In Matthew 5:32, Jesus teaches that a woman who is divorced will remarry, and unless her first marriage was dissolved by adultery, her second marriage will make her an adulteress. He also emphasizes the importance of paying one’s vows to God and not leading one’s mouth into sin. Polygamy is incompatible with the unity of marriage, and divorce separates what God has joined together. The remarriage of persons divorced from a living, lawful spouse contravenes the plan and law of God as taught by Christ.
The Bible states that remarriage is possible, but there are conditions where this is allowable and clear. Some believe that remarriage is never allowed under any circumstances except the death of a spouse. Divorce may be permitted in certain cases but never remarriage. Jesus states that divorcing a mate on the grounds of immorality frees the offended mate to remarry without committing adultery. Paul upholds the idea of permanency in marriage, whether it be to a believer or unbeliever, yet gives permission for a believing mate to separate if deserted by an unbeliever.
In 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, Jesus states that anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery. The Bible is explicit about divorce and remarriage, and it is important to understand the implications of these teachings on the sacredness of the marriage bond.
📹 What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?|
What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage? Are there biblical reasons for divorce, or biblical grounds for divorce?
Is it a sin to marry a divorced man?
In Matthew 5:32, Jesus said that anyone who marries a divorced person also commits adultery. The Bible says you can’t remarry unless your spouse dies.
1 Corinthians 7:39 – A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. If her husband dies, she can marry anyone, but he must be a Christian. If I were single, I’d trust God to marry me. If I were divorced, I’d trust God to help me stay single. If I can’t be faithful, I’d rather get married than have sex. I’d rather get married and be faithful to one person than have casual sex, masturbate, or use sex toys. Jesus is the final authority.
What are God’s rules on divorce?
Let’s start with a simple one from a biblical point of view. The Bible says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14). Jesus also talks about sexual sin. “Anyone who divorces except for sexual immorality commits adultery” (Matthew 19:9). Hebrews 13:4 says, “God will judge adulterers and all the sexually immoral.” The Old Testament says that adultery is punishable by death. “If a man has sex with another man’s wife, both are to be killed” (Leviticus 20:10). God hates divorce, but also hates adultery. Unrepentant adultery is a reason for divorce in the Bible. Does porn count as adultery? It’s on the spectrum and has been related to adultery. Gateway drugs are related to addiction. Jesus says that lusting after a woman is adultery (Matthew 5:28).
What does the Bible say about being married and divorced?
God made marriage to help men and women raise a family. This is a lifelong commitment, so it should not be entered into lightly. The Bible only allows divorce in the case of sexual immorality.
Is it OK to divorce and marry again?
When can I remarry after divorce? You may feel ready to move on after your divorce is final. In most states, you can marry again the same day your divorce is final. Eight states and Washington, D.C. have a waiting period before you can remarry.
States with a waiting period between divorce and remarriage. Alabama: There is a 60-day waiting period, but a marriage before that time in another state is recognized by Alabama. Kansas: There is a 30-day waiting period in Massachusetts, but it can be waived if both spouses agree. You can’t marry for 90 days after getting a divorce. In Massachusetts, a divorce decree is considered a decree nisi. There is a six-month waiting period unless the divorced parties are remarrying each other. A six-month waiting period is stated, but remarriage within the state before that is valid unless it is “set aside.” A divorce in Rhode Island is valid after three months. At that time, the ex-spouses can remarry. There is a 30-day waiting period as of January 1, 1974. Washington, D.C.: There is a 30-day post-divorce period during which the divorce decree may be appealed. You can remarry after that period, but not before. Wisconsin: A six-month waiting period is set by each divorce decree. The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) provides a table with all of the above information. Click to see the SSA summary of state divorce and remarriage laws.
Is it a sin to marry someone who has been divorced?
In Matthew 5:32, Jesus said that anyone who marries a divorced person also commits adultery. The Bible says you can’t remarry unless your spouse dies.
1 Corinthians 7:39 – A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. If her husband dies, she can marry anyone, but he must be a Christian. If I were single, I’d trust God to marry me. If I were divorced, I’d trust God to help me stay single. If I can’t be faithful, I’d rather get married than have sex. I’d rather marry and be faithful than have casual sex, masturbate, or use sex toys. Your final authority is Jesus’s teachings. 1 Corinthians 7:8-9 – Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, but if they cannot control themselves, they should marry.
Can a man remarry his wife after divorce?
Marrying Your Ex-Spouse After Divorce. In Pennsylvania, anyone over the age of 18 can marry anyone else who is also over 18, unless they are related. Neither party can be “insane” or under guardianship. A person who has been divorced is not considered married, so they can marry again. If you and your ex want to marry again, there’s nothing in the law that will stop you. In Pennsylvania, you have to wait three days after getting a marriage license.
Get a new marital judgment. Before you and your ex get back together, make sure your divorce is final. If part of your case is still open, remarriage could cause problems. If you marry someone else, your divorce must also be finalised. You and your ex may also need to ask the court to change your marital settlement agreement, especially if it says you have to pay your ex money or take care of your kids. Undoing your divorce settlement is difficult and requires a lawyer. If you remarry, it could affect your Social Security and other government or retirement benefits.
What are the three biblical reasons for divorce?
Four reasons a Christian can divorce: adultery. Jesus mentions adultery as a reason for divorce. … Addiction. Without treatment, addiction will take over. … Abuse. We usually think of physical abuse. … Abandonment. Finally, abandonment can cause brokenness. Divorce is common in our culture, but for Christians in broken marriages, it can be a moral dilemma. Should they stay in an unhealthy marriage for a vow? Or do they get a divorce? The choices can leave Christians in a kind of limbo. They are no longer committed to a marriage that is irreparable, but they cannot move on. As a Texas family attorney and Christian, I have helped many Christians decide whether to divorce or not. Christians also ask me about divorce.
Are Christians sinning if they divorce?; Are they going to hell?; Must they stay in an unloving, unwholesome marriage?; Are there any circumstances that permit Christians to divorce?
Does God want you to stay in an unhappy marriage?
God designed marriage to last forever. It’s a strong commitment. He wants you to stay married unless you are being abused or unfaithful. You must stay committed to your spouse, even if you’re unhappy.
What did Jesus really say about marriage and divorce?
Jesus replied, Moses allowed divorce because people were sinful. But it wasn’t always like this. “Anyone who divorces their wife and marries another commits adultery” (Matt 19:8-9, NIV).
Can you divorce and remarry according to the Bible?
God wants married couples to stay married as long as both spouses are alive (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:6). Christians disagree about whether adultery is the only reason for remarriage after a divorce. Another possibility is when an unbelieving spouse leaves a believing spouse (1 Corinthians 7:12-15). This passage doesn’t specifically address remarriage. Abuse is another reason for divorce and remarriage. The Bible doesn’t say this. We know two things for sure. God hates divorce, but is merciful and forgiving. Every divorce is caused by sin. Does God forgive divorce? Yes! Divorce is as forgivable as any other sin. You can be forgiven of all sins through faith in Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:28; Ephesians 1:7). If God forgives divorce, can you remarry? Not necessarily. God sometimes calls people to remain single (1 Corinthians 7:7-8). Being single is not a curse or punishment. It is an opportunity to serve God wholeheartedly (1 Corinthians 7:32-36). God says it’s better to marry than to burn with passion (1 Corinthians 7:9). This may also apply to remarriage after a divorce. Can you or should you get remarried? We don’t know the answer. Ultimately, that is between you, your spouse, and God. Pray to God for wisdom (James 1:5). Pray with an open mind and ask the Lord to guide you (Psalm 37:4). Seek God’s will and follow His guidance.
What happens if you marry a divorcee?
Marrying a divorced woman can be satisfying. She’s likely to be independent and won’t take you for granted. She’s used to being rejected and dependent, so she’ll be grateful to have you. Knowing you’re giving her stability and security will make you happy. Marrying a divorced woman is good for you. She’s been through a lot. She’s a mature woman who can take care of herself and her family. She has a past and knows what she wants. She’s realistic and not demanding. She also wants casual sex and doesn’t want a commitment. If you’re dating a divorced woman, marry her. She’s the best partner for you.
Is divorce and remarriage an unforgivable sin?
Is remarriage after divorce a sin? The only unforgivable sin is rejecting Jesus as God (Mark 3:28-30). Divorce is a sin, but it is not unforgivable. However, forgiveness of the sin of divorce does not mean the previous spouse can be remarried since they are still alive. Even if someone’s divorce was “biblical” or they were the “innocent” party, remarriage is still a sin because the previous spouse is still alive. No matter what, remarriage after divorce is not unforgivable. Isn’t it hypocritical to say divorced men can serve as deacons while saying remarriage after divorce is a sin?
No. We may want to say remarriage after divorce is not a sin, but the Bible says it is because marriage only ends with death, not divorce. We cannot condone what God calls sin.
📹 What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?
“What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?” Dr. Thomas Schreiner answers in Honest Answers | Episode 82 To find …
Thank you, thank you thank you so much for opening up more of my understanding to marriage, remarriage and adultery and what’s covered in the Bible if you remarry in cases from the word of God, that would allow you too. You really broke it down my brother and I got a better understanding. Thank you so much I appreciate you allowing God to use you.
I had to look at these scriptures again as the years have gone by and I forgot them. I wondered if I am in the clear to one day date again. Apparently I am. I think my circumstance would be confusing for people to understand. I was thinking how some Christians feel like they need to go up to every divorced or remarried person and tell them to repent. I think they should be very careful with that. If they are just like having a chat and the person mentions hey my hubby and I just were not a good fit so we divorced and now I am engaged that might be a good time to let them know but just asuming every divorced person or remarrying person is in sin and confronting them is crazy and a bit nosy.
Hmmm he reads from many translations so far removed from kjv.. you can divorce but never remarry.. as long as your covent spouse lives you may not remarry luke 16:18 mark 10:11-12 romans 7 2-3 .. your 2 choices are remain unmarried or be reconciled.. no 3rd choice because all remarriage while your covenant spouse lives is adultery.. people look for loopholes to appease their flesh.. die to you flesh … but be doers of the word not hearing only deceiving yourselves..
I only found God with my second wife my first wife committed adultery and had an affair and our marriage fell apart but as I said I found God with my first wife but feel sometimes I’m committing adultry and therefore need to leave my second wife which would break her heart and my kids hearts or hope that my first wife dies before me what a situation to be in may Hod have mercy on my soul in Jesus’s name 😢 AMEN
The bible is clearly about remarriage after divorce. The bible does allowed separation or a divorce but NEVER get remarried. Jesus and Paul says the same thing about remarriage. 1 Corinthians 7:39 Paul says only way to remarry is death of a spouse. People like to change Jesus words to make themselves feel better. Only death can one get remarry. Jesus said remarriage after divorce that person shall be called a adulterous. You can’t get around Jesus teaching. Paul gave more details about separation but still said like Jesus only death on a spouse to remarry. This is a hard teaching to grasp but the bible is clear about remarriage after divorce.
Where do you get your interpretations from? I don’t find any of that in the Bible at all. I’ve been studying divorce and remarriage for over two and a half years, and the Bible for 30. Nowhere does it say you are allowed to remarry if you’re the innocent party it just doesn’t. Man assumes that because it sounds fair and right to them. God’s ways are not our ways. A covenant is for life until death do you part. Like they say you cannot unscramble eggs. You are correct that fornication is a type of sexual immorality,and that is what the earliest manuscripts used fornication. Fornication is sex between unmarried people therefore married people cannot commit fornication. The fornication exception clause was written for the Jews because of the the betrothal period . If a man found out the next morning after they consummated the marriage that his wife was not a virgin he was allowed to divorce her and remarry. You really need to go back and study and not follow man. If a man divorces his wife and she marries another he causes her to commit adultery. No mention of whether she is the innocent party or not. We cannot add scripture or assume anything. I rather play it safe and honor my covenant then satisfy my flesh to be in another romantic relationship. The reason these different Bible translations use words like sexual immorality or unchasty or unfaithfulness is because of copyright laws. It’s really sad because when you change those words it changes the meaning of what the original intent was for.
Ephisian 5:\r 31 > For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.\r 32 > This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.\r I think we should not overlook the next verse, which clearly states that “I speak concerning Christ and the church”. The author is applying or extrapolating the concept of Christ being the groom and the Church is his faithful bride to husbands and wives. This is the context, i think. \r \r Genesis 2:\r \r 24 > Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.\r \r This verse explains that men should couple with women.\r \r Matthew 19:\r \r 5 > and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? \r \r 9 > I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.\r \r The context of this account has to be considered. Some Pharisees wanted to pick on Jesus and test his knowledge and he answered in the context of the Torah. He knew their intentions to smear him. Jesus did not acknowledge Moses “certificate of divorce” as Law.\r \r \r Matthew 5:\r 32 > But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the grounds of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.\r \r The whole context of the Book of Matthew has to be considered.
If you in your right mind are depressed, not happy, and have done everything in your power to fix the marriage and yet there is resolve on ether end. Leave you can repent and move forward with forgiveness. No person deserves to live in hell and not have the opportunity to have a healthy marriage just because of an old estimated rule either
My husband has several children with different women during our marriage. He left me and my daughter 10 years ago. He did make an attempt to fix our marriage however he still committed adultery with several women – We are unable to file for annulment due to monetary concerns. At the moment he has opted to build a new family with his current partner, they have a daughter. Is this not grounds for me to pursue separation and be open to remarriage with someone else ?
So why is the divorce rate so high among alledged believers. If God is so prepared to deal with two sinners coming together, why are the people who claim to believe in Him not so ready. We make more rules about marriage than God did. Jesus quoted Isaiah 29:13 about people who knew the words of the law very well, yet somehow used it as though it was their own law. Could it be there is so much divorce among believers because, just as we do not measure up to God’s law and need a Savior, so we do not measure up to each other’s laws and need to be saved from them by a Savior.
What if a pastor is married and his wife cheats on him numerous times, and he keeps forgiving her because he wants to save and keep the marriage desperately, but then she files for a divorce, is he able to continue to pastor a church? Any thoughts and if so, would love scripture to back it up and if ur gonna use the “must be the husband of one wife” I feel like I need more
I divorced my abusive ex bc he was immoral. BUT, if YOU are stuck in a verbally/physically abusive marriage, go live elsewhere where he cannot find you, get a different job, move far away from him. go no contact. eventually he WILL COMMIT THAT sin of immorality, then u can divorce him. worked for me! only took him a couple months to realize i was NEVER coming back, so he found other willing partners. easy peasy!
What if you marry a person who agrees that they want children but-conveniently after marriage-they “change their mind”? It seems like if they lied about something that they knew was a deal-breaker for you than there should be freedom to divorce and marry someone else? Is that the case or does God want you to stay miserable?
There are more verses in the gospels that do talk about marriage and divorce. Besides the only unforgivable sin is the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit. Not Divorce. In any case it is not a degrading sin different then any other sin. What I am against is using divorce as a weapon to ‘control’ the flock which to many shepherds, wrongly, seem all to happy to use. The reference ‘sexual immorality’ in the verse mention is explicitly, when the bride is found to be Not a Virgin. In which case the marriage would be undone after that first marriage night! Moslims(some) accept child brides(before puberty) which I am totally against! There is a divide among Muslim Scholars on this. The Prophet Mohammed seemed to have married and consumed the marriage with a nine year old girl. I am not in a position to know if this is true or not. But there is a letterlijk divide among their Thinkers on this issue. Which I am strongly against.
I am an expert on this subject, having made it a specialist subject of study for about 45 years. The KJV renders porneia in Matt 5:32 and 19:9 as “fornication” as adultery has already been discounted and excluded by Jesus as the meaning, by saying with all the official paperwork a man continually commits adultery in a remarriage, proving adultery is not dissolving the marriage. An example of porneia or “fornication” is a woman claiming to be a virgin, but on the marriage bed her anatomy betrays she has already had a baby, and is covered in VD sores. Obviously this man can divorce her. If you teach people to divorce for adultery you will turn their churches into sex cults. Christian marriage is for life.
Although, Christ said we have no grounds for divorce except for sexual immorality, which I agree with. Only the death of a divorced or current spouse can grant us the right to remarry. I would even go as far to say reconciliation between two separated couples, apply only if a divorce hasn’t been finalised. It appears that the tradition was a men being unsatisfied with the marriage, would depart from his wife without divorcing her and go on to remarry themselves. Also, Christ declared it’s forbidden to marry a divorced woman because it’s considered adultery. Matthew 5:31 Also 1 Corthians 7.
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal . God forgives divorce when you repent asking for His forgiveness. Depend on God not man. How can so many doubt Gods forgiveness, Gods grace and Gods mercy. False teachings. God forgives.
May I suggest you read John 4:16-26. The Samaritan woman who had 5 husbands on the end believed on Jesus. Redeemed ones do not go to hell, but religion and the traditions of men put them there. SO… stand on your soapbox and pound your chest, tell God how righteous you are, and not like the publican who sins. I the publican will humbly beat my chest asking God to forgive me of my sins and rely on His mercy and love toward me. It’s about the condition of the heart, a truly repentant heart God touches by His mercy, and causes hope to arise again. May you, or no one in your religious circle get touched by divorce and remarry.
Malachi 2:16 does not say that. You’re citing a mistranslation. And Jewish divorce always permits remarriage. The purpose of the certificate of divorce (called a get) is to allow remarriage without it being adultery, and the bridal payment is to be used as a dowry for another marriage as well. The problem is that Jews in the 1st century were trivializing the grounds for divorce.
Wishy washy teaching here. Scripture is clear, only death breaks the marriage covenant (Romans 7:2-3). Remarriage after divorce is adultery ( Mark 10:10-11, Luke 16:18) and fornication or sexual immorality is taking about the engagement period, Jesus said what God joins together let no man separate( Matt5:32, 19:9). You even say it in your vows “to death do us part”. You can divorce but cannot remarry while your spouse is alive (1 Cor 7:10-11).
Now what about abuse instead of sexual immorality? Is abuse the same like sexual immorality? Imagine a woman being abused verbally she will get completely destroyed in soul if she would not get separated. How on earth could she THEN have to stay married with a person that is constantly (!) abusing her verbally? To then say she must stay unmarried until her husband gets normal might be a prayer request but is it a must for her to wait until he gets normal again after lets say ten years of abuse? I am not talkong of some months of bad behavior but of a constant abusive treatment where she gave her husband let us say several clear opportunities to repent and make a decision for a change.
This can be a tricky subject…..God loves us all and we do sin. I know He is just to forgive if we made mistakes concerning this topic. I’m divorce and so was my new husband, and we got married and we are saved and will stay together……I know the Lord understands and loves us and honors our new commitment.
The correct translation for Corinthians chapter 7 verse 15 is that you are not under bondage. It doesn’t mean you are not bound to the marriage covenant. It means you are not enslaved to keep this spouse happy, and content if he is restricting your worship to Christ .you are loosed from the responsibilities of a wife but you are still married under the covenant. Again translating it the way you have makes the other scriptures confusing and contradictory.
Either one is under His grace or they aren’t. Either ALL sins (past, present and future) are forgiven or NONE are. If one wants to straddle grace with the law, then good luck with that. As for me, I’ll trust and put my faith in Christ’s shed blood for ALL my sins. Just remember folks, if you’re relying on even 1% of your salvation on YOUR own work and deeds, that’s a recipe for disaster. If you believe you must follow one law, then all the rest must be followed as well. PERFECTLY. 🙏✝️🙏
Everyone gets this wrong. It’s not the sexual unfaithfulness during the betrothal. The betrothal is seen as marriage with its consequences. If one was sexually unfaithful during betrothal it was looked at like adultery and they would be put to death. It is the act of going into a betrothal after a fornication had taken place. It is also important to know that the law wasn’t given because their hearts were hard, but that Moses allowed them to divorce their wives based on this law because their hearts were hard. Not one jot or tittle. The law has a purpose. The question is “Does this law apply to consummated marriages?”
The older I get, the more I’m convinced that God gave us sexuality as a punishment. He knew most marriages would be miserable and he made it almost impossible to remarry after divorce (if not completely impossible). At the same time, to force us i to this covenant he gave us sexual desires. This is brilliant on his part. If you stay single, you must be celibate. For most of us, celibacy = misery. If we marry, there’s probably an over 50% chance of that being miserable-but you do get to have sex. You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I think that is why we don’t have marriage/sexuality in heaven-its like a gift from God for hoing through hell on earth. Of course salvation cannot be earned, but God gives us the mercy of asexuality in heaven.
I think what people don’t understand about this is to whom Paul is speaking, He is not speaking to gentiles on this matter, Corinthians wasn’t written to gentiles, it was written to the Jew and had specific instructions who they could marry and who they could not, to the Jew it was unlawful for them to marry a gentile, read Peter’s statement when the Lord dropped the blanket with all the unclean animals in it, this was the same mind as any Jew would have been in their time concerning relationships with gentiles, the problem comes from those that did marry a gentile and what to do, the unbeliever would have been a gentile, why? because of their unbelief in the Jewish God, for this reason a Jew could divorce a gentile only had to marry a Jew if they did, why? because of the belief in idols and doing things the Jewish God forbid, marrying one of them would have been fornication to them, why? because they were not building up the nation of Israel, Paul does not give anyone the right that was Jewish to divorce another Jew, that would go against Jesus teachings, the true Jew would work out their problems with their scriptures in how to solve the problem, wives, submit to your husbands, husbands love your wives, Jesus told them if they divorced and remarried they were committing adultery, He didn’t go for all the excuses they could come up with for a reason to divorce, Paul would not have agreed with this manner of thinking, if that person is this way or that way, does this or that or don’t do this or that, any church of people can come up with what looks like a legitimate excuse for divorce, especially when it comes to the woman, because her husband don’t go to church or he does things that the church don’t agree with, the only thing that person can do is leave the other person, they are not getting permission to remarry, I can give you multiple logical reasons for divorce but none of them that wouldn’t be considered adultery according to Jesus, it’s going to be adultery regardless of what you believe, only it’s going to be an adulterous situation that will be judged by Him, it could be he beats you, he won’t feed you or he doesn’t do the things you believe is a believer, or it could be for the man something as simple as she won’t submit to him, no man is going to divorce a woman that submits to him, it could be the man is sick or weak in the faith or he’s been overcome by some substance he didn’t control, a lot of reasons for leaving a spouse but none for divorcing them, your belief is in all these things, sickness, health, rich or poor, if your belief justifies leaving him and marrying someone else when he’s in that condition, it only means you did not hold on to what you first believed when you married him, it’s not that Jesus won’t forgive you, it’s still adultery and has to be judged, you might be the cause of him drinking so much if you get the point, you might be the cause of him committing adultery, get the point?
Nowhere in the Bible does it give us the okay to get remarried while your spouse is still living 1st Corinthians 7:15 does not give us the reason or a okay to get only thing it’s telling us is we are no longer responsibility for our spouse not we can get married again you guys are deceiving people out there all you got to do is read Jesus words in Mark 9 it is a sin to remarry anyone if your spouse living
This is not true. The the fornication view is the correct view. Just take the example of Joseph and Mary if Mary had been guilty of fornication then Joseph could have divorced her and remarried and it would not have been adultery. The one flesh Covenant Union adultery view is wrong because had this been true then Philip would no longer have been married to Herodias. Herodias divorced Philip and Herod divorced his wife and the sin of adultery an incest was committed but yet John the Baptist says that it’s unlawful for you to have your brother Phillips wife. So it seems if sexual immorality also means adultery which sexual immorality is never in place of the word adultery in Scriputer, it’s only in place of the word fornication then definitely he would have been “rid” Herodias. Scripture is the best commentary of the Scriptures! Well 1 Corinthians 7:10 – 11 states in verse 11 that for no reason the husband is to divorce his wife even if she was the unbeliever and left so verse 15 is not giving the the believer away out of the one flesh Covenant Union because the unbeliever left. Let’s say the unbeliever in 1 Corinthians 7:10 left the believer it’s not giving the believer in verse 11 a way out because that’s a command you cannot break the one flesh Covenant Union. What God has done no man can separate because no man is stronger than God Almighty. In the book of Jude it plainly states that we are not to go beyond what is written. Use the examples of the two different types of marriages that the Scriptures use as the example to explain what the text means in Matthew 5 and in Matthew 19.
The only reason Jesus gave for a legitimate divorce, is “porneia” interpreted quite rightly as “fornication” by both the Protestant King James Bible writers and the Roman Catholics and the Pope. It cannot mean adultery, as Jesus had already excluded that meaning by saying sex in a second marriage (even with all the divorce and remarriage paperwork), is continuous adultery, proving it does not break the marriage bond, and similarly in Romans 7:1-4 Saint Paul repeats this fact). In other words if for instance a woman tries to pass herself off as a virgin, but on the marriage bed it is shown by her anatomy she is not, the man who just married her can legitimately divorce her – and yes! they were married without consummation, it is a covenant, or Christ would have been born out of wedlock. The teaching of Jesus is therefore to stay a virgin before you marry. Selling your virginity would be an act of prostitution, Many murders by abortion have been committed because of sex before marriage……
We are in the last generation – generation Z aka post-millennial – therefore it is best not to marry in the first place. The end is nigh. Nobody will survive the ultimate disaster – the eruption of Yellowstone, likely to take place later this year. A quintillion tons of lava and magma stored in that massive chamber will cause total destruction.