Jehovah’s Witnesses, a religious organization, believe that marriage is the proper arrangement for the multiplication of the human race and that marriage is a privilege from God. They believe that marriage is true and clean, and that there is no unrighteousness in him. They uphold the true dignity and honorableness of this divine institution.
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in the traditional family setting, where the wife submits to her husband, and the husband remains the head of the family. In this marriage arrangement, the husband provides leadership while the wife takes a supportive role. The Bible’s advice on how to have a happy marriage comes from the Originator of marriage, Jehovah God.
Jehovah’s Witnesses do not arrange marriages, but they view dating as a step toward marriage and view it seriously. Dating is reserved for those who have passed the age of consent. In most Western cultures, forced marriage is very rare, and the Bible does not specify any favorable or negative comments regarding the custom itself.
Jehovah’s Witnesses also believe that the Bible’s advice on how to have a happy marriage works because it comes from the Originator of marriage, Jehovah God. They do not help couples deal with marital problems, and congregation elders do not have to approve divorces.
In conclusion, Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that marriage is the proper arrangement for the multiplication of the human race and that dating is reserved for those who have passed the age of consent.
📹 Jehovah’s Witnesses – dating, marriage & divorce
Jws #jworg #exjw #exjehovahwitness #exjwsupport #apostate #exjwhealing #exjwsthink #jehovahswitness #jehovahswitnesses …
What are the rules for Jehovah’s Witnesses marriage?
Family life. The family is headed by the father. The husband makes all family decisions. Marriages must be monogamous. Wives should obey their husbands, and husbands should love and respect their wives. Husbands should treat their wives like Jesus treated his followers. They should not mistreat their families. The father should provide for his family. He must take care of them spiritually. This includes teaching religion to the family and leading prayers. Parents shouldn’t be mean to their kids. Children should obey their parents.
Married couples should speak with elders if they have problems. If a couple separates because of abuse or neglect, or if one partner tries to stop the other from being a Jehovah’s Witness, they can get divorced. They can remarry if the other person has been unfaithful.
Morality. Jehovah’s Witnesses have high standards of morality. Their view of sexual behavior is similar to conservative Christian views. Abortion is murder. Homosexuality, premarital sex, and extramarital sex are sins. Gender transitioning is against nature, and sex reassignment surgery is mutilation. If a transgender person has had a mutilating operation, they must live according to their biological sex and leave their spouse.
What religious group has the highest divorce rate?
These were grouped by Evangelical, Mainline, and Black Protestant groups. Evangelical Protestants had the highest divorce rate at 28%. Historically Black Protestants had a lower divorce rate of 9%. Protestant Christians have higher divorce rates than some other religious groups. This may be because Protestant denominations have different views on marriage and divorce. Some denominations are more open to divorce, while others are more traditional, making divorces less common. 2. Catholics: 19%. Pew Research Center data shows that 19% of Catholics surveyed were divorced.
What is a sin in Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Jehovah’s Witnesses consider many actions to be serious sins. Baptized Witnesses may be subject to a judicial committee hearing for these sins. Such actions include abortion, adultery, and anal or oral sex. Jehovah’s Witnesses have different ways of disciplining members. If a member does something wrong, elders can talk to them privately. They can also stop or limit what the member does in the congregation.
Hearings about serious sins are done by a group of elders. They decide if the person is guilty and if they should repent. A variety of controls can be enforced, from reproof to excommunication, which includes shunning. People who are disfellowshipped can be readmitted after a long time if they show they have changed. Many non-members and ex-members criticize the practice of disfellowshipping, which includes shunning family members.
Counsel and guidance. Personal advice. Congregation elders can offer advice in private. If the member doesn’t accept the counsel, the elders may speak to the congregation about the member’s behavior without naming the member. This is to tell other members who know about the person’s behavior to avoid socializing with them.
What is the two-witness rule for Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Jehovah’s Witnesses require two witnesses to prove a person did something wrong without confessing. People around the world have raised concerns about how Jehovah’s Witnesses handle cases of child sexual abuse. An independent study in Norway criticized how Jehovah’s Witnesses handled these cases, but found no evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses are more likely to sexually abuse children than the general public. The organization says it hates child sexual abuse. In 2015, it was revealed that the Australian branch of Jehovah’s Witnesses had records of 1,006 people accused of child sexual abuse, involving over 1,800 victims since 1950. None of these cases were reported to the police. Some media and courts have reported that Jehovah’s Witnesses have policies that make it hard for members to report sexual abuse. Some victims say they were ordered to stay silent to avoid embarrassment. In 2002, Jehovah’s Witnesses said that elders must report child abuse to the authorities if required by law. In 2016, a UK judge ruled against Jehovah’s Witnesses for not protecting a child victim of sexual abuse. The Supreme Court rejected an attempt by the Watch Tower Society to block an inquiry into how the organization handles abuse allegations. This was the end of two years of legal battles in five courts. The attorney for the commission said that WTBTS has challenged the legal basis and scope of the Charity Commission’s inquiry at every stage.
What is the divorce rate for Jehovah Witnesses?
Religious tradition: Married, Divorced/separated, Hindu, 60%, 5%, Historically Black Protestant, 31%, 19%, Jehovah’s Witness, 53%, 12%, Jewish, 56%, 9% The number of adults in each group varies. The sample size for the estimates is in the last column of the table. See this table for the margin of error for a group of a given size. When comparing groups, remember the margin of error. This helps you understand the significance of trends over time. See the survey questionnaire for the full question wording.
Learn More: Married, living with a partner, divorced, widowed, never married.
What is the two person rule for Jehovah Witnesses?
Jehovah’s Witnesses require two witnesses to prove a person did something wrong without confessing. People around the world have raised concerns about how Jehovah’s Witnesses handle cases of child sexual abuse. An independent study in Norway criticized how Jehovah’s Witnesses handled these cases, but found no evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses are more likely to sexually abuse children than the general public. The organization says it hates child sexual abuse. In 2015, it was revealed that the Australian branch of Jehovah’s Witnesses had records of 1,006 people accused of child sexual abuse, involving over 1,800 victims since 1950. None of these cases were reported to the police. Some media and courts have reported that Jehovah’s Witnesses have policies that make it hard for members to report sexual abuse. Some victims say they were ordered to stay silent to avoid embarrassment. In 2002, Jehovah’s Witnesses said that elders must report child abuse to the authorities if required by law. In 2016, a UK judge ruled against Jehovah’s Witnesses for not protecting a child victim of sexual abuse. The Supreme Court rejected an attempt by the Watch Tower Society to block an inquiry into how the organization handles abuse allegations. This was the end of two years of legal battles in five courts. The attorney for the commission said that WTBTS has challenged the legal basis and scope of the Charity Commission’s inquiry at every stage.
Do Jehovah Witnesses use birth control?
Witness writings often say women should obey their husbands. But they also say women should have some control over their bodies. This includes giving birth at home, breastfeeding, and using birth control.
What is the divorce rate for Jehovah’s Witnesses?
We don’t have a high divorce rate. I looked at the numbers earlier today. About 12% of Jehovah’s Witnesses are divorced, whether before or after becoming a Jehovah’s Witness.
Can Jehovah Witness divorce and remarry?
If you divorce without Biblical grounds, you can’t remarry. The Bible says married couples should stay together even if things are hard. Problems can be fixed by praying, applying Bible principles, and showing love. Jehovah’s Witnesses can separate in certain extreme situations.
Not supporting your spouse. —1 Timothy 5:8; Physical abuse. —Psalm 11:5; Endangerment of spiritual life. For example, a spouse might try to make a Witness do something against God’s commands. The threatened mate might decide to separate to “obey God as ruler rather than men.” —Acts 5:29.
📹 Jehovah’s Witnesses – Dating, Marriage & Unbelievers
Exjwsthink #Watchtower #Dating #Marriage #Unbelievers #LadyCee We receive a lot of correspondence asking us for assistance …
Wonderful info. I was born in the JW faith. I married a new brother old friend from school, that was recently baptized. He con me into thinking he was a JW by choice. Truth be told he became a JW Only to married me. As soon as we married. He quit going to the hall, became verbally an physically abusive. The Elders refused to help me saying I wasn’t a good example . It was my fault. What the **. This was my final straw. I made him move out of MY house I wont be abused. Got divorced. I stopped association with JWs . A wonderful and freeing experience!
Good article. A few years ago, when I was still in a congregation, I had vowed never to marry a ‘brother’ again. Two abusive marriages was enough for me. I am ‘married’ to a man who treats me properly, is patient, and loving. I couldn’t ask for anyone better. I remember when I was 18 and had to tell a ‘worldly’ guy that I couldn’t see him. (I was still living with my parents.) He drove out all the way from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island, Canada. I was trying to be a good little JW. I broke his heart. Jehovah’s Witnesses is an unloving organization that can really wreak havoc on your life. Beware.
Everyone I met in the ‘truth’ broke my heart. Was never good enough for them. I was a convert. My unbelieving non practicing catholic wife accepted me for me. I had gotten sick when we got engaged. She would write her papers for her MBA in my hospital room while I was in for TWO MONTHS. Not a single witness visited. We’ve been married 7 years and she has been here with me despite all my former ‘friends’ dropping me. I have all the family I need.
I am in the category of witness who is not spiritual. Not regular at meetings, not regular in the field service, etc… I am just woke up. I can’t just get a sister to date because they all think I am a bad association. Nevermind, I no more want to date any witness. They are just so many good girls outside the organization.
Thank you! I am so excited about your upcoming series on marriage to a non-Witness. I’m part of what you might call the “trickle down”, mother to a man who married a JW woman who is raising their four children JW. I am looking forward to understanding more about the effects this has brought into our family, in the past and even more those impacting our family right now. ❤️
So Accurate as always. I woke up at 27. Even though I love my wife (Who is still currently a JW), I feel we both missed out on a true dating experince. Everything we did from courtship to engagement was under heavy scrutiny. No movie dates alone. No going out for dinner after a certain hour. No driving to and from places in the same car without someone else present. And we were in OUR 20’s! Its truely sad.
Fell in love with a JW sister. 1 and a half year relationship and we we got serious about marriage. Her parents found out and involved the elders of her congregation. They interrogated and harrassed her for 3 months with judicial hearings threatening her with disfellowship if she didnt call it off with me and date a JW brother to marry instead. Threats of losing her family and being shunned for life she finally gave in and broke it off with me. Last I talked to her she told me how much it hurt and how much pain she was in about it. She then acted like I never existed and I dont exist to her anymore. This was a few months ago and I’m still not over it. I started researching the religion after that and I’m shocked… it’s a literal cult and theres so much abuse, including domestic abuse which worries me a great deal for her. I treated her like a queen, made her feel loved which she has never recieved. She was miserable until she met me. I have a hard time giving up on her just yet. Shes the one I love most without a doubt. It’s a cult, clear as day.
I am in the category of being born in the JW organization, husband’s family accepted the organization when he was a toddler, so he grew up in it too- we met in a congregation- clicked and connected, had our child and then continues to raise him to be a witness until we started traveling and broadening our minds and realized at the same time- how foolish everything was. So we got lucky in the sense that we both understood how crucial it was to leave a false organization. Living happily. Coming up on a decade. We understand where we come from and will not repeat it. Only growth from here.
I already told my son, the day I see him without his beard, that’s the day I will know he met a Jehovah Witness sister.! My son loves his beard.! He has seen the Leah Remini coverage of JWS, and the Oxygen coverage, so he should be good. If by chance, any of my children meets a JW, and decide to pursue a relationship, I will make it my mission to intervene, and put and end to it.! 😄
In my case I found my husband and he helped me to wake up, of course before I met him I already had my own doubts and I felt happy. Then, he asked me to marry him but I didn’t want to marry him hoping he would change and convert to JW so after conversations with him and doing my own research I left the organization and marry the love of my life who taught me what true love is 🥰 I feel like God sent him and help me out of that toxic group
Haha You better run!! I was raised in JW family but I had the ability to critical think and be In-dependent with my fists up when I born .. I agree with the you better run!! I never got baptized and I ran from it as early as I could . So did my brothers and other cousins, and let me tell you I have met some people that were raised JW and left but some will never be normal people, they struggle so much with their consciences not knowing what or who or how to deal with life. It is so sad. I am so fortunate that I could scrutinize this world around me and find some peace and love god with out the guilt tripping from my family and their congregation.
You nailed it! Another thing too, the ratio between women to men is like 25w to 1m. Women would settle just to have someone in the organization. No telling who they get. As some men seem so creepy, not just physically but having a conversation a red flag comes up. Is disturbing that watchtower controls people when it comes to selecting a mate. Which mean your selection is poor, unless you are 16 and have been on the hunt to snatch one, before he is taken, as soon as she turns 18 they hurry to get married. But at some point your pick is diminishing the older a woman get! 😳
Lady C is 100% on point as usual. I’m living this life. My wife is a DFed witness. My stepdaughters are 9 and 13 and are caught in the middle of this mess. If you ever do a article on non jws that are married to a jw, or disfellowshipped jw, please let me know. I’d love to see it or be a part of it. Keep fighting the good fight in telling people the real “truth”.
Great article. I would like to add in a 4th category…. Ex-Jehovah’s Witness. Depending on what a person is looking for in a relationship, being an ex jw can even still affect it. When you come from a family line of jws, potential partners find it quite odd that they won’t have in laws or an extended family because of you being cut off from them. I once dated a girl who said that she didn’t want to be “in” a family where the family didn’t want me or her because family was too important to her. This cult is like an incurable disease when you are born into it. You may try so many ways to suppress it and even move on but there will always be reminders of it still affecting you, even in relationships. So if you are shunned by an entire family and plan on dating a “family girl/guy” (person where family is extremely important to them) or if you are that person, I suggest you count your losses.
I’ve been duped by this org thinking it was only a religion with some quirks. Little did I know how bad it was, it creeps on you like a slow lava flow where ultimately it will consume you and everything you love. Then again, many times I think I was put in this situation to help those who are suffering.
I remember one time a ministerial servant started dating and dumped a young beautiful nice sister only because she had a kid in a previous relationship. I said to the elder that basically raised me that I thought that crap was wrong. He said to me do you want “used shoes”. That was a very cruel thing to say to anyone. I couldn’t believe he said that. It’s so sad how they base everything on a belief system that they change anyway with what they created called “New Light”.
You’re so right. My husband’s family loved me until they found out that I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. Then they treated me horribly for over 30 years because of it. I did bring my husband in. We went through hell with the organization. We’re still together but we’ve left the organization. I had to wake him up from the indoctrination after I woke up. Our children were dragged into the jws because of me. I was born in. We’re all free and happy now, but we nearly ended up divorced a few times during those years.
I’ve never been a jw, but i totally understand exactly what you’re saying, i met someone I’ve known for years, she said she love me, but I couldn’t be a jw, so she went and married a jw she doesn’t even know, just because he’s a jw, now he’s abusing her, why ?, it’s because she loves the organization more than anything else 😢
Thank you lady C for this….. This is me. I NEVER was a JW him and I got married and things were good UNTIL…. Now 15yrs in I see what it is now… I’m stuck with No Financial support he controls it all and I’m a prisoner me and my two daughters in this house with little to no help from anyone outside….
I was raised in the Cult 90% of my family are Witnesses . I married someone would was disfellowshipped. None of my family came to our wedding because he was DF. He got reinstated after I found out he was Cheating and left him. He went back to the Witnesses now my family is best friends with him and he is shunning me. We are divorced now but he is friends with my family. My father who is an Elder told me I need to get Baptized so I can be back with my ex husband because Jehovah forgave him for his sins and he’s not living that life anymore. He told me I need to get baptized because Armageddon is coming and I won’t have a choice soon. This is a CULT!!!!
Lady Cee. What You Say About It Being More Than Church Attendance, Is So True. I try to convey that to many Non-JWs, and They do not get it. It does involve Emotional and Mental Circumstances, Lifestyles, Future Endeavours, and Many More Situations as well. You get Alienated from Your Partner; because of both Watchtower’s Influence and Micromanaging of the JW, as well as That Partner’s Own Choosing to Follow A Different Path In Life. Both Myself and My JW Husband: We were Born-Out, Joined JWs separately, Met and Got Married (2 months later),I Left(for My Own Reasons. Most I am sure You are already aware of from past comments.), He became Physically Out -Mentally In, He Eventually Went Back To JWs, I remain Ex-JW. So, Now We have a very strained Relationship as a Couple, and He gets all his Directions from Watchtower and Is distant Emotionally from Me and Socially(He spends his Free Time with Other JWs as opposed to With Me(his wife) or Our Children and Grandchildren). I can not begin to express the level of anxiety and anger and frustration and isolation, being in such a marriage brings most days. Many Ex-JWs in similar circumstances have shared similar sentiments. To base Your Marriage upon what you think is the one binding factor and true religion, only to learn that not only is the religion not true or healthy, but your Partner is no longer choosing to be a part of your life and happiness…That is Doubly Devastating and Disconcerting. To have Watchtower use Cult Indoctrination to destroy Family Unity and not Upbuild It, is Appalling!
Shoot I’m so glad I had the wherewithal to marry who I wanted instead of only looking within the organization for a marriage mate. I was still pioneering and very active when I started dating my non JW husband. I had to be really covert throughout my whole relationship because I knew it would be trouble if anyone found out. I never realized he was the catalyst in me finally waking up. I don’t know what would’ve happened if I had married a JW man, and I wouldn’t want to find out…
8+ years ago I was an unbaptized publisher, I married a JW. We were marked from the podium because he married “outside of the faith.” His privileges were revolted for 2 years. After two years he went to the elders and asked when will he get his privileges back. He said they forgot about him!? My husband went to the CO. The CO, the brother who marked us, and my husband had a meeting (without me….still not baptized). The brother was made to apologize to my husband and my husband asked when will the privileges back. His. Privileges were restored. To this day I’m still soft shunned by some sisters and was never apologized to. Because of this situation I will not be baptized in this org. Also I was baptized 30+ years ago in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, I don’t need to be baptized twice.
I married while I had faded, but was POMI. After having my 1st child I decided to return because I feared Armageddon, now that I was a mother, I didn’t want my children to die. We started having issues with my husband because I was starting to change. However, I never pushed for him to join me. My mother is always trying to convince me that I can force him to join. Fortunately, my husband is a great critical thinker and has slowly opened my mind on certain things. He recently said to me “A tree doesn’t ask another tree how to be a tree. It does it naturally. Giving its own fruit. So why are you giving your power to chose, to someone else, for you?” I now find and starting to remember as a child doubting certain teachings. Its like I’ve been in a slumber. Struggling to find my own mind(power)in all of this.
I doubt I will ever marry again, let alone ever waste my time dating again as I’m coming to realize how damaging and controlling my JW marriage was and influenced by with the cultic authoritarianism. The breaches that occured has created a level of distrust and mistrust to the point where, at 47 years old, why would I EVER want to put myself in another dangerous, susceptible, vulnerable position of dating anyone, let alone a JW, when I’m coming to realize the level of damage I’ve had happen to me. It’s no longer worth the risk because with dating & marriage, based on my experience of my JW ex-wife who dragged me through the family court system, even with NO children, stuck me with alimony/maintenance for $1,600/monthly for several years before I lost my career in 2017 and could not pay any more. Then I settled out by paying her $8,000 in a final lump sum. Then she dies unexpectedly October 22, 2018 at age 46 after battling cancer, anemia and other illnesses for nearly a decade and come to find out she breached the mutually paid in life insurance policy we had before she died by lapsing her end of the payments for some months before she died while I had still paid on my end in the case that I died first!!!! Instead of receiving the $250,000 on the policy claim that was paid into for years I am now instead faced with filing for Bankruptcy whether it’s a Chapter 13 later this year or if the creditors hold off until January 2021 filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy when I’m eligible for it in eleven months.
My marriage to my jw wife has suffered tremendously since her reinstatement, I started studying for a short while only to question the 1914 doctrine because I just couldn’t get it!!! By that I mean I couldn’t understand the logic behind it as there was no empirical evidence from the Bible. That in turn caused the on going research into many other issues in the organisation. I also on many occasions challenged the way the meetings were structured in the sense of giving the reasoning/answers from only the watchtower and not what the Bible was saying. I found it to be extremely juvenile and unnerving. In a nutshell I brought my findings and opinions to my wife, only for her to separate from me deeming me as spiritually dangerous. I have told her I believe in Jesus as our Lord and I have not turned away from God, stating I believe in true worship not a true religion, I’m absolutely devastated by all of this and I continue my humblest approach with patience that she will come through this travesty upon her.
Lady Cee you’ve hit the right spot! All that you’ve said are true. Almost everything outside the organisation’s teachings are wrong. They have rearranged God’s original plan for marriage. In their own bible i think it is written “For a man shall leave his parent and stick to a jw wife plus the watchtower governing body & doctrines, then they shall become one flesh, therefore what the watchtower has joined together let no Christendom put apart”
Dag. I am mipo. I am 52 years old. To be honest. I’ve never had a healthy relationship with a man in the world. Nor have a man become interested in me in the kingdom hall. I do want to get married some day. In hopes in someone to love me for the person I am. I feel stuck. I still look young. Feel good about myself. I have a good job/career. Yet. I have not met anyone. Shit. Pretty much, I’ve been single all my life. So I compensate by working like a Hebrew slave. I am independent. But, I do want to share my life with someone. Help.
This subject is the initial reason of why I left. My story is a complicated twisted one as most exjw stories are. But mine is a bit unique. I was divorced, and had a 3 1/2 year old child. I was still living at home and I was only 22 years old. ( My marriage and divorce is the twisted story which I won’t get into right now) I had been divorced at this point for about 3 years ( yeah you do the math.. complicated story as I said) I had been through van ordeal to say the least, but now I was looking at the future, I wanted to remarry etc. I didn’t know that I didn’t have a ” scriptural divorce” my mother soon informed me. But I was young, divorced and had a child, tell me ? What young brother in good standing in the JW would want me? A ready made family.. it was hard enough to find a mate you were compatible with in the organization, let alone throw in all the baggage I was carrying. So, I met a guy at work. ( Wasn’t the best decision but it got me out of my parents home, and out of the org) I moved in with him three months later. Wrote a letter of disassociation.
This would have been me. I thought he was a pastor at first bc he knew so much bible little did he know I am filled with the Holy spirit and I knew the word too so when he said certain things that was not in the bible It got me questioning then he said he was a jw then I started researching n I was like run gold run he was ready 4 his parents to meet me n kept telling me to come to the kingdom hall when he would preach and even sent me audio recording of his sermon in the church bc he was a minister servant n was going to be an elder. We are friends but that’s all as long as he is a jw noooo I was laughing in his face when he said he will live forever I thought he was joking I said you really believe that? He said yes n was serious I thought he has lost his mind. When I told him what I found on the internet he tells me I am learning about jw from apostate ppl n am like what? This nothing but witchcraft if you ask me. Be bless sister bc these articles are helping us who have no idea
I remember this one guy in my congregation I don’t know if he was an elder or not always told a story to warn us about marrying fakes in the congregation his story went that a girl meets a guy who was coming to the halls they meet he takes the plunge studies gets baptized then married her after the wedding he says that he showed his true colors he left the faith & told her she can never go to the meetings & see her friends & family again. When I heard this story I thought it was alot to go through to get a girl but now I doubt his story was real maybe it was.
I guess l was saved from it all because every brother that wanted to talk to me someone would say l am crazy so they leave me alone. Thank God for them They bless me because I always could do what l want without having to answer to an JW husband or Elder. One thing I could get degree with no hassle 😁.
I had two friends one who was from a JW family that got married but not sure if they still are but they haven’t spoken to me in a long while for some reason they distanced themselves from me and I could never understand why when they got married everyone else was invited except for me. I don’t know whether it might have been the fact that there were times of flirtation between myself and one of them, the one who was JW, a lot of physical touching of one another when we were alone together, you could say sexual tension but never officially asking one another out. ( I won’t mention which as to not identify gender. ). I wanted to express my romantic intentions but learned eventually later my friends had been secretly been dating one another unbeknownst to me. I sincerely hope all that flirtation occurred long before. I had some feelings but I felt bad after learning my other friend had joined JW to be with the other which is something I couldn’t or wasn’t willing to do. Deep down I really wanted to pursue a relationship but out respect I backed away from pursuing the person I was interested in because I valued my friendships with both and they obviously loved one another to go to such extremes. Now I am wondering is this why we aren’t friends anymore. It makes me sad to lose both.
Met one. I was madly in love with her. Luckily for me, I already lost faith in religion before I met her so it was easy for me to question her beliefs. This led me into doing my research. There’s a lot she kept away from me about that religion. I think it’s a tactics. If people know exactly about this religion, they won’t deal with them. Like don’t employ them, don’t trade with them, and don’t even teach them. Let their organization do all those for them.
Miss C let me give an honest rebuttal if I may, were in the WT long enough to know that wives who are JW’s are taught to be submissive as if to Christ to their husbands whether their husbands are JW‘s or not. So, how is that a disadvantage to the husband who is not a JW? You are right about JW wives not celebrating Christmas or holidays, or anything that would go against there religious conscience as is the right of anyone. It seems it is more of an advantage for the non-witness husband to be married to a JW wife because JW wives are generally more obedient to their husbands even if their husbands are not JW‘s because it’s part of their religious service and obedience to the Lord. Your regular run-of-the-mill worldy minded wife does not consider it as part of her worship of God to be under the subjection of her husband as to God. So for the JW wife only something that goes against her obedience to God and her worship get in the way. Just like the scripture “we must obey God as ruler rather than men.” Her marriage to a nonbeliever does not get in the way of their marriage unless he wants her to do something wrong, so, he’s getting a much better deal than she is because it’s not easy for her either to be submissive and obedient to a man who may care nothing about God or how he treats her. And a husband who is a JW and whose wife is not, more than likely is going to be much more considerate, compassionate, and loving to his non-believing wife,.. considering her feelings thoughts and ideas.
I met a beautifull girl that i had talked to for a couple of years online and we fell in love. We were talking about getting married and move in together, because we live in different countries. During one of those talks, she told me that once her life was settled, she intend to go back to JW. I was suprised about being the first she was telling me this. From that moment on, i knew we were doomed, because i have family in it, even though i was raised as catholic. Nevertheless i tried to go against my instincts and pursue the relationship, after a while i started to notice that somethings about her were rooted in the cult and decided to do a deep research on the matter. I confirmed my fears about the future, tried to talk to her about her cult, she told me it was a non-negotiable and so i decided to leave. When i feel sad about it or starting to miss her, i watch vids like this and i feel better knowing i avoided destroying our lives, even though we love each other.
I know this article is old but I (Christian) just recently broke up with with my bf(jw). when we first started talking he didn’t tell me. I found out through social media that his family was jw and I confronted him about it. He told me that he felt confused and uncertain about many things. I still gave him a chance and I fell in love. The thing was that up until the breakup his family didn’t know I existed until his sister saw on social media. She put two and two. She blackmailed him and basically told him that either she would tell or he would tell his family. The first few months of the relationship were beautiful but I think after his sister confronted him he stopped texting me me as much. We would only hang out on the weekends and usually eat in the car. Towards the end of the relationship he would make excuses about hanging out and being with my family. Maybe he felt like he was being watched or would eventually get caught. It started affecting me emotionally and mentally. I started to ask him to hang out or make more of an effort and he said he would change. Lies. I wanted a future with him and at first we were on the same page until it started to become one sided. I would asks him certain things and he would change the conversation or say let’s talk about it later. I never realizes just how messed up the cult was until I started researching about ex jw. I realized that his worries and doubts were because of him being oppressed by his own religion. I am deeply saddened that I had to end things but I had to value myself because I kept holding on that maybe things would change.
A Comparison of Gods This is a story of a boy and girl falling in love at 13 years old. They were inseparable for 5 years through school never dating anyone else. Before graduation, she was told a lie that the boy didn’t want her. She was afraid to go to him about it. She went visiting her aunt out of town for 2 weeks. He waited with excitement. He bought an engagement ring and was going to ask her to marry him when she returned, having a job and apartment. She didn’t come back. After him living in hell for 6 weeks after the 2 weeks, she wrote him and said they were too different. He finds out she has met somebody new. He went to talk to her but was rejected. He was told by her mother and new boyfriend he did not deserve her; he was a Baptist and she was a Jehovah Witness. He was “Shunned”. She accepted a marriage proposal after only 1 month to her new boyfriend. The boy was devastated, it took many years to recover including PTSD. Her mother during that Summer guilt shammed her about displeasing Jehovah by not marrying a Jehovah’s Witness. She married this JW and was miserable. He hardly worked, she worked 2 jobs, took care of the kids, house and yard. He cheated on her many times, one for a couple of years while he was out of town working. She spent 24 years having sexual relations with someone she didn’t want to be with. He just bossed her and her boys around and called her vulgar names. This is Chosen! God fixed this 24 years later, He sent the boy back after her, shortly after her mother had passed away.
I once brought up 1 Corinthians 7:14 to an elder and they basically told me that I can’t take it literally. Is there really any scriptural basis for that? In either case, it made no sense to me. I don’t agree with limiting a life partner to one specific religion. As long as two people respect each other’s beliefs. One reason why I could never be a JW.
Ok ok…… I have a question. Say a gay couple get married. 1 partner says: “I started going to church and am giving my life to the lord, I dont think i can do this any longer…” And wants out of the relationship?? Is that partner Wrong for …”Giving their life & the glory to God”, For repentance of sin… or for leaving their partner…? 🤷♂️
I was born in and married a non believer, we have been married 33 yrs. At the time I was talked to by the elders, no one came to the wedding. For years my husband went to the meetings, he was love bombed. Love bombed until he made it clear he did not want a study. We were not included in activities, but all my life I wasn’t included so it was nothing new. I no longer consider myself a JW. Our kids are grown, we have grandchildren and we are fine. Many stories of stupid things that the witnesses did.♥️🌹
Conversion nor coercion should ever be the goal….merely to exist as a loving couple is what God truly wants. Unfortunately, many women in the jW faith profess to be a Christian but their agenda is far from the intention of love, truth, and the reality in the pursuit of a happy union.They simply cannot handle the real truth of a productive and meaningful relationship.
So after perusal this I think I get the general consensus that people think jehovahs witnesses are crazy and that dating or even marrying one is the end of your life as you know it. So im going to shed some light from a different perspective onto this and maybe some people might find it interesting or not, thats not for me to say. So first off, when she said that if a jehovahs witnesses dates or marries outside of the truth they can get disfellowshipped by the elders. That is true. There will be instances where if you are romantically involved with someone practicing the truth that it won’t be a normal relationship. Alot of horror stories you hear about jehovahs witnesses, are not even considered witnesses anymore because they have been disfellowshiped so that title has been revoked. The other half of the horror stories are about extremists of the faith. Just like there are extremists in catholicism, baptism, Presbyterian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. There will be extremists in the jehovahs witness organization as well. So to say that you should never ever EVER date a witness is not ok. Everyone has free will, They have the right to choose. Some of the most successful marriages in the world are between witnesses and non witnesses, you know why? Because witnesses can’t cheat, can’t lie, can’t use unjust violence(or really any violence at all depending on the situation) and are some of the most caring people on the earth. I say cant because we are all imperfect and we do mess up sometimes, but the chances of these happening with a witness are slim to none.
I’m not being an apologist but I will say this. Some of the stuff the organization tell you his right. The concept of marriage before you are a to get married is a serious issue. Being married is a very hard institution for people who learn slowly. The cautions that the organization does give you are actually rectified in real world experiences. Having said that I wish I woulda listen to a lot of what they were telling me in the beginning. H*** even in The Bible in Corinthians Paul basically says in the 1st sentence it’s best for men not to get married.
Mathew 11 16 “To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others: 17 “‘We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’ 18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”
At the age of 34 the Woman I met and the Woman I marry was two complete different person in her personalty after we marry. We met at my Moms house at a thanksgiving dinner party in November of 1984, I walk in my mothers front door directly to the kitchen and there she was just at entrance of the kitchen she was seated and our eyes met and I introduce myself and history is made, She is my sister”s friend. We had deep conversation about life and so forth then we went to the den and continue our conversation, I don”t think we even dance. She ask my sister why she has never introduce her Brother to her. Well, me and my Sister were never really close as Brother and Sister. We spoke all night. she never inform me that she was a former Jehovah Witness and my Sister herself was not very religious even though we grew up and were raised as Methodist. As time past we had a dinner date at her home in Anaheim where she lived in Orange County Ca. Dinner was great and enjoyable, I was starting to fall for her as time passes, we even went Christmas Shopping in December still unaware she is a former JW until a couple of months later. we still kept dating with some draw backs in our relationship I was a Drummer for a Gospel Group The Temple Aires Gospel Singers, we traveled a lot, I was a photographer and Asst Manager at the Caribbean American Credit Union. She was a Medical Technician who did Medical Examination for the Globe Trotters when they are in California. She did not go to Gospel Concerts in Churches with me {#1 Clue} but at major Venues she did, such as the Shrine Auditorium, when Jesse Jackson was running was running for the Presidency.
There isn’t much choice for the ladies in WT. Mostly old men looking for a servant or nurse maid, not a wife. When’s the last time you saw a husband open a door for his wife at a KH? Aside from the very few young couples, everyone looks miserable. Also, everyone and their mother will be meddling in your marriage. Get faaaar away from those folks!
Im guilty of one of these. I was inactive, and got pregnant before marriage. Was an idiot and asked my husband to study. Until I told him about my abusive childhood and he really opened my eyes, I was ready to go back. Thank whatever is out there I never went back and my kids are not in it and not getting abused like I used to.
@Tina Smith All these people making comments about their “bad marriage experiences.” and you only have or know 2 friends with good marriages.? Ok, 3, the couple got married at 50. Over eight million members in the organization, and you have only three, happily married friends.? 😂. Forget about all this marriage stuff.! Tell us about that ex pot dealer.! 😂.
Of course he understands whats going on!. She doesn’t want to participate in PAGAN TRADITIONS. You talkout your backside. You go INTO marriage forever not for 5 mins. You are doing these articles for YOUR OPINION AND MONEY. ‘ this is why man must stick to ONE WIFE’. You are making a mockery of it spewing out a ton of crap because YOU want to do what YOU want. Thats all there is to it.
2:07 I stopped associating with the congregation for more than 3 years, but I do not live in Sin….. there are many brothers and sisters who live in Sin but they are not Disfellowshipped, they hide their sins with monthly reports in the Filed Service, regularly attendance and comments in the meetings….. that is the reason I left this organization…Hypocrisy … the 3rd point is probably my situation… I avoided many things because I am a JW, but since I stopped attending meetings this option is opened….Jehovah will not kill me if I marry an unbeliever.
Excuse me but Jesus is not God Jesus is God’s son it’s all in the bible gods word for us to read and uñderstand I’ve been studying the Bible for28 years now,and God does not lie,,we need to take in knowledge of his word and apply it and get to know about him and his son he wants us. To do so and be his friends believe in him 🙂🦋🕊️God bless you and keep well
Sometimes he already there, but the most hypocritical person because they havE Learned that behavior by being in this religion You do know you was blessed, a lost of sisters got male chauvinistic man who was imbedded in this organization. The dogmatism isn’t what most women want, it just come with the territory. Run Forest Run