-items:center;}.ojE3Fb .q0vns a.fl{padding-top:0;font-size:12px;line-height:18px;}.GvPZzd{font-size:12px;line-height:18px;}.iG7WGe{color:#202124;padding:0;text-align:center;width:16px}.VuuXrf{color:#202124;font-size:14px;display:block;line-height:20px;white-space:nowrap;}.qncq2c{font-size:12px;line-height:16px;margin-left:6px}.CA5RN{overflow:hidden}.K2VDSb{display:flex;flex-direction:row}.H9lube{background-color:#f1f3f4;border:1px solid #dadce0;border-radius:50%;display:inline-flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;height:26px;width:26px;margin-right:12px;flex-shrink:0;vertical-align:middle;}.fJOpI.H9lube{background-color:#e2eeff;border:1px solid #e2eeff}.P1UpZb{background-color:#f1f3f4;border:1px solid #ecedef}.eqA2re.NjwKYd{margin-right:0}.Vwoesf:not(.oRVWZ){display:inline-block}.Vwoesf{vertical-align:middle}.XNo5Ab.XNo5Ab{display:block;}.lWlVCe{border-radius:50%}.bJVp8c{color:#0060f0}.Jj3Uob{color:#0060f0;}.ob9lvb{color:#4d5156}.ob9lvb.HCMUuf{color:var(–IXoxUe)}.ylgVCe{color:#4d5156}.B6fmyf{position:absolute;top:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;white-space:nowrap;width:100%}.B6fmyf.Mg1HEd{height:auto}.ljeAnf{display:-webkit-box;overflow:hidden;-webkit-box-orient:vertical}.byrV5b{-webkit-box-align:center;-webkit-align-items:center;align-items:center;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;-webkit-box-orient:horizontal;-webkit-box-direction:normal;-webkit-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row}.sBJG1d{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;-webkit-box-orient:horizontal;-webkit-box-direction:normal;-webkit-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row;-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center}.kDmHO{-webkit-box-align:center;-webkit-align-items:center;align-items:center;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;-webkit-box-direction:normal;-webkit-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column}.lR4vec{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;-webkit-box-direction:normal;-webkit-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center}.xTEyc{-webkit-box-align:start;-webkit-align-items:start;align-items:start;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;-webkit-box-orient:horizontal;-webkit-box-direction:normal;-webkit-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row}.OjFzvd{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;-webkit-box-orient:horizontal;-webkit-box-direction:normal;-webkit-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row;-webkit-box-pack:start;-webkit-justify-content:start;justify-content:start}.YIPhrb{-webkit-box-align:start;-webkit-align-items:start;align-items:start;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;-webkit-box-direction:normal;-webkit-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column}.BToiNc{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;-webkit-box-direction:normal;-webkit-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;-webkit-box-pack:start;-webkit-justify-content:start;justify-content:start}.E4bmEc .Va021{-webkit-box-flex:1;-webkit-flex:1 1 100%;flex:1 1 100%}.E4bmEc .Y76LGf{-webkit-box-flex:1;-webkit-flex:1 1 calc(50% – 4px);flex:1 1 calc(50% – 4px)} *When eating a meal, I am someone who applies the ‘save the best for last’ philosophy. It makes me think I would have aced the marshmallow test because I am quite talented at delaying gratification when it comes to what I eat. If I am given a plate of steamed broccoli, pan-fried snapper and rice, I will always eat the broccoli first. *It turns out that there is science behind my accidental eating philosophy. *‘We’re always focused on what to eat,’ says Jessie Inchauspé, bio-chemist and author of Glucose Revolution. ‘But how about how to eat? It turns out a meal can have a very different impact on your glucose depending on the order in which its constituents are eaten.’

Can I get married in Fire Emblem Engage?

The game is still about the characters, with each one having their own story. The stories between the main character and their followers are mostly romantic. The game features a marriage with the pact ring system. Once a player has units at A-rank, they can use a pact ring to make a unit S-rank. They can only do this once, and the cutscene shows it as an engagement. Fire Emblem Engage doesn’t limit pact rings by gender. All characters react the same to the proposal, regardless of the player’s gender. It depends on what the player wants. They won’t get the same mechanics from marriage, but they’ll still get character connections and chances for shipping.

What is engage favorite food Fire Emblem?

Overview: Favorite Food is a Sync Skill for Emblem Celica. It restores the Engage meter when the user eats Leftovers. A unit can get the skill permanently if they bond with Celica and spend SP to get it. Each character has a favorite food type that affects how much they benefit from certain provisions. This is why the skill is called Favorite Food.

How to cook fire emblem engage reddit
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How to get a meal in Fire Emblem Engage?

Ordering a meal in this game is not like ordering in a restaurant. You have to collect ingredients, choose chefs with the right skills, and choose units that enjoy the dish and each other. But it’s worth it. You can order a meal after finishing Chapter Six. You’ll see an ally at the Cafe Terrace counter. Talk to them to use this function. Ordering a meal is three steps:

Choose your dining companions, choose your dish, add ingredients.

Can you cook in Fire Emblem Engage?

Look here. This is Fram. She’s good at chocolate oranges. She’s an expert. She’s good at this, capable of these, and eager for this. One.

Is Fire Emblem Engage good or bad?

Overall its a fun game but it leaves a lot to be desired. This is why the Fire Emblem fanbase isnt respected. The games are products to sell waifu jpegs, not passion projects, not art.

How do you order a meal in engage?

At the Somniel, you can order a meal from anyone at the counter and share it with your allies. You can only choose two friends to eat with Alear. After dining with these units, their support levels are raised. Different dishes give units different stat boosts for the next battle. Each unit has a favorite meal. Try different meals to find the best one for them. Sharing meals with allies makes them stronger in battle. Choose a dish your allies will like!

How to cook fire emblem engage youtube
(Image Source:

Can you romance FE engage?

Yes! In Engage, you can romance any character, not just specific ones like in Three Houses. You can give the Pact Ring to any character, male or female. You can even woo your favorite character!

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Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows more names.

📹 Does adding Extra Ingredients do anything? – Ordering Meals in Fire Emblem Engage

I did some testing for Ordering Meals/Cooking in Fire Emblem Engage. Here is what I found, but all you need to know is that you …

How To Cook Fire Emblem Engage
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Christina Kohler

As an enthusiastic wedding planner, my goal is to furnish couples with indelible recollections of their momentous occasion. After more than ten years of experience in the field, I ensure that each wedding I coordinate is unique and characterized by my meticulous attention to detail, creativity, and a personal touch. I delight in materializing aspirations, guaranteeing that every occasion is as singular and enchanted as the love narrative it commemorates. Together, we can transform your wedding day into an unforgettable occasion that you will always remember fondly.

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  • Something to note (I have not tested extensively, but believe this is at least mostly correct.): Meal stat buffs, exercise buffs, and tonic buffs, all share the same variable, and the most recently done thing will override previous buffs/debuffs. I think they’re all listed as “Activity” if you look at the tooltip for a stat. If a failed dish gives -2 to speed, then you give everybody a speed tonic, everybody will then have +2 speed, not +0 speed. If a dish gave +1 speed, and you give everybody a speed tonic, then everybody will be at +2 speed, not +3. Hard mode exercises I think are the only way to get +3. I’m not sure how using a tonic, cooking a meal, or failing a meal affects this, as I stopped exercising once I realized I could just spend 150 for a tonic instead once they become limitless in the shops.

  • Ooh, so throwing in the rare ingredient actually does have an affect. I will say that I only ever got one A rank dish; the dish was a pizza, and I added an extra tomato to get it. Not sure if the extra tomato only on a pizza had an affect on the ranking or not, but it seemed like a nice coincidence if anything (because extra tomato = extra sauce perhaps, which made a better pizza?)

  • wait, you can get debuffed? Wow. Guess I’ll start saving before I do these. Is it like Fates where it’s based on the character? (Looked it up, and yeah, some characters do dip below base D if they’re on cooking duty. Specifically, Ivy, Pandreo, Vander, Diamant, Hortensia, Alfred and 2 late-game units. Interestingly, Yunaka has a chance to just not give any boost at all and is the only one who can get a G grade…) I thought it’d be like Three Houses and Three Hopes where characters will always succeed at least a passible (harmless) level. Though I am a little glad about it, as I was worried that if the cooking was truly random, then Bunet being a chef would be pointless. But he and Anna (upholding tradition) are the only ones who can reach SS grade. much like Fates, the buffs can also be weighed in favor of certain parties ranging from country, to gender, to just Alear, to even if they are “children.” I didn’t see an explanation on “expert,” skilled,” “capable,” or “eager.” so I would hope Alfred doesn’t fail his potato soup… or Pandreo reversing all the stats on his crème brûlée… Interestingly, Chloé can cook ordinary food with no extra buffs as well as just kind of odd food or delightful food for more res, despite the fact that she dislikes cooking. Timerra is also a pretty decent cook even though she mostly ever cooks grilled meat. Zelkov is one of the best cooks and he is one of 2 (other being Jean) who can boost stats for children. Goldmary, appropriately enough, can give the same buffs as Charlotte from Fates (except with a chance for the buffs to be for everyone).

  • I’ve always been so confused by the cooking mechanics in this game. One time I didn’t add anything just to see what would happen, and they cooked it perfectly (I think it was S rank). The next time I cooked without adding any extra ingredients, it was an E rank, so I was thoroughly confused. Maybe someone will datamine how this works someday 😂