In the Gospels, Jesus states that a kingdom divided against itself is ruined and a house divided cannot stand. This concept is evident in three accounts: Luke 11:17, Mark 3:25, and Matthew 12:25. Jesus knew the thoughts of His own people and warned them that a kingdom divided against itself would lead to desolation and a house divided against itself would not stand.
Marriage is a gift from God, and if a household is divided against itself, it will not last. A house divided against itself will fall apart, and a family divided into groups fighting each other will fall apart. Jesus’ teachings emphasize the importance of being on one side or the other, as a house divided against itself will not stand.
The controversial origins of the marriage between Abraham Lincoln and David were subjected to rumors and gossip during the 1828 presidential campaign. The Pharisees, however, questioned Jesus’ ability to cast out demons and maintain faith.
In conclusion, Jesus’ teachings emphasize the importance of a united family and the importance of submitting to the needs of others.
The phrase “a house divided against itself” appears three times in the Bible, with Jesus stating that if a house is divided against itself, it cannot stand. This statement has been widely quoted throughout history, including by prominent figures. In the Gospel of Mark 3:25, Jesus states that if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. This is similar to the marriage relationship, where a couple builds a house together. If a husband and wife cannot work together moving in the same direction, their home and marriage will eventually fall. Marriage is a wonderful gift from God, and if a house is divided against itself, it will not be able to stand. Divorce can bring more stress into many people’s lives, so God wants people to get their house in order before that can happen. In a kingdom with opposing leaders, a house divided against itself will be a threat to the kingdom.
📹 A House Divided Cannot Stand
This message from Matt Chandler (“A House Divided Cannot Stand: Understanding and Overcoming the Inconsistencies in White …
What is the #1 thing that destroys marriages?
#1: Dishonesty: Not being honest with your partner. Dishonesty can be about money, feelings, or just lying. Lying destroys a marriage. It makes it hard to trust your spouse. If you don’t tell your partner how you feel, it will build up until one day they can’t take it anymore.
#2: Disrespect and Devaluing This starts with teasing, laughing, and making jokes at each other’s expense, especially in public. But often, one person crosses a line without realizing it, and it hurts the other person. If you tease your partner, it can hurt your marriage.
#3: Immaturity and pettiness. A relationship needs compromise and selflessness. Arguments over small things are not good. Both parties need to understand that they don’t have to be right all the time. If you keep track of your partner’s faults, it can lead to problems.
What is the miserable husband syndrome?
Miserable Husband Syndrome is when a man gets angry, frustrated, and anxious because he’s losing testosterone. This can be caused by aging, certain medications, or too much stress.
What breaks up most marriages?
What causes most divorces? Studies say the four most common reasons for divorce are lack of commitment, infidelity, too much conflict, and lack of physical intimacy. The least common reasons are lack of shared interests and incompatibility.
19 Most Common Reasons for Divorce. 1. Too much conflict. No one wants a marriage where they argue all the time. How long could you stick it out when your home is more stressful than your worst day at work? In a good marriage, your spouse is your partner, your support, and your cheerleader.
What is the number 1 marriage killer?
Marriage Killer Number 1: Criticism. You’ll always have conflict with the person you live with. No two people see the world the same. Complaining and criticism are different. The main difference is where the focus is. Complaints vs. criticism. A complaint is about a specific action or event. For example, the spouse forgot to put the dishes away after the dishwasher finished. You forgot to put the dishes away after the dishwasher finished drying them. You said you would. The other spouse says, “Could you do it now?” Gottman says complaints have three parts: How I feel: angry. What happened: you didn’t sweep. What I need: you do it now. The focus is on the person, not the behavior. A criticism is about the person, not the situation. “You’re so stupid.” You’re always lazy! Gottman calls these “harsh start-ups” and often uses words like “always” or “never.” The most common way to turn a complaint into a criticism is to ask, “What’s wrong with you?”
What is the walkaway wife syndrome?
Sometimes, one spouse leaves the other suddenly. The other spouse is shocked. This is called “walkaway wife syndrome.” This term is used for when a spouse, often the wife, feels alone, neglected, and resentful in a bad marriage and decides to leave. What is walkaway wife syndrome? The term “walkaway wife syndrome” suggests a sudden decision, but it often comes after a long period of conflict. The divorce takes years to happen. After trying to get her spouse to deal with their relationship issues, the wife finally decides it’s pointless. She has thought about her options and is ready to leave the marriage.
What does it mean a house divided cannot stand?
When you say “a house divided against itself cannot stand,” you mean that success comes from sticking together.
Example: “I wish Ben and Jerry would get along.” A house divided cannot stand.
Interesting fact about “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” The phrase “a house divided against itself cannot stand” comes from the Bible. In the King James Version, the quote is found in Matthew 12:25: “Every kingdom or city divided against itself will not stand.”
What is the most difficult thing in marriage?
The seven hardest parts of a relationship and how to overcome them: mutual respect. … What the relationship is. … Not talking. … Make time for one-on-one. … Intimacy. … Give and take. … Disagreements. Get the latest trends, fashion, relationships, and more with our weekly guide. Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships, and more. Staying in love is the hard part. Richard Curtis films say relationships are easy, but they’re not. It’s not always easy to form a long-lasting bond. It doesn’t usually involve Bill Nighy.
What is the significance of the quote a house divided?
Lincoln’s remarks in Springfield warned of the dangers of slavery-based disunion, and they united Republicans across the North. Lincoln’s speech was one of his best-known. It begins with the following words, which became the best-known passage of the speech:
I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I don’t think the Union will fall, but I do think it will end.
What is the message of a house divided?
In his “house divided” speech, Lincoln said the Dred Scott decision had already made slavery legal in the north and all U.S. territories. If the U.S. wanted to be free, it had to act now. Lincoln said, “No, there is no compromise.” “You have to choose a side.” He’s saying he’s on the side of freedom and Douglas is on the side of slavery. Or, as he said: If you’re divided, you can’t stand. This government can’t last if it’s half slave and half free. I don’t think the Union will fall, but I do think it will end. “It will become one thing or the other.” The speech got Republicans’ attention. Many thought it had done too much, says Allen Guelzo, author of multiple books about Lincoln.
What was the main point of the House Divided?
Lincoln spoke out against slavery. In this 1857 speech, Lincoln said slavery was a moral and political issue that could destroy the United States. He said that a divided Union cannot stand. He did not expect the Union to be dissolved. I don’t think the house will fall, but I do think it will stop being divided. It will become one thing or the other. Either those against slavery will stop it from spreading and make it extinct; or those for it will make it legal in all states. Lincoln’s ideas were seen as radical and controversial. However, Lincoln appealed to northerners who felt that the Democratic Party and the Supreme Court were being controlled by a group of people who wanted to keep slaves. Transcript. Kansas is not the whole question. This government can’t last if half the country is free and half is not.
How to survive in toxic marriage?
13 tips for dealing with a toxic marriage: Accept. Acceptance is the best way to deal with a toxic marriage. Avoid negative energy. … Stand up for yourself. … Avoid getting angry. … Be kind to yourself and your partner. … Invest in yourself. … Take responsibility. … Let it go. Is my marriage bad? How do you know if your relationship is toxic? If you’ve been asking these questions, it’s toxic. If you’re wondering about signs of a toxic marriage or how to deal with a toxic spouse, you’re wasting your time.
What is the metaphor house divided?
Lincoln’s main metaphor is the Union as a house. I don’t think the Union will fall, but I do think it will stop being divided. Building a house is a family affair. Family conflicts are normal. If families don’t resolve them, households fall apart. The house metaphor shows that we depend on each other and work together. It asks how people can work together despite differences. These ideas are lost in today’s political debates. They are dominated by competing party agendas and talk of irreconcilable “red” and “blue” state mentalities.
📹 A House Divided Cannot Stand
\\\\ ABOUT ME // I’m Christina, a stay-at-home mom with a deep passion for women’s ministry and studying God’s Word. When I’m …
It’s not a MELANIN issue, it’s a HEART issue. PSALM 51:10 Create in me a PURE heart, O God, and RENEW a STEADFAST spirit within me. ROMANS 12:2 DO NOT confirm to the pattern of this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s WILL is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. PROVERBS 23:26 My son, GIVE me YOUR heart and let your eyes delight in my ways, PSALM 26:2 Test me, LORD, and try me, EXAMINE my heart and my mind; MATTHEW 5:8 Blessed are the PURE in heart, for they will SEE God. MARK 6:52 for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were HARDENED.
I don’t remember the gospel making distinctions. I do know of the world we live in is a prejudice world that makes division and causes distinctions to be made. Unfortunately, African Americans have gotten the low end in terms of favor in our country. That is a sin that should be addressed in light of the gospel. A sin in the world should not change how we preach God’s word. It should only motivate us more to try to mortify it and eradicate it. We preach the word to pull something out of it (exegesis); not read something into it (narcigesis). I love Matt Chandler. He’s one of my favorite Bible teachers. I have learned much from observing him, but I believe he missed here.
I came because I was told I was gonna find proof Chandler is “woke” and drifted away from the Gospel. Instead, I found a man who loves his brothers and sisters and has a concern for and is willing to address something that brings pain to a group people and outrages another. I also found in the comment section the very reason why this sermon was necessary….
I was a member at the Village for years, and I can say that it’s not the content of what Matt says that upsets people, it’s how he says it. He tends to have a very harsh, divisive tone, and the effects are seen all throughout the church. This is a problem he’s had from the beginning. He thinks everyone else is the problem because they disagree with him, but he’s unable to acknowledge the way he divides the body of believers with his tone and demeanor.
Well… What about addressing it this way: Between a Black 8 and a White 7, there are people choosing White 7 because of prejudice, racism, segregation, and etc… that should not happen! Choose the best men and women for the job using biblical standards!! “My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.” … Doesn’t say we should put the poor in the front row either. I’m afraid pastor Chandler did exactly that, and I’m sure this intentions are not to. But apparently, good intentions is not being enough.
“You gotta say something” Yes, say the GOSPEL, not critical race theory. Do you not realize the irony that the title “A house divided cannot stand” is completely irrelevant if you make out a church is somehow inadequate because it isn’t pushing racial unity as hard as the left does? “A house divided cannot stand”… “300 fools left my church”… Do you not see the hypocrisy here, Pastor? I am 100% Mexican, am I exempt to this talk, Pastor Matt? Cause if so, are you not barring me from this teaching because of my race? Are you really implying only one race needs to hear this? That, Pastor Matt… IS being racist. Instead of seeing Christians as brothers and sisters in Christ, you have chosen to determine them based on the color of their skin. The blood of Christ is what unites us, and your implication that somehow there is a separation between black and white CHRISTIANS is not only Biblically unsound, it proves that you are the one that was fooled. Do not add to the gospel, it will stand on its own.
“it makes me angry when you take a knee because you don’t have an intellect. Play ball, shut up, do what you’re paid for, makes me hostile. Then when met with data, I get discombobulated so I withdrawal.” That’s certainly going to unify the body of Christ. 🙄 “And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. ” 2 Timothy 2:24-25 ESV
Take heart my brothers and sisters, some will be persuaded by the views of this world instead of staying steadfast to Gods word. We once lived according to the ways of this world. For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. 1 Ephesians 2:14-17a | NIV
You’ve been “hood-winked” (to blindfold, blind by covering the eyes, figurative sense of “blind the mind, mislead, deceive by disguise”). The people you’ve deemed to be fools because they disagree with your woke agenda may be desiring to hear the Gospel preached. 1 Corinthians 15: 1 – 4 Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you, unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. “If you have resolutely fixed your opinion, though it be upon too slight and insufficient grounds, yet you will stand determined to renounce the strongest reason brought for the contrary opinion, and grow obstinate against the force of the clearest argument.” A.W.Tozer
As someone who has respected Pastor Chandler’s willingness to tackle and say what isn’t typically popular from the pulpit I was disheartened by this message not because I disagreed with what I believe to be the overall message that we are one church and one body and there shouldn’t be a place for racism in the heart of a Christian. What concerned me was the spirit in which I felt this message was delivered it had a decidedly “Thank you Lord I’m not like those fools that are so racist I’m more spiritual then all those other white people” and I was curious as to why Pastor Chandler felt the need to weave the “stereotypical black slang” in and out of his message would he do the same if he were speaking in the UK or Mexico Would he pick up a British accent or speak Spanish? It had the feel of trying to sound cool like you’re the white guy with the black friend. In other words I believe that was racist in and of itself. I’m not sure I’m describing this well..I guess the general thought was while I don’t think the message in and of itself was evil ( I think it’s good to reach across all ethnic divides to build one Church) but I think many times the more we pointed out the more it causes the divide. I believe we’ll truly be christ-like when we stop seeing color altogether and just Souls.
Wooow! Quite disappointed with some of the comments. Very glad for his analogy and thank you TGC for this. Most of the things he said is true and if Paul the great apostle can call out Peter so can Matt call out individuals not acting right in the church. I have come to the realisation that when racism is called out, it is frowned upon. Racism is a sin and there are some in churches. If you are offended by this preaching then you need to pray and ask God to reveal what it is. To stay quiet is guilt speak up against what not right in society not only when it benefits you. In heaven there will be all races as the book of revelation states. Now that I have your attention go and pray for Asia Bibi a Pakistani Christian in prison because of her faith in Christ!
Matt Chandler lost me at 8/7 25:30… I no longer can trust him on anything regarding race. Our church pushes RightNow media. Matt Chandler’s conversation on race is bannered at the top as the primary advertised program. This is deeply concerning to me… I had such high respect for Matt Chandler and still do. But since he has now shown his partiality on an ongoing basis I must take that into account when he speaks on social issues of any kind… He has been won over by critical theory, much like the SBC.
The gospel of social justice is the gospel of Satan. “Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” The 300 “fools” who fled his church saved themslevs. These are the last days and we must test the spirits. The devil has the ability to appear as an angel of light. It is the gospel of man versus the gospel of Christ.
“But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit. But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.” Jude 1:17-21 ESV
For everyone that feels anger towards Matt calling those who left as fools, I hope you do realize that there is biblical precedence in calling out fools as they are. If you leave a faith, Bible-based church just because you disagree on something, then you are being foolish because your actions are demonstrating that your faith was in something other than Christ. The wise man builds his house upon a rock, but the foolish man builds his house upon the sand. Secondly, as Christians, are we not called to love as well? I feel extremely broken to see so many seeing this message as a way to amalgamate into the world when instead it should be spurring a desire to repent from ignorance and to uphold one another in higher esteem than our own. Instead, I see division and people who feel that it is their right to take verses out of context and to speak on issues they know so little about. One day, we will all stand beside one another before God, and our calling is to stand united as one, as the bride of Christ, spotless and holy. Please prayerfully consider that before making such serious accusations against any of God’s anointed. On a final note, I do not believe that Matt Chandler is perfect and I do not believe that he is above making mistakes or flaws, he is human as we all are, but God has put him in his position for a reason and purpose and so long as God has not compelled you to speak against him, then I would tell you to be very cautious in doing so.
How does any of this have any thing to do with our walk and understanding of Gods word? It’s all secular conversation that the world partakes in. We were all called out sin into the light. The word of God has no room for racism or indifference. But it doesn’t seem like that’s what he’s talking about. It’s all divisive.
I don’t remember the word or term for those who virtuously appeal for “a conversation” but denounce as “fools” any who would challenge their presuppositional starting point. Whatever that word or term, it applies to Matt Chandler in this message. He lost me, not so much by his “ignorance”, which is a pejorative he dispenses on those who disagree with him, but because his very bearing conveys a smug arrogance offensive to those honestly seeking reconciliation. Matt has put the “bully” back in the pulpit. How can anyone with any discernment not wince in pain as Mat openly advocates for the revision of history in the public schools? Congratulations Matt, you and your fellow revisionists have done well. How’s that going for you now?
I attend the village church and know Matt very well. This is an issue very close to his heart and something I fully agree with. We aren’t saying that if you don’t support BLM you can’t be saved – but there’s a good chance you’re not a Christian and not yet saved. You aren’t beyond redemption just because of your white privilege but you do need to a. Acknowledge it and b. Seek to make everything right with POC afterwards. Whether that’s in finance reparations or service…The point is it’s not too late! Hope you don’t mind me explaining pastor Matt !
Still eagerly waiting for Chandler to spearhead a podcast or lecture series giving comprehensive coverage of sub-Saharan African history and pre-1950s African American history so I can stop being an “ignorant fool”, and at last know way more about African and African American historical figures than I do about historical figures from European/Mediterranean regions who gave rise to Western Civilization and non-presidential American historical figures.
I’m at a complete loss as to why this should be called a “sermon.” There was zero attempt to exposit Scripture. Did he reference Scripture? Yes. Did he preach Scripture? No! Frankly I found his tone condescending; his methodology for discerning God’s call for an elder/pastor unbiblical; and his measuring stick to be as racist as his what he’s “preaching” against. I can’t see how this added to the unity of faith we are commanded to in Philippians 2 or anywhere else in Scripture. Measuring ANYONE on some 10-point scale to the end that you would pick a lower number over a higher number is the very definition of tokenism and paternal arrogance. The thought that whites need to find and distribute power (to anyone) is just as racist as the idea that whites should find and maintain it for themselves. Shame on you, brother.
This is so sad!! I never saw this coming from my conservative reformed brothers and sisters. We are all ONE in Christ, at the foot of the cross there is no more skin color, cultural ethnicity, wealth, family etc…only Christ to be proclaim and glorified. I do not know any gospel centered church that will discriminate against a fellow brother or sister today in the year 2018 because of their skin color!! This is absurd!! The gospel, Christ is the only thing that unites us as biblical christians. Racism is a sin that needs to be mortified, but this is on the individual level. Not on a society level or on a system level; societies don’t sin, systems don’t sin, people sin. Therefore let’s identified this brothers and sisters who need to repent of this sin and let’s work together. But don’t divide the church accusing systems and past societies of racism. I will be praying for unity and for this social movement inside the church to evaluate their position and intentions. Soli dea Gloria
12:51 Say what Matt? Are we supposed to apologize every Sunday for being white? I think you are saying we need to jump on the cultural bandwagon and cause division and start seeing separation. How about this: All pastors say something about the GOSPEL and all of man kind being made in the image of God. Stop causing division. This rhetoric makes this white pastor sick.
What a burden you lay on the people of God! I can barely learn all I want to about God’s history throughout the ages and yet you want me to single out Africa only to learn its secular culture?! My 5th grader has a homeschool curriculum called Taking Africa for Jesus because Christ is all that matters. It’s God’s history I care about.
False Profit. This is the biggest enemy to Christianity and the Christian church today. A man in high position and influence speaking his opinions and taking Gods word out of context to fit his narrative. This preacher referred to members that left his church as “fools” and couldn’t care less that they did leave. This is horrible and gives Christians a bad name
Privilege: Original sin Social Justice: Law Under this new law there is no atonement for sin, the individual can only be redeemed by engaging in anti-privilege work defined as the quest for equity (itself almost impossible to define because how many latino men must be in the elders group for it to be considered good? what percentage of yellow skin individuals is necessary in the worship team for equity to be served?) but the thing is that the anti-racism work is absolutely impossible to be accomplished, therefore the privileged individual is always striving to be justified but he can’t. “Therefore there is now condemnation for all the privileged individuals, even if they are in Christ and never have commited sins of racism or sexism or any other ism”. This is indeed a new religion brought in by those whom used to preach Christ to us; this is indeed disconcerting
Hmm, I think Matt just called everyone who doesn’t agree with him “a fool”. What about Matt 5:22? How could he call me a fool when he presumes because I am white, I have a “special sin”. Where are the witnesses against me? The head of the church is Jesus – not this man. I lament the false teaching he is giving here. We are reconciled through Christ alone. I love all my brothers and sisters in the LORD!
Exaggerating the accomplishments of historical African Americans is dishonest and will only lead to doubts about your other points. Just tell the truth the way it happened, no need for hyperbole: “Banneker’s duties on the survey consisted primarily of making astronomical observations at Jones Point in Alexandria, Virginia, to ascertain the location of the starting point for the survey. He also maintained a clock that he used to relate points on the ground to the positions of stars at specific times. However, at age 59, Banneker left the boundary survey in April 1791 due to illness and difficulties completing the survey. He returned to his home at Ellicott’s Mills to work on an ephemeris. Andrew Ellicott continued the survey with his brothers Benjamin and Joseph Ellicott and other assistants through 1791 and 1792”
A few thoughts on today’s article: Today’s article Bible Study was about staying united as the Body of Christ to withstand attack from the enemy. While I believe division is a tactic from the enemy to attack us, here are a few things to keep in mind while making attempts to maintain unity: 1. Under no circumstances should you stay in an abusive relationship to “keep the peace.” I in no way, nor does the Bible, support or approve abuse for any reason. Unfortunately, after many years in women’s ministry many women have reached out to me about leaving an abusive relationship and my advice is to always leave. God does not want you to be in an abusive relationship. When you are in a situation of abuse, unity can never be achieved by staying in the relationship. 2. Unhealthy relationships exist in Church too. I speak more about false teachers in this article: Still, I strongly encourage all believers to connect with a biblically sound local Church. I know some of you have experienced church hurt, making joining a local church much more difficult. Here are some resources that will hopefully be helpful: Lonely at Church: How to Rethink Community and Find Fellowship: 10 Reasons Never to Miss a Sunday Service:
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man atv variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:34-38). What do these scriptures mean? I understand what you are saying, we DO need other believers; HOWEVER, finding TRUE believers is like finding a needle in a haystack. My WORST EXPERIENCES have been by other Christians (modern-day pharisees) who held me by their personal standards instead of standards written in scripture. When I would tell them I would pray about it, they would try to discourage me from it and force me to see things their way (as if they were the only ones with a relationship with God and nobody else does). Also, they humiliated me instead of leading me to Jesus, telling me I need to be like so and so instead of telling me where I am wrong, why I am wrong according to scripture, and telling me to go to Jesus (giving me hope). What’s surprising is that they didn’t even follow their own advice, doing to me what they told me not to do. Actually, many times, what they told me was contrary to scripture and when I went to God after, God revealed to me something different.
I’m very confused by this verse. I. Standing for my marriage to a unbeliever who I thought was saved 13 yrs ago when we married. I’m light of other scriptures do you think the Lord is saying there’s no way to stay in a marriage to a unbeliever? I mean it says it cannot stamd. I will say I know there is two different kingdoms at work here. The Lord’s and the enemies. My husband is in deep darkness.