What Percent Marriage Material Are You?

Marriage has been with us since the first time a group of nomads came together. Knowing how to behave during marriage is crucial in determining if you are marriage material or not. Most people consider getting married at some point in their life, but not everyone is cut out for it. To determine if you are marriage material, take this quiz.

There are 10 ways to determine if you are marriage material:

1. You think of others and how your actions can impact them.

2. You possess reasonable and effective communication skills.

3. You are open and willing to put a stake in the sand.

4. Marriage material men are secure in their identity, which includes worth and self-esteem.

6. You are 94% marriage material, but you still need more time to get used to the idea.

7. Being a good wife is all about giving without condition, sharing your hopes and fears, and not losing yourself.

8. You feel comfortable, easy, and relaxed in your relationship about 80% of the time.

9. You are 51% marriage material, but you are still figuring out the whole process.

10. You are a good writer, but you need to be more open and honest about your feelings and intentions.

In conclusion, understanding your marriage materiality is essential for a successful and fulfilling relationship. By taking this quiz, you can determine if you are truly ready for marriage and if you are truly ready for the journey ahead.

📹 The Percent of Women Who are Marriage Material

Book of Numbers: …

What percent marriage material are you uquiz
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

What is a hubby material?

Definition: Wifey/Hubby Material is someone you’d marry. This term has a broader meaning now. It includes someone who thinks about their partner’s future as well as their own. They make sacrifices, have similar interests, are faithful, and know how to show love. Wifey/hubby material means more than just domestic responsibilities. It’s a general term for the kind of compatibility you can’t do without.

Example: Tony had been dating Helen for about four months and he thought she was wife material. She understood what he wanted in the bedroom and helped him achieve his dreams. She was ambitious too. Tony wanted to make Helen his wife.

What percent marriage material are you buzzfeed
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

What is wife husband material?

Definition: Wifey/Hubby Material is someone you’d marry. This term has a broader meaning now. It includes someone who thinks about their partner’s future as well as their own. They make sacrifices, have similar interests, are faithful, and know how to show love. Wifey/hubby material means more than just domestic responsibilities. It’s a general term for the kind of compatibility you can’t do without.

Example: Tony had been dating Helen for about four months and he thought she was wife material. She understood what he wanted in the bedroom and helped him achieve his dreams. She was ambitious too. Tony wanted to make Helen his wife.

Who is called husband material?

A man who can stay calm and support you is the best kind. Men who are family-oriented. He’s husband material if he’s close to his family and treats them well.

How do I know my marriage material?

Your partner is marriage material if they: At the start of a relationship, it’s easy to think everything will be great. But it takes more than infatuation to build a future together. “When we talk about marriage, we talk about it in a romantic sense, but marriage is also hard work,” says therapist Jennifer Chaiken. Psychologist Dr. Laura Louis agrees. “Marriage is for adults.” Jennifer Chaiken is a licensed marriage and family therapist and the co-founder of The West Chester Therapy Group. She also co-hosts the ShrinkChicks podcast. Dr. Laura Louis is a licensed psychologist and the founder of Atlanta Couple Therapy. She is also the author of Marital Peace. A Toolbox of Strategies to Reconnect With Your Spouse. A person who is mature and has good communication and emotional skills will be able to keep their promises and continue to invest in their relationship.

What is good wife material?

A woman is “wife material” if she has the qualities someone is looking for in a lifelong partner. Maybe she can cook or is always there for you. If someone says their girlfriend or crush is “wife material,” they believe she’ll make a great wife. “Wife material” is a pop culture term for an ideal partner in a heterosexual relationship. It’s not definitive. Your “wife material” can be different from your friends’. Everyone has different partner preferences. Not every woman wants to be a wife. That’s okay! Women are more than just wives. They’re individuals first.

What percent marriage material are you buzzfeed quiz
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

Are you hubby material?

12. He’ll do anything for you. A guy who is husband material will do anything to make you happy. He knows relationships require hard work and is ready to put in the effort. If you’re sick, not feeling well, or had a bad day, he’ll take care of you and cheer you up. He’ll be there because your well-being is his top priority.

13. He can communicate with you even when it’s hard. If you’re dating a good husband, you’ll still have conflicts, but he’ll know how to resolve them.

Are you marriage material buzzfeed
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

What is marriage material for a girl?

14. She doesn’t expect you to be tough all the time. A woman who is wife material accepts your vulnerable side. She’ll be there for you when you’re feeling intense emotions and won’t judge you for showing your soft side or crying.

15. She’s open to trying new things in bed. Physical intimacy is important in most marriages. Keeping the spark alive can be difficult when you’ve been with someone for years. A wife material will experiment with you in the bedroom to keep the passion in the relationship.

What is the material of marriage?

Marriage material is the person you want to marry and can be with for a long time. Not everyone is marriage material. Not everyone is compatible with everyone else. “Marriage material” is relative.

Am i marriage material quiz
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

What is a husband material?

Respect and communication are important. A good husband should respect you, listen to you, and communicate openly and honestly. Good communication helps solve problems. Trust: Trust is the basis of any strong relationship.

📹 What Percent of Women are Marriageable?

The Book of Numbers: …

What Percent Marriage Material Are You
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

Christina Kohler

As an enthusiastic wedding planner, my goal is to furnish couples with indelible recollections of their momentous occasion. After more than ten years of experience in the field, I ensure that each wedding I coordinate is unique and characterized by my meticulous attention to detail, creativity, and a personal touch. I delight in materializing aspirations, guaranteeing that every occasion is as singular and enchanted as the love narrative it commemorates. Together, we can transform your wedding day into an unforgettable occasion that you will always remember fondly.

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  • But wait, guys. It gets worse… Let’s say you’re a young fellow, strapping of physique and uncommonly wise for your age, and you manage to find one of these ultra rare ladies. Let’s go even farther into supposition, and make the leap that not only is she marriageable, but that she genuinely wants to be a wife, and even more specifically that she wants to be YOUR wife. Jackpot, right? Well, no. You see, every day for the rest of her life, the harpies that are her friends are going to be beckoning her toward every single one of those deal breakers. Society will label her the victim, even if she doesn’t, and then relentlessly try to convert her to their perspective. That same society will also label you the oppressor, no matter how well you treat her, and use every tool at their disposal to make her hate you. But wait, it gets worse. Sorry guys, it does. You see, it isn’t even just the pressures from the outside that will ruin things. Us guys will do just about everything we can to fuck it up too. Every single lesson we’ve learned growing up is a lie. We have as many delusions and lies floating around our heads as they do. So, as time passes in your marriage, most likely you’re doing as much damage from within the marriage as her friends are from outside of it. This doesn’t mean she’s not responsible for her own decisions. But we have to own our part of things, and we suck at relationships too. So, having found the proverbial needle in the haystack, there is almost a foregone certainty that the “happy marriage” won’t last past the first 3 years.

  • It’s a very hard pill to swallow.. but I can’t deny what’s being said here there’s no point fighting reality. All I would say is that it shouldn’t be this way at all? Something went clearly wrong during our march into modernity. I’m considered the oldest end of Gen Z at 24, tried discussing this with my parents who aggressively disagree with it. They think cos they were young and fashionable during Nirvana and understand tech that they can never be out of touch. One thing I’ve notice is if you challenge them on shit they get quite aggressive.. why I don’t know. Either way great vid

  • Get married if you want family court to take away – Your house, savings, children, second car, retirement savings, alimony, child support, furmiture, pets, tax return and associated land. You get your toothbrush and the bills. They say you have paid these bills anyway. Never marry a women until divorce laws are fair at 50. 50.

  • I am old and out of all this, but I have been paying attention to the dating/mating game because what is happening today IMHO constitutes an existential crisis. Modernity has seriously disrupted marriage and family, the basic institutions opon which civilization and our species depends. The implications are much bigger than just your sex life, there’s no shortage of sex as such, but of the benefits of it for the society as a whole. I fear what is happening to us is not unlike the famous Calhoun Mouse Utopia experiments. Look those up. Are young men now the “Beautiful Ones” in that ominous experiment?

  • I have no tatts, I have Libertarian sensibilities, I like guns, Ketogenic eating, self sufficient living with chickens and preps, I have only been with one man (my hubs, married ten years). We play article games on the weekend and just hang out 💕 He does think I’m too much of a prepper though…but hey, MY family will be prepared for the inevitable collapse of Western society😅. I hate makeup, but I like being cute when we go out. I also like mowing the lawn; fresh cut grass is my favorite smell, besides sizzlin’ bacon. 😏 He works hard at his physical job and gets oil rubbins on the message table on weekends too. It’s not all rainbows though, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 10 years ago but because of my diet and periodic dry fasting, I am 100% symptom free today. So life is good. 😁

  • One of my exes kept her fingernails chewed to the quick, often drawing blood. Her teeth ended up being worn down by this habit and resembled baby teeth. While this doesn’t exactly fit the criteria of “cutting” I do consider it self harm. She also was a heavy smoker, and while it didn’t bother me at the time (i smoked too then) I consider it a form of self abuse nowadays.

  • Teachers aren’t ‘underpaid’. The role has been corporatized. – Lets say you have a guy who is a brilliant chef. But in his city, through various ways, the only restaurants left open are fast food joints. If he wants to go about his fast food job like he’s a chef – so be it. But he’s doing it at his own prerogative. The role only needs, and requires, someone to be a line cook. – Yes, there’s some brilliant teachers among the herds of credentialed idiots. But the role is designed for idiots to do, via curriculum and protocols – for an idiot’s wage. – The great majority of teachers are lucky to have state sanctioned unions; negotiating salaries that allow them to pay mortgages. Their role has been dumbed down to the point that automation is inevitable. Their role in society – is verging on charity. And if teaching had a credential system that sifted the intelligent from the idiots – the great majority would have never been teachers, to begin with. That’s the sort of system that would have paid the best what they’re worth. – There’s no such thing as collective labor that’s paid by performance. It has never existed – it won’t ever exist. The teachers who want to be paid for the effort they put in, and the talent they posses, need to either fight to uncollectivize teaching – or shut up.

  • One other key missing item is the opportunity cost of marriage. Women wait at the end of the race for the winners. You have just spent your twenties getting your education and establishing your career. Meanwhile she has been having a lot of fun. She now wants children you fall in love marry procreate and she changes her mind. Meanwhile you will take 10-15 years paying her off and rehousing yourself. Now imagine an alternative instead of wasting $200,000 k + on lost house marriage ceremony ring child support you simply dropped the money into a pension fund at say 35. (and you spend your 30s partying) The rule of 72 states divide 72 by your fund return and it shows how quickly an investment will double. First you get tax relief on the pension investment so now you have $250,000. Now say a return of 15% pa which equates to a doubling every 5 years. OK every 10 years your investment will quadruple. So 45 $1,000,000 55 $4,000,000 65 $16,000,000. Most men see the money they dropped on the marriage as a one timer expense. They do not bother to count the opportunity cost. You have not lost $200k you have lost $16million.

  • Without marriage and without children being born our population will continue to go down. There will not be enough young people to support the older generations. When women retire they will have no one else to blame but themselves. The government must change the laws on marriage to make it more positive for men instead so negative. They created this problem they are going to have to deal with the negative consequences. Although it is us the tax payers who ultimately pay for it and the next generation of which fewer will be born. The older people will need to realize that feminism will make it far tougher on them and their expensive healthcare they cannot expect to get help from the young generations.

  • My first wife had the body of a mannequin, the face of an angel and the heart of a gorgon. After that marriage went down in flames I took several years to collect myself and I found a blue-eyed, raven-haired beauty in a little town in Ireland. She’s very traditional, no tattoos and she had zero credit card debt. She even paid for our first date. We’re happily married now for eleven years. I think I got really lucky.

  • I’ve said for awhile 1%, but I’d be willing to concede as much as 5% And that’s not asking for perfection. Just the basics. Reasonably attractive, in shape and will stay in shape, feminine, nurturing, respectful, grateful and not contentious. Sadly, in modern times, I might as well be asking for a purple unicorn.

  • When I was in my teens (now early 30s), I had an after school job here in Aus. I worked with all women. I was very friendly with one and she was in a LTR. Her bf didn’t want kids and so she just stopped taking the pill and told him it must’ve been an issue with the pill not working properly. At 16 years old, this had a profound impact on me. Be careful gents.

  • Many ancestors in my family were big proponents of the leftist ideologies back in the 60’s and 70’s and even knew some of the highest powered federal officials personally that pushed for all that stuff. I really wish they were alive to see what it’s all come to with open borders, insane cost of living to the point where you gotta be a millionaire in your 20’s, fractured communities, normalized degeneracy, end of traditional families, etc. A lot of these people were very smart too and only had the best intentions but the road to heck is paved with good intentions… A lot of it probably sounded good on paper at the time but they were ultimately messing with delicate balances of power without really considering the long term ramifications. It’s like they had the thought process “oh, I’m sure welfare programs will have solved homelessness by 1975 so we’ll just end it then…”

  • Bought and read this book at 58 It literally knocked the living shit out of me about woman and answered 90% of what I never understood about woman and why my wife changed literally overnight from what I THOGHT was the best thing that ever happened to me to the absolute worst mistake of my life Then I bought a SECOND copy Gave one to each of my sons made them read it and literally quized them on it afterwards This book IS THE new mens Bible on woman and marriage and absolutely MUST be read by every single man in all of Cristian countries but sadly tragically it will not. It has the power to save countless mens lives by educating them about Woman Marriage Divorce Family court Alimony and child custody and support payments And not only which woman to avoid but how to spot them. This book if fallowed will at the vary least stop a man from making the worst most ruinous mistake of his life and quite possibly save his life as well.

  • I married a 26 year old woman who had never been married and had no children. She was attractive. She has a true mental illness that kept getting worse with age. I divorced her after 17 years of misery, depression, drama and hell . She has narcissistic personality disorder and so does her mother and brother; I never even heard of personality disorders until well into the marriage at least she doesn’t have tattoos. 😢

  • I tried to do my own calculations before I knew about this article, but I considered fewer variables, and used more short-cuts. I came up with roughly 7.5% of women being marriageable. However you calculate it, the number is too low. I tried to do a similar calculation on men as I did for the women. If you just want a man without obvious bad habits (no smoking, not an alcoholic, doesn’t beat or cheat on his wife, makes minimum wage, not obese, etc), then 25% of men qualify as marriage material. If you also want a man who owns a house before the age of 35, then 12.5% qualify. I don’t know if these numbers are accurate in terms of the actual number of marriageable people, but since I used similar methods for both genders, the relative number of good men vs good women ought to be fairly accurate. This means a woman at the age of 18, who just doesn’t have any obvious faults, has a reasonable chance at marrying a 30 year old man with a house who also doesn’t have any obvious faults. So as a man, doing everything right and busting your butt at work for 10 years will get you less than a woman will get by just existing and not actively doing anything extremely stupid.

  • “Marriageable” women are functionally extinct. Once you factor out all the obvious negative traits you are left with a single-digit percentage. Now, of that percentage you have to thread the needle of both of you being attracted to one another, both of you liking one another’s personality, both of you wanting the same thing, both of you having the same values, etc. The resulting number requires a decimal point followed by two zeros.

  • I’d like to see a study of the likelihood of a modern woman divorcing her husband. We all know her body count past is a huge red flag. No intelligent man is going to risk losing everything and the kids are the children of another man because the wife cheated. Marriage is too much of a risk for men and a payout for women.

  • I was single for 10ish years of my adult life, and I’ve probably gone on dates with about 100 different women. I think only 20 or so passed the bar of wanting to see them again(no major red flags and good chemistry), only 5 passed the bar for a commitment, and only 2 relationships didn’t fail under 1 year. Of those two relationships, one failed spectacularly leaving severe emotional scars, and the other has been the relationship I’ve always wanted. I have been with my woman for 4 years now, and she’s the only woman who’s ever treated me with complete respect and dignity, supported me implicitly, and brought peace and emotional stability to my life. I could go on and on about how wonderful she is, so in my experience, roughly 1% of women are marriage material.

  • Getting married is easy, staying married, happily married, is the true effort. For that matter, getting married, strictly speaking is cheap, it’s the reception which is always a financial burden. If you told a woman there will be a wedding ceremony and then we will go on a reasonable honeymoon the home, how many women would sign up? I think some women actually confuse a reception with a wedding.

  • I’m curious what exactly counts as “body mutilation” for most guys. For some, something as small as getting your ears pierced (even just once on the lobe) counts, while others find sleeve tattoos to be body art instead of mutilation. I, personally, am not a fan of tattoos and wouldn’t consider dating a guy if he had any, with a couple exceptions (mostly if he got it for a good reason, like to commemorate military service, and it is relatively small). I also wouldn’t date a guy with piercings, as ones in the ear come off as very feminine and other ones scream “I didn’t have a stable home life and will take that out on you”. A lot of girls with tattoos are red flags for me as well, and I typically don’t associate with them. The only exceptions I can think of are two of my religious friends, though one of them had the terrible reasoning of “I wanted to get tattoos before I had to ‘look professional'” and she likes the more thuggish aesthetic of tattoos. It’s really strange that she thinks like that because, based on the rest of her personality, you wouldn’t expect her to be into tattoos- she’s a pretty quiet nuclear physicist and doesn’t like any kind of vulgarity. Quite the strange exception to the rule, I suppose. It’s also interesting that self-harm scars weren’t listed on here either, which are likely way more common than expected and would be on varyingly visible places on the body. Girls who look and act completely normal could still have their thighs heavily scarred because they had serious psychological problems in high school or college, if they went.

  • Well here’s basically what happened once more common place not even that old-fashioned there was a girl named Jane and now everything she does is completely outdated and she’s well and truly aware of that fact. So after society basically outmoded her like a machine now they realize what they’ve done and they’re all looking for her to bail them out with what they are now referring to as her ancient wisdom which is also annoying the crap out of her. After all she was about average once upon a time. She has values and she’s willing to try to come back but not for clickbait or to be used as a museum piece.

  • My personal observations.\r Ruling out women with tattoos (which I call livestock branding for humans), about 1% of women are left.\r Excluding the hippo bodied women, there remains 20% of those, which amount to 0.2%.\r Now taking out the 50% of unattractive women, you end up with 0.1% of valuable women.\r Then there are still the financial and educational situations, let alone personality compatibility.\r The prospects for good quality men are dire in our days.

  • You know I love/hate perusal these articles, I hate perusal them because it’s depressing for obvious reasons but I love seeing all the men on Youtube who are actually calling out women and feminism and reclaiming their masculinity, all I want is a masculine man who will glady call out women like that, I see them all over the internet but never see it in real life sadly, living in Ireland most men are as bad as the women, most guys here identify as feminists sadly, the best you find is a guy who says modern feminism is the problem, no ALL waves of feminism are the problem, I wish I lived in the US where there are still many anti feminist men. I’ve always been a hopeless romantic so I’ve never cared about money or status, I’ve never even cared about having a wedding, I only ever wanted to be a wife, my dream engagement ring would be an $80 Claddagh ring. I always try to be feminine and a lady, I don’t even own a pair of pants, and even though my only dream since I was 12 years old has been to be a wife and mother, I’m still here at 28 single and shy, because these women and feminism has ruined everything, you can’t even meet anyone anymore, it’s all dating apps. I fully understand why so many men don’t bother with women anymore but it does suck for those of us women who did nothing wrong and who have never supported any kinds of feminism.

  • It’s worth noting that a college degree is still worth it for women, even at today’s inflated prices, men not as much. College graduates live longer, have more successful marriages, and spend more time working than non-graduates, look it up. A key difference between me and most other commenters, here, is I don’t view women as the enemy and I realize they get a raw deal a lot more often than men, again, look it up. I’ve seen what has happened to my mother, sister, and other women, that’s a raw deal.

  • Not being I negative Nancy, I was married 30 some years and unfortunately she passed away from cancer, anyway its been 4 years now I never thought about remarry, if anything last few months I started perusal articles like this and following social trends, what I’ve realized is I have wakened up in a world where all normal respect between men and women are gone, I have also realized the damaging effects of technology with the world at your fingertips, people are mindlessly forming opinions and basing decisions on social media likes, to understand that if I was to find someone to have company with and to be with I might as well toss a diamond in the serria desert from 20 thousand feet…then land and go walk around and find that diamond, although it’s pestamiic attitude but to think otherwise would be foolish.

  • Tony had a dream, that without asking her, his wife made him a succulent steak & mushroom sandwich and brought it to him with his fav beer, then without saying a word…gently kissed him on the cheek before going for her evening bath. When he woke up…I’ll tell you what…you fill in the likely reality of his married life!

  • That’s what happens when society decides to not do things God’s way. Sex was always meant for marriage, otherwise it hurts people(usually the woman suffers the most). This is proof we are living in the end days and Jesus will be coming back for His bride soon. With women getting stupider by the day and men going mgtow, society is absolutely degrading to the point of no return.

  • I’m soooooooo glad I found a wife in the early 1990s. There were several eligible women in my life at the time, but even then most of them were leftists, and I couldn’t handle dealing with that drama. Yes, tattoos, leftism, feminism, gauges, piercings anywhere but the ear lobe, conspicuous body count, personality disorders, STDs are timeless deal breakers. It’s hilarious, yet pathetic, to see the flood of single women who have one or more of these conditions. Yet, they get angry, defensive and scream “Don’t judge!” when someone’s honest with them about why they can’t find a good man.

  • 0%. That was an easy question. Marriage is a bad deal for providers. I don’t care if Guinness flows out of her bosom. The world is currently transiting away from marriage and monogamy. It was a cute little experiment that did have a use when agriculture was an important human activity. But as we moved to men and women each trying to act like the other the usefulness for monogamy is going away.

  • Only 8% of American women are virgins at the time of marriage or gave their virginity to the man they ultimately marry. Thus the amount of marriageable women in the USA is no higher than 8% noting that just being a virgin doesn’t assure a woman is actually nice, decent, feminine, fit, free from a personality disorder, etc. The percentage of marriageable women is likely only about 4-5%.

  • That’s an easy one, though a few aspects to it. At 28-32 years, about 99% ! But marriageable in their opinion. A guy has to define marriage first. There are 2 people getting married ALWAYS for 2 totally different reasons. The guy is always fulfilling the woman’s fantasy. The chick is always fulfilling her own fantasy. The guys are only suckers that become lured and trapped into believing in regular sex, having HIS kids, her not screwing the closest guy in times of lulls in the marriage. So, the percentage after all that, drops to an cringing optimistic 12%. LoL!

  • This doesn’t surprise me one bit, I dated many women when I was younger and less than 10% of those I dated I woulda stayed with long term. Of that 10% at least half didn’t feel the same way about me (I think I’m a catch and I know I’m decent looking, no model but above average) and it usually came down to politics or just a mismatch of personalities. I’m happily married now to a fantastic woman. I think there are more than 1.5% marriageable women, the catch is that most who are worth your time will not waste their time on internet dating sites. They might dabble just for entertainment, but most of the quality women I had the pleasure of knowing would not have ever taken a guy they met on Bumble or Tinder seriously. Get out there and find a real one. It is hard, much harder given todays internet based social circles, but persevere.

  • At best, maybe 10% are marriage material. But the issue is that over time, at least half of the 10% will change over time. And there some things that you can’t really know unless a certain situation happens. For example, a medical issue developing and the woman leaves due to not wanting to deal with the guys medical issues or a loss of income. Through work, talking to men who divorced at an older age(like over 50), medical issues is a very common, and it doesn’t matter of the guy has some kind of insurance that keeps his income the same or not. If you are only counting women who will stay married for better or for worse and in sickness and in health (well within reason, for example actually abuse is a reason they likely should leave) and who are also financially stable, not crazy, no kids, etc… as described in the article, I wouldn’t be surprised if the actually amount of women who are marriage material is below 1%. I have only met a handful of women who I would say may not be all about money, social media, living well beyond their means, etc…And most of them are immigrants who were not raised in the west.

  • The realist percentage calculation is approx. 0.001, and therefore, not worth the effort. And that was in 2018. Do not fall for the NAWALT Meme. The only reason it isn’t fully zero is because this is for global research, not just US/UK. Only those who have access to traveling and business will get real Women though, not everyday people.

  • Being completely honest. I’d stay firmly that only 1/2 of a percent to 1 percent are marriage material in the west. I appraise his study. But there are some flaws here to take into consideration. The deal breaker is pretty solid mostly. Of course there are a few things that are based on personal perspective. Another thing to take into moderate consideration is if she is close to her family or not. Of course sometimes family can be a joke. But it’s generally a good indicator on whether a woman is a family oriented lady or not. With the dating profile. There are many good points in seeing the typical talk on there and where they are at mentally. But take into consideration that even the 5 percent will generally have an issue somewhere. At least half of them have a mental issue somewhere, financial problems, etc. For me, the deal breaker list is something I would heavily use with some minor adjustments for personal preference. 1: Obesity – To me it depends on how they are carrying their weight. If they have very big curves, I wouldn’t mind so much. But they have to have weight in the right areas. Obesity is important though. I definitely don’t want to settle if I know a woman has a very good chance of getting obese in a few short years. 2: Worthless degrees – Long term, I cannot see picking up someone’s debt. Unless it is towards something that benefits big time. 3: Financially Deliquent – Very important. Again I cannot see a long term relationship with someone who is massively in debt.

  • I’d just like to say that as someone who is currently 35% body fat (5’11”, 265lbs), being medically overweight or obese does not alone mean you are revolting to look at. This is an oversimplification. I agree that morbidly obese people are very unattractive. I agree that people who are in shape are more attractive than people who are overweight. But the reality is, many women who are overweight are still more than attractive enough to be sexually attractive to a man, no simping required. And for what it’s worth, yes I am on a diet and trying to cut down to 195lbs.

  • The question is how many actually marriageable men there is for those women which is “marriage material”? I guess a lot of gentlemen who’s participating in this kind of discussions in internet about deficit of attractive quality females, and who use this term, are that gentlemen who’s absolutely not in the league of such females themselves, lol

  • This is the problem that arises when you leave God out of the equation. Morality makes relationships more stable, but without The Lord, morality is arbitrary and subjective. Who is the arbiter, who is the law giver? Men want women not to gain weight after they get married, but do they honor her body by insisting on hormonal birth control ? Do they honor her body by learning what she goes through during childbearing, miscarriage, or infertility? If all a man sees through these extreme physical changes is “she’s getting fat”, he is not honoring his wife or himself. It’s heartbreaking to lose a baby that only my husband and I knew about only to have someone chastise me for “letting myself go” once I got married. No, I gained weight because I was growing my child. A child I wanted and lost. Most of my friends have lost many babies, and unfortunately are body shamed as well. It’s socially awkward and too painful to explain to someone why your weight keeps going up and down. People should know this by now. And if a man thinks he can’t love a woman if her body changes or she becomes less beautiful after they get married, he is definitely not mature enough to get married.

  • I am not sure why population decline is a bad thing. In 200 years, the earth will be pollution free, the population will be half, and there will be plenty to go around. Think about it this way: If there were suddenly only 10,000 people, and robots to farm and build, why would anyone work? Just read, play, exercise, make love, and enjoy nature all day.

  • A few flaws in this study: Marriageable women will already be married. Of course, so are unmarriageable women. The point is looking only at the pool of single women may not accurately show the numbers. Including divorces in the “dates per marriage” is questionable, since a divorce is a sign that the woman was potentially not marriageable. Also in the “dates per marriage” study, you could date a woman and she is a quality woman who is absolutely worth marrying, but because of differences in personality, interests, or life goals, you chose to go your separate ways. I make no assertions about how these could skew the results, I am simply pointing out some additional confounding variables. Still an interesting listen.

  • Obesity – You cannot be happy with someone you are not physically attracted to….What kind of garbage BS is this? Yes, physical attraction is a thing, but the idea portrayed here is soooo far from reality and the truth it is ridiculous. I’ve been married for almost 20 years to my wife. We have both gained weight over the years, and while my wife would be considered overweight by many men now, she’s as beautiful to me today as she was the day we met. Why? Because attractiveness and beauty can’t truly be determined by looking at a picture to swipe left or right on. My wife’s beauty is beyond measure because she is faithful, loving, a great mother, a great partner, kind, has a great sense of humor, and helps make me a better man by allowing me to lead our family and chastising me when she sees me faltering at times. When I look at her, I don’t see the weight that she has put on over the years, I see the person behind the body, and THAT, my friend, is where her real attraction and beauty comes from.