In Islam, marriage is a sacred covenant that allows for intimacy between genders to become lawful and sanctified. The rules for polygamy in Islam are strict, but it is permissible for a man to have up to four wives at once as long as the man maintains equality among all his wives. In special cases, polygamy is allowed, but not mandatory.
Marriage in Islam is a transfer of responsibility from the father to the husband, ensuring the husband will provide for the woman involved. In special cases, the Holy Quran allows a man to marry a female orphan, affording a higher likelihood that the man will accept his financial responsibility toward her. Polygamy is not prohibited in Islam, but it is allowed as a remedial measure for certain situations that may arise from time to time.
The major schools of Islamic jurisprudence agreed that a pre-pubescent child could be contracted in marriage by their father and without consent. The Maliki and Shafii schools also agree on this view.
In times of crisis, Islam proposes polygamy as a solution to ensure equality and monogamous marriage. The primary reason for multiple marriages provided in the Quran is to take care of orphans, but there can arise other situations where a second wife may be necessary.
In Islam, polygamy is permitted under certain conditions, such as maintaining equality among all wives, expenditure, accommodation, food, clothing, and kind. The Quran states in Surah Nisa, chapter four verse number three, that married women have a choice in twos, threes, or fours.
📹 ‘I Don’t See Any Logic Why Men Are Allowed To Marry More Than One Woman’ Asks Sister Lakshmi
Support us on PATREON: . Sister asked question about polygamy in Islam. Dr. Zakir …
Which Prophet married four wives?
Muhammads wivesMuhammads wivesMarriedHafsa bint Umar625–632Zaynab bint Khuzayma625–627Hind bint Abi Umayya625–632Zaynab bint Jahsh627–632.
From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Eleven women were confirmed to be married to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Muslims use the term Umm al-Muminin (Arabic: أم ٱلْمُؤْمِنِين; meaning Mother of the Believers from Quran 33:61) before or after the names of Muhammads wives as a sign of respect.2.
- Indicates that the marriage order is disputed
- Note that direct lineage is marked in bold.
Can a woman marry 4 husbands in Islam?
Why can’t women marry four men in Islam? She can have more than four husbands, but not at the same time. It would lead to her not treating everyone equally, which is important in Islam.
Why did Islam allow four wives?
Polygamy is permitted for many social reasons. However it is by permission and not an obligation or recommendation in the Quran that a Muslim male should indulge in polygamy. at the time of the Prophet Mohamed (Peace upon Him) it was because thousands of Muslim men died in wars.
Are men naturally polygamous?
Polygamy isn’t about having more partners. Men and women aren’t naturally polygamous. Everyone wants more. Polygamy only applies to married people. If you’re not married, you can’t be polygamous. If you break your vows and take another person, you’re a liar.
Polygamy is maturity, human force, and resources to take responsibility for more spouses. It doesn’t hide behind monogamy. This realization shows that not all men are polygamous.
What does the Quran say about marrying 4 wives?
If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess. That will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.
The classical or traditional jurists interpreted this verse as allowing a man to marry up to four wives, while the modernists as well as contextualists observed that this verse legislates monogamy and allows polygamy only under exceptional circumstances. It will be prudent to note that contextualists emphasise the context and background of the verse. This verse actually urges to ensure proper treatment towards the orphan girls, it does not mean to allow blanket permission of polygamy to the men. During the period of revelation, some male guardians, responsible to manage the wealth of orphaned female children, often engaged in unjust management/misappropriation of the wealth of those children. In order to prevent such mismanagement, the Quran allowed them to marry those female orphans. While permitting marriage, Quran, on one hand limited the number of marriages up to four and on the other hand, envisaged that the economic responsibility for maintenance of wife would counterbalance access to the wealth of the orphaned female through the responsibility of management. The quranic injunction aimed to improve the conditions of weaker segments of the society like orphans and the poor in general.
The key argument of modernists is that while the Quran apparently, allowed polygamy, it added a moral rider to the effect that if a man cannot do justice among co-wives, then he must have only one wife. The meaning of justice does not only imply equality in terms of providing food, shelter, and clothing, it also signifies equality in love, affection, and esteem which is impossible to be rendered by a human being. Modernists used the Quran verse IV:129 to support their argument. You can’t be fair and just between women.
What does the Quran say about marrying four wives?
If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess. That will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.
The classical or traditional jurists interpreted this verse as allowing a man to marry up to four wives, while the modernists as well as contextualists observed that this verse legislates monogamy and allows polygamy only under exceptional circumstances. It will be prudent to note that contextualists emphasise the context and background of the verse. This verse actually urges to ensure proper treatment towards the orphan girls, it does not mean to allow blanket permission of polygamy to the men. During the period of revelation, some male guardians, responsible to manage the wealth of orphaned female children, often engaged in unjust management/misappropriation of the wealth of those children. In order to prevent such mismanagement, the Quran allowed them to marry those female orphans. While permitting marriage, Quran, on one hand limited the number of marriages up to four and on the other hand, envisaged that the economic responsibility for maintenance of wife would counterbalance access to the wealth of the orphaned female through the responsibility of management. The quranic injunction aimed to improve the conditions of weaker segments of the society like orphans and the poor in general.
The key argument of modernists is that while the Quran apparently, allowed polygamy, it added a moral rider to the effect that if a man cannot do justice among co-wives, then he must have only one wife. The meaning of justice does not only imply equality in terms of providing food, shelter, and clothing, it also signifies equality in love, affection, and esteem which is impossible to be rendered by a human being. Modernists used the Quran verse IV:129 to support their argument. You can’t be fair and just between women.
What does the Quran say about four wives?
If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess. That will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.
The classical or traditional jurists interpreted this verse as allowing a man to marry up to four wives, while the modernists as well as contextualists observed that this verse legislates monogamy and allows polygamy only under exceptional circumstances. It will be prudent to note that contextualists emphasise the context and background of the verse. This verse actually urges to ensure proper treatment towards the orphan girls, it does not mean to allow blanket permission of polygamy to the men. During the period of revelation, some male guardians, responsible to manage the wealth of orphaned female children, often engaged in unjust management/misappropriation of the wealth of those children. In order to prevent such mismanagement, the Quran allowed them to marry those female orphans. While permitting marriage, Quran, on one hand limited the number of marriages up to four and on the other hand, envisaged that the economic responsibility for maintenance of wife would counterbalance access to the wealth of the orphaned female through the responsibility of management. The quranic injunction aimed to improve the conditions of weaker segments of the society like orphans and the poor in general.
The key argument of modernists is that while the Quran apparently, allowed polygamy, it added a moral rider to the effect that if a man cannot do justice among co-wives, then he must have only one wife. The meaning of justice does not only imply equality in terms of providing food, shelter, and clothing, it also signifies equality in love, affection, and esteem which is impossible to be rendered by a human being. Modernists used the Quran verse IV:129 to support their argument. You can’t be fair and just between women.
What are the four purposes of marriage in Islam?
The general purpose of marriage is that the sexes can provide company to one another, love to one another, procreate children and live in peace and tranquility to the commandments of Allah.
📹 Why is a Man allowed to Marry 4 Wives in Islam? – Dr Zakir Naik
Why is a Man allowed to Marry 4 Wives in Islam? – Dr Zakir Naik COGQA-8 Questioner: My name is Laxmi, I am a journalist.
Who said the Bible doesn’t say about marry one 1 Corinthians 7 states that polygamy is unlawful; and that one man is to have but one wife, and to keep to her; and that one woman is to have but one husband, and to keep to him and the wife only has a power over the husband’s body, a right to it, and may claim the use of it: this power over each other’s bodies is not such, as that they may, by consent, either the husband allow the wife, or the wife the husband, to lie with another
The fact is……… There was a asure named Narakasura once captured all the Kingdoms on the earth, and Swarga loka, even Lord Indra, had to flee. He captured 16,100 women after defeating the respective kings. But later Krishna killed Narakasura, then all those queens were decided to give up their lives, because if they alive then people will misuse them. Then they asked Krishna Being trapped in dharma, Shri Krishna accepted all women as his wives so that they live an honorable life and nobody dares to mock them. To restore their honor and give them the status of queen, Shri Krishna married them to save their lives and respect in the society. That is how he came to have 16,108 wives. This is the real fact………JAI SHREE KRISHNA ❤❤ he just respected the lives those women, nothing had gone wrong there….
She asked a very simple question about Muslim men allowed to marry more than once with out their first wives permission..Mr Naik could have answered without quoting other religions, or saying demographic requires one to do so… Firstly Islam gives permission but one has to consider many factors…1. The reason to marry. 2. First wives permission is a compulsion 3. Does he have the means to treat all wives equally..even the difference of a mustard should not be in both the households… This man is such a dramatic person..he is the one that causes more misconceptions people have towards islam than anybody else Jab apna hi sikka cchota ho tho kisi aur se kya shikayat.
This is what I have read about Hindu dharma:- In ancient times, all men and women in society were allowed to have only one life partner throughout their life except royal families and kings. Kings were allowed to have multiple wives as it benefitted their kingdom in many ways like maintaining political relationships with other kingdoms,avoiding wars, keeping peace etc. Whenever any man had multiple wives, many times his wealth, property, family time was never divided properly within all wives and their children. Some of his kids start feeling they don’t get justice in family once they grew and it would create hostile situation among step brothers- sisters. Men with multiple wives suffered horrible old age days compared to men with single wives as later on none of their families was completely happy. Therefore polygamy should be avoided to get peaceful society.
1:08 See 1 Corinthians 7 ” Now concerning the things of which you wrote me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have is own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourself to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self control. But I say this as a concession, not as a commandment. For I wish that all men were even as I myself(single). But each one has his own gift from God, one in this matter and another in that. But I say to the unmarried and to the windows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. Also see 1 Timothy 3:2, and 1 Timothy 3:12. Titus 1:6.
I’m not so sure he really knows the Bible fr 😅 “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31 KJV Just because someone says something about the Bible doesn’t make it true. Read the Word. God bless🙏🏾
Let me clear it. Firstly I am amazed by the knowledge this guys has. Secondly, as he said the Quraan itself says “Marry only one”. The polygyny is more related to culture. The Indian Muslim Kings would settle down any political issue by matrimonial relationships (Jodha Akhbar). The way he has addressed the comparison was just to let people know that whenever we think of polygyny it is always Muslims and never Hindus or Jews. I was shocked to hear that krishna had some 1600 wives. HOPE IT HELPS
I remember our neighbors over 2 decades ago, was a Muslim family. The man had 2 wives. At first when the family moved next door to us, the man only had 1 wife. about a year later, this man married his 2nd wife and the 2nd wife moved into the same house, which I thought was odd as I believed the man should have gotten his 2nd wife her own house and not live with both wives under 1 roof. Since that 2nd wife moved in, there was constant loud verbal arguments coming from this house. The wives definitely did not get along and it got so bad that other neighbors started calling the cops to report domestic violence. Eventually the family moved out about a year later after this man got married to his 2nd wife.
Listening to this guy, I can see his brilliance. He avoids answering the question that was asked and instead decides to go on a tangent answering something he wasn’t asked. “The Quran is the only book that says you should only marry one wife” Yet when you compare the Abrahamic religions Muslim men practice polygamy in the highest proportion. Answer that question first and stop beating about the bush.
I really like how much effort he puts in just to defend himself but we all know according to the current world that polygamy is still unfair to the women … + He is comparing Krishna with himself and other mere humans when he don’t even know the story behind Shri Krishna having 16008 wives, only 8 of them had any major role as wives in real life … + Acc. to him Quran says have only one wife and still u have so many .. Hindu scriptures says have 4 wives and still Hindus have 1 wife ( u r not supposed to count divorced wives here ) …. U r talking about exceptions here, Exceptions are everywhere + he is comparing current times with whole another Yugas + remaining unmarried is also a choice for women . These are the things which I think can easily disprove his answer .
Pretty regressive to say women who cant marry can be equated to public property. The whole argument given is totally flawed. Not everyone, male or female gets married, a lot of times for reasons beyond control. Not getting married should not be equated to being dishonorable, neither for males nor females.
First of all the true fact is that even as per thousand years old Bhagavad Gita, You have to have only legitimate relationship with your legal wife. Even if you want to take to Sanyasam alone, you can’t unilaterally take to Sanyasam unless your legal wife agrees for it. The rules in the Bhagavad Gita are very strict as per scriptural texts. Read slokas 16-23 & 16-24 of the Bhagavad Gita for further guidance in this regard.
What if wife decides to protect few men, will husband be a good muslim to let her protect other man . Whats big deal that man has to think of his small loss for preventing big loss of his brother who will become so called public property. Let that women save some mens life them lets see how husbands take that shit.
Zakir… unmarried woman can only end up becoming “public property” ???? Why so ??? Can’t she live single for her whole life ??? And please talk about / take referemces from other religious books only after taking permission from the person who asked the question. And thirdly, make her sit while you answer. Standing 15 minutes rooted to a place is quite difficult.
I blame her for asking a question where she has done no research and hence left dumbfounded with no points for a productive debate. She helped establish “women are helpless without men, and if not under a man, will be a public property”. I hope jounalists are able to defend their point. Dont ask questions unless you educate yourselves to defend your questions. She has helped glorify polygamy. You let us down Sister.
In Hinduism there were instances of men having more than one wife and women having more than one husband as well. And that is equality in truest sense. However, they changed things with time. Like Sri Rama never even looked at anyone apart from Sita. And there are other gods with more wife. Problem occurs only when we restrict men to have wives but not women to have husbands. All said, given the current population level, anyone having more than one wife should be taxed extra or the concept should be summarily banned
the truth is that women are more likely to marry than men, despite women outnumbering men. this is the way biology works, and marriage institutions to favor women over men in this way. for many women, it is better to be alone than with a man who has another wife (not only will the wife not prefer it, neither will the woman). but i think the logic in this article, is very sound (as a Muslim woman). some of the language is outdated, but he did his best and brought out facts.
Bible tells about the remarriage and also the conditions Matthew 19:9 (ESV) And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery. Divorce is the only way to end marriage underthese conditions and even if a person wants to remarry these are the conditions, God clearly permits remarriage after the death of a spouse and actually encourages remarriage for younger widows (Romans 7:1-3, 1 Corinthians 7:8-9,27-28,39-40; 5:11-16). God never allowed CHRISTIANS for polygamy.
I still believe only one woman is best for one man✅ bcz it’s a basic nature of human he can’t give equal attention and love to more than one woman And if we talk about Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam then we can’t compare today’s man with a precious personality he is great man he do justice among their wives
The problem here is that all religions adapted and changed with time where as Islam didn’t moreover the question is why Islam allows polygamy which can’t be defined by saying” because other religions allow polygamy .” Also only kings had multiple wives due to political reasons and bhramins as far as ik follow bhramcharya.
Polygamy has been going on for thousands of years due to women left as widows after wars or captured . Polygamy had no boundaries where women had no protection. In the Quran God finally told men they can have no more than 4, max IF THEY CAN TREAT THEM ALL EQUALLY! IF a man cant treat all 4 equally then, he should only keep to ONE!
Before jumping to any statement we should first understand Lord Krishna. During the battle, Krishna killed Mura, Narakasura’s general. After defeating Narakasura, the 16,100 women were released by Krishna. However, all of the 16,100 women were captivated by the divine beauty of Lord Krishna, and everyone committed themselves that they would either marry Krishna or commit suicide. So, Lord Krishna married them to restore their honor and raise their status in the society to queen. There is nobility in his actions; that is how he had 16,100 additional wives.
It is allowed to marry 4 in islam, basically for widows to give them second life. Scientifically woman has more self control and genuine discipline, but men are the reason to spoil them, thats why we have prostitutions, extra marital affairs, illegal relationship (which all are initiated or forced by men only excep few exceptional). If such male who cant be happy stop woth wife and can go for extra marital affairs or to prostitution, is much better to marry another to save him from this shameful acts . That also in Islam he can give justice to this wives. But if a man can be in control with one wife then no need of second marriage.
To the amazing person who is reading this, I wish you all the best in life. Don’t be too hard on yourself; accept your mistakes and move on. Allow no one else to define “success” for you. Get up, develop the necessary skills, and get to work; the keys to a happy life are in your hands. Continue to push forward.👍
The most shocking thing is that such a large number have gathered to listen to these. Dr. Zakir Naik it’s true that other scriptures have allowed polygamy at the time scriptures were getting written but the people following these beliefs have evolved with time. They saw the mistake in these practices and rectified it. There will be many muslims who also want to go ahead and change the practices but can’t due to self proclaimed leaders like you. And stop worrying about the 7.8 million ladies in USA. They can take care of themselves. Finally public property is not a harsh word. It’s a stupid word as it noway implies a woman. Woman don’t have to belong to a man to live a respectable life
Okay let’s all be very clear on few things : Hinduism as we know it today is a very old religion, the philosophy and definition of what is right and wrong have changed according to need of society at a particular time, hence Hinduism is simply more accurate as a way of life than a codified religion. Now : When we talk about Shri Ram’s father and his number of wives, We need to learn that the human society and civilisation was dwindling in number, humans were growing, dangers loomed every where and ‘it was a divine duty and moral conduct’ of a man and woman to copulate and give birth to humans to keep civilisation running. So,Ramayan only tells us about the way of life and is not a codified law in Vedic religion or sanatan dharma During dwapur: Krishna is said to marry 16k wives, here the society was diminishing with their regards to woman power and rights, all the wives were slaves leading a miserable life and hence, Krishna gave them his name as a means to let them be colourful in life. This society was profoundly fighting for the right of woman to carry on (the brave story of Draupadi marrying 5 men) Mahabharata are also an account on lives of predecessor and their battles and circumstances and not codified law. In Ved which is a codified law : marriages are detailed to be of many types ‘’ I only watched the article till 5:02 and the utter disaster, blasphemous lies and twisted logic and hate speech spread through the speech are off charts!
The Bible is clear that a man should only have one wife: 1 Corinthians 7:2 But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. 1 Timothy 3:2 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach
Im a revert..Naahh i know it is ok for a man to marry 4 wives in islam but i would never torture myself and let myself in that situation thinking my husband is sleeping with other women✌️..I probably sin more if you put me in that position…This is the only thing i would never accept in my life..I told this to my husband even before marrying him and converting to islam….Id rather go away and leave than break my heart for the rest of my life✌️👍Im glad me my husband have written agreement before marriage..
He hasn’t made a point about its logic. The logic of polygamy in Islam is to protect women from Adultery and disgrace and as well their child from being branded as Bastard. Any woman would choose to be addressed as a Legal Wife than to be called a Mistress. Same thing with a child, it is way better to be called a legitimate child than a Bastard. So a married Muslim man is allowed to marry more than one so just in case he gets tempted to fall inlove to another woman and avert adultery for both of them. Besides it is also a protection for the wife and child to get equal rights in terms of inheritance. It is an act of equality in Islam and be free from immorality and disgrace of committing adultery or fornication.
Vishnu Purana chapter 24 verse 1 THE last of the Brihadratha dynasty, Ripunjaya, will have a minister named Sunika, who having killed his sovereign will place his son Pradyota upon the throne: It doesn’t say, a Brahman can have 4 wives. Good this is on record as similar to all his pseudo science claims.
Point to be noted… Krishna married only 1 name Rukmini… And he was in love with Radha before he got married… So Krishna as showed us the power of love and marriage… And what he saying Krishna marriage 16000 and more… It is all just there points… All those 16000 wr deep love with Krishna.. but Krishna accepted Radha as a lover and Rukmini as a wife…❤️.
Doesn’t matter if a man wants to marry more than one, but the woman who wants to marry a man who already has a wife. I really wonder how can a man protect other wives when he can’t protect his first wife’s feelings. How can a man marry other women without asking his wife? Just informing is enough? Then he’s not done the justice to the first one itself.
Plus for me the ” you must do justice ” gets confused.. How can you equally treat, take care, love, 2,3 or 4 different people? Deep inside you will always prefer one over the other in certain areas right? Or simply preferring one over the rest.. it’s human nature! So my final idea on’s you can’t do justice so just marry one 👍🏾
1. raja dashrath had 3 wives because in those times alliances were built througj marital ties, he didnt marry for pleasure.. he loved 1 wife most dearly and thus was devoted 2. shri krishna – same logic for his 8 wives, he loved only 1 wife dearly and thus was devoted, and about his rest 16100 wives, scholarji, please know the context at least he rescued 16100 princesses from a despot and was obliged to marry them in order to protect them, as their husbands had been killed and, scholarji, here the question was on why islam promotes polygamy, and not on hindu scriptures, because everyone knows today that to marry 2+ women, people from other religions in our country convert to islam and not vice versa.. what does this indicate?
I don’t know about other scriptures,but I quote the Bible here 1Ti 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 1Ti 3:12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well Tit 1:6 If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.
I wish he had recited the full verse that covers polygamy instead of focusing on the second part. It’s one verse where polygamy is associated with orphans, not two separate verses but one. In Arabic it’s called شرط وجواب الشرط. Meaning there is a condition and an answer/fulfillment to that condition in the verse. I’d appreciate it if he could speak to that. He might be embarrassed if he repeats what’s in the interpretation books, because they don’t align with the verse as a whole (condition and fulfillment of that condition). Last clarification, men are allowed to marry up to 4 but doesn’t mean they have to marry 4 wives, under certain condition (first half of the verse) but not according to the traditional interpretation.
She didn’t asked any religious scriptures, or the past events that might have happened., She is asking at present why it was allowed to marry multiple wifes like that in Islam while there are no such provisions in other religions, is that justified in Islam to marry like that at present also, dont go past which no one of us living, tell about at this moment whats happening
Whatever the law or culture allows is none of my beeswax. I live in Polynesia of Anglo celtic heritage. Neither culture has historically practiced polygamy. Keeping a mistress was an upper class indulgence while fooing around crossed societal boundaries and is commonly practiced without legal constraints. Only one wife is permitted, but more are allowed consecutively. Our culture does not allow polygamy, but, a man can live with as many women as he wants to if the group can be thought of as flat mates. Usually though concerned neighbors may snitch on them, so the authorities would want to investigate to determine if any of the country’s laws are being broken. Men of the Mormon sect can have more than one wife as .one as they are not black, brown or Asian. Yet again, civil laws around polygamy prevent this. My own view is that people should be free to express their own religions, but the thought of having more than one wife terrifies me. So I’ll stay with the one I’ve got and occasionally think of the poor buggers that live with more😢
There are a lot of flaws with this explanation. 1. The LGBTQ+ community and their choices are not considered. 2. There are a lot of people who take the path of spirituality and opt out of materialistic world and do not marry. 3. The situations of war, hunting etc. do not prevail now and it is the lifestyle that you live determines your health. 4. For legal marriages to be considered, there is a specific minimum age requirement hence the comparison should have been made accordingly. An infant also has gender but cannot be considered in the age bracket of marriage 5. The divorce rates are not considered across the world. I think people today use religious texts to justify their own actions in the same way as he quoted other religions to draw comparisons and showcase one particular religion in positive light. Pardon for my lack of knowledge of other religious scriptures, but in Hindu scriptures all actions of gods were for a reason and purpose and to establish dharma in the world. I believe we should not simply quote any religious scriptures to prove our point, but we should understand their significance in the kind of lives that we lead now. In today’s mentality we don’t consider a woman’s worth from marriage, we look at people as individuals and a divorcee also has the same rights as a married woman. Simply giving the right to a man to marry another woman to save her, deprives the right of woman in the society to make choices and raises a question on their worth as individuals.
Well before 1954 (Indian Law) my great grand fathers only had 1 wife maybe before it was common to have many wives in HINDU CULTURE but we’ve changed ourselves long before the law thing and secondly you didn’t reply about the inequality of so called talaaq issue and male domination in this, why your women can’t give talaaq without husband’s permission .…
Why only men, women should be allowed to have more husbands if they desire and if the husband is fine with that. That is true equality. And it was practiced by different tribes and in Mahabharat as well. At the end of the day, men viewed women as property and that the reason why reverse is not widely practiced
During the time of the Prophets, they were permitted to marry more than one woman because at that time, the population of women was significantly higher compared to men. The Prophets received divine instructions from Allah to marry more than one woman, including those who were unmarried. However, this is not the case today as the population of men and women is nearly equal. Therefore, people who engage in polygamous marriages today do so out of mere desire and lust. As a Shia, I believe that only one marriage is acceptable in our religion, and I am proud to be a Shia.
As a women I will say: Thank you? like, for the well-meant intentions????? Marriage as a social contract should no longer be a condition in order to protect anyone, every single human being regardless its gender, age, or civil state should be protected by their state. And this is an obligation for them (The State) to fulfill, and if not for us to claim. We, as human beings deserve all protection just by existing alone, any other input is absolute nonsense and negligent. Statements of this nature promote diminishing human values, case in point the absurd idea of people being treated as property, which is an insane, dangerous, outrageous and outdated belief to spread. A single woman is never public property. No human being is. The idea of marriage in the 21st century, polygamy-focused, based in the poor premise of justifying an ancient male hierarchy in order for woman to “be protected” (if you will) its just insanely obsolete and absurd.
He left the most important point that ….in islam it is allowed to marry 2nd 3rd or 4th time….but not for mens enjoyments but also to save any poor girls life,like really poor girl…2nd reasons any abonded girl who doesn’t have parents .3rd any divorcee girl or 4th or who’s husband has died to help them
Matthew 19:3-6The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. God made one woman for Adam….God did not make many
“If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.”\r \r Al Quran 4:3.
I don’t have any disrespect towards any religion, but Mr. Zakir Naik himself said that Quran is the only holy book which say marry only once, and no other holy books say that. Then why are they not following it? As he said earlier, as any other religion’s holybooks don’t have that, they can do whatever they wish, but as Quran have it they should follow it right? As per his logic. When someone asks a question, all these people do is compare with other religions inorder to justify themselves. I see the same trait in some other Babas as well. He should be able to defend his religion without bringing other religions down. Even if there is a possibility that God exists, and also if there is God for every religion, he/she will never appreciate when someone topples other religion. He should acquire some real knowledge first and put himself there on the stage.
As much as I agree with Dr Naik,it isn’t easy in today’s society. Nowadays men prefer to just run around,living double lives. Society turns a blind eye as if this is not happening. Men aren’t Real Men anymore. We were once breadwinners, protectors, strong yet gentle and most importantly the Head of the home. Society now categorises us on how much money we have. Real Men don’t exist anymore.
Luke 14:26 “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” … really has nothing to do the question and answer on this article … but neither do most of the verses/comments on this thread.
1. 4:3 If you fear you might fail to give orphan women their ˹due˺ rights ˹if you were to marry them˺, then marry other women of your choice—two, three, or four. But if you are afraid you will fail to maintain justice, then ˹content yourselves with˺ one or those ˹bondwomen˺ in your possession: This verse mention same till and also mentions “bondwomen” Please clarify this. 2. I don’t know where his stats are coming from lets look into current stats which is: 102 males for every 100 females. so, now the logic of “public property” fails here, women has to marry more men, at least one women has to do that. now since, stats changed will Islam allow one woman to marry more man.
I really appreciate this article and the speaker’s way of explaining things. He’s a smart man and has a sense of humor. However, he only gave 2 options for women who cannot marry as the first wife. Option 1 – marry a man who is already married. Option 2 – become public property. How about we add option 3 – stay single and be happy, and find a husband who is not married if that is your desire.
Instead of accepting it’s wrong.. don’t try to give bad example.. just bcoz of other people does wrong u can’t do the same and say it’s right.. whoever it is .. even a God. If u heart says wrong then it’s wrong.. doesn’t matter it’s God or Man I recently saw a women who doesn’t do any mistake has suffered a lot due to this kinds of men doing marriage multiple times.. he got happy married and put his wife in pain without even care.. Thanks God she did higher studies and stoop up in her own leg.. how many people is misusing this kind of rules we don’t know
I believe, according to the religious side . It is better to tell tell your 1st wife before you marry another woman . If she agrees then it’s better. But after the marriage. According to Quran, you can marry more than 1 but you have to be equally responsible, u cant be unjust with them and have to fulfill all the demands of all your wives . If you can preserve all the rights of your wives and keep them and their children (families) happy, then you can .” But its better not to marry more than 1.
When he was giving 2 options to her sister in America hypothetically He didn’t consider the other choices as well which are less harsh compared to the choices he gave to the sister asking question. Times have changed a lot but the principle of respecting humans should always remain, then it shouldn’t be a problem… Edit: And yeah regarding the other choices, the world knows…
How can he call all women who can’t find a someone to marry, “Public property” ? That’s cheap way of thinking about women. There are many women who by choice don’t want to marry in all religions. There are very respectable unmarried women who will rather starve than become public property! You have to live according to times. Women now work don’t depend on a man to feed them. From his talk one can see how low he thinks of women who are their mothers, sisters and daughters. If he had a sister who for some reason can’t find a partner, would he call her a public property? He should think before insults all women. 😡😡Alhamdulillah I am married have grandchildren. unfortunately we have no girls in our family. 🥲🥲
Is he trying to say people who are believing in different religions are creations of different gods… Jesus was not born as a Christian Mohammed Nebi was not born as a Islamic Buddha wasn’t a Buddhist and so on…i don’t understand why these people who are following the messengers including Hinduism are fighting over them forgetting about the one and only god who sent them ( if you are a believer of God)
The quote below is from Genesis and establishes the institution of marriage for all Abrahamic religions. Anything that strayed from this, although not explicitly stated, was not following what was established in the beginning of time. Also, Abraham had only one wife, Sara, but had a son with a slave because of Sara’s lack of faith that God would fulfill his promise to give her a son. The second woman was sent away when God fulfilled his promise. There was never 3 wives, only one. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” 24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. 25 Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.”. —-Genesis Chapter 2:23-25
As told by him.. if the market is saturated and every man got his own wife.. then near about 1.7 million women will get no partner but how will they become public property if all the men have wives.. and after this even any woman becomes public property then it is the fault of men that inspite of having a wife they are going for these girls for pleasure..
This man said thaat christians can marrymany wifeswives . He is ignorant on what tbi thebible states int the New testament.this question wasasked by the ñews Jews and jesus told them . If a mañleàves his wife and marriies another he commits adultry against her.pleasen. Note gthat he uses the singulAar and not the plural .he sayswk. He says wifeand not wives. He thinks and acts as ifhe. Has all the answers. The fact is that he doentg doesn’t evenhave the right answers to what he b beleives.
Number of males per 100 females, according to UN World Population Prospects: 🇶🇦 Qatar: 266 🇦🇪 UAE: 228 🇧🇭 Bahrain: 164 🇴🇲 Oman: 157 🇰🇼 Kuwait: 156 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia: 137 🇬🇱 Greenland: 111 🇮🇳 India: 107 🇮🇸 Iceland: 105 🇨🇳 China: 104 🇳🇬 Nigeria: 102 🇪🇬 Egypt: 102 🇧🇴 Bolivia: 101 🇦🇺 Australia: 99 🇨🇦 Canada: 99 🇺🇸 US: 98 🇺🇬 Uganda: 98 🇧🇷 Brazil: 97 🇯🇵 Japan: 95 🇵🇱 Poland: 94 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan: 93 🇵🇹 Portugal: 89 🇿🇼 Zimbabwe: 89 🇷🇺 Russia: 87 🇦🇲 Armenia: 82