The question of whether Mary is the bride of God is often presented in terms of espousal and marriage. In Sacred Scripture, the relationship between God and the individual soul and between God and his people is often presented in terms of espousal. Mary is the spouse, not only the virginal legal spouse of St. Joseph but also the virginal, real spouse of God the Father who willed her to be the Mother. The Bride of Christ is a prominent symbol and metaphor used in Scripture to describe God’s relationship with his beloved bride, the church.
Mary was a first-century Jewish woman of Nazareth, the wife of Joseph and the mother of Jesus. She is a central figure of Christianity, venerated under various titles such as virgin or queen. The Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, Church of the East, Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran churches believe that Mary, as the bridegroom, is the one who has the bride.
The Bible shows that before Jesus Christ came to the earth as our Savior, He had been the Word, who was with God and was God. The Word developed a unique relationship with an entire nation—Israel. Various biblical symbols represent the Church, including the bride of Christ, holy, radiant, and spotless.
In the story told in the Bible, Mary perfectly responded to God’s love in every moment of her life, making her the archetype of the Bride. Mary was a righteous woman and favored by God, but she was also a sinful human being who needed Jesus. The pious custom of referring to the Holy Spirit as the spouse of Mary is a symbolic expression of Mary’s perpetual virginity and the virgin birth of Jesus.
📹 THE BRIDE IN THE REVELATION IS GOD THE MOTHER | World Mission Society Church of God
Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness . . .’ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he …
Who is the wife of the Holy Spirit?
Mary teaches us that love in marriage comes from God, who is love. God’s love is offered to us from the moment we are conceived, just as it was offered to Mary at her Immaculate Conception.
Is Mary God’s wife?
Saint JosephMary was a first-century Jewish woman from Nazareth. She was the wife of Joseph and the mother of Jesus. She is a central figure of Christianity. She is often called the Virgin or the Queen. Many of these titles are mentioned in the Litany of Loreto.
The Madonna del Rosario (6th century or earlier), the oldest icon of Mary, in Rome.
Jerusalem, Roman Empire.
Mary was a first-century Jewish woman of Nazareth, the wife of Joseph and the mother of Jesus. She is a central figure of Christianity. She is often called the Virgin or the Queen. Many of these titles are mentioned in the Litany of Loreto. The Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran churches believe that Mary is the Mother of God. Some Protestants think Mary is less important.
Is Mary the bride of the church?
The Marian title Bride of Christ was less popular than Wife of the Father. Many writers preferred to reserve the former title for the Church. The Church-Bride image had an obvious biblical basis, but perhaps it also seemed incestuous to call Jesus Mother His Bride. Mary is both Mother and Bride. She is His physical mother because she gave birth to and raised Him, and His mystical bride because she is the image and most important member of the Church, who is the bride of Christ. The title “Bride of Christ” does not mean a physical or sexual relationship with God. This title has caught on more than the first two. The Marian titles include Daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son, and Spouse of God the Holy Spirit.
Who is Mary married to in the Bible?
In Nazareth, a city in Galilee, Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Before they got married, an angel named Gabriel told Mary, “Don’t be afraid. God likes you.” Italian artist Sandro Botticelli painted the Adoration of the Magi around 1478. The angel said, “You will have a son, and you will name him Jesus.” He will be great and called the Son of the Most High (Luke 1:30-31). The name “Jesus” is like “Joshua” or “Hosea.” It comes from “Yehoshuah,” meaning “yhwh is salvation.” It was a common name in ancient Judea and Galilee.
Does the Bible mention God’s wife?
These Hebrew inscriptions about the Old Testament show that Asherah was the wife of God. This supports the Bible’s description of how evil kings brought the worship of Asherah into the temple. Asherah is mentioned over 43 times in scripture. Before the time of the kings, in the book of Judges, we see that Gideon destroyed the Asherah pole before leading Israel to battle against the Midianites.
That night, the Lord told him to take the second seven-year-old bull from his father’s herd. Tear down your father’s altar to Baal and cut down the Asherah pole. (Judges 6:25)
What religion believes in God’s wife?
Heavenly Mother is the wife of God the Father in the LDS Church and other Mormon churches. The mother goddess is the feminine counterpart of gods in some religions.
Who is the Bride of God in the Bible?
In Christian theology, the bride is the church, with Jesus as the bridegroom. Ephesians 5:22–33 compares the union of husband and wife to that of Christ and the church. It is a favorite image in the church. Churches interpret the metaphors differently. Most believe it always refers to the church.
Christ as a bridegroom. The Gospel of John calls Jesus Christ the bridegroom and mentions the bride. The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom who hears him is happy because of the bridegroom’s voice. This makes me happy.
Did God fall in love with Mary?
God loved Mary a lot! He chose to bless her because of who He is, not because of who she was. God’s grace is all over His choice of Mary and our choice to be His children. He chose Mary because He loved her. God loved Mary a lot at the end! At the cross, Mary loved Jesus as an earthly mother loves her child. She probably understood for the first time what Simeon meant when he said to her at Jesus’ dedication in the Temple. “A sword will pierce your soul.” As Jesus died on the cross, he spoke to Mary. Jesus loved Mary as a son. He looked at her and said, “Look, it’s your son!” Then He said to John, “Behold your mother!” From then on, John took her to live with him. Jesus said two more things after his words to and about his mother: “I thirst,” and then, “It is finished.” God the Son took care of his mother during his last minutes on the cross. Mary loved God in five ways. Mary embraced God’s plan for her. Let’s look at how much Mary loved God. She must have been surprised when the angel Gabriel told her. This pregnancy and motherhood would upset her life! She lived in a society where purity before marriage was the norm. Mary followed the rules; she was engaged but hadn’t had sex with her fiancé. She was going to be pregnant and unmarried! She was a good girl and hated sin. She could say, “I didn’t do what you think!” but it would be obvious. The baby would show what she had done. She thought she’d be seen as a hypocrite. Her engagement to Joseph was doomed. In this context, her words to the angel are priceless. Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant.” “Let it be done to me as you have said.” Mary was young and inexperienced, but her heart was right. She submitted to God and accepted his plan for her, even though it would ruin her hopes for marriage.
What was God’s wife’s name?
The Book of Kings says that God had a wife, Asherah, who was worshipped in Israel. In 1967, Raphael Patai was the first to say that the ancient Israelites worshipped both Yahweh and Asherah. God had a wife, Asherah, who was worshipped alongside Yahweh in his temple in Israel. In 1967, Raphael Patai was the first historian to say that the ancient Israelites worshipped both Yahweh and Asherah. The theory has gained new attention because of Francesca Stavrakopoulou’s research. She began her work at Oxford and is now a lecturer at the University of Exeter. Stavrakopoulou’s books, lectures, and journal papers are the basis for a three-part documentary series about the Yahweh-Asherah connection.
Where in the Bible does God call us his Bride?
The Church as the Bride in Ephesians 5:22-33. The Church is the Bride of Christ. Christ is the Head of the Church. We have an intimate relationship with Christ as individuals and as the Church. This is closer than an earthly marriage. Jesus is our leader, director, and guide. Jesus is our perfect Husband. He takes care of us. He wants us to be perfect, without any flaws. He is our Husband who always acts for our good. The Church must submit to Christ. To be subject means to let someone guide and influence us. We can refuse to be influenced by Jesus. That’s wrong. It’s good for us to let Him guide our lives. Submitting to Him makes us stronger. Submitting to Him enriches us.
Was Mary married to the Holy Spirit?
Answer: St. Joseph was Mary’s husband. St. Joseph was Mary’s husband. The Holy Spirit is Mary’s spouse because Mary was a virgin. Question: Was Mary Joseph’s wife or the Holy Spirit’s? St. Joseph was Mary’s husband. The Holy Spirit is Mary’s spouse because of her virginity and Jesus’ birth. It’s not meant literally, but as a way of saying that Mary was very devoted to God and had a special relationship with the Trinity. It’s like how some nuns call Jesus their spouse.
Is Israel the bride of God?
In the Old Testament, God is married to Israel and Judah. In the New Testament, the church is the Bride of Christ. God’s marriage to Israel ended in divorce, and God’s marriage to Judah was separated.
📹 Who is the “Bride of Christ”?
Listen in as Monte Judah answers questions on faith, scripture, and our walk as believers. Click here for the full Q&A playlist: …
God bless you abundantly.\r Thank you for visiting the World Mission Society Church of God YouTube website.\r If you have any questions about the Truth or inquiries about our Church please leave your contact information at the website below.\r \r ✉️ Web Site\r\r
Thanks to God the Father Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother for coming to this earth in the flesh as the Spirit and the Bride according to the prophecies of the Bible. Without God’s coming, no one can get eternal life and return to Heaven. So, it is so grateful more than everything that God the Saviors have come to this earth to bring us salvation. God the Father and God the Mother left all the glory and authority in Heaven and came to this earth without hesitation. How can we fathom Their love toward us the sinners who committed unforgivable sins in heaven? We only give eternal thanks, praise and glory to God the Father and God the Mother.
No one can be saved without knowing God who will give us the water of life. Many think the WMSCOG is the hersey that they believe in God the Mother. But, Look at the prophecy of the Revelation 22:17 and you may find out Savior in this age, the age of Holy Spirit. They are the Spirit and the Bride. \r It means no one can be saved without knowing the Spirit and the Bride, and all members of the WMSCOG recognize God the Father and God the Mother according to this propehcy of the Revelation.
Revelation 22:17 BSB\r The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let the one who hears say, “Come!” And let the one who is thirsty come, and the one who desires the water of life drink freely.\rThank you God the Father and God the Mother for coming to earth to give us the water of life and lead us to the glorious Heaven. Amen 🙏💖💫🌌
Amen. Thanks to God the Father and God the Mother. The Holy Spirit and the bride are God the Father and God the Mother. The Holy Spirit and the bride give us the water of life. According to prophecy, God the Father and God the Mother came and gave us the water of life, the word of truth. Come to the World Mission Society Church of God where God the Father and God the Mother reside!
The Holy Spirit and the bride gave us the water of life and granted us eternal life. Only God can give the water of life. In the age of the Father, Jehovah God granted the water of life, and in the age of the Son, Jesus granted the water of life. The Holy Spirit, who came as a savior in the age of the Holy Spirit, and God the Father and God the Mother, who are the bride, grant us the water of life. Please welcome God Elohim, who gave you the water of life, at the Church of God.
It is written in the Bible, that in heaven there is not only God the Father, but also God the Mother. Christ Ahnsahnghong reveals the Bible’s mystery about the existence of God the Mother. So when we believe in God, according to the teachings of the Bible, we must not only believe in God the Father, but also believe in God the Mother.
Amen! According to the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is God the Father, and His Bride is undoubtedly God the Mother. The Apostle John had a vision of God the Father and God the Mother calling all mankind to the path to Heaven by saying, “Come!” Upon seeing this scene, he immediately wrote it down(Rev 22:17). In this Age of the Holy Spirit, the water of life is freely given to those who obey the Spirit and the Bride, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who are calling them to “come.” Please come to the Church of God, and receive the blessing of eternal life given by the Holy Spirit Ahnsahnghong and the Bride God the Mother!
No one can receive eternal life or the glory of heaven without the water of life. \r Therefore, we must believe in God the Father and God the Mother, who have appeared as the Spirit and the Bride in this age, so that we can receive the blessing of the water of life!\r Let’s believe in God the Father and God the Mother.\r And let’s run towards the eternal kingdom of heaven where there is no death!\r Thank you Elohim GOD!
We cannot live without water. Likewise, our soul cannot live without the water of life. The Bible records that in the last days, the Holy Spirit and the bride will give us the water of life for the life of our souls. In other words, we who live in the last days must find the Holy Spirit and the bride in order to gain spiritual life. The Bible says that there is God the Father and God the Mother, who are the Holy Spirit and the Bride. I hope everyone believes in God the Father and God the Mother as testified by the Bible and receives the water of life.
The Bible prophesied that only those who attend the wedding banquet held by the Lamb and the wife of the Lamb can be saved and go back to the kingdom of heaven. the Lamb stands for God the Father, and the wife of the Lamb represents God the Mother. In this age, to get the way of salvation, we should believe in both God the Father and God the Mother.
The water of life can only be given to us by God the Savior.\r In the age of the Father, only God the Father Jehovah gave us the water of life, and in the age of the Son, Jesus gave us the water of life.\r In the age of the Holy Spirit, God the Father, who is the Holy Spirit, and Mother, who is the bride, give us the water of life.\r The church or the saints can never be the bride who gives the water of life.
The Bible proves the presence of God the Father and God the Mother. From Genesis to the Book of Revelation, the Bible testifies to God’s secret, God the Mother. The existence of God the Mother, represented ” Hawa”, clearly proves God the Mother that can give salvation and eternal life in mankind in the last age. I hope you trust God the Mother to receive eternal life and go to the eternal heaven.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ❤️ thank you so much Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for forgiving us our sins and showing us your pure utmost love by bringing us back to the right paths ameen please always fill our our souls bodies hearts minds with your precious love so that we can never get stray ameen sum ameen ❤️❤️❤️
Amen!! Thank YOU Heavenly FATHER And Heavenly MOTHER!! Thank YOU for bringing us out of darkness, and into YOUR glorious light of Truth!! Where would we go? YOU And only YOU alone have The Words Of Eternal Life!! May we always be on the right side until the end!! I Love YOU FATHER,MOTHER!! I love you, Brothers and Sisters!! I know that the angels in heaven must miss MOTHER So!! They have to watch HER suffer here on this Earth for our grievous sins!! May we never betray GOD ever again!!
Peter is so blissful person who receive the key of heavenly kingdom. This blessing will be given to those who believe in Savior in the flesh. It means to receiving Christ is not easy, because he looks so mere man. This situation is same with this age, that people don’t receive and don’t recognize the savior, the Spirit and the Bride in the age of Holy Spirit. Then, We have to focus on prophecies in bible to recognize savior, not his appearance. So I am very blissful person who recognize God the Father and God the Mother like Peter.
It is only God who can give us the water of life. And the Spirit and the Bride can give the water of life, eternal life. Then how can the bride be the saints? Saints are people who must receive the water of life, not the one who can give the water of life. According to the prophecies of the bible, the bride is God the Mother who can give us eternal life.
Accroding to Bible the Spirit, who is God the Father, and the Bride are to appear together and call Their children to receive the water of life eternal life. Record to the Bible Revelation, the Bride is Jerusalem our Mother. “The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come!’ … and whoever wishes, let them take the free gift of the water of life.” Revelation 22:17
Aman!\r The Bride in the Book of Revelations are #GodtheFather and #GodtheMother who give eternal life to God’s people, not saints or Mary!\r Let us all believe in #GodtheFather and #GodtheMother, whom the Bible has proved, and let us be blessed with eternal life and Let’s go to Kingdom of Heaven Together.💖
The water of life will be given by The Spirit and The Bride in the last age. As many know, the Spirit represents God the Father, then, who is the Bride?.\r In the prophecy of Revelation, The Bride will give us the water of life with the Spirit. That is the Bride is not mere saint or church but God. So, the Bride represents God the Mother who will give us eternal life with God the Father.
Revelation chapter 22 says the Holy Spirit and the Bride will call people to give the water of life. The Bride should be God who can give eternal life. In Revelation chapter 21, an angel took apostle John to show who the Bride is and showed him the heavenly Jerusalem. The heavenly Jerusalem is not a building just as the Lamb is not a real animal but represents Jesus Christ. The heavenly Jerusalem represents the Bride of the Holy Spirit, the wife of Jesus Christ. Who is She? She is our spiritual Mother, God the Mother according to Galatians chapter 4. We are children of God the Mother in Galatians 4:28. We should come to the Spirit, the second coming Christ, Christ Ahnsahnghong and the heavenly Jerusalem, God the Mother who are giving us the water of life through the new covenant passover! 😊
The Bride in Revelation is the One who gives us the water of life with the Spirit. Only Who can give us the water of life? Even though there were many prophets and God’s people who had strong and complete faith, they couldn’t give the water of life. The Source of eternal life is God the Savior. The Bride in Revelation is surely our God. And She is God the Mother.
It’s so natural for God’s people to acknowledge what the Bible says! It’s because the Bible wrote the wisdom of eternal salvation from God the Savior. Those who deny the existence of God the Mother are standing against God, who has given us the Bible. Christ Jesus clearly foretold that the water of life is to flow out from the Spirit and the Bride. It’s only God who is able to bless us with the water of life. Then, the Bride must be God the Mother! However, some believers deny the existence of God the Mother, to whom the Bible testifies. If there’s no God the Mother, then, what’s the reason they call God the Father?
God the Father and God the Mother created all the creation. The hebrew word “Elohim” means “Gods”. There were more than one God. How many Gods are there? God created male and female according to the image of God. Then there must be God of male image and God of female image. Then the God of male image has been called God the Father. What should we call the God of female image? She must be God the Mother. God the creator are to appear in the last age as the holy Spirit and the Bride. They are prophesied to give the water of life in the last age. The Bride is the heavenly Jerusalem, God the Mother according to Revelation chapter 21 and Galatians chapter 4. Come to World Mission Society Church of God and receive God the Mother! 😊
In the Age of the Father and the Age of the Son, there was only one source of water of life, but in the Age of the Holy Spirit, there are two, the Holy Spirit and the Bride. God the Holy Spirit is the Trinity, like God the Father and God the Son. Then who is the bride? Some people claim that the ‘bride’ of the Holy Spirit is a ‘saint’. However, only God can give the water of life. In other words, the undeniable fact that the bride is the one who gives the water of life!:virtualhug:
Saints can not be the Bride testified in Revelation 22:17. It is because according to the Bible, only God who is the Alpha and Omega and the beginning and the last, owns the water of life and give to us. Apostle John testifies that the Bride refers to Heavenly Jerusalem. And apostle Paul testifies that “Heavenly Jerusalem” doesn’t refers to us, the saints, but “Our Mother”, that is, the Mother of the saints to be saved including Paul. Therefore in order not to distort the Bible., we should put all related Bible verses together and understand the meaning in the context. God the Mother exists and is the Biblical truth!
The last secret of the Bible is the existence of God the Mother, who is to appear in the flesh with the water of life. Whatever we do for ourselves on earth, it is not everlasting, but temporary. For this reason, people came to seek God for eternal salvation. The kingdom of heaven is the place, where we’ll live forever! So, we have to receive the eternal life from God the Savior. 2,000 years ago, Christ Jesus came to earth with the living water. And, He promised that he would appear a second time to bring salvation along with His Bride, God the Mother. Now, God the Mother is dwelling in Zion (WMSCOG), where God’s feasts are kept according to the Bible!
In the past I was taught that the bride in Revelation is the church, because of what apostle Paul said in Eph 5:22-25 and 2 Co 11:2, where he compares the saints/church to a bride. But in Mk 2:19 and Lk 5:34, Jesus calls us the guests and the friends of the bridegroom, not the bride. In the Church of God I was shown that we need to consider the context of a verse very carefully, or we can make a mistake. Actually, in the Old Testament, it was only ever God, appearing as Jehova, who gave the water of life, and never the prophets. And in the New Testament, it was only ever God, appearing as Jesus, who gave the water of life, and none of the disciples or apostles. Therefore, it is not in line with the Bible to say that the church give the water of life, but it is in line with the Bible to say that God, appearing as the Spirit and the bride, gives the water of life—not the church. And there are more verses that prove that, ultimately, the bride in Revelation is God the Mother, not the church. I could only learn these truths in the Church of God. If you are still unsure and doubting, I highly recommend contacting the Church of God and studying with them, so that you can see it for yourself! :))
Gala 4:26. But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother. “Amen😘😘😘😘 👰 our mother😉” Exodus 34:10. ButThen the LORD said: “I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the LORD, will do for you.