The detraditionalization thesis in contemporary marriages suggests that monogamy is the preferred form of marriage, with approximately 85% of societies allowing men to marry multiple wives. This thesis explains the case for state recognition of monogamy and considers the charge that marriage unfairly favors particular ethical ideals. Monogamy is a practice of forming romantic relationships with only one partner at a time, as opposed to having multiple partners at once. In polygamy, there’s no one-size-fits-all, with polygyny, polyandry, and group marriage being examples of different types of relationships.
Marriage has traditionally been regarded as the milestone to becoming an adult and a way for elite, politically powerful families to unite. However, research data shows that the numbers of people who commit infidelity are high, leading some experts to question whether monogamy is a realistic relationship model.
In Western cultures, monogamy presents itself as the preferred and prevalent relational pattern, perceived as the only valid way to establish intimate relationships. For about a third of marriages, monogamy is wholly incompatible and leads to their dissolution. There are also negative effects on the cohort.
In conclusion, the detraditionalization thesis highlights the importance of understanding and embracing the diverse forms of marriage, including monogamy and polygamy. While monogamy remains the preferred form of marriage in many cultures, it is important to recognize the potential for alternative relationships and practices.
📹 Why Do We Believe In Monogamy?
This week, The Swaddle team explores the origins of monogamy, why feminists believe it’s inherently unequal, and whether …
Why is monogamy the best type of marriage?
Monogamy is preferred. People who like monogamy say that traditional relationships are better because they are less jealous, more emotional, and less worried about STDs. The Huffington Post says that monogamous relationships are the best because they are based on honor, respect, fidelity, loyalty, and trust. However, many polygamous people say that these values can still exist in non-monogamous relationships. In these cases, the debate is about opinion and preference. Polygamy is illegal in most of the United States.
Cheating and polygamy. Some people might think that polygamy lets people cheat on their spouse without feeling guilty. Monogamous people might have concerns. But cheating and polygamy are different. Someone might cheat in a polygamous relationship by breaking the rules, as they might in a monogamous relationship.
Why is monogamous better than polygamous?
In cultures that allow men to have more than one wife, there is more crime, violence, poverty, and gender inequality than in societies that only allow monogamous marriage. In cultures where men can have more than one wife, there is more crime, violence, poverty, and gender inequality than in societies where men and women only have one spouse. A new University of British Columbia study finds that monogamous marriage is becoming the dominant cultural institution. The study says that monogamous marriage is replacing polygamy because it has fewer social problems. Prof. Joseph Henrich, a cultural anthropologist at UBC, says that monogamous marriage has become standard in most developed nations in recent centuries. This is in contrast to most recorded cultures, which have practiced polygyny. Polygyny is the form of polygamy that permits multiple wives. It continues to be practiced in some parts of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and North America.
Why do we prefer monogamy?
Why people choose monogamy. You feel safe with one person. It’s easier to connect and be vulnerable. You form strong attachments. You’re more anxious. You don’t like feeling jealous. You like the security and stability of a committed relationship. It’s part of your faith and culture. You like feeling special and being a priority. You like knowing you have a partner who chose you, and vice versa. You’re just wired that way. One way to have a better relationship with your S.O. is to understand each other’s love languages.
Monogamy might not be for you. You have a tendency to cheat. You’re not jealous. You like having emotional, intimate connections with multiple people. You feel constrained in monogamous relationships. You’re okay with your partner being with someone else. You like to explore different sexual experiences. You’re not ready to commit to being with one person. You’re attracted to multiple people. You don’t mind being physically involved with more than one person. You don’t think there’s only one person who can fulfill everything you want in a partner.
Why is monogamy the ideal practice of marriage in the Philippines?
The Philippines is a Catholic country where religious teachings support monogamy. Ace Chat. Your personal AI tutor, friend, and study partner. Available 24/7. Ask Our Educators. Ask questions and get answers from our STEM educators.
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Is it a good idea to be monogamous?
Monogamy and nonmonogamy can both lead to healthy, happy relationships. It’s about what you want.
Are men naturally polygamous?
Polygamy isn’t about having more partners. Men and women aren’t naturally polygamous. Everyone wants more. Polygamy only applies to married people. If you’re not married, you can’t be polygamous. If you break your vows and take another person, you’re a liar.
Polygamy is maturity, human force, and resources to take responsibility for more spouses. It doesn’t hide behind monogamy. This realization shows that not all men are polygamous.
Can monogamy be healthy?
“Research shows that relationship quality is similar in monogamous and non-monogamous relationships,” he said. “Both styles can work well or not.” Experts say that ethical nonmonogamy requires lots of communication to avoid problems.
Note: Ian Kerner is a marriage and family therapist, writer, and contributor on relationships for CNN. His latest book is a guide for couples called So Tell Me About the Last Time You Had Sex. Can a monogamous couple become nonmonogamous? Yes, they can, but do they survive and thrive? What are the good and bad things? More and more couples in my practice are thinking about opening up their relationships. They are young couples, couples with kids, and empty nesters.
Is monogamy declining?
This makes single parents, divorced adults, unmarried cohabitants, and non-monogamous folks a threat to society. No matter how much we try to promote marriage, it doesn’t work. For the past 50 years, fewer and fewer people have been getting married. Monogamy isn’t on the verge of collapse. It’s still the arrangement most people prefer. But marriage and the nuclear family are failing us in some ways. Those who want to save society by saving marriage might be better served by considering how fragile these institutions are. Instead of urging everyone to pair up fast, lobby for support systems that meet families where they are. I don’t think everyone should rush out and find another spouse, but we can all benefit from building a bigger boat. In the media, non-monogamy is often seen as either a sexual revolution or a moral failure. For Niko, it’s just a way of thinking about the world. He found broader possibilities for care and community by stepping outside the norms of marriage and the nuclear family. “I spend a lot of time with my co-parents, and we’re all covered in poop and very tired,” he said. “And what prepares you for that isn’t romance.” Instead, it’s a sense of solidarity. This comes from letting go of the idea that one person can meet all your needs.
Why do humans want monogamy?
Female apes usually live in groups with multiple partners or alone with one partner. Humans are the only monogamous “apes” that live in groups. We are monogamous because it’s better for us. A loyal mate doesn’t need to divide his time and resources between several families. Also, having more than one partner doesn’t help women in the long run because they can’t have as many babies. Studies show that women are less interested in sexual variety than men. Female apes only mate with multiple partners to protect their children. Male apes only kill children they know are not related to them. Even in monogamous relationships, it’s natural to look for a lover on the side. All female species want a committed partner and the best genes. Monogamy with the option for affairs is the best system for them.
Is it unnatural to be monogamous?
This doesn’t mean that men can have more than one wife. Monogamy exists in nature, as do females who seek out multiple partners. But nature seems to push things in the direction of polygyny on our branch of the evolutionary tree. Just 9% of mammals and 29% of primates are monogamous. Humans are diverse, but before Western imperialism, most indigenous societies were polygynous. These categories aren’t as exclusive as they seem. Some human societies are polygynous, but not all. Many men still have only one wife. Barash says this was probably the most common throughout human history. Monogamous societies also have people who cheat on their partners. Genetic evidence suggests that there was a shift from polygyny to monogamy about five to ten thousand years ago. Some kings and warlords aside, we are not as polygamist as elephant seals, who have up to 40 wives. Our polygynous past is still with us, even in societies that allow men to have multiple wives. It’s built into our bodies. The strongest polygynous species also have the most exaggerated sexual dimorphism. These species compete for females, so males become bigger, stronger, and more aggressive. Human males are taller, heavier, and more muscular than females. They also commit most human violence.
Is monogamy natural or unnatural?
This doesn’t mean that men can have more than one wife. Monogamy exists in nature, as do females who seek out multiple partners. But nature seems to push things in the direction of polygyny on our branch of the evolutionary tree. Just 9% of mammals and 29% of primates are monogamous. Humans are diverse, but before Western imperialism, most indigenous societies were polygynous. These categories aren’t as exclusive as they seem. Some human societies are polygynous, but not all. Many men still have only one wife. Barash says this was probably the most common throughout human history. Monogamous societies also have people who cheat on their partners. Genetic evidence suggests that there was a shift from polygyny to monogamy about five to ten thousand years ago. Some kings and warlords aside, we are not as polygamist as elephant seals, who have up to 40 wives. Our polygynous past is still with us, even in societies that allow men to have multiple wives. It’s built into our bodies. The strongest polygynous species also have the most exaggerated sexual dimorphism. These species compete for females, so males become bigger, stronger, and more aggressive. Human males are taller, heavier, and more muscular than females. They also commit most human violence.
📹 Why are Humans Monogamous? The Evolution of Marriage
Are humans naturally monogamous, or is monogamy a social construct? In this video, we explore the evolutionary history of why …
I get why discussing monogamy and the choice to practice it is important. We should definitely discuss the origins and reason for any social practice. But in this article’s context, I don’t exactly understand how women being oppressed by unequal marriages/relationships would necessarily find their solutions in polygamy/polyamory? What’s to stop society from thinking women are men’s property even in polygamy? I mean you say so yourself, that’s what happened (and is happening) across a lot of cultures: one man having numerous wives. Are these women particularly liberated, or “choose” this marriage? I think the real issue here isn’t the type of relationship/sexuality, but partners respecting each other and having a consensual relationship. People can treat people shittily even in queer, polygamic, or any other socially tabooed relationship.
Nowadays, many people say that they are monogamous, but they have changed the definition of monogamy. They think that being monogamous means loving only one person at a time. However, the original definition of monogamy means loving only one person forever. So, the definition of monogamy has changed, the world has changed, and people have changed.
We believe in monogamy because thats how one feels secure about one’s relationship with the other. It tends to improve their understanding with each other as compared to one dating or dealing with many. Sharing our emotions, sexual life and other aspects with that particular person shows our seriousness for the relationship as well. Poligamy cannot be justified only because this what modernity demands. I totally condemn that perspective. Supporting feminism has nothing to do with supporting polygamy.
It’s fine if someone desires to be polygamous but calling monogamy toxic and regressive is laughworthy. It shouldn’t be the only acceptable form of relationship but it is hardly ever toxic or forced. A lot of people want to be with one partner and do not feel comfortable being with someone if their relationship is not exclusive. Monogamy also reduces the chances of contracting STDs to an extent. And wanting to be monogamous goes both ways, both men and women in relationships often desire monogamy and in modern context it is more about falling in love with that one person and not about treating someone as your property. I am a feminist and i would NEVER want to be in a polygamous relationship. Polygamy is just not my sexual and romantic preference. So stop trying to tell us how we should feel about wanting to be monogamous, most of the times it is a personal choice and not something forced upon us.
Choosing monogamy can be equally liberating for a couple…I understood what the topic was trying to convey but still I felt there’s lot of blabbering here rather than analysis over monogamous relationships.. Anyhow Grass only looks greener on the other side…. But good work in terms of coming up with topics which does make us uncomfortable comfortably 🙂🙂🌼👍
Wow, we’re evolving, just backward How did the people who allegedly care about the rights of all genders (especially women) go from saying that polygamy is harmful to making arguments that it should be legitimate? If according to you, a two-person partnership is unequal, what makes you think adding more people to the equation will ensure a shift in the power dynamic? There’s a reason, polygamy is illegal- women suffered the worst. As for polyamory, it is mentally & emotionally exhausting. When you cite prehistoric humans as an example for raising one child as a community, they also used to smear their feces at each other, must we go back to that too? edited for typo
The opposite of monogamy is not just polygyny with a perverse stereotype around Muslim people. It also exists in polyamory. We need more people to accept non-traditional relationships without making character assassinations and Pop Culture to stop making everything about a choice. (Yes, I do agree it’s a lot to ask from society 😵💫)
the Swaddle slays everytime with a new episode and a newo topic, so thoroughly studied and in the simplest language. i would also question the norm that people have about polygyny being inherently bad, everytime we talk about polygyny we say a man and his wives, which completely dismisses the fact that women are humans too and they can enter the relationship with consent, it also assumes that women don’t have a sexuality which is completely wrong, maybe the women were also being intimate with other women in the relationship. THANK YOU SO MUCH SWADDLE <3
Women dependent on men, huh? He’s providing for his wife and child for Pete’s sake. So basically, if men pass women around like objects, they’re “using them” (which they are) but also when they make a promise always cherish, protect and provide for one, they’re fostering dependency. See how this works? You just can’t win.
non monogamous relationships are often seen as unfaithful.. a lot of toxic behaviours are justified by people calling themselves “possessive”. but then again all these negative notions regarding polygamy are just social and only exist because of the social standards we put for a relationship. monogamy should always be a choice, not a compulsion.
It is a preference for obvious reasons. But it would be not good if non monogamy is the only way to get know what is true love. But rather it would create increased spread of sexually transmitted diseases and mental health issues, if the significant partner is not okay with that. It is not good to brainwash that monogamy is not natural, but rather to spread that it is a preference where everyone can be able to speak out. To fill the lack of intimacy, polygamy is not the only way.
Matrilineality in Kerala was an ingenious antithesis to forced female monogamy of patrilineality. In a matrilineal family a group of women and their brothers live together and support each other in domestic affairs. Suitors can come to their family in pursuit of relationship. Women had the power to end the relationship whenever they wanted to. The offsprings born in this relationship will be looked after the brothers and sisters that cohabited with her.
It’s funny how non-monogamy is seen as ‘sexual degeneracy’, while one of the biggest proponents of normalisation of non-monogamy is the asexual community. As an ace I would like my partner to have other partner(s) that could fulfil their sexual needs. Monogamy as the default (and the only socially acceptable) option puts a lot of pressure on asexual people as well as their partners. It further marginalises an already marginalised community. I know most people don’t take asexuality into consideration when discussing sex and romance, but now that I have put forward this point I would like to know what y’all think about it.
Firstly, absolutely LOVE THIS website! Second, on the reexamining and re-evaluating the idea of monogamous marriage, one weird finding in the West is that monogamy has a very high correlation with higher educational qualification and lower religiosity. Moreover, whenever other forms of marriage have been tried on a societal level, they more often than not negatively impact the underprivileged sections. Research in the regard in India is scant. I wish you guys can make another article on this talking of India’s case and what can be alternatives to monogamy. Because as Churchill (not a very quote-worthy person though) claimed, “democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried”, monogamy also perhaps functions like that.
As a woman myself, I can accept being with two or more partners, to satisfy my emotional needs… But i can never accept being with a male having who already has a female partner ( even one ). So this is how monogamy is seen from centuries, males had 2 wifes at the same time but female can’t have it as out social structure doesn’t support it and here it turns out to be oppressive. That’s why it makes me feel that Monogamy is the best option for getting undivided attention and love and that too for both of gender because it doesn’t include concept of favouritism in marriage or relationships even in case of cheating, cheaters seems afraid loosing their legitimate partner. Polygamy will not have boundaries and will not be able to do justice at every point with all the partners.
Enough Justice hasn’t been given to this topic by Swaddle & Anahita Suchadev! Not because they chose to do article on this topic, but this article so short and vague failed to attack the exact topic leaving so many open ended questions and loops. Country and their culture can be classified in a way that varies in the spectrum from Collectivism to Individualism! As far as I know on this spectrum USA actually lies at the extreme end and is the most Individualistic nation! Whereas East side consisting India, China, Thailand, Korea and Japan are more on the side of Collectivist nations that stay together with family. Now notion of sexual preferences are also dependent on Collectivism and Individualism. Monogamy makes bureacracy & accountability so much easier, it protects from STDs, establishes culture of safety and stability. These relationships are driven by oxytocin lateron which actually drives you to stay together for longer with a partner providing them care and warmth. Polygamy I believe in larger context means being open and getting intimate with many people, not necessarily at the same time. Whereas monogamy might sound like protecting yourself for so called maintaining “Purity” only for one and not getting intimate with someone else. Polygamy of course is available choice on table and I agree that our culture & policies have evolved in such a way that they are perfectly suited for monogamous couples. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that for whole of your life you will only be monogamous or polygamous.
stop linking everything to patriarchy, it’s like you guys have a fever dream which you can’t get out of, In the us when asked majority of the participants chose monogamy as their preffered mating way, monogamy above everything gives security, stability and familiarity which is more suitable parenting enviroment too . If anything polygyny is more harmful to women, you guys make articles from your highrise cool apartment complexs and your target audience is the english speaking minority of India, have seen the ground reality, have you seen how men keep 3-4 women at their mercy . What religion are you talking about you do not live in Europe, it’s India, hinduism and islam are the religious majority, both of those support these kinda marriages, even in indian legal system it’s okay for a muslim man to have 2 or more wives, have ever looked at those women .Choice, what choice are you talking, women here don’t even have the choice to choose one man, let alone more, and if anything this enforced monogamy gives indian women security .As for maritorial rape, supreme court isn’t acknowledging it, beause of the difficulty of proving there are enough “Amber heards ” in this world, I am proud feminist, i am not saying maritorial rape doesn’t happen,but i am saying it can be falsely used too, we have to acknowledge that men can also be abused . lastly I hope that India penalise maritorial rape with strong laws . take care and research on a subject properly befrore making a article on it
Cheating isn’t cool at least for me. One can have any number of partners before (and after) having a relationship with their current partners,but the exclusivity is something that’s really important to me. Moreover, unless a woman is stable financially,who would father the child ? Her “husband” or one of the “lovers”. That’s cuckoldry with extra steps. Don’t agree with this article.
Was there a clip of Derek, Meredith and Cristina from Gray’s Anatomy? Ironic. Monogamy for most spells financial, social and emotional security as people grow older. But people are inherently polyamorous, that is, drawn towards more than one person. We control desires to make our lives less messy. Or covertly have extramarital relationships. Or decide on open marriages. But for cautious people, monogamy is a better deal. It has social, emotional and financial advantages and hence glorified. I found swaddle’s analysis a bit off
Polygamy or monogamy is personal choice, personally I like to be in a monogamous rlshp cos I don’t wanna waste my time n energy with more than one person, coming from someone who once didn’t like to be in a rlshp at all. I think we r categorising too much today that everything has a small group n they r working for their rights, Where in, there ain’t much problem yet ppl make a fuss out of it. it’s better we acknowledge any kind of problems in society together without categorising ppl on the basis of what they support. Just be logical n support what’s right, u don’t need a feminist tag for that. Polygamy was once a part of many cultures when there weren’t much population, but today we don’t have that problem. I think it’s bttr not involve in other’s personal choice whatever be it sex, rlshp, dressing, job…
I have a question ? Why do you copy paste every western idea & try to compare it with India 😭 Polygamy or similar type of relationships actually unstable the couples, kids life, communities & society in general, honestly i can’t fandom how can you even promote non-monogamas relationships especially as a women & feminist. You need to read more, do your homework properly. ‘NO WONDER WHY YOU DON’T GET MANY VIEWS’
Polyamory/polygamy could be a choice, and maybe lead to more equality, but the article does not really mention how? The only historical polygamy situation that is mentioned is men having multiple wives, which feels a far cry from equality/equity. Speaking in heterosexual contexts, women being financially, sexually dependent on men and hence being exploited, is not necessarily an outcome of monogamy. It’s not like a man not sharing parenting load and other emotional labour in a monogamous relationship, would suddenly automatically become better at it when practicing polygamy with multiple partners. As for women having multiple partners, it could easily become that she may now have the meet the high expectations from all of them too. I do believe that monogamy is not for every single individual, and it could be great for people naturally inclined towards polygamy be able to practice that (as long as all partners agree), instead of being forced into monogamy. However, moving away from monogamy alone will hardly stop perpetuation of inequality, it’ll require much more emotional intelligence & maturity from people in general. One other thing that I think isn’t talked about – the importance of platonic relationships. Our monogamous partner can not and should not fulfill ALL our needs. Instead of putting all our eggs in one basket, it helps to build other non-romantic relationships too, with friends and family. Even in non-monogamous families, the platonic support system can come into play to build healthy dynamics.
I don’t know how can be claim that we are monogamy human while we consider different partner once we get separated from the previous one. Monogamy person can’t be attracted to more then one person and polygamy doesn’t mean we have relationship with multiple persons at the same time. Monogamy was practised because of multiple reasons first of all jealousy plays a biggest roles in that. We can have a great relationship with one person who almost fullfill our all needs but lacking in one need and to fullfill that particular need we try to find the substitute but this means we put one person on higher position and another one is second choice in our life. It’s not about romantic relationship always but it comes with any form of relationship. I can be jealous with my parents, friends, classmates, office colleagues etc.
The evolutionary reason for monogamy is overruled by social necessity in a capitalist society. Monogamy is the smallest easiest family unit to manage. And as we know familiarity breeds contempt, monogamy becomes easier to wade through as opposed to polyamorous relationships. However, if 2 consenting adults want intimate and domestic adventurism and are willing to bear the consequences of it then who are we to say anything.
This article started with something and ended with something entirely different. I mean where is women oppression here? Bro who’s writing your scripts?! Like… Is this website just trying to get the society hate men and what? Their articles are good but some are just… Pointless like ye kya hai bhai? In fact ye kyu hai? Why does this exists?
Dear swaddle dont think that you are liberating the society by questioning monogamy – Monogamous relationships are only an option?? Wow – You are encouraging people to multiple partners at a time. Monogamy is not because of patriarchy but because it makes easy to focus on one person at a time for a stable relationship. No Feminist cake is complete without the cherry of patriarchy on the top. Please know that women are not saints and men are not monsters.
Sab badi badi batein past present ki choro. Personal level par socho, how would u feel agar apke husband ya wife ka apke alava koi partner ho, ya multiple partners ho?apko apka husband /wife batakar kisi or ko date ya shadi kre yaa bina bataye you Will feel betrayed..Will u accept it in the name of so called “choice of people. ” I can’t.. And so any one who is in true love with there spouse. Polygamy is basically be-fazool ka bawal and mental peace ka murder. Anyone who have loved someone be it girl or boy can feel how secure and pleasing is monogamy. So swaddle u need to calm down here. U can’t be flag bearer of every fucking stupid thought.. Your content is always Enlightening but here it’s not acceptable at all.. Let me suggest you topic for next article -: how should women supposed to react when cheated upon? And fhir polygamy ko justify krna or kehna yess I’m a feminist, I support n understand concept of polygamy and it is okay if my husband has a girlfriend or another wife, he confronted not lied so either I should support him or leave him if I’m not happy with this situation. No matters how deteriorating it be for my heart to know the thing, but then being a feminist I have to accept that he is not wrong at all because yessss “polygamy is a choice ” It is ntg wrong or unethical.. Thankuuuu❤❤
Polyamry in a patriarchal society worsens the position of the woman rather than opposite. male promiscuity is often normalized in India but not vice versa ( like you discussed in one of your articles ) even if look at most religions females having multiple partners is rare and un the opposite rarely a choice and that is why the double standard leads people to think that religion or country is backward. And especially if a woman is not equipped with proper support from an equal society her being financially unstable is more likely in this sort of arrangement. Polyamry can be seen as a new form social ties which I agree to but it being argued has uplifting is bs Plus it has direct tie of being bad for your health like why would I want to increase my chances of contracting venereal diseases.( avoiding sex with unknown or multiple partners is a part of reproductive health for reals urf NCERT)
True monogamy shall not be enforced but there’s nothing inherently wrong with monogamous relationships either people do live extremely fulfilling lives in monogamous relationships.That being said it’s absolutely not necessary to enforce it on people in the name of sanctity.That in fact is a terrible tradition.Too each their own,in fact to people in the relationship should have the exclusive right to decide how they want to take it forward.That could be monogamy or an open marriage but integrity should be the cornerstone.
Polygamy makes great sense when done right especially in cases of one asexual partner in a relationship and other partner having physical needs or in case of just of sexual affiliation out of a monogamous realtionship (open relationship kind of). Polygomy (according me) doesn’t work when there are multiple people involved in relationship in more than the sexual aspects, everyone ends up having their favourite this makes the relationship less harmonious, the idea of spending ur whole life with one person is scary and probably something out of fantasy but the idea of confined polygomous relationship is more scary to me BC one way or another people are gonna get hurt and insecurities are gonna arise but hey that’s just me.
As a feminist i won’t go with this woke topic,this is ridiculous turning into man hating thing such a corporate woke website,If polygamy will oppress women & polyandry oppress men, polyamorous create chaos just think about the kids who are born into this kind of relationship,if you want to promote polyamorous relationship its personal choice but why are you bringing down monogamy??if people choose monogamy and monogamous its their wish just like you choose polyamorous relationship,The consequences you will surely face in Polyamorous relationship are more high risk in sexually transmitted disease possible .dont say condom gonna save you nah they are not 💯 gonna guarantee you always. people do cheat in Polyamorous opinion about polyamorous is that it works for some people and not for opinion of people who say polyamorous folks don’t really know about what true love feels like is exactly the same as my opinion of people who say that monogamy is unenlightened and monogamists cant tell the difference between love and ownership: they’re both smarmy ass opinion about corporate websites is that it is not the role of these corporate websites to tell how to run their romantic people are no difference to the people who are male chauvinist,both are in extreme way this is also pseudo Feminism you have to balance it, people choices and preferences are balanced you can’t expect everyone to be straight,or everyone to be gay,or everyone to be into polyamorous,goes for many things,personally polyamorous things for people who are into it will create trust issues so they end up therapists, polygamy?
Polyamorous relationships bear the potential to be more honest, strong, deep and intimate because to practice polyamory in the first place one must talk extremely openly about ones feelings (good and bad), talk about jealousy, talk about ones needs, talk about consent and so on and so forth. It also comes closer to what we might consider unconditional love, because we allow our partner(s) to be who they are and love them for it instead of saying, i will only love you if you only sleep, and hang out with me and only me. Loyalty (as in monogamous loyalty) is a weak benchmark of love in my opinion. Trust, Honesty, resect, compassion, those are more important i think and can be lacking in monogamous relationships (but of course they can be lacking in any kind of arrangement!). So weather a relationship is healthy should be determined by wether these are present.
For all those who are blindly putting comments down here.. there is something called sexual independence.. if a person irrespective of gender wants to be in monogamy or polygamy it is their sole right.. but it should be always out of each partner’s consent involved in the relationship and not by cheating them that’s it.. but it’s pretty sure that Indian society will never accept this for the comming 50 years atleast.
Some commenters need to understand that non-monogamy doesn’t automatically mean polygyny. ‘Polygyny’ is the practice of having multiple wives, on the other hand having multiple husbands is ‘polyandry’. But when discussing about non-monogamy in a modern context, most of the time the discourse revolves around ‘polyamory’ which literally means multiple loves. It is a gender neutral term which applies to men, women, non-binary people having multiple romantic/sexual partners. One doesn’t even need to be married to all the partners, or be having sex with them! It could be purely romantic. To have a nuanced conversation around non-monogamy we need to first remove it from historical context (which mostly just revolves around polygyny) and view it from a neutral and modern lens!
Hordes of independent women without husband, and family structure created a host of unwanted consequences, feminism, LGBT 🏳🌈 etc etc. The root cause for all these nonsensical things to erupt is the destruction of the male’s egotistical tendencies. The dominant male is aloof, egoistic and maintains females under his care to exhibit his ego. We can see this in almost all animals, therefore it is completely natural. This is why I’m supportive of men ( wealthy, stronger ones ) maintaining more than one wife, creating a family nucleus, whereby children are being nurtured and taken care off by women who create communities. \r The one husband-one wife situation was hanging by the thread which eventually created lots of issues, divorces, broken families, abortion of multitudes leading to weird widespread ideologies 🏳🌈 🏳⚧ ⚧ . I’m supportive of the age old tradition of polygamy in order to reverse the situation of women who are actually being exploited. \r This is an observation, I couldn’t care a less what society says, as they are simply too dumb to gauge insights.
I have always wondered this question that why humans suppressed their natural instinct of polygamy and started monogamy. Thanks for clearing my doubts which a girl like me can’t ask anyone. Edit: Thank you so much for the heart🥺🥺 Edit2: I didn’t know that after editing the comment the heart goes away 😭😭
So in a hypothetical world of abundance where survival is not an issue, a world where equal opportunities are given to every individual, where financial security is guranteed. Kids would go after life satisfaction instead of killing their stepfather. So polygamy can work in the far distant future i guess
Weren’t we polygamous until very recently (many instances still prevail)? It could be argued that those relationships were more or less prevailing in rulers and kings; but this further begs the question – aren’t rulers the most susceptible to inheritance dilemmas and warfare? I don’t this a hypothesis like this works, it’s just speculation till there’s evident evidence.
Lekin Neha aur rahul saath hai yeh kese establish hua? Or harsh ke involve hone se rahul Kyu Itna impulsive ho Gaya? Same implied to his kids. At what point humans started owning each other and established a sense of exclusivity. Animals toh ehsa nahi krte. So at what point in evolution did this transition happen?