Marriage is designed by God as a life-time covenant, and it may seem like God doesn’t care about it. However, psychologists John and Julie Gottman have identified four strong predictors of divorce: criticism, stonewalling, and obedience to God. God is the only One capable of changing hearts and lives, bringing good out of bad, and bringing forgiveness. A hard marriage can display the covenant-keeping love of Christ, and a faithful, covenant-keeping spouse after a failed marriage can display the truth.
In all circumstances, we need to choose to worship and choose to choose to worship. Your story doesn’t end because of divorce; God is still seeking a relationship with you. If you feel abandoned by God or wonder why He isn’t intervening in your marriage, you are not alone. There is a reason for these trials and tribulations, even though it is hard to go through right now.
To save your marriage from divorce, make God first in your life and set your marriage as a top priority in your life. Make a list of the steps you need to take, such as making God first in your life, setting your marriage as a top priority, respecting each other, working on forgiveness, and loving each other.
God doesn’t cause your marriage to fail; it is important to remember that God is for marriage and that He created it and his word tells us that what He has joined together is for a lifetime. The absence of a long marriage doesn’t negate the presence or power of God in one’s life, as God does not intend marriage to be forever but for a lifetime until death do us part.
📹 How God Saved Me From A Narcissistic Marriage – Testimony
If you feel trapped in a narcissistic relationship, please know, you’re not alone. God sees you and has the power to transform and …
Will God put my marriage back together?
- Repentance and Healing in your Life and the Life of Your Spouse
- Blessings for your Spouse and Children – No matter how bitter things may be, pray blessings over your spouse. Lift your children up in prayer and pray specifically for their protection during this difficult time.
- For Godly Council to Your Spouse and against Ungodly Council This is both generic and specific. Pray that God will put the right people in your spouses path that will provide them with Godly council. Pray that your spouse will see through any ungodly council. If you know of specific counseling they are getting pray about it and its impact.
- Healthy Communications – In a healthy marriage, problems get resolved through communications between the husband and wife. In unhealthy relationships communications break down. In divorce communications far to often will end completely. Pray that you can establish healthy communications with your spouse to resolve your differences.
- Against Control – Standing is not control, or an attempt to control the situation. It is walking in belief of a conviction that God has placed in your heart. You cannot control your spouse and God WON”T control your spouse. If you are only “standing” to try to restore your marriage then you are putting your faith in your spouse and not in God. It is Gods perfect will for your marriage to be restored but your spouse has a free will and God wont force them to return. You need to be at a place where you are standing for your marriage because it is the RIGHT thing to do. God wants to get you to the point where you can truly say that even if God doesnt restore your marriage, that you will still honor and love God as your all in all. Your faith in God and your commitment to Him does not depend on the choices that your spouse makes. Pray that God will help you keep your focus on Him and that you will not lose your focus, misplace your faith, or try to control things on your own or even through prayer.
Does God want me to give up on my marriage?
When to hold on and when to let go. 1) Hold on to your covenant. Let go of the marriage you used to have.. Your commitment to your marriage covenant is in your hands. Its your choice to keep or to give up on. You have every right to hold on to this commitment even if your spouse has chosen not to. You dont need anyone else but God to agree with your decision to hold on to your covenant. And its up to you to hold on to it as long as it takes or as far as you can.
Holding on to your covenant is not the same as holding on to your marriage. You need to let go of the marriage you used to have. You may have to grieve the loss of what you used to have. But you must say goodbye to that marriage. Your old way of doing marriage didnt work, so why would you want to go back to it. Its time to let it go and make room for a new marriage to be built.
2) Hold on to God. Let go of your spouse.. Your relationship with your heavenly Father is your most valuable relationship. No person or thing can take the place of God in your life. There is never a day in your life when you dont need Him. So you must hold on to Him and trust Him to get you through this. He is the one who will never leave you or forsake you. The Lord is always faithful. He is for you and He always wants the best for you.
What to do if you’re struggling in your marriage?
John Gottman.Complain without blame. … Repair conflicts skillfully. … Stay focused on the issues at hand. … Boost up physical affection. … Nurture fondness and admiration. … Spend time with your partner on a daily basis. … Communicate honestly about key issues in your relationship. … Dont allow wounds to fester.
Seth and Kayla, both in their late forties and married for fifteen years, are considering divorce. “I’m done with this marriage,” complains Kayla. “I feel unloved and rejected by Seth, we don’t have an emotional connection and rarely have sex anymore.”
Seth puts it like this: “Kayla loves the kids more than me and she’s always on the attack. She keeps threatening to leave, and that might be the best option.”
Many couples like Seth and Kayla are ready to throw in the towel and want quick solutions to save their marriage. Truth be told, this is a common problem, but the solutions are never easy.
Does God want you to stay in an unhappy marriage?
God designed marriage to last for life, a strong commitment that reflects Gods master design. His will for you is to stay married unless there is ongoing and unrepentant abuse or infidelity. You must renew your commitment to your spouse, even if you feel that you have an unhappy marriage.
What is a silent divorce?
What is a silent divorce? A silent divorce is a gradual separation between couples. Intimacy, love, and connection erode, leaving couples feeling more like roommates than romantic partners. A silent divorce is not recognized by law. A legal divorce involves court proceedings, lawyers, and dividing property. A silent divorce is about emotional disconnection, indifference, and a lack of shared experiences. The couple may still live together and have children, but they don’t love each other anymore.
Signs of a Silent Divorce. A silent divorce isn’t discussed. But there are signs you might be going through a silent divorce. We list these signs below.
What is the walk away wife syndrome?
What to do if you suspect your spouse is a potential walkaway. Walkaway wife syndrome is more than just a phase. Its a complete breakdown of a relationship.
She may not have said anything about divorce yet, but your wife has already checked out. What can you do when your wife no longer has the same feelings? Is there a way to resolve your issues, or is it too late?
Engage in some self-reflection. Why do you want to save your marriage? After all, you may have checked out yourself. Is there still love? Respect? Commitment? Or has it been a mere convenience? Maybe youve been afraid to let it go. Understand your motives. If the love and commitment is still there, youll need to put in the time and effort it takes to make it better. If not, it may be time to let it go. Dont waste your – or her – time any further.
Have an honest conversation. Dont beg. Youve already missed that opportunity. Just listen and absorb. Put away the rebuttals and justifications. Consider everything she says from her perspective, even if you disagree. Youre at a crossroads now. You may feel betrayed, but she has felt emotionally abandoned by you for a long time. The last thing you want to do if you want to save your marriage is to continue to diminish her feelings. Just. Listen.
Is it a sin to stay in a loveless marriage?
God designed marriage to last for life, a strong commitment that reflects Gods master design. His will for you is to stay married unless there is ongoing and unrepentant abuse or infidelity. You must renew your commitment to your spouse, even if you feel that you have an unhappy marriage.
How do you know when a marriage can’t be saved?
Psychologists John and Julie Gottman, who have spent decades studying marriage, identified four strong predictors of divorce: criticism, stonewalling, defensiveness, and contempt. If one or more is present, or the partner exhibiting the behavior is unwilling to examine or change it, the marriage may be beyond repair.
What is the walkaway wife syndrome?
Sometimes, one spouse leaves the other in a seemingly abrupt manner. It leaves the other spouse reeling, and it may shock family and friends. Theres a term for this: walkaway wife syndrome. This term is sometimes used to describe instances where a spouse – often the wife – has felt alone, neglected, and resentful in a deteriorating marriage and decides its time to end it.
What is walkaway wife syndrome?. Although the term “walkaway wife syndrome” might make it sound like a spur-of-the-moment decision, the “walkaway” usually comes after a long period of unresolved conflict. The divorce that results is sometimes years in the making.
After unsuccessfully trying to get her spouse to deal with their relationship issues, the wife in this situation finally decides its futile. She has taken time to consider all her options and prepared herself mentally, emotionally, and financially to leave the marriage.
What if God doesn’t save my marriage?
Consider these five points:. God didnt cause your divorce. When God doesnt intervene and force your spouse to want to work out your marriage, it can seem like God deserted you. Divorce can seem like Gods fault because he failed to do what you asked. God never causes divorce so blaming God points the finger in the wrong direction. Divorce is caused by human choices.
God is close to the broken-hearted. Thats a promise of the Word in Psalms 34:18. It also says that the Lord also saves those who are crushed in spirit. Our pain can veil Gods presence but he is present.
God gives people free-will. God may not answer prayer if we ask him to override the free will he gives to people. Praying on behalf of another person is different than asking God to make a person do what we think they should. Free-will is a great gift from God because it allows us to choose to be in relationship with him. Otherwise, we would just be his pawns rather than his children.
What are the hardest years of marriage?
Divorce lawyers, psychologists, and researchers have slotted years of marriage into periods and have rated them based on their risk of divorce:Years 1–2: Very Risky.Years 3–4: Mild Risk.Years 5–8: Very Risky.Years 9–15: Low Risk.Years 15 and over: Low to Mild Risk.
Home People Also Ask What Years of Marriage are the Hardest?
- Years 1–2: Very Risky
- Years 3–4: Mild Risk
- Years 5–8: Very Risky
- Years 9–15: Low Risk
- Years 15 and over: Low to Mild Risk
In 2019, a total of 2,015,603 marriages happened and 746,971 divorces were granted in America. That implies a divorce rate of about 37%. Statistics suggest that the average national length of an American marriage is 8.2 years.
📹 Why Won’t God Answer My Prayer For My Marriage?
If your a religious person with a marriage in trouble, you’ve probably prayed for your husband or wife to change: “God change my …
Thank you so much Kris for sharing your testimony. Thank you for sharing your journey of deliverance, healing, & restoration. Thank you for sharing how God has helped you and sharing that wisdom with others. God IS using it to help others be delivered & healed. You made a great point… how all of this has definitely helped me to Grow closer, deeper & much more personal in my relationship with God. May He bless you indeed. ❤️ 🙏
Thank you for sharing your story. I stumbled upon your website. But since I don’t believe in coincidences, I know He wanted me to hear your testimony. Although my story is not identical to yours, there are many common issues. It’s been 20+ years of marriage for me and I’ve just realized that I cannot continue in this situation. I’ve been praying and feel like I haven’t heard a clear answer. I’m very scared partially of losing my security but mainly of making the mistake of not waiting on God’s timing. I am struggling with anxiety and depression but will continue to pray and trust that He is listening and working on my situation. 🙏
Praise God I was in and out of all the stages in only 5 months (which doesn’t make it less painful as he almost kill me :(, my prayers to all my sisters that have gone through this a lot longer. We are still alive to fulfill God’s purpose. God deliver, heals and restore! thank you for sharing sister Kris.
OMG this is my ex-husband to a tee!! I still can’t fathom how people choose to be so wicked. MY ex-husband was also much older and likewise, God told me to hang tight and stay. I trusted God even when it hurt and he finally delivered me. What I learned was the scripture of God’s patience and the depth of God’s love for the world. My ex had time and opportunities to get a right heart. He even said God gave him instructions about me but his actions forsake those instructions…he choose wickedness over love. And likewise, I shouldn’t have married him to begin with.