The wedding at Cana, a unique story in the Gospel of John, is the first miraculous sign Jesus gave. It is not about the wine, but about who Jesus is. In changing water into wine, Jesus showed himself as the divine bridegroom. This miracle is not a parlor trick done to attract attention to himself, but rather a hidden one. The wedding Feast at Cana, also known as Veronese, represents the water-into-wine miracle of Jesus in the grand style of 16th-century Venetian society.
The wedding at Cana is important because it is the first time that Jesus approved marriage and earthly celebrations, and has also been used as an argument against teetotalism. Jesus’ presence at the wedding at Cana emphasizes both the personal and communal nature of the New Covenant. The account is taken as evidence of Jesus approval of marriage and earthly celebrations, and has also been used as an argument against teetotalism.
Jesus’ presence at the wedding at Cana points to the new creation of Christ: the bridegroom with all of humankind. Mary has reversed the action of Eve, and Jesus answers Mary’s request, not because she is disrespectful. At a wedding, where two people become one new family, Jesus takes the Old Covenant law and weds it to himself to make New Testament wine. He uses this symbolism to convey humanity’s salvation. The cup drawn from the water pots may represent Christ as the divine bridegroom.
📹 Why was the First Miracle of Jesus at a Wedding? | John Gray
When Jesus could walk on water and resurrect the dead, why did He choose the wedding at Cana to miraculously display the …
What does the wedding at Cana depict?
The Wedding Feast at Cana is a small painting from the Gospel of John (2:1-11) about Jesus, Mary, and his disciples at a wedding.
How does the wedding at Cana show humanism?
Answer: Explanation: The Wedding Feast at Cana shows humanism because it shows the beauty of all people. This artwork is painted in the Mannerist style, which emphasizes human beauty.
What does Cana mean in the Bible?
Cana is a town near Capernaum in Galilee. Here, Jesus turned water into wine (John 2:1-11; 4:46). It is also the birthplace of Nathanael (21:2).
Reedy, a town near Capernaum in Galilee. Here, Jesus turned water into wine (John 2:1-11; 4:46). It is also where Nathanael was born (21:2). It isn’t in the Old Testament. It is now called Kana el-Jelil, also called Khurbet Kana. It is about 8 or 9 miles north of Nazareth. Others say it is Kefr Kenna, 5 miles north-east of Nazareth, 12 miles from Tiberias. It is called Cana of Galilee, not to be confused with Cana of Asher.
N indicates this entry was also found in Naves Topical Bible. H indicates this entry was also found in Hitchcock’s Bible Names. S indicates this entry was also found in Smith’s Bible Dictionary.
Bibliography Information: Easton, Matthew George. Cana. Eastons Bible Dictionary.
What does Cana mean spiritually?
Meta. Cana means reed, rod, rule, balance. In the body, it is the larynx. Cana of Galilee is the center of consciousness. The larynx makes the voice louder and softer. Galilee (circle, circuit) provides the vibration that acts through the reed.
________________________ Camel Canaan.
Why is the wedding at Cana an epiphany?
John’s Gospel invites us to consider the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus changed water into wine and his disciples believed in him. The Church has spread out these feasts on three separate days in January instead of commemorating them on one day. In the Roman Rite, it is often three consecutive Sundays, presenting a kind of “trilogy” of “epiphanies.” This only happens every third year in the current Roman Rite liturgy. Before Vatican II, it was always proclaimed on the second Sunday after Epiphany.
What does the water and wine represent?
This act is significant because it represents Christ’s humanity and divinity. The water and wine in the chalice symbolize Christ’s Incarnation. It also recalls Jesus’s suffering when soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and blood and water flowed out (John 19:34). This signifies baptism and the Eucharist. The early Church practiced mixing water and wine for a sacrifice. St. Cyprian of Carthage (AD 250) wrote about the significance of this act. Christ bore our sins, so the water represents us, and the wine represents Christ’s blood. When the water and wine are mixed in the cup, the people are united with Christ. All believers are joined to him.
What does water and wine symbolize in Christianity?
Adding water to the wine used for the sacrifice goes back to the beginning and has always had a symbolic meaning. The water represents humanity, while the wine represents Christ. Some ancient accounts say to use equal amounts of water and wine, while the Gnostics said to use only water. Bishop Cyprian of Carthage said, “When someone offers only wine, the blood of Christ begins to exist without us; but when it is only water, the people begin to exist without Christ.” The bishop reminds us that we are always one with Christ. This is expressed in the joining of water and wine.
What is the lesson of Jesus turning water into wine?
This first miracle teaches us a valuable lesson. Jesus can take care of us. We may not always get what we want, but when we turn to the Lord, our needs are met so we can have a deeper relationship with Him.
The lesson is to focus on the winemaker, not the wine. The guests at the wedding were too busy drinking wine to learn about the winemaker. Many of us focus on the wrong things. Your focus may be on a fancy car or a bigger house. Don’t let anything distract you from the Lord.
Jesus can change water into wine. Nothing can change without the Creator’s authority. John 2:11 explains the purpose of this miracle: “Jesus did this first sign at Cana in Galilee to show His glory.” His disciples believed in him.
What sacrament does the wedding at Cana represent?
Mary’s prayers helped. This first miracle, which helped the disciples believe in Jesus, happened because of Mary. She convinced Jesus to show off His power at Cana instead of Jerusalem. Let us think about Mary’s care for the poor bride and groom, her belief in Jesus’ power, and her trust in Him. Matrimony. Jesus honored and sanctified marriage at the wedding at Cana. Jesus’s presence at the wedding shows that God wants us to enjoy ourselves and be happy. Scholars disagree about where Cana in Galilee is. Scholars say that since the Gospel of John was for Jewish Christians, it’s unlikely the evangelist would mention a place that didn’t exist. However, Dominican scholar Jerome Murphy-OConnor says that Cana is a common name with no clue which town it is. He thinks the common choice of Kafr Qanna near Nazareth is probably just a guess. The main candidates for the town from the Gospel of John are:
What does the wedding at Cana painting represent?
Edit subject. In The Wedding Feast at Cana, Veronese shows the water-into-wine miracle of Jesus in the style of the sumptuous feasts of food and music that were characteristic of 16th-century Venetian society. The sacred and the profane are mixed together. An exquisite dish makes the eater exquisite. The wedding banquet is framed with Greek and Roman architecture from Classical Antiquity and with Renaissance architecture. The Greek and Roman architecture has Doric and Corinthian order columns around a courtyard with a low balustrade. Farther away is an arcaded tower by Andrea Palladio. In the foreground, musicians play stringed instruments from the Late Renaissance, such as the lute, the violone, and the viola da gamba. Among the wedding guests are historical figures such as the monarchs Eleanor of Austria, Francis I of France, and Mary I of England, Suleiman the Magnificent, tenth sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V; the poetess Vittoria Colonna, the diplomat Marcantonio Barbaro, and the architect Daniele Barbaro. The noblewoman Giulia Gonzaga and Cardinal Pole, the last Roman Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury, the jester Triboulet, and the Ottoman statesman Sokollu Mehmet Paşa – all dressed in Renaissance-style clothes.Eight.
What did Jesus say to Mary at the wedding of Cana?
“What does this matter to you and me?” The most important part of understanding this response is in the middle of the two phrases we discussed earlier. Jesus’ question, “What is this to you and to me?” is “ti emoi kai soi” in Greek. This phrase describes two people looking at the same thing, but seeing it differently. So when Mary says they have no wine, Jesus asks what it means to her and to him. Jesus is saying that to Mary, the wine means one thing, but to Jesus, it means another. Mary thinks providing more wine is a kind thing to do for the couple. Jesus knows that if he provides more wine, it will be his first miracle. This was the start of Jesus’ public ministry and his road to the cross. Imagine you were Mary. Mary knew what would happen when Jesus started his ministry. In the temple, when Jesus was a baby, the prophet Simeon told her that once Jesus started his ministry, he would be hated, misunderstood, and killed. She also knew that she would suffer with him as he died.
What kind of miracle is the wedding at Cana?
If something is impossible but happens anyway, it’s a miracle. Jesus performed many miracles after this, but turning water to wine at the wedding in Cana was his first. The wine was so good, everyone was amazed. This was the best wine he had ever tasted. The best wine comes first. This time it was the opposite. The last wine was the best. Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding. His disciples saw how amazing Jesus was.
How to Tell the Story: This story can be told in different ways. Use drama, visual aids, voice inflection, student interaction, and emotion to help children connect to the Bible. Click here for visual aids and storytelling methods.
📹 Jesus’ MIRACLE of Turning WATER Into WINE Explained
Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana. Many Christians believe that the wine Jesus created was …
This is a nice thought, and it is true that Jesus can change our hearts and marriages, but the story from John 2 isn’t about marriage, it’s about the miracle of turning water into wine. Does John Gray even mention what the ACTUAL miracle was? If not, it looks like JG is trying to sound profound but instead sounds biblically ignorant.
The favorite understanding God gave me wasn’t even about Revelation it was about Jesus first miracle in Cana of Galilee…turning water to wine. What grabbed me was Jesus response to his mother’s statement given the environment Wedding and Statement …why are you bothering me my hour has not yet come. Such an odd response she was just telling him they are out of wine. Then the guy saying most people bring out the best stuff first and after the guests have well drunk and don’t know any better bring out the bad…but you saved the best for last. God showed me…That’s how Jesus ministry started turning water to wine…water to spirit…thats how it ended with his death on the cross..taking us from the law to salvation via our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by faith. The story God said that’s me…I gave you life, my word, the prophets…I saved the best for son Jesus Christ. God is so good That’s what makes God’s Word so exciting for me…I never know what he is going to anoint me with next. It really is the living word of God. God Bless you brother
Much is made of the fact that Christ’s first miracle was performed at a wedding. It is considered a rousing endorsement of the institution He created. But can we read a bit too much into this. Nowhere is it recorded in Scripture that Jesus performed a wedding. Wouldn’t such an act be a more determinable and unquestionable endorsement. What words did Christ utter concerning marriage? Perhaps one of most renowned occasions was when the Pharisees attempted to “trap” Jesus with a question concerning divorce. See Matthew 19:3-12. Jesus indicated that those who joined in marriage were entering a perpetual union that no man- or woman-made entity, policy, or philosophy could end. The intention of God for marriage was that its highest and climatic point would not be a momentary or temporary thing, but that it would go from peak to peak and find its climax only in the death of one or both parties. Getting married and being unhappily married was not Abba Father’s design! The peaks of marriage should be abundant & joyful, and not occasionally experienced, but a steady stream. I pray God’s healing and provision on those who are not experiencing a steady stream of joy in their marriage. @NotesOfAMan
The first miracle Jesus did is the precursor/parable to his greatest miracle, salvation (also last supper and marriage feast of the lamb). John 2:1-4 And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. And when they wanted WINE, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no WINE…Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? MINE HOUR IS NOT YET COME. John 2:6 And there were set there SIX waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. John 2:10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the GOOD WINE until now. John 2:13 And the Jews’ PASSOVER was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. his blood is the wine…it wasn’t the appointed time for the last supper (John 2:4) …the ruler of the feast acknowledges Jesus’s wine (salvation) is the best…saving the best for last…right after Jesus performs his first miracle (parable of the last supper) he leaves for Jerusalem (with a few days pit stop at capernaum) and it’s on Passover which is the day after the last supper when he was crucified. The first miracle wedding feast of turning water into wine is a parable to the last one he did by having last supper (wine is his blood) and the cross 👍. Our amazing God put a parable of himself becoming the wine while doing his first miracle.
I think it’s possible that Jesus made more wine than needed, because making it does not mean Jesus was telling them to get drunk or overindulge. But as in everything God overprovides. This is another twisting of scripture to fit your ideology. If you feel alcohol is bad, then you should not, and do it for the Lord. If you think Jesus did not drink alcohol, consider Matthew 11:19 where Jews accused Jesus of being ‘a drunkard’. Now of course I disagree with the accusation, but why would they accuse that if he was drinking grape juice?
Not trying to cause a stumbling block but new wine in the Bible is clearly NOT grape juice. Look at the day of Pentecost for proof: “Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine. But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words: For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day.” Acts:2:13-15 KJV
Did it say “new wine” in that verse? If it didn’t, you’re probably wrong about all of them drinking grape juice at a wedding. And you’re forgetting the entire Last Supper… are you saying Jesus said “drink this grape juice, for it is my blood?” If you don’t feel like drinking alcohol, just don’t drink alcohol. Just stand up for yourself. Stop trying to fit the bible, of all things, into your own preferences…
Thanks for clarifying this so clearly! So many so-called Christians looking to clear their conscience in order to drink alcohol, always say “the wine that Jesus made, had alcohol”! I even convinced myself of that. But now that it has affected me physically with TINNITUS, and the misery it causes for days, I have decided to STOP the alcohol drinking. Whether wine or beer! The only alcohol that I might drink (if sick in winter) is what is found in cold medicines. 🙏😊🕊️✝️
Thank you for this. IT has cleared up a lot for me. I used to drink alcohol. I haven’t for a long time now ‼️ but several (friends) and I use the term loosely. Would say to me if Jesus Christ didn’t want US to drink alcohol then WHY did he turn water into wine. NOW I have a answer for them ‼️ THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS WITH ME ❤️👍🏽🙏🏾💯
Nope “Throughout the first 1,800 years of Church history, Christians generally consumed alcoholic beverages as a common part of everyday life and used “the fruit of the vine” in their central rite—the Eucharist or Lord’s Supper. They held that both the Bible and Christian tradition taught that alcohol is a gift from God that makes life more joyous, but that over-indulgence leading to drunkenness is sinful.” All the side don’t make this a salvation issue…
I’m going to ask was there no other name for wine between wine being grape juice or wine being fermented? There is also this phrase in proverbs that seems to support strong drinki… Proverbs 31:6-7 King James Version (KJV) Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, And wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, And remember his misery no more
I’m so glad you covered this topic. I have been explaining for years to Christian friends who would tell me Jesus turned water into wine so it must be ok, that there is a difference between old wine and new wine and depending on what passage you are reading the Hebrew wording will be different between the two. The ones who actually stop to listen understand the difference once I am finished explaining it. Like you also have said, i say that Jesus would not contradict His own word when in Proverbs it says to stay away from wine because it is a mocker and to avoid strong drink, which is another way of saying the same thing.
For all you people saying “but the Bible uses the word wine”, then you should read this: Did Jesus drink wine? If you study the Hebrew and Greek words for it, then you will find that the Hebrew word ‘yayin’ can both mean fermented grape juice OR unfermented grape juice sweetened with sugar. Isaiah 16:10 says, “The treaders shall tread out no wine (yayin) in there presses”. Obviously, you don’t squeeze fermented wine fresh out the grapes! In Jeremiah 40:10 & 12, he refers to the juice still in the grape as ‘yayin’. Still, this word is used sometimes with fermented grape juice. SO you probably would now ask, “How do we know if Jesus drank unfermented or fermented grape juice?” Well, in the New Testament and every time Jesus was mentioned drinking ‘wine’, the Greek word ‘oinos’ is used. That word was used in the pre-Christian times by both secular and religious scholars to describe UNFERMENTED grape juice. The New Testament scholars intentionally used the word ‘oinos’ when referencing Jesus because they knew he drank unfermented grape juice. Luke, and the other writes of the Gospels used this word with the Lord’s Supper. Also, the first three Gospel writers used “fruit of the vine” in Matthew 26:29, Mark 14:25, and Luke 22:18. Obviously, natural grape juice is the only true natural “fruit of the vine” and that includes the 20% sugar in it. When you ferment grape juice, the fermentation destroys much of the sugar and making it alcoholic which makes it no longer the natural “fruit of the vine”.
Brother your intentions are good, but your ignorance concerning the Bible goes beyond measure, Jesus make wine not grape juice. In the book of acts when the Holy Spirit came the disciples were accused to be drunk, Peter response was, “Acts 2:15 For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour (9AM) of the day. Peter did not say hey they are not drunk because drinking is sin, He said hey is only 9AM, we drink latter that that. I do not condone drunkenness, but do not use the Bible to call sin what is not. Paul says, “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities” (1 Tim 5:23). The description in Acts 2:13 of new wine from the Greek language is, a highly inebriating fermented wine — AKA new wine.
You know I have grown too very much appreciate Bible flock box. What he’s teaching here that was one biblical. There’s so many different verses that speak about wine and it’s talking about for a minute wine. If he was interested in the truth then he would point out that even Paul said take a little one for your stomach if you read that context you know a little sip of wine or something like that you got a remember now Bible flock box is an awesome guy but most of what he teaches comes offer Seventh-day Adventist doctrine and I know because I was the Seventh-day Adventist myself. Seventh Avenue us are fine people most of them are saved but they teach a work-based salvation and where the rubber meets the road it all has to do with what day you go to church on and don’t work just fine gentlemen tell you any different also yes they used one in the Bible frequently as matter fact after the flood Noah had been drinking and two of his sons were respectful and backed up and covered their father up from his nakedness. The other brother did not and there was consequences for this.
Sorry but I’m afraid your assumptions about alcohol being bad have caused you to read things into the text that simply aren’t there. If it was “new wine” (which wasn’t grape juice by the way) why wasn’t it called new wine instead of wine? It was elsewhere in scripture, but not here…because it was actually wine.
I would have to disagree. First I want to address a couple of assumptions I notice in the article. 1, we seem to be assuming that there was only 100 people at the wedding based off of what someone may have speculated. Truth is, we don’t know. 2, we seem to be assuming that all of that wine would have been dranked. 3, we may be confusing what it means to be drunk, vs what it means to be tipsy. Of course, some religious denominations will consider it the same, but realistically, to be drunk seems to be subjective considering, a person can still remain in the spirit and walking in righteousness and be completely aware of his surroundings and not sin. Even if they’re considered what some people call “drunk”. Proverbs 20:1 doesn’t seem to be condemning fermented wine. If fact, it directly tells us what it’s saying. “Those who are led astray by it is not wise”. It doesn’t say those who drink it. I will agree to an extent on the one of the Kings but simply having 1 beer doesn’t pervert your judgment. If you allow alcohol to pervert your judgement, it. I could have a couple of beers and still look a woman dead in the face who is seducing me and tell her to go away because fornication is a sin. And I’m 23 years old. And the problem with bringing up Romans 14:21 about causing another brother to stumble, this wouldn’t be consistent considering several different things and context. 1.) The context of not eating meat or drinking wine was IN FRONT OF A BROTHER who will stumble or his conscience will be defiled.
I’m not convinced that Jesus only drank grape juice, I think it’s a long stretch to believe that grape juice could be inside wine skins without fermenting. Neither do I believe that leaving grape juice in large containers would stop the juice from fermentation. Luke 7:34 Also denotes that Jesus drank fermented wine.
Definately I believe he turned water into wine. It’s possible that he did so much so that they had enough to turn into money as they would have sold the excess. But the man in charge of the wedding said that people normally trick the guests by serving the cheap wine later on. Also the Bible says wine is good for your stomach.
Yes, Jesus wouldn’t have been trying to get people drunk (or drunker), anymore than he would have been doing a “beer run,” cooking Meth., or selling Heroin to the attendees of the wedding. See how ridiculous all of it sounds? All of that stuff comes from the “other guy,” and is used to destroy lives and cause anguish, and it works extremely well for those purposes. 1 Peter 5:8-11 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 🙏 ❤ Always such great articles! Thank you.
The wine spoken of is the wine of his teachings. First the master of the house presented what he understood, which was watered down, but when Jesus spoke it was the pure Word if God, the best for last. New wine = new teachings, old wine skins = people who had previously learned other teachings. To attempt to fill them with new teachings would cause the message to get mixed with the old thereby ruined.
So ridicoulous how people manipulate the bible to support what they want. It is quite obvious that when the Bible is taken in context that what comes out of the mouth is sin, not what goes into it. God gave wine to men as a gift. Man has given it back as wine offerings to God. If the wine in Bible times didn’t have alcohol in it then there would be no need for warnings about drinking too much in the Bible. Adventists almost got it right except for all these additions to the Bible to support their way of life. Quit putting stumbling blocks in front of your brother and worry about real sin and not alcohol. So self serving and hypocritical. I would love to see the Church take up real issues of porn addiction, lust, cheating, lying, and quit worrying about someone who wants to unwind with a drink or two, or even, heaven forbid, pot. The Church needs to grow up.
The English word “wine” in John 2 is the Greek word oinos and it means “fermented wine” it does not mean “grape juice” Ephesians 5:18 And do not get drunk with wine for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit. the word “wine” in this verse is the exact same Greek word used in John 2, its the word oinos how can a person get drunk with grape juice? How much grape juice would a person need to consume before they even come close to the point of intoxication? Revelation 16:19 The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. Babylon the great was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of His fierce wrath. Once again, the word “wine” here is the Greek word oinos the same word used in John 2 the cup of God’s fierce wrath is not filled with “grape juice” it is filled with wine.
Believing that God’s commandments are authoritative doesn’t do you any good whatsoever if you’re going to continue to be a blatant liar. Stop trying to make the text agree with you and simply accept what it shows. Jesus turned the water into wine, not grape juice. That’s what happened, and there is no reason to believe otherwise.
If it were grape juice Jesus would have said grape juice . However this young man has had a rough road in life and would like that no one would experience the mistakes he has made . Some people enjoy there food and there wine and also have a wonderful close relationship with Jesus Christ. This young man does a fine job of manipulating scripture as he also did a fine job manipulating people to buy Drugs of which we have no idea how many people died from them when he was a drug dealer of which he did 8 years in prison. He says you must observe the Sabbath from Friday -Sat. you cannot drink fermented drink you cannot eat certain foods God knows what else you cannot do that he says is a sin . I will tell you Jesus ate his food and drank his wine and you would call Him a glutton and a drunk . I came into this world drinking from a baby bottle and eating Gerber food then graduated to Prime rib, lobster tails and Merlot . But remember this do not judge, critisize or condemn me or might throw up on you.
Usually the good/best/first-fruits were served at the beginning of an event. Later on, when people were too drunk to notice, the lesser wine would be served. But Jesus turned it around (which was a common theme for most of his life). With Jesus, the best was saved for last. Although, this best sign would be good news for us, it would be painful news for Jesus.
Wine makes the heart Merry. Give the afflicted soul, wine. All things are permissible, but all things are not beneficial. A glass of wine after a hard day’s work is very beneficial. Timothy drank a little wine for his upset stomach. Drinking wine is not a sin. Getting drunk is. Judging people who drink is a sin. To say that (drinking any amount is a sin), is a sin itself. Because that’s a lie. The disciples drank wine at the last supper. Nobody got drunk.
There is no evidence to suggest that their wine had less alcohol content. They had very similar fermenting processes as we do today. Also there is no biblical account nor is there any commonly held understanding of how big the wedding that Jesus was at. What we do know is that the wedding lasted several days and was apparently large. And consuming a two glass equivalent to beer does not necessarily make anyone drunk especially if it’s spaced out, if people have higher tolerance because that is a primary thing they drink, and if food was involved.
why not just leave it being water. Was water not good enough ? Also keep in mind we are talking about the roman empire which controlled Jerusalem at the time so we can look at what the romans were drinking. Also in modern times wine is better the older it is apparently. So guessing it was the same back then.
I guess it’s a good thing that it’s pretty common historical knowledge that alcohol and other forms of “stimulants all of which is still used today and actually believed to be good in moderation existed long before Jesus was ever alive and therefore he has no reason to feel bad about introducing it to humanity.
You also really need to look at the times. Yes there were people who lived with drinking problems back then but the water wasn’t always good and fermentation of fruits was natural and safer for someone to drink. Jesus knew what He was doing when He changed the water into wine. And our words for wine now are different than then. Jesus didn’t break any laws by making wine. God bless
You cannot go against Torah/Tanakh/OT then make up your own rules on what is considered sin. It was never a sin to drink alcohol, only a sin to get drunk. Most Christians believe we are not under the Law of the Yahweh anymore and that we are saved by grace alone. So why add laws while saying we are not under the Law? Which one does The Lord consider a sin? Sipping some wine, or breaking His Sabbath days? Many Christians believe they are not under the 10 commandments anymore (recently gained more popularity in the past 5 years), so if Christians believe The Lord will forgive them for breaking one if His straightforward commandments He gave directly to us, why would it now be a sin based on something theoretical?
in our churches we consumed alcoholic wine at the communion He can use a donkey bone it is more about the state of our hearts, either one can be “wrong” if it doesn’t bring us closer to Jesus transforming our hearts, judging not.. but judge with mercy and truth Talking about, being about His Nature, His Ways Being His Instrument of Grace
You asked if it was wine or fermented juice. The Bible says that usually they serve the good wine first and the cheapest wine last after they are well drunk. Basically when they are buzzed they serve the lesser wine because they won’t notice. So posing the question do you think that Jesus would do that? It’s not about what I think it’s about what the scripture says and the scripture tells us that they were well drunk.
The purpose of Jesus first miracle was to reveal to His followers that He was the true vine sent by God. The waters in the six pots (Mikvah’s) was not clean water at all. Technically it was also symbolically full of sin. Jesus acted as a vine by transforming the nasty water into pure holy grape fruit drink. The disciples of Jesus was the branches that carried the fruit to the Head master representing God the Father at the wedding supper in Heaven. The groom represents Jesus, and we are the transformed fruit from sin filled water.
Im writing this comment with very little research but what if through years of translating, transliterating and transcribing the original texts how been mistranslated with jesus originally turning wine into water. It makes sense for the messiah with the power of salvation to purify an impure substance. Food for thought and water for the soul
believe that what he did was teach from the old testament Remember Noah after the flood What the drinking in excess caused By that knowledge and then wisdom being begeted Did not the water become as pleasing as wine Also showing in all regard for the father that Coming together of man and woman be defiled by the drink Rather the water was seen anew as in baptism A transfiguration of the mind Towards God and spiritual Keeping the marriage sacred and becoming of one flesh Dilution with the water Would be correct To say. Becoming something new after being baptized Let it be known as such Let the correct interpretation be known
Sorry but no, if it was just grape juice the governor of the wedding wouldn’t have said what he did about saving the best wine for last. Grape juice and wine aren’t really comparable. (As far as taste is concerned) And it was the governor himself who is quoted as saying the good wine for last; he probably wasn’t drinking so heavily as diminishing his ability to taste the difference. And would it even be conceivable that wine actually created through a miraculous act of Jesus, this incredible righteous wine made by the Holy Spirit…..would get ppl so drunk and disorderly and allow them to suffer the evil effects of alcohol? If He can turn water to wine, I think He could create wine that would have the desired effect, but keep it from being ugly or harmful. I imagine them having the time of their lives, and then not having any trace of a hangover.
Joseph has the birthright Genesis 48/17 And when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, it displeased him: and he held up his father’s hand, to remove it from Ephraim’s head unto Manasseh’s head. 18 And Joseph said unto his father, Not so, my father: for this is the firstborn; put thy right hand upon his head. 19 And his father would not, and he said, “I know, my son, I also know he(Manasseh/Israel) shall be a people(Christians), also he (Jesus) shall be great, however his(Manasseh/Jesus) little brother(Ephraim/other individual) will be greater than he(Manasseh/ Jesus), and his(Ephraim/ other individual) seed shall be the fullness of the nations.” 20 And he blessed them that day, saying, In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim/other guy and as Manasseh/Jesus: and he set Ephraim/other guy before Manasseh/Jesus. Romans 11/25 For I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery, so that you may not be wise in yourselves: A hardening in part has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Nations may come in. 26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it has been written: “The One Delivering will come out of Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob. 27 And this is the covenant from Me to them, when I shall take away their sins.” See Isaiah 27 & 59 also book of Habakkuk for more reading
the water MADE into wine (a marriage) every man at the beginning SET FORTH good wine (Marriage) and then AFTER that which is worse (Divorce) MADE wine Sanctification of Marriage This Beginning of Miracles JOINED (Male & Female) Isaiah 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
The action of water into wine was a judgment upon the pharises. The 6 pots he used were sacred rabbinical law water pots that were used for purification of jews. This is from the Talmud, not the Torah. It is MAN MADE law. He was mocking the rabbinical false doctrine and placing his judgement upon the pharises.
first of all, I think that questions about whether this was alcoholic wine are answered by a look at the original Greek words being used. The reference to “poorer wine” uses the word elasso, which means “lesser, inferior, or younger.” The reference to the “good wine” uses the word kalon, meaning “superior.” The chief servant also refers to the time when “poorer” wine was usually brought out by using the Greek word methysthosin, which is the same root word Paul uses in 1 Corinthians to warn against drunkenness. His comment could literally be translated as, “once the people are drunk,” the poorer wine comes out. So, according to the chief servant, what Jesus produced was the kind of high-quality wine which would usually be served first. After that wine—the same substance which Jesus had just created—had made people merry, lower-quality wines would be served. The Greek terms for grape juice and “new wine” are not used here. While the Bible clearly warns against drunkenness, there is no doubt that what Jesus produced was actual “wine,” a fermented beverage, as the word is commonly understood. Secondly, The situation in Romans 14 is specifically addressing someone who has a moral objection to something not a possible temptation to sin. Romans 14 is a very helpful text when dealing with conscience issues. It talks about Christians who incorrectly felt that it was wrong to eat meat offered to idols. Paul states that it is not wrong and that we have the freedom. However, he also says not to eat meat in front of another Christian if it will cause him to violate his conscience.
Did Jesus change the water into wine or grape juice? John chapter 2 records Jesus performing a miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. At the wedding, the hosts ran out of wine. Jesus’ mother, Mary, asks Jesus to intervene, and He does so, reluctantly. Jesus has the servants bring six jars filled with water and then instructs the servants to give it to the overseer of the celebration. The water miraculously turns into wine, and the overseer declares that it was the best wine he had ever tasted. In this account, Jesus performed an amazing miracle, actually altering the molecular composition of the water, changing it into wine. The point of the account is summarized in John 2:11, “He thus revealed His glory, and His disciples put their faith in Him.” Usually, though, when this passage is studied, a side issue becomes the main issue. Did Jesus transform the water into wine (fermented, alcoholic) or into grape juice (non-alcoholic)? Throughout the passage, the Greek word translated “wine” is oinos, which was the common Greek word for normal wine, wine that was fermented/alcoholic. The Greek word for the wine Jesus created is the same word for the wine the wedding feast ran out of. The Greek word for the wine Jesus created is also the same word that is used in Ephesians 5:18, “…do not get drunk on wine…” Obviously, getting drunk from drinking wine requires the presence of alcohol. Everything, from the context of a wedding feast, to the usage of oinos in 1st century Greek literature (in the New Testament and outside the New Testament), argues for the wine that Jesus created to be normal, ordinary wine, containing alcohol.
“All food is clean, but it is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall. So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.” (Romans 14:20-23)
Bologna … What difference does it make how much wine was made? That doesn’t force anyone to drink it. Two I’ve heard these explanations before about grape juice and it’s just silly grape juice naturally ferments wind keeps grape juice does not. It was a wedding feast and they always drink alcoholic things because the scripture also says wind makes the heart Merry. Did the New Testament it says drink a little wine it is good for your stomach. In the old testament when speaking of keeping the feast of tabernacles says that you can drink wine and strong drink. It’s silly to think they didn’t drink wine. How they filtered the wine back in the day was to run it through Charcoal This removes sulfates which makes the wine give people a hangover or a headache. Filtered wine doesn’t have sulfates. People drink wine at wedding feast that was one of the purposes it’s silly to try to explain it away
Oh ye of little faith ! This miracle is a prophecy ! Jesus is the wine that ran out because he is the end of the Chosen Jewish bloodline which is why Jesus said,What have I to do with thee woman for my time is not yet come ! The Holy Spirit is the water that was turned to better wine representing the whole worlds unchosen bloodline turned into the better chosen bloodline of God ! The Holy Spirit is the Blood of God and Jesus is the flesh of God which is why Jesus said, eat my flesh and drink my blood ! We are made in Gods image, meaning our spirit is made in the image of the Father, our flesh is made in the image of the Son and our blood is made in the image of the Holy Spirit yet man is one because God is One ! John the Baptist knew this and warned the Jews of this but they couldn’t hear him !
Yes actually I think Jesus absolutely would present us with 3 times what we need, even alcohol and other substances some of which are good for people in moderation, and give us the choice to not be greedy, not make choices we know may bring us to a dark place, I have made these choices and seen this dark place, but I returned with a light, resisting such temptations or at least coming back from that dark place when your stray, this is a test, one that we in western society fail on a daily basis, and most of us myself including should be very fucking ashamed of what we have allowed ourselves to become.
10 minutes of perusal and still no mention of why it says : “with this He put the start to His miracles …” … this NEW wine signified the shedding of his blood, that what we “drank” before the waters (Isaiah 55 ) (everything we drank in, in this world => did not satisfy us (hint the womans at the well conversation) …NOTHING can satisfy and cleanse us, but the blood of the Lamb, the NEW wine, …hence the naming of THIS as the “first” miracle,in other Gospels (if not mistaken) other miracles are recorded as being first … (it does not say “first” ..but there are testimonies of Him doing other miracles first, so Q. how come in the book of John it says – with this He started His ministry? …of course to symbolically show us – that now He’s got something NEW for us …and He finished His ministry with the shedding of His blood for us, again …
You can’t be wiser than YHWH and Jesus Good presentation but you can’t say that Jesus turned water into grape juice… Jesus used to drink wine It’s not a sun to drink new wine(fresh wine) wine,and strong drinks…. Just as it’s not a sin to eat food…. Don’t be a drunkard and a gluttonous… Drink in moderation and eat in moderation.. The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds.” — Matthew 11:19 The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ — Luke 7:34 then you shall exchange it for money, and bind the money in your hand and go to the place which YHWH your God chooses. You may spend the money for whatever your heart desires: for oxen, or sheep, or wine, or strong drink, or whatever your heart desires; and there you shall eat in the presence of YHWH your God and rejoice, you and your household. Also you shall not neglect the Levite who is in your town, for he has no portion or inheritance among you. — Deuteronomy 14:25-27 Then the drink offering with it shall be a fourth of a hin for each lamb, in the holy place you shall pour out a drink offering of strong drink to YHWH. — Numbers 28:7 “Do not drink wine or strong drink, neither you nor your sons with you, when you come into the tent of meeting, so that you will not die—it is a perpetual statute throughout your generations— — Leviticus 10:9(Don’t drink when doing YHWH’s duty) he shall abstain from wine and strong drink; he shall drink no vinegar, whether made from wine or strong drink, nor shall he drink any grape juice nor eat fresh or dried grapes.
This guy has not read “ALL THE SCRIPTURES PROPERY”. His “GOD” gives “US ALL FREEDOM OF CHOICE”. This guy doesn’t believe that GOD allows pain, suffering, blah, blah, blah. Where does he live??? We all live in a fallen world, there is pain, suffering etc “EVERYWHERE”. A couple of weeks ago I came across 119 MINISTRIES. STOP perusal THIS GUY. Not only do we not know who he is. He also isn’t relying on Scriptire, which is the Word of God to back up his theories.
If drinking is a sin, why would Paul advice Timothy to drink a little wine? You made assumptions that Messiah would not promote drinking to people. However, Paul clearly promoted it. Why is it then that you assume Messiah can’t promote the drinking of wine? Let’s be careful and not add or remove to the bible. The bible never describes drinking alcohol as sin.
Don’t make or have any kind of images, likenesses (statues, pictures, animations..), its Not Them, we Can’t make Them, Isaiah 42:17- they shall be turned back, they shall be greatly ashamed that trust in graven images, that say to the molten images, ye are our gods (exodus 20:4-5, Acts 17:29), we should Not try to act Them, we are Not Them
Its funny perusal you lean on your own understanding when trying to explain it was actually grape juice, because there is no other way to explain away the idea that 1 beer can be less alc. than a cup of wine. Lol(yet the single beer has been proven to be harmful). You know, there have been previous uses for alcohol consumption that where proven to be beneficial as well.(not in excess of course.) Id have to have about 5-6 beers before i start thinking irrationally or feel different, certainly not feeling anything from a single beer.(i dont drink much or often). But i know the bible doesnt instruct us to completely avoid alc. In such a way that it does unclean meat. It just warns of the danger of the sins we may may fall victim to when no longer sobor.
OK so your logic is that Jesus didn’t because he would be tempting them? OK so if I use that same logic then wouldn’t that be the same as ” Why did God create grapes?” I agree the bible gives so much warning to drunkenness but its all about control. Many people saying its people making excuses for their sin…disagree as well. It was a wedding and they say “its the best wine” Everything God made is good He wants us to enjoy His creation but at the same time as His children we must show self control over our fleshly desires. Never allow yourself to make another believer stumble use love as your meter. If you can have a beer by yourself and your not hurting anyone then why not.
Jesus drank wine in the good supper it was historically necessary to add wine to water to purity it and there are many verses in the Bible that promote wine. If it was that big of an issue the Bible would clearly state do not drink alcohol as a law. Your argument is speculation. Sins should be clearly defined in the Bible.
The biblia doesn’t tell, what really happened in the wedding of Cana, Mary Jesus’s mom wanted Jesus to do this Jesus did not want to do it but Mary was being rude to Jesus and was insisting for Jesus to do it, Jesus did not say anything and everything was feeling like an electrical sensation and the water that was already in these containers turned into wine! Who wrote this in the Bible manipulated this real story!
Jesus never drank alcohol Jesus never consumed pork Jesus believed in one god Jesus worshipped one god Jesus prayed to one god Jesus fasted Jesus was circumcised Jesus never celebrated xmas Jesus kept all the commandments Its very clear jesus was not a Christian but a practicing muslim like the prophets before him