The Bible teaches that sex before marriage, commonly known as fornication, is a serious sin that grieves the Holy Spirit and is against your neighbor and others. It is important to acknowledge the reality of temptation and address it early on. Sex before marriage is in direct violation of God’s plan for sexual purity, and it is essential for couples to set boundaries and agree not to engage in any behavior that may lead to sexual immorality.
The Holy Roman Catholic Church teaches that sex outside of marriage is always gravely immoral and a serious sin against other parties. Fornication is categorized as sinful in the Bible, so sexual intercourse before marriage is definitely off limits. Other sexual acts, such as oral sex, fingering, and handjobs, are also forbidden.
Sex touching is also forbidden to unmarried couples. It is shameful and sinful for engaged couples to see and actually touch the private parts of each other. In summary, the Bible teaches that sex before marriage is a serious sin that grieves the Holy Spirit and is against your neighbor and others. It is essential for couples to set boundaries and agree not to engage in any behavior that may lead to sexual immorality.
📹 IS FOREPLAY BEFORE MARRIAGE A SIN ?? || Christian dating physical boundaries, how far is too far?
Hey guys! Welcome to the first video of my sex ed for Christians series. Today we are talking about FOREPLAY dun dun dunnnn.
What is the most forbidden sin?
Pride is also called hubris or futility. It is the original and worst of the seven deadly sins on almost every list. It is also thought to be the source of the other deadly sins. Pride is the opposite of humility. The seven deadly sins are a group of bad habits. They are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. These sins are the opposite of the seven heavenly virtues. This classification was created by Tertullian and continued by Evagrius Ponticus. The seven deadly sins are discussed in books and shown in paintings and decorations on Catholic churches.
Is exploring your body a sin?
Exploring your body is a sin. Your body is a temple. The Bible says our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). We should respect our bodies because they are God’s temple. Self-exploration can defile this sacred temple. It often involves impure thoughts, fantasies, or actions. The Bible says that sex outside of marriage is wrong. Romans 1:26-27 also talks about sexual immorality. It says that people exchange natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. These verses say that exploring your body in ways that go against God’s plan for human sexuality is against God’s will. As Christians, we should try to be holy and honor God with our bodies.
Marriage is sacred. God views marriage as sacred and a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman (Matthew 19:4-6). Self-exploration outside marriage devalues marriage. Hebrews 13:4 says that marriage is sacred and that sexual immorality is wrong. God will judge those who are sexually immoral or adulterous.
What are the three worst sins?
The seven deadly sins are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. The seven deadly sins are a group of bad behaviors in Christianity. They are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. These sins are the opposite of the seven heavenly virtues. This classification was created by Tertullian and continued by Evagrius Ponticus. The seven deadly sins are discussed in books and shown in paintings and decorations on Catholic churches.
Does God really forgive all sins?
Jesus paid for your sins. You may feel your sins are too serious or that you have made the same mistake too many times. We can always repent and be forgiven. Some sins are easier to fix than others, but Jesus forgives all sins. He is eager to forgive.
What are the 5 worst sins?
The seven deadly sins are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. The seven deadly sins are a group of bad behaviors in Christianity. They are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. These sins are the opposite of the seven heavenly virtues. This classification was created by Tertullian and continued by Evagrius Ponticus. The seven deadly sins are discussed in books and shown in paintings and decorations on Catholic churches.
Is it a sin to touch your private parts?
Conclusion: Touching yourself in a sexual manner is a sin. Touching yourself sexually is a sin in Catholic teachings. It is wrong to touch yourself sexually. It is against the sanctity of our bodies, involves intention and consent, defiles marriage, and can lead to addiction. The Church also says that we can ask God for forgiveness. Through confession, repentance, and commitment to holiness, we can find healing, restoration, and the grace to resist temptation.
May we all live in purity and glorify God.
Is making out a sin?
Anytime you get physical with someone, you create strong ties and bonds. Having a sexual drive is not bad. Making out is not a sin, but it can be sinful. A man’s job in a relationship is to honor God and the woman he is dating. Think about why you want to make out. You want to honor your body.If you’re making out just to please someone, you might not be respecting yourself. For many guys, making out is hard to stop because of the physical effects. It’s best to avoid this. Figure out why you value making out. You don’t need physical validation or connection in a dating relationship. “Your goal in dating is to honor the other person well” -JD Rodgers.
What sins Cannot be forgiven?
In Christian theology, eternal sin is the sin that can’t be forgiven. The Bible says that one sin is unforgivable. This is called the sin unto death. It is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This sin is mentioned in several Bible passages. These include Mark 3:28–29, Matthew 12:31–32, Luke 12:10, Hebrews 6:4–6, Hebrews 10:26–31, and 1 John 5:16.Christian theologians disagree about what the unforgivable sin is. They agree that if you’ve committed it, you can’t repent.
New Testament passages The New Testament often refers to the unforgivable sin.
Is it a sin to touch your partner?
Some Christian students believe sex is only for married people. They can do other things until then. You can do a lot of things that aren’t holding hands or having sex.
September 14, 11:24 a.m. Last updated September 26, 2022, at 12:03 p.m. September 14 at 11:24 a.m. Last updated on September 26, 2022, at 12:03 PM.
What is God’s biggest sin?
In Christian theology, eternal sin is the sin that can’t be forgiven. The Bible says that one sin is unforgivable. This is called the sin unto death. It is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This sin is mentioned in several Bible passages. These include Mark 3:28–29, Matthew 12:31–32, Luke 12:10, Hebrews 6:4–6, Hebrews 10:26–31, and 1 John 5:16.Christian theologians disagree about what the unforgivable sin is. They agree that if you’ve committed it, you can’t repent.
New Testament passages The New Testament often refers to the unforgivable sin.
What sins are unforgivable?
Blasphemy is rejecting the work he has come to do. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is rejecting Christ. Other sins can be forgiven if you repent. If you reject Jesus Christ, the Bible says, you cannot escape.
📹 Is Oral Sex a Sin in Marriage? | Dave and Ashley Willis
Is oral sex a sin in marriage? Check out this clip where Dave and Ashley Willis address this loaded question. Want to hear more …
Half of the comments say it’s ok and the other half say it isn’t ok. That’s between God, you and your spouse. Why can’t people just leave it at that? The bigger question is: How many people in the comments are married or not married? As Christians, our boundaries is that we are to avoid sexual sin (fornication, pornography, etc.) whether we are married or not. In marriage, we have unlimited freedom within the confines of the word of God. God is not against oral sex. So, why are you saying something is a sin that God never said was a sin? If you feel that it is a sin, it’s a sin to you and that’s your conviction, remember that.
Even when we’re being open and flexible, please let’s not forget to look at the medical and health perspective and implications of these things. It might be okay when mutual consent is in place, but how safe is it health wise? It’s after thorough consideration of all these factors we should make a final conclusion.
If a married couple agrees to have oral sex then there is nothing wrong with it. If one of them doesn’t agree with it or does not like it then it should not be done. Sex between two people who are married is their business and the right to do what they want. no one outside of the marriage has anything to say what happens in someone else marriage.
After reading a few comments it has become obvious that we have the usual loving Christian infighting with condemnation and name calling. The more I see this all over YouTube the less I want to have to do with Christianity, not Jesus but the legalistic, narrow-minded judgmental people who profess to follow him.
This was well done, but I really think that there needs to be more emphasis on dealing with the arguments that people use to condemn oral sex. For example, there is the argument that claims oral sex isn’t natural and is therefore sinful, and the argument that condemns oral sex based on its origin. There are about 10 other arguments used to condemn oral sex, and until these arguments are firmly met, saying that the Bible doesn’t directly condemn oral sex will only work until someone points out that the Bible doesn’t directly condemn the practice of adults marrying childen. Like Dave pointed out, the question of whether or not oral sex is a sin is about the most popular question out there. But do you know how many times a person will ask that same question over again before he becomes convinced of a matter and stops wondering about it? I agree with Dave and Ashley’s conclusion, as do many, but for conscientious Christians who are in question about the matter, this presentation doesn’t provide the depth necessary to silence the opposition and break the shackles off of Christian marriages. Now I’m going to take a guess here and say that this presentation wasn’t intended to address all the opposition, as in fact it shouldn’t. Regardless, until we start meeting the enemy on the battlefield and taking out their giants and trolls and ogers and dragons, people will continue to be befuzzled by the underhand arguments of the enemy. Take for example the “against nature” argument. This argument is used to condemn nearly every sexual practice in existence.
These comments make me certain that this will be an important question with the man I intend to marry. I definitely want a man who is fun, honoring, and experimental with how to love one another, as he listens to the Holy Spirit. (So many nerve ending that cause arousal and pleasure could not be a mistake.)
The Bible says that I don’t own my body; my husband does. It also says that men should delight in the breasts of their wife, and that couples should please each other so they’re not tempted to cheat. Therefore, I do what my husband wants me to do. The devil hates when my husband is satisfied with ME instead of other women.
Hi. I am not against oral sex within the marriage. But, I do have a question you did address. It is found in Lev. 15:16 & Lev. 15:32 “If a man has an emission, he shall bathe his whole body in water and be unclean until the evening.” What are we suppose to do (pardon me) if the woman does not like to swallow it??
Hey, don’t know if this means anything to you, but I found this article by pure chance. I clicked on it expecting cringe, but I gotta say, I respect your article. Whether I agree with some of the minutia of your thesis, I appreciate that you emphasize enthusiastic consent. And now I wish to leave a comment to bless this article’s analytics.
People on this thread keep telling others to repent over something that is only held in their own opinion and not crystal clear in Scripture. That’s not their job. It’s the Holy Spirit’s job. What is sin for one might not be sin for another and that’s why we have the Holy Spirit….because He knows us and knows our marriages and our hearts. We can’t know that about each-other so let the judgement stop. Telling anyone they are going to Hell or are going to get sick or need to repent because of something they are doing in their marriage bed is out of the human realm and should be left up to God. When a person says “you need to repent” I always wonder how perfect that person is. How many gluttons do we have on this thread pointing the finger at others and name-calling or chastising? Considering how fat Americans have become, I would say there are probably many. How many have a food addiction which IS a crystal clear sin in the Bible, and yet are pointing fingers at others whose sexual practices are not seen…..unlike some who are loading their plates at the buffet 2 and 3 times for all to see and wearing their “Blessed not Stressed” t-shirt. Take the log out of your own eyes and let us deal with our own logs if there be any……again, that’s for the Holy Spirit to point out.
Did I offend someone with my question? I thought we were to open up and ask if we have a question. I am embarrassed if the boundaries were set for such a direct question not to be allowed. You did not say we could not a ask blunt question. I really wanted to know about Lev. 15:16 and Lev. 15:32. How do these 2 verses fit into what you are saying, Dave and Ashley? How are we to handle those 2 verses? They do address part of the “o–l s-x”. There I did not even write the words this time.
This leads us to believe that the sexual acts committed were in keeping with the sexual rites used to worship Baal Peor. So when the man of Israel were being introduced to sodomy they actually were being introduced to the worship of Baal Peor. This give us a clear biblical perspective that sodomy has an associated with the worship of a deity. It also show us that the sexual activity that is associated with the worship of Baal Peor can lead us into a form of false worship and idolatry. (See Numbers 25:1-3)
The reason you don’t see anything wrong with it in the Bible is because you don’t understand the ancient pagan practices which are so rampant in today’s Christian churches. You truly should research Baal Peor worship – and then you would see the seriousness of what you are suggesting is ‘okay’…. It is perversion. Baal Peor was the ‘god of many holes’….Of course most Christians don’t believe God isn’t happy with many of your practices like all of the pagan holidays that you observe and say it’s for Him….please reference the golden calf – and saying it was a ‘feast unto the Lord’…… true love is obedience!!! Not things that make you ‘feel good’. that’s from Hasatan! REPENT! TIME IS SHORT!!!!
Okay but for example doggy style in a sin. I’ve seen some articles lately of some ladies that said God or Jesus had revealed and SPOKEN to them, telling them it is wrong. One lady said had said that God spoke to her and told her, “why do you have sex like the animals? Are you a dog? Why do you have sex like the dogs? You are not dogs.” BE CAREFUL. So far I’ve discovered only missionary position is not an impure position in the eyes of God. Though i am still learning and searching for more answers. As well, BDSM is sinful. Stay AWAY from these things, that’s not what God created sex to be like.
The idiots who say that any form of sexual contact is bad in marriage have no backing for it of any kind. If something is sin, then God would say so in his word. If God doesn’t condemn something and you do, you are judging and that’s a dangerous thing to do. I’m not even a Christian but I know the bible
I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and read Romans 14. Here let me paste it for y’all. Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand. One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister ? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. It is written: “ ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.
This topic and some of the comments sound like an old saying, “How far can I go and it will still be okay.” I don’t agree but respect the opinions stated here. If you have doubts, it is sin to you. If you don’t, then okay. In the end, you will answer to God to for whatever you do by faith believing it will glorify God in your marriage. I”m not shure I would go and say it is okay. It might be to some and not to others. It is not desirable for many. I think it is best just left alone. I do respect the attempt made trying to address the topic.
Regardless to the “Christian” morality some of you want to confine marital sexuality to…all the evidence I need is the way he looks at her at 1:48. WHATEVER they are doing to keep that sort of love in the marriage (and let’s face it, they don’t exactly look like newlyweds…) must be worth consideration, ESPECIALLY if they have a heart for keeping God in the marriage too.
Even if i used to do it too, but as for a minister of God, while i am growing up day by day with God, i begin to question this custom. As for new born in Christ i ask mylsef whether it is a custom that we Christians should practise. I wonder whether it is notpart of Sodomy . The question is where did we fing out such a custom? Only pronography which is so aphrodisiacal teaches human kind this kind of custom. Isn’t it sexual filths and lusts actually? Why all the animals who do the same thing as we do, meaning having intercourse to give birth, they do not behave like us human in that sense? Did Isaac and Rebecca were used to these things, knowing that Isaac and Rebecca are a type of Jesus the Groom and his Church the Bride. If Jesus is holinees and if we the Church of Christ are holy, so what holiness has this custom? These are all questions i ask myself about this sexual custom. And i conclude that the mouth was never a way of sexual relationship neither the anus. When you see Mouth, you see word or the parler. Remember: Jesus is the parler or the word from God’s mouth. That means when you see mouth, you see as for the Church, praise and worship. Even biologically it is proven insane. When you consider the human body organs, we talk about digestive organs, sexual organs, breathing organs, etc. So by comparing the digestive organ with the sexual organs, don’t you see there is no connection at all? So that’s why i see good no more in oral sex. Isn’t it sodomy in some degree? Just think about it.
For those saying oral sex is bad! I have a question for you, Does the bible tell married couples how to have sex? I am not against you if you feel it’s wrong, but don’t try to condemn and enforce your opinion on other couples who accept it, it is their choice. As long as both are okay with then it’s okay. God made sex not the devil. God bless 🙌.
The best sex on the planet is rooted in LOVE and appreciation of the other person and the affection that precedes the act in marriage. These people are just speaking lust. And look at him, he certainly would enjoy that! How did thousands of years marriages went without oral sex and somehow they think they are enlightened today!!! How easily we can be deceived. And anyway, women instinctively do not like to do this act, which is very telling. If they do it they often do it to please their men. And if we do what men want-you could very well end up in all kinds of perversion. The question I have is, why do you need to do it. I certainly never will. It is foul. If you think it is so good Evans Family: TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR WIFE DOING YOU AND THEN LOOK AT IT, and then come back and report how great it is. The truth will set you free.
So wrong! God gives us the example of where the children of Israel went doing that which was an abomination and defiling of one bed! Woe to those who teach others to commit sin. Those acts stem from the worship of Baal Peor. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Also you invite bacteria and viruses to areas of your body that is not designed to fight off. Don’t be stupid or lazy do some SERIOUS research. May YHWH be merciful, compassionate and patient with this lost world!
Ok but logically let’s just analyze this. The body is a temple right? But why is sex considered bad? I don’t understand, even outside of marriage how is having sex going against your body and mistreating it as a “temple” it’s a consensual, safe act of pleasure so i don’t logically get why it is a sin. A sin to me is harming someone else, murder, stealing, something that harms another person or being unkind. There is nothing wrong with sex as long as it is safe and consensual. I yet to have heard a reason or specific explanation from someone as to why sex outside or marriage is bad or negative in any way.
Within the first minute and a half I couldnt keep listening Im sorry, I felt conviction. One thing that needs to be considered is discernment. We CAN NOT interpret the bible in our own understanding because look at the example of Sodom and Gomorrah, they were riddled with sexual sin, but why do I bring it up? The oral sex between same sex relationships. I dont believe oral sex was Gods design, but mans design to fulfill perversions. So just because its lacking “clear” answers in the Word does not mean its a freeway to do what we want. I do think sex in marriage is beautiful and fulfilling but our mouths are also used to do two things, curse and edify. We speak praises and pray to God with our mouths…. consider that for a moment… likewise with anal sex. Not intended for that use. Y’all need to repent; watch and pray because the devil is a liar .
Alexander Padillas…I received a message in my email. But when I can to the site it was nowhere to be found. Here it is… “Hi Val, I’ve learned that some people want to be offended and don’t know their true identity in Christ Jesus, they need to get over themselves. I’m not upset when I see stuff like that. it gives me opportunity to pray and seek God. I understand we are commanded to love, it’s not a suggestion. We are all here for one purpose, Gods perfecting will. Bless you all!!” Where did this message come into the discussion?
Question: I did read that the definition of sodomy is both ANAL and ORAL SEX. So even IF you are married it’s still sodomy. So what if you and your spouse was practicing it but then you found out the real definition of sodomy, and you tell your spouse but then they are adamant and still disagree????? And what about hygiene 🪥 the mouth is for food and drink and for preaching and for praising God but what if your spouse still insists on having oral sex??? Plus the penis and vagina have bacteria 🦠 because of monthly periods, infections, and urine and semen. Ask any doctor or nurse.
Sex is a form of worship. Worship of each other in marriage, and worship of your Creator who made every explicit detail of your body. Don’t ignore your conscience, but also don’t get so caught up in misguided guilt that you forget to just enjoy the worship and also don’t forget to be grateful to the God who give us so many wonderful things in life.
It is because like the other positions because it was from a hindu book(200 centuries ago)that showed 64 different sexual positions. And the ones that were in Hindu cultures used those positions to worship false gods through their bodies. So technically it’s considered idolatry and sexual immorality. Dang
Peter Horrobin wrote a book called healing through deliverance where he discusses the healing and deliverance of married christians and non christians and discovered demons were able to enter people through the act of oral sex. So it is clear that oral sex is sin and a doorway that the enemy uses take advantage of our ignorance and lack of knowledge.
Did someone remove the conversation on anal sex?? I am confused. I thought this page was to ask other believers what they thought in this discussion of sex, specifically oral sex. Why are we so offended, intimidated and frighten by these discussions? Jesus talked about anything He chose to speak to. And are we not to emulate His openness to others? Aren’t we suppose to ready to answer?
Thank you for all these articles! Although this episode is a year old! I have NEVER heard a answer given to this question: If one spouse does not agree to have oral sex, whether to receive or give for SIMPLE X,Y,Z reasons. Should the other spouse throw in their towel and never visit oral sex again? Or should the unfulfilled spouse simply, in way, die to that desire and move forward? ANY answer I honestly believe would help ALOT of people 🙂 Thank you!
Why would people be asking other people such personal questions? This is a question to be answered by the people involved. And if the people want to ask God..fine..but it is nobody else business. Have people stopped thinking for themselves? Everybody acts like they have to some kind of a pastor to ask everything. They are no more entitled to inspiration than you are. If you are going to ask least ask the One Who is qualified..God.
You made reference to Solomon song of songs. Remember these are poems that relate the intimity between Jesus and his Church, there is nothing fleshy in that book, so watch your step brothers! And if you would see fleshy in it, you must see that Solomon never make reference to oral sex, he speaks about sexual attouchements ( pressing breast, kissing lips, etc.).
The first thing I would like to do is simply start with the definition of the word sodomy found in Merriam-Webster. Definition of sodomy\r \r: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex also : copulation with an animal. Merriam- Webster definition of sodomy encompasses oral sex with a member of the same or opposite sex. So really the question shouldn’t be is oral sex a sin in marriage but rather is sodomy a sin in marriage. The Bible clearly condemns inordinate affection, unnatural and degrading passions in the life of a believer regardless if married or not. (See Colossians 3:5) One of the signs of a morally corrupt society that has come under the judgment of God is that they have changed the natural use into that which is against nature. (See Romans 1:26 ) The legal definition of sodomy varies from state to state, but sodomy has been broadly defined as a sexual “crime against nature”. Though the sodomy laws in this country has been ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court in 2003, historically, sodomy (usually defined as oral and anal sex) was a crime in many states. Now we can truly understand why there is so much moral degradation in this country because those who are suppose to be the salt of the earth is setting around justifying sodomizing their spouse. I don’t believe that we really understand how destructive this kind of support of sodomy in the marriage is. For example the marriage is suppose to be a reflection of Christ and the church and we are commanded to love our wives as Christ love the church.
So with all these Christian pages talking about these things one thing I have never heard or seen is anybody encouraging couples to seek God’s face about what He intended for sex to be, to teach them how to have sex His way, and invite His Spirit into the bedroom. And I’m not talking about purity culture prudish stringent strict crazy crap. But rather redemption. Because a lot of us have come out of things like purity culture, &/or all kinds of sexual abuse & trauma of various kinds, sin in our backgrounds or promiscuous pasts. A lot of influences from the world or p*** about sex, how to look at our own bodies & how to look at men and women etc. The Bible might not say this letter the other thing or does say this Saturday the other thing, but I would think it’s important for each individual couple to go talk to God about that based on what their backgrounds are with things so they can actually have the best sex ever as God intends for them.
The use of contraceptives is sinful read the story of Onan and Tamar (Genesis 38:8-10) . This is the law (Deuteronomy 25:5-6) key word is performing one’s “duty” meaning the marital act “sex” for procreation in continuation of the family in which God commands to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). Then read what St. Paul states about the marital act “sex” (1 Corinthians 7:3-4) again notice the word “duty” being used. Being fruitful is being open to life during the marital act “sex” which contraceptives deny so the husband and wife are not fulfilling their duty which gravelly offends God. As for oral sex oral stimulation is acceptable as long as the husband finishes ejaculation inside his wife’s vagina. Not spilling his seed (sperm) in her mouth or on the ground. Natural Family Planning is morally acceptable according to Scripure (1 Corinthians 7:5). Two things which Christ taught about chastity and marriage, a married couple can remain chase by mutual consent abstaining from having sex. When having sex it shouldn’t be about not getting pregnant but rather if God wants the couple to become pregnant to accept the pregnancy lovingly. Pregnancy is planned the moment when both the husband and wife consent to having sex.
Oral sex is ONLY A SIN IF: 1. You are not married 2. You are convicted in your conscience that it is wrong and you act on it, you violate your conscience and ignore your convictions 3. For many who have chosen to be single and have been following the Lord for a long time it is a sin for them 4. One partner does not give consent 5. One is violently forcing the other to give it to them and abusing them for it Oral sex is NOT A SIN if : 1. You are married 2.It doesn’t violate or sear your conscience 3.Both partners give consent to it 4. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, even in the marriage bed After some prayer .. This is how the Lord gave it to me, receive it or not .. I’m just using wisdom here.. God bless everyone 😃
It my opinion it is sin. Scripture states: *We are tempted when we are drawn away by our own lust… *The two enemies of God is satan and the lust of the flesh… *When we marry, we will have trouble in the flesh. The key points are, we need to watch this area and not to be drawn away. If we over feed the flesh, it will take us further and further away from the intimacy we could have had and really need to have with God or each other. Scripture teaches our bodies were created to be the temple of God’s Holy Spirit and our flesh needs to be in submission to and honor God first. Isaiah 58: 6-14 is how to love and is what to keep our hearts and minds on. Delighting in what is True Love. Keep it simple, love God and each other, but, don’t let the flesh take over. The flesh has a mind of it’s own and if you let it, it will take over. In Ephesians chapters 5 & 6 Chapter 5 speaks of our relationships. And do you notice chaptet 6 tells us to armour up. These are the end times!
You are just wrong. Song of Solomon is not talking about oral sex. That’s how you choose to interpret it because pornography has corrupted your minds and you don’t know it. You’re also assuming that just because a certain perversion is not addressed in the Bible, then that automatically means that God condones it. That is very risky. Don’t play with your eternal souls like that because the Bible says that the sexually immoral will not inherit the Kingdom of God and the Bible says to keep the marriage bed pure for God will judge the sexually immoral and the adulterer.
But you know songs of Solomon was written by him. But god instructed in samuel that kings should not have many wives, but he did it. Later he worship other god of his wives but not repent from his sins. Please don’t confuse people. In new testament Jesus said that he(Christ) is only the teacher and not others like you.
By the livitical law semen outside of a mans body or a womens vigiana is unclean .does that mean sin you have to pray on that. Anal sex is clearly forbidin and is in fact dangerous.oral sex is gonna come down to a personnel desicion but by scripture semen in or on anything other than a womens vigiana is unclean ofcourse we dont follow law today but grace .but thosr rules have value whrn we choose to keep them
You say that within a marriage, God is OK with anything and everything of an act as long as it is of consent, but I’m pretty sure sodomy which is anal sex is not at all accept it as for the mouth on the lower region, there is a scripture in Proverbs that says that she. Wiped her mouth and said that she send not I don’t know if that was in good context, but it sounded bad.
Read Genesis 1:27-28 this from the New American Standard Bible: 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” In other words, God IS command-ING those things to happen right now for mankind. Oral Immoral Performance or OIP on one’s genitals PREVENTS mankind from reproducing, thus against the wills of God! So wake up people! Wake up! “Oral “sex”” is NOT sex at all AND IT IS A SIN!!
I believe its definitely a have fun! We have nerves going through our body for that very purpose to release stress when pressured. Juat like the private parts. If god didn’t want us to feel that great feeling he would had made us without it. Just like our bodies hormones which control sexuality. It was meant that way. Ill be straight up. I have a huge hormonal imbalance mostly testosterone. My testosterone is 4× higher than a regular person which my normal range is 2500-3200 total. A regular person has 600-900 TOTAL. My problem is that when that happens to my body is like taken 3 viagras in one shot. It wont go down then the problem of self production happens and it has no way out unless I masterbate. This only happens like once or maybe twice a month but I think to myself is that really a sin? If I have to do it or be sick and in pain for 3 days? So far there is nothing docs can do except snip my boys and that is a no no. Along with taken many meds for the rest of my life which thats a no no. Last resort is what all docs tell me to do and its to masterbate or be in pain. Now my wife knows and hell shes great and supports me and helps me 😉 but is that bad/sin? Or when I do myself which I dont watch porn. My wife gives me photos of her which I dont mind at all as she satisfies me in every way meaning mentally and sexually. Anyways Am I doing something bad? I never cared for masturbating or anything like that, well never needed to. Please someone help with this.
Anybody who knows the Lord should know that hyper (née hyped) sexuality belongs to the sinful, fallen condition of mankind (oral sex is a part of it) exalting sexual pleasure beyond God’s intention for His creation. This is not strict Bible but you should sense it in your born again spirit…I don’t understand how anyone can be true believers and advocate that behavior, even in marriage! (Do you see any potential for idolatry anyone?).
That’s what it is. Lust my husband has for me,no love.thats why he calls me names. Awful names.i can’t have sex with him because he always calls me names, I feel disgusted with him..I feel dirty. He always talks oh that woman is so sweet,talking about other I’m every disgusted name you can think of..I’m 58 years old and it disgusting to hear a 65 year old man talking this way..I don’t even want to kiss him.kiss what,a mouth that’s talks to me like that..ewwww
Yes thank you for this question that I needed to be answered I do know this though sodomy is not prohibited we are not allowed to do sodomy that is an exit not an entrance we poop out of it and it shouldn’t be tampered with I’m not trying to be funny or anything or nasty but it’s the truth anal sex is prohibited it does talk about that in the Bible no matter if you’re married or not I was just confused about oral his me and my wife we love it but we don’t want to disobey God you just solved my problem thank you
Romans 1:26-27 KJV For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. The Same Spirit that is operating through homosexuals to commit vile acts such as anal and oral sex it is the same spirit that attaches itself to a heterosexual couple that performs such things which allows the bed to become defiled. Unfortunately this subject has never been properly taught to the children of God and it may open up many other doors of sexual perversion.
There is ONLY one sexual body part that is different on a man than a woman. Those two parts are CREATED to become one by God. Sex created to be fruitful and multiply. Also made to be enjoyable so we WOULD reproduce and multiply. The ” Natural ” use of a woman? A male sex part and a female sex part made to join together as one. If something else can be used then is that Natural? A man and a woman have a mouth? If a sex organ and any other body part can be used then ANY gender can do that? I’m NOT telling people what to do or NOT do. Just sharing so people can think about it. God allows. Mankind to do WHAT they WANT. Just because we CAN doesn’t mean that all things permissible are PROFITABLE or BENEFICIAL. you decide for yourselves.
Oh yeah, the bible is just chock full of great marriage and sex advice. It tells you when to avoid your wife because she’s filthy and unclean, tells you how and when you can rape your slaves, which slaves you’re allowed to rape, how women don’t have the right to say no to their husbands, etc etc. Tons of great advice.
How can Christians condemn homosexuality and yet they are doing the same things as them? Believers are not supposed to be perverted. Just becuase you are married, does not mean you can do whatever you want. I think ministers are contorting this part of the bible becuase they want to justify having oral and annal sex. My father is an incredible bible theologian and discovered a mathematical code in the bible. He has been studying the bible for 68 years intensely knows the bible like the back of his hand. He understands revelation thoroughly and he speaks and reads Hebrew fluently. He said this move in the church about the Song of Solomon being a sex guide is a blasphemy against God’s word!! Also, both of my parents said 68 years being Christians, no minster, church, marriage counseling etc. has ever observed the Song of Solomon in such a way! Ever! If they did, they would not hold back. The Song of Solomon is about God’s love for Israel. I think Christians are becoming like the world, which they are making sex this monumental thing in their lives rather it is supposed to be put in perspective. Yes, sex is from God practiced within marriage, but it can also be abused and misused like anything else. Again, this perspective is on the Song of Solomon is a complete lie! This is men, mainly who are trying to justify perversion being acceptable.
Hebrews 13:4 says the marriage bed is undefined which means oral sex is ok!! Marriage should be a place to express your affection and enjoyment of your spouse, so let love guide your behavior. NEVER perform oral sex outside of marriage! This action forms powerful bonds that you may later regret. Be wise.\r I love it my Wife loves it…God created it…No one else opinion matters! #69!!
Greetings Dave and Ashley. I listened to your broadcast about oral sex ad your reference to the Song of Songs. I would like to share some wisdom in the hope that it brings understanding of God’s word to you. I know your intentions are pure in the message you created by your article in response to the question in the subject. First, lets look at what is oral sex. Oral sex is sodomy. The root word is a place called Sodom. Sodom was a place destroyed by God because of perverse and unnatural sexual acts that went against the natural nature of God. God is a God of decency and order. When He made our bodies, he created sexual organs. The mouth and anus are not sexual organs. The mouth is for speaking and eating. The anus is for the expelling of waste. As for your reference about the Song of Songs or Songs of Solomon, this book is not sensual at all in nature even though it uses poetic anthropomorphic language. The Song of Songs teaches us about God’s divine love for His people from a marriage paradigm. It teaches us about the emotions of God. Solomon is a type and shadow of Christ Jesus and the Shulamite bride is a type and shadow of us, Yeshua’s bride, the church. God’s love for us is not sensual nor carnal. On the contrary, it goes much deeper than mere carnality. For wisdom and an understanding of this message and the scriptural foundation, read Jude, AMP and meditate on vs 4, 7, 10, 16, 18 and 19. Songs of Songs teaching, line by line and precept upon precept can be found here:
Oral sex is indeed a mortal sin. Those who engage in this act of the devil will be whisked away with all the other wicked souls into a matrix of spinning fire on judgment day. Indeed…any woman who places her mouth on the genitals of her husband, so shall she have her lips sewn together with the words “Satan’s Whore” branded on her lips….so says the Bible. A woman’s mouth is to be used for spreading the word of God and that is all.
Two consenting adults do not need anyone’s permission to do anything that they want as long as neither partners are physically or mentally injured everything is fine whatever you want to accept that’s negotiated but having to ask permission is ridiculous stop worrying about sins start concerning yourself with the intentions of love in conclusion stop people stop writing into this marriage counselors whose opinion is subjective applies only to them irregardless after talking about the Jewish Old Testament Bible or not preaching .the. Word . well… Says. test .the .Spirits .So. weather. they .Be. of .Christ. Love. your .Wife.. like…Christ Loved .the. Church. ANd. Gave. himself. For .It ..Book..of. Ephesians. in . A .relationship..She..not .American..But. A. Christian . These. two..Are.. Making. .it . like. The…World . We..are to. Follow..His. Teachings. Not .Distort. It
Looking at these comments, no wonder the church has a higher divorce rate than the world. Some of my fellow married Christian brother and sisters, y’all marriages sound quite dry. Sin is sin to those who know to do right and do wrong. If you wanna get down with oral, you’re a woman who’s married to 1 man or a man married to 1 woman, do it! If you’re convicted, don’t; simple.
Actually, the most unclean organ is the mouth. All the sex organs play a dual function including an excretory function which makes them unclean for ingesting their fluids. Oral sex is purely pleasure w/o intimacy. How many animals engage in oral sex? Humans are below animals. if this practice is natural, why not animals? they only lick genitals for hygiene and healing. yes/no? Also christianity is diluted and has little spiritual value when you can twist any issue to your liking. Where is the heart connection w/god that lends guidance in your life? These ppl talking have their own issues and are promoting practices that lead one away from spiritual balance which is where god thrives. In the final analyses, end result determines proper protocol & oral sex has many diseases associated w/ it because it increases lust w/o intimacy which cannot be relieved, leading to promiscuity & increased disease. kind of like eating for pleasure w/o consideration of nutrient value. thus leading to obesity, malnutrition and ultimately disease over time. Food for thought from a “spiritual Nutritionist.”