Kissing is not considered a sin, but it can lead to sexual thoughts or actions outside of marriage. The Bible does not explicitly mention kissing before marriage, but it emphasizes the importance of waiting until marriage to have sex. Some Christians believe that kissing should be reserved for engagement or making out, which is considered a form of foreplay and not honoring the Lord.
The Bible does not specifically mention kissing before marriage, but it does warn against succumbing to the call of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). Some argue that lingering kisses on the mouth are not sinful, as they are far from the sexual act. However, sinning is not limited to doing the act per se; it also involves avoiding any hint of sexual immorality among God’s people.
The golden rule in dating is to lean hard on the people who know you best, love you most, and will tell you when to kiss. However, there are several hadiths and verses that forbid this action, such as Prophet Muhammad’s advice to avoid making out in intimate settings and behind closed doors.
Kissing before marriage is not necessary, but it is important to exercise restraint, dress modestly, be courteous and polite, and treat your partner with dignity and respect. Don’ts include engaging in sexual activity outside of marriage, disrespecting your partner’s beliefs or values, being dishonest or deceitful, pressure your partner into doing something they are not comfortable with, or engaging in excessive physical contact.
While some kissing is permissible in romantic relationships between unmarried individuals, it is not a requirement. The Bible does not explicitly tell us much about kissing before marriage in a dating context, but there are examples to consider.
📹 Should Christians Kiss Before Marriage?- Boundaries In Christian Dating
‘Should Christians Kiss Before Marriage?- Boundaries In Christian Dating’ Enjoy the 2nd video is our series, ‘Boundaries In …
Is it okay to kiss my boyfriend before marriage?
The Bible says purity is important, but it doesn’t say kissing is a sin. It says any act that can lead to sex before marriage is wrong. Kissing your partner is not necessarily a sin, but having sex before marriage is. Cuddling, snuggling, and holding hands are fine as long as they don’t progress to anything more.
Colossians 3:5: “Put to death the sinful things in you.” Don’t have sex outside of marriage. Don’t be greedy. A greedy person is an idolater. Worship the things of this world. Treat older women as you would your mother. Treat younger women with purity as you would your own sisters. Note: Many Bible verses show kissing as a friendly greeting. For example, in Ruth 1:14, Orpah kisses her mother-in-law. They cried and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye. But Ruth held on to Naomi.
Is lip kiss good before marriage?
Kissing is fine. Don’t kiss her if she doesn’t want it before marriage. If you love her, don’t make her uncomfortable.
Is it a sin to kiss before marriage for Catholics?
Like most Catholics, I always thought it was fine to kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend, as long as it didn’t go further. I found out a few years ago that this isn’t always true. Kissing between unmarried people is a mortal sin.
This might sound extreme. I didn’t understand at first. Passionate kissing is a sin. This kind of intimacy stirs up the passions. It’s the first step to sex and gets you in the mood.
Is this a mortal sin? Even St. Thomas Aquinas knew the dangers. If you don’t believe me, take it from St. Thomas Aquinas: A kiss, caress, or touch does not always mean a sin. But if you do it for pleasure, it is a sin.
Is 3 dates too soon to be exclusive?
How many dates before you’re exclusive? There’s no set number. If you connect with someone, you might become exclusive right away. If someone is already dating others, it can take longer. What happened? You’ve requested a page on a Cloudflare-powered website. It’s resolving to an IP address that’s causing a conflict in Cloudflare. What can I do? If you own this website, log in to Cloudflare and change the DNS A records for to a different IP address. Cloudflare ID: 87e8d8821d51a6f6. Your IP: Cloudflare performance and security.
Should I wait to kiss till marriage?
In Christianity, couples should wait to have sex until they are married. In today’s society, some couples have ignored this because their peers pressure them to have sex and talk about it. Some couples choose to honor God by following this rule. This Texas couple decided to wait until they got married to have any kind of intimacy.
READ MORE WATCH I stepped away: Woman declines bridesmaid role after being asked to pay R122,000. Keylin Akuchie and her now husband Eleazer first met at the Christ For Nations Institute in 2019. Keylin said she had a crush on him, but it took him three years to ask her out. After a great date, the pair started dating and got engaged after a year. The couple also decided to set physical boundaries when they started dating. I had never kissed anyone before. I wanted the first person I kissed to be my husband, Eleazer said.
Who should first kiss?
The books say the guy should make the first move. It could be either the man or the woman, but it’s more often the man. Kisses on the first date are often just a formality.
Should I kiss him or wait for him to kiss me?
Is it wrong to kiss on the first date? You should only kiss someone if you both want to. If you’re not ready on the first date, that’s okay. It’s how you feel, especially if you met online and are just getting to know each other. Just because someone tells you not to kiss on the first date, it doesn’t mean they know what they’re talking about. If you’re attracted to the person and ready to kiss, go for it! If you want to follow the three-date rule, follow it. You can still kiss on the second, third, or fourth date. It’s just a different level of intimacy.
Is it a mortal sin to kiss before marriage?
Thomas doesn’t say kissing is sinful or that making out is okay. He says lustful pleasure is sinful if you consent to it. Kisses and touches are sinful if they tempt someone into lust or if they are done for sexual pleasure outside marriage. This is important. The Church doesn’t have a rule about how many kisses a Catholic may kiss their love interest. Each person must decide if they are eating too much peanut butter and if their kisses and touches are lustful. What is lustful pleasure? Our desire for sex is good. Arousal is a natural response to stimuli. Arousal is good and normal. But arousal is the body’s preparation for sex. If it happens outside marriage, it can lead to sin.
How long should you wait before kissing your boyfriend?
Kiss whenever you’re ready. Wait until the end of a first, second, or third date to kiss. This lets you get to know each other. Ask if they want to kiss before you do. If you’re not sure, ask. Show you’re interested by touching them, looking at them, and leaning towards them. Looking at their mouth can show you want to kiss them. Don’t just look at their mouth. Look into their eyes too. Glancing at your date’s lips can show you want to kiss them. Don’t stare at their mouth. They might be weirded out. Look at their lips for a second or two!
Should you kiss before becoming a couple?
Wait until the next date if you don’t feel comfortable. Plan to see them again soon. Don’t worry if you don’t kiss on your first date. Many people wait until the second or third date. Are you waiting for the right time to kiss your date? You get to choose when you have your first kiss, but there are a few ways to know if it’s right. Read on for tips on planning your kiss and finding out if the other person is interested! If you want to see if you’re compatible, kiss on the first few dates. Some people want to kiss right away, but others need more time. It’s normal to wait longer if you have different values or beliefs. There’s nothing wrong with kissing on the first date if you like the person and they like it!
What is the 10 date rule?
What is the 10-date rule? The 10-date rule is: Men are more likely to have a relationship with a woman they’ve dated at least 10 times. These are dates, not just coffee or sex. Have you heard of the 10 Date Rule? Maybe you think the word “rule” means you’ll meet the right person and everything will work out. I cringe when I hear the word “rule,” especially when it comes to dating. I like this rule, but before you dismiss it, let’s talk about the pros and cons! I think there are more pros than cons. When you hear me out, you’ll see how the 10-date rule will save you time and heartache! You’ve probably heard the story of the woman who slept with a guy on the first date and it turned into a happy relationship. You think, if it happened for her, it can happen for me.
In this bible study, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy shares the bible with us for spiritual awakening and develop us for …
Because I am single I have not had my first kiss yet but it does make me scare because I strongly want to hold my kiss until marriage because I just see it at another level compared to others. At first, I did think that it was a little too crazy and one of my friend did say that it sounds to excessive because holding off on your kiss pretty much sounds impossible today but I do know that I am strong enough whenever I do enter a relationship, I will stand firm and make known to him to not kiss me even though honestly I might be dying. It does matter that much!
I’ve broken up with three guys now because I’ve tried to set these same boundaries with them, and they say that they absolutely love the idea and respect my wants but they’ve all turned around within a few weeks and constantly try to either gilt me or just disregard everything and go for it.. I havent dated for awhile because of it, I feel that I wont find someone who will wait with me
I think it’s right to save kissing for marriage because it leads to more and eventually leads to sin….I have kissed the guy I dated before the one now..and I can relate that it makes a connection….and so now I’ve told my boyfriend for us to set up physical boundaries…..he said well discuss it later although he didnt take it well…I trust in the Lord to give me an answer about my relationship through his response …please pray for me…
i’ve been having much of a problem about the same issue .when i teĺl my boyfriend i prefer no kissing or touching he doesn’t understand abd honestly i dnt wnt to be intimate or do any physical things b4 im married cause i have christian bounderies so i dnt knw wat to do cos i really luv my Bf but im scared he myt live me.
I am much older than this audience but I find it very interesting. My husband pursued me a lot. At the time I had decided that I was too old to have kids and it was too late for me. At that time I was stupid. He was nice and I didn’t want to be mean to him. He was very stubborn and I guess that was what I needed to at the time. The Lord sent me a stubborn man and he basically wore me down. He truly Loved me but that wasn’t the case for me. Eventually I gave him a chance but in my mind I wasn’t going to marry him anyway. Well we were married for 34 years before he went to heaven. You see the Lord knew what type of man I needed. So trust the Lord and he really wants you to be happy in your life. Sometimes he puts you thru trials and sometimes you put yourself thru trials but he will work all things out for your life like it says in the Bible.
I really agree that kiss should only be done in marriage oron the wedding day. I am praying my heart to follow and obey this because I know how weak I am it makes me feel so frustrated but I love the Lord and i want to honour Him. I know that kissing will only lead deep longing for more physical bond so I think it is not wise to kiss while dating. I’ve done it before and led me to compromise my values and beliefs as a young Christian before so I am praying so hard to be able to stand for what I believe.
I think that this is a great topic of discussion. Of course, every one will have a different opinion. I DON’T think that kissing before marriage is sinful per se. But it is subject to your own convictions and personal values. If you are easily stimulated and you know it places sexual desire in your heart, you just have to cut it off. The Bible says if your eye causes you to sin, take it out… and if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It’s not the act of kissing that is sinful, but it’s what’s In your heart WHILE kissing that could become sinful. If it is leading you to sin, you just have to cut it off
it depends on how long it takes you to get married i think. like my parents dated for 5 years before getting married cause my dad wanted to make sure my mom was ready but if you date for like 1-3 years i feel like that wouldnt be that bad/hard (or anything under a year). it just really depends on the relatonship.
Waiting until marriage to have any form of physical intimacy is key to pleasing Christ when it comes to someone you like and care about. We must take into account what chemically happens to our bodies whether we believe or not when we kiss or even hug someone, especially the opposite sex that were attracted to. Oxytocin is released with physical touch and can lead to other things. Having boundaries for your boundaries is key to avoiding fornication and other things considered unclean in the eyes of Christ. I don’t even feel 100% comfortable holding someone’s hand who is not my husband as I am still unmarried. Our bodies are emotional capsules that are created to release. Everything should just be under the holy covenant of marriage in Christ.
In the article, Paul says that he doesn’t like the idea that a woman he is dating has kissed other guys before him. Are you going to reject a girl because she has kissed other guys or might have even had sex with other guys? Are you unable to forgive someone for mistakes they made in the past? We are all sinners in one way or another, and we need to accept others as they are and not consider ourselves better than others. If you meet a girl who you like, but who has had sex with guys before, or maybe even had an abortion, but has changed her ways, you should love and appreciate her for who she is.
My rules for dating is I’m not going to do anything with my girlfriend that I’m not comfortable with our grandparents seeing. We’re not going to be in a room alone together, no closed doors, and e usually try and have friends and/or family around when we see each other so it hasn’t really been a major problem, staying alert though. Really though, kissing is more of a cultural thing. “Romantic kissing” wasn’t really a thing people talked about until the 18th century. Although, if you’re spending more of your time together kissing/making out (making out is a bad idea. Don’t do it, if you’re unmarried) rather than communicating and getting to know each other I’d suggest taking a step back and reevaluating your commitment to working towards marriage.
Ive been a Christian my whole life and know how important sexual purity is. However if you are in a relationship your boundaries should purely be based on what you can handle outside of sex. Not on what’s going to HURT you. Kissing is not even CLOSE to the kind of connection you feel from sex, anyway. And heartbreak is a part of life. It makes you grow.
I COULD NOT AGREE MORE!!! I waited 6 months to kiss my first boyfriend and thought I was a rockstar. Then, as you said, the relationship accelerated. We eventually broke up, and now I have more baggage to bring to my marriage. I highly recommend waiting to kiss!! And hugging definitely leads to kissing. Side hugs are my new boundary! Thanks, guys, for sharing!
You guys are funny and awesome to watch, however, i am not so sure on the whole waiting to kiss until marriage article here. Same for the hugging article. I have nothing against you two. I think you two are a great couple and you should continue doing what you believe in. Saving myself for marriage to have sex with my future wife is a tough battle in itself. I just do not know if i could wait until marriage to actually kiss and hug my future wife. I understand that it could potentially lead to more things, but i only hope me and my future wife can construct decent boundaries and stick by them.
I kissed someone a few weeks after I came to university, I was literally just talking to him and he just leaned forward and kissed me super passionately, I was so surprised that I didn’t push him off and it is truly one of the biggest regrets I have! I think about it often always with absolute regret! I truly encourage you guys to wait!x
I can’t be the only one thinking this but, in my entire 26 years of being alive I have never met anymore (much less anyone close to being as attractive and cool as Paul) that would even want to have boundaries as strict as you two do. Not saying you guys are wrong, but for me it’s hard enough to find guys (even believers) that are even okay with saving sex for marriage.
I don’t believe you should kiss before marriage. Your first kiss is suppose to be a holy kiss which is done at the alter on your wedding day. After marriage you can pretty much do whatever you want as long as it is with your spouse. As Christians we should ‘flee’ from sexual immorality not ‘resist’ it as Paul said I think in the previous article. This includes kissing because kissing or ‘making out’ automatically leads to sex. You may not necessarily have sex but you would feel that sexual sensation which would eventually lead to sexual activity, if it continues. Avoid it all together and wait for marriage is the best and safe way to go. God bless you brothers and sisters in Christ.
I come from an extremely sexually immoral background so shame on me and I dont deserve a pure wife. But I’m not going back to sexual immorality ever again, I was an atheist, drug addict, fornicator until I was born-again at age 19. Seeing Christian’s that grew up Christian’s and didnt entrench themselves in wickedness at an early age makes me disgusted in myself, but also thankful that the Lord had mercy on my pathetic soul. Praise God.
I genuinely want to know how can anyone know if you are intimacy compatible with each other if you don’t even want to kiss before marriage? What if you don’t like how your significant other kisses? How would you know if you would like how your significant other performs in bed? Is there a rule stating that you can’t have any physical contact with each other before marriage like hugging or holding hands? I can never be able to restrict myself from feeling that connection with my boyfriend before marriage. I want to be able to know how he is like and what he likes on an intimate level way before I marry him. What happens if you wait until you are married and you find out that your partner is not a compatible match with you?
The real question, to me, is defining the very notion of “marriage”. This word doesn’t technically appear in the Bible, where the Hebrew term for the verb “to marry” would be rather translated as “to take a woman”. In Genesis it is stated that in the moment a man leaves the house of his parents and gets united to a woman “the two become one flesh”. To the eyes of God you marry someone everytime you actually have a sexual intercourse with someone. What is fornication then? I believe it actually is a marriage without love, which is so grave in the eyes of God, as every time we “marry” someone we get to have an emotional and energetic bond to this person implying even if we break up from this person there are consequences for what we have done to pay. I once was totally blind and had experiences before marriage: I was in a relationship with a person I was not in love with, and it took me seven years of chastity to purify myself from the energies of that bond. It was only then I met my True Love and it was then, thanks to him and to our Lord, that Jesus Christ, totally redeemed me, washed my sins in the pure waters of Baptism. About kissing, I’d say it’s quite similar to making love in principle, though not in intensity, as it is the start of an emotional and physical bond which should only occur between godly spouses. You only want to kiss lips which are untouched and disclose the pure perfume of a soul of God.
1 Corinthians 7: 1 KJV Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. If it is not a good thing to touch a woman before marriage what makes kissing good before marriage? Kissing is worst. A wise believer in Christ refrain from such until marriage. My boyfriend and I are not kissing or any of those things until we get married.
I could see how waiting until your engaged to kiss could be wise but at the same time, it could be super unwise because that could mean you might rush into getting engaged just so that can happen and they might not be the one. I don’t want someone to falsely propose to me just because they went to move to second base. That being said, I wouldn’t going around kissing guys willy nilly after only a week. Maybe after a while and after I have a strong enough connection. But I think it would be wrong for a guy or a girl to hold that against their partners for kissing early because they might not have been the ones to end their previous relationships where they already kissed someone. I think waiting until you’re engaged is a bit much for kissing, but waiting until you’ve actually dated for a significant amount of time is smart.
2:23 – 2:39 Hun, if she’s marrying you you should know that she doesn’t care about them anymore yeah she used to love them but her past relationships are none of your business and can bring up past heart break if you talk about them if you really cared about her you’d acknowledge that she used to love those people and sometimes when people love each other they show their love to each other through kissing it’s not a big deal because if she’s marrying you she doesn’t give a crap about her 10th grade ex anymore and those kisses she gave them doesn’t even phase her get out your feelings lmao Edit: I mean like he really is selfish though… Imagine being selfish enough to think that someone having a life before they met you is a personal attack :/ someone’s life shouldn’t hurt you if anything that jealousy will make you a terrible boyfriend and make you think just cause she’s dated before she’s a hoe which is not cool at all.
This really pisses me off that every piece of advice is split up for guys and girls. Yeah, sure, men and women have some clear differences but when it comes to kissing, I think that every gender has a lot of similarities and advice that you have to give can apply to anybody. ALSO, I sincerely disagree with the notion that kissing always creates a lifelong emotional bond and if you break up you will have crazy regrets. Maybe for some people, but ya’ll are just talking from your own experience and you can’t assume that everyone is like you.
James chapter 3 verse 17. The wisdom that comes from HEAVEN is first of all pure. Purity and holiness is sadly lacking among Christians young and old. I put myself in that position too many times. Thank you for pointing us in the direction that pleases our Heavenly Father. Why not wait to kiss. One reason for marriage is because we have a strong sex drive. I agree we are not as strong as we think we are.
Ok. Hugging and kissing will lead to other things. SERIOUSLY? Not everyone will be the same. I’m in a relationship nearly for 6 years. If I want to meet my love, I need to travel 12 hours from my place. When ever we meet, we hug and kiss. But it doesn’t mean that we will make out! Coming month we are getting married. In a relationship, understanding and loyalty plays a mojar role than talking about controlling the physical contacts. Stop shaming others feeling. If you personally don’t have control and constantly be afraid that you might end up in making out, then it is your problem.