The ‘Kundli ke Milan’ is an analysis used to determine the compatibility of two individuals, life partners, or even distant relatives. It is the first step in traditional or arranged marriages and is crucial in Vedic Astrology. Online Kundali Matching for marriage is an easy and accurate way to match Kundalis of the prospective bride and groom anytime and anywhere.
The 7th house of the astrology chart deals with your spouse and is ruled by a sign. Every sign is ruled by each planet. In modern astrology, Chiron represents our core wounds and how we can overcome them. The Zodiac Sign Calculator is a tool that helps users find their Zodiac Sign by entering their birth date, time, and place of birth.
Astrology also predicts the bride and groom’s future and guides them in their important life decisions. It is integral in many aspects of wedding planning and ceremony. Astrology also plays a role in predicting the happiness of the couple, as marriages are considered a lifetime commitment.
In the birth chart of a woman, Venus represents her wife, while Jupiter signifies her husband. If Mars is in a good position, the girl’s husband will have good luck. The 7th house denotes marriage, and the effects of any Bhava should be considered. To discover when and even where you will meet your future spouse, click on the planet Venus and then your natal seventh house.
📹 This is your Spouse & Marriage in Vedic Astrology
This video is on Darakaraka and 7 planets that become darakaraka like Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
How to calculate marriage date?
Your date of birth determines the perfect date for your wedding. To choose the right date for marriage, consider your date of birth. Dates 1 and 9 of every month are good for marriage for anyone born on any date. If the marriage date’s destiny number is 1 or 9, it’s suitable for marriage. Add the destiny numbers of the groom and bride together. To find the destiny number, add up the digits in your date of birth to get the last digit. If the groom was born on October 24, 1995, get the destiny number in these steps.
3 + 1 = 4. The groom’s destiny number is 4. Add up the digits in the bride’s date of birth to get her destiny number. The combined destiny number of the couple is the date of their marriage. If the groom’s destiny number is 4 and the bride’s is 2, the combined number is 4 2 = 6. Based on this, you can decide the best date for the wedding.
What is the best predictor of a marriage?
Marriage success can be predicted by different factors. Age, race, and having kids before marriage can affect how well a marriage works out. Longer courtship, later marriage, good relationships with parents, higher education, social involvement, parental approval, religious activity, and non-urban residence also predict marital success. Also, how you attach to others and your religious beliefs affect whether a marriage succeeds. Spouses who work together to overcome difficulties have a higher chance of a successful marriage. How couples get along before they get married also affects how their marriage will turn out. Couples who argue a lot are more likely to get divorced. Why is movie success prediction important? Movie success is important because the film industry is risky and uncertain. Predicting a movie’s success helps stakeholders make informed decisions, which can avoid losses and maximize returns. Factors like movie features, reviews, social media, and audience demographics affect success predictions. Advanced algorithms like Stochastic Gradient Descent Classifier and deep learning models improve prediction accuracy, helping with strategic planning and marketing. By using data from platforms like IMDb, Facebook, and Twitter, predictive models can help the film industry make better decisions. What factors predict student success?5 answers Factors predicting student success include credit load, LMS access, mean marks, rate of change, and consistency. Also, things like the average grade, how well students do in similar courses, where the course is in the curriculum, and how many times students need to take it to pass all affect how well students do. Course format also affects how well students do. Certain things are good predictors of success in different formats. It’s important to know if students will succeed early on. This helps students stay in school and graduate. It also helps instructors give students the help they need.
How can I locate my future wife?
How to Find a Wife: 11 Ways to Meet New People Meet new people every day. Online dating. Spend time with friends and their friends. Workplace as a dating pool. Reconnect with old friends. Volunteer and attend community events. Go to church or religious gatherings. Start a new hobby or activity.
Looking for love? How do you find a wife? Life as a single person has its perks, but sharing your life with someone can be frustrating. Moments of solitude can become moments of loneliness when you are ready to marry and it doesn’t happen. You start wondering how to find a wife. We have many ways of meeting people, but we still have trouble meeting wives.
Can you predict marriage in astrology?
Astrology can’t predict the exact date of marriage. Astrology can help you figure out when your wedding will happen.
How will I know I will get married?
Your decision to get married depends on many things, including your personal preferences, your relationship status, and how much effort you are willing to put into dating. This article discusses signs of marriage and reasons to consider it. If you want to get married, this article also covers how to find someone special. Even if you’re not ready to get married, there are signs that it might happen. Signs you’re thinking about marriage or may be ready to get married:
How do I know my life partner?
Choose your life partner for more than just looks. Understand their behavior. … Watch their manners and basic nature. … Connect. … Think about what you have in common and what you don’t. … Don’t forget the IQ. Don’t choose a partner with a big difference in standard of living. … Respect is important. Everyone has to find a partner at some point. Choose your spouse carefully, no matter when you marry. If you’re looking for someone to marry, it helps to know how to choose the right partner. While people change, there are some basic checks you can do for a personality check. This is the least you can do to avoid a bad relationship or unhappy marriage. Tips for choosing the right life partner. 1. Looks aren’t everything. Everyone likes a handsome husband or partner, but that’s not everything. Don’t just go by looks. Don’t be fooled by appearances! When looking for a life partner, consider the whole person, not just looks. Look for personality, compatibility, mental wavelength, similarities, and differences. What’s the point of a handsome man if he’s mean? Choose wisely.
2. Understand his behavior. You don’t meet your future spouse after marriage. Use this time to get to know your partner. Get to know them by spending time together. The more time you spend together, the better you’ll understand each other. This will help you choose the right partner and build a healthy relationship.
Which planets decide marriage?
Jupiter and Venus bring people together in marriage. Any planet in the 7th house can make a person get married. Rahu can make people get married. An astrologer must check which planet is responsible for a person’s marriage. Which planet causes marriage problems? The house of marriage is the 7th house, and the house of losing a marriage is the 6th house. The sixth house is about legal issues. The sixth house shows enemies. If the sixth lord and the seventh house or seventh lord are related, the person usually gets an argumentative or sick partner. This position doesn’t bring marital bliss. If the 7th house or lord is linked to the 8th or 12th house, it can cause problems in a person’s marriage. The lords of these houses also matter. If the planet is in its own sign, the person may have a happy marriage.
How do you know who you’ll marry?
5 Signs You’re With Someone You Should Marry: You can come back from a fight. If you bicker all the time, it’s not a good sign. You make each other laugh. … Your relationship has been tested. … You feel comfortable with each other. … Your goals are the same. You don’t doodle your new married name in a notebook anymore. As adults, we need to know if we should marry someone. Our experts share five ways to know if you’re dating someone serious. If you argue all the time, it’s not a good sign. But if you argue, you can both calm down and understand each other. You’re ready to get married, according to our experts. David Klow, LMFT at Skylight Counseling Center in Skokie, Illinois, says couples often struggle when their partner goes into a fight-or-flight response. If your partner is open and present, you can get through tough times. If they know how to take a break and come back to the conversation later, that’s a good sign. Laughter is the best medicine. Tickling your partner can be a sign you’re ready to get married. “It’s not just about having fun,” says Roudabeh Rahbar, PsyD., a licensed clinical psychologist in Southern California. Laughter in a relationship shows that both people can be vulnerable with each other. If your partner can laugh at himself, that’s a good sign. It means he can be vulnerable and confident. Think of George Clooney.
How do I find when will I get married in astrology?
Choose the right age to marry. If Mercury or any malefic planet is not visible to or with Saturn in the seventh house of your birth chart, your marriage will take place before the age of 22. If Mercury is in the seventh house, the person is married between 22 and 25. If there is an effect of Rahu or Saturn, then marriage takes place at the age of 27.
Love or Arranged Marriage The astrological signs of the seventh house and the lord of that house are studied to see if marriage is likely. Also, study the lord of the second and second house, the eleventh house, and the lord of the eleventh house. If the lords of the seventh, second, and eleventh houses are together, the marriage is good. If the Sun and Moon are in the second, seventh, and eleventh houses, there will be an arranged marriage. If Venus is linked to the fourth house or the ninth house, there is a high chance of an arranged marriage. If Venus is related to the Sun and Moon, there will be an arranged marriage. If Mars is related to the seventh house or its lord in the birth chart, the native may get married in love. If Venus is aspected by Saturn or Rahu or in conjunction with Saturn or Rahu, there is a chance of a love marriage. If so, then a love marriage will occur. If Mars is in the fifth house or ruled by it, then there is a chance of a love marriage. If the Moon is related to the Ascendant or its lord is related to the seventh house, then a love marriage is formed. If Venus has good aspects with Jupiter and the ascendant, and Mars and the fifth house are strong, the person is an ideal lover. That person is a great lover. If the fifth house is related to the seventh house or its ruler, the person has a love marriage. If the fifth, seventh, and eleventh houses in the birth chart are connected, it’s a love marriage.
How to find your spouse in astrology?
Your Jupiter sign can tell you who your husband will be, says Sucre. Your ideal match will be revealed by the placements of Venus and Jupiter in your zodiac sign.
How to predict wife name in astrology?
The 7th House in astrology is related to your future spouse. Astrologers can predict your future partner’s name by looking at the lord of the 7th House and the nakshatra lord of the 7th House. It’s an interesting way to explore the future! Each Nakshatra is associated with a different name. Astrologers can give you an idea of your future spouse’s name based on the Nakshatra letter.
In astrology, the stars at our birth affect our lives. Some believe that the Nakshatra, the constellation under which we are born, can reveal our future spouse’s name. Each Nakshatra is associated with a letter, and our future partner’s name is based on these letters.
Ashwini-CBharani-LKrittika-A, E, URohini-V, OMrigashira-V, KArdra-GPunarvasu-K, HPushya-H, DAshlesha-DMagha-MPoorva Phalguni-TUttara Phalguni-PHasta-S, NChitra-P, R-T, V-T, J-T, B-T, S-T, D-T, J-T, C-T, T-T, Z-T, P-T.
📹 Marriage/Spouse Meeting circumstances in Astrology
#Kapiel Raaj, This video is hosted by Kapiel Raaj. This video consternates on how will I meet my spouse and when will i meet my …
1) Introduction of dharakaraka – 00:00 2) The ketu connection – 3:45 3) dharakaraka below 1° – 5:30 4) in fixed/movable/dual signs – 7:39 5) Sun as dharakaraka – 9:37 6) Moon as dharakaraka – 12:04 7) Mercury as dharakaraka – 15:09 8) Venus as dharakaraka – 19:07 9) Mars as dharakaraka – 22:07 10) Jupiter as dharakaraka – 25:43 11) Saturn as dharakaraka – 30:18
Its not just about spouse. Dharakaraka is actually about anyone whom you spend your most of time of life with. It is simple and logical concept. Dharakaraka is the planet, which impacts you the least. So the qaulities of that planet are least present in you. Whoever you marry, would have normal or more qualities governed by that planet. But youll attribute those to your spouse, as you yourself won’t have them. Moon as dharakarakas, would be non emotional people, so when they be with their spouse, they will feel that their spouse is hyper emotional, because they don’t understand emotions at all. If someone’s dharakaraka is jupiter, they might not be religious or not be contrained to follow the right path as the jupiterian qualities affect them less. So when they see their spouse being religious and following the right path even at a smaller degree, they’ll feel that it’s too much. Dharakaraka isn’t what your spouse is, dharakaraka is what you are not! So obviously that’s what you’ll be able to notice between your spouse and yourself. So dharakaraka becomes the distinction between you and spouse and hence, is symbol of spouse. Exception: If the darakaraka is your asc lord or rashi lord. Or maybe, the degree of darakaraka wouldn’t be tooo less. (It might be around 5-8°) Than you would have the qualities of your dharakaraka
Spot on mars as Darakaraka. My husband is also the greatest friend I’ve ever had or could even imagine having. We both live and work on an organic farm. He always has more energy than I do and is always the one motivating us to be healthier 😅😅😅 For him, it’s mercury. I definitely bring a lot of play and child-like fun to the relationship 🙂 it is hard for me to commit to one thing. Im always pulled andinterested in learning so many different things. We work together on the farm but also in our healing business. I do all the communication and marketing, he is hopeless at it lol 😊
I have mercury as my Dharakarka in the sign of Taurus! With jupiter being the highest holding planet for me. The description he gave i almost felt like he was describing me because I am gemini rising with venus in my first house. Although i do like to be grounded as well despite having various interests. I have cancer moon too, the description he gave for moon DK was relatable, I do feel I can be quite motherly and sensitive as well. I recall Dr Arjun pai posted a article on this and the man (forgot his name) did say ppl with moon dharakarka would be suitable with someone who has cancer and leo moon.
I’m sorry I am not commenting on the article topic currently. But I miss your ” satsang ” and vlog articles. Internet is a boon if used nicely but also, I know it’s a shitty place also at the same time. Not forcing you… but yes. I do miss them. Very very much. You’re not an illusion or an influencer on youtube – You’re a part of us like we are a part of you ( hashtag ‘ fam ‘ ) . Stay blessed you and everyone else, Sir ❤
This information is spot on. Thank you Kapiel.🙏🏼 My darakaraka is Jupiter and my spouse has very strong “guru” energy, with a stellium in 9th house. He loves to learn philosophy and psychology and teach me things and I love this. I have already grown so much in less than 1 year being together. His is Saturn, and I definitely came from humble beginnings, now I am a stay at home wife and need my naps daily. His business has already doubled and tripled. Funny thing is so far I am the one growing the belly because I am pregnant.
Appreciate you KRS for making articles that guides us with divine light. You genuinely try to explain Jyotish through relevant lens. I have Jupiter DK in Virgo 2 degree and am 31 not married. Jupiter is with sun and mercury. My highest deg is Rahu in Sagittarius. 2nd highest deg moon in Leo. One thing is when I had chara Mahadasha of Virgo I had the most transformative experiences in life, I found my Guru and deepest interest in astrology and started learning reasons behind universe. I found my true self. Feel liberated. I became a completely different person. I also started having belly with gain of knowledge. May all find peace.
Venus DK in Pisces❤. This is gonna be interesting because I’m already materialistic, designer only everything with clothes, and things in my home. Shravana Moon in the 7th, Ashvini Sun in 10th. Venus rules my 4th & 11th as Cancer Lagna—but Mars is also in my 11 in Rohini, so I am an impulsive shopaholic, so I’m glad he’ll help me budget—ehhh that word, 😂, but how much more materialism do I need? More, I guess lollll Thanks Kapiel.
So true about Jupiter which is my darakaraka. Yes, I had a very difficult marriage which ended in divorce as he had Mars conjunct Rahu in his ascendant. I became very spiritual as my Mars and Rahu (7th lord in 8th) are in 8th house of Sagittarius. My Jupiter is vargottama as well and is below 1 degree in Cancer (weak exaltation).
I read some comments,I see most people are focusing on the bad side, forgetting that always things has bad and good side, and u decide to which u walk to, marriage is important, it brings 2 souls together with love creating new lives with love, planets and astrology info in ur natal chart are just representing ur beginning in life but this is not set in stone, u can change it or follow it as it is, change it when u change ur way of thinking about a life and every aspect in it, if u think marriage is bad this is what exactly what will u attract, if u think men/women in marriage are enemy, then this is exactly what will u attract, if u think children are blessing u will get them, ur thoughts are the power of Ur manifesting, if u think u are always victim u will stay like that and attract people putting u in victim position, so be wise, u are not slave, u own ur destiny, if u choose 1,4,2,2 u will get 9,if u choose 7,5,4 u will get 16, destiny is like that like data, u choose and will be responsible for ur choice, if u don’t learn ur lessons, u will get situations and people in ur path to teach u that, through struggles, education, marriage, work, parents /siblings relationships and so on
Thank you for this knowledge! Because of you, I learned my altamarkaraka is sun 29° pisces and my dharakaraka is 2° Saturn in Capricorn. EVERYTHING RESONATES! My spouse has pisces in his 6th house and he naps every day. He is either super lazy or super out there busting his hump working. We got together at 29 (just shy of 30) and immediately got pregnant, I quit working and became a stay at home mother. All of this resonates lol
Darakaraka in movable sign. It’s Dispositer is with 12th Lord conjunct in a fixed sign. I have a spouse who is most of the time very open minded and easy going, but at times he can be very stubborn. He is a mix of both. And it’s true. Once the relationship got committed we moved away from our families and everything has changed ever since. We don’t see our families very often anymore. In my case it was actually a good thing due to the volatile nature of my family.
And wow again😅 my DK is Mercury, been in a relationship with a guy with DK Jupiter. He was a typical Mercury that was amusing me for a while but then I got irritated as he was avoiding talking responsibility and commitment until I ditched him and his mother made him married to a girl she chose. The funny thing is my Jupiter is strong, I put on weight and had lovehandles during that relationship 🤣 and the guy was complaining that he felt that he was changing and didn’t like that and yeah for him I was heavy in all senses. And we spoke different languages literally and figuratively speaking. Just wow how karma shows itself even before the marriage… but yeah, Mercury isn’t that exciting for me 😅 My Lagna is Gemini but I have strong Saturn and Jupiter, I didn’t want to have a husband who’s like a litte boy, but now I see it’s just my karma🙈
Quite correct, I have moon as darakaraka and my boyfriend who is more like a mother he takes care of me,he asks what and when I eat I and whom I meet he literally asks everyday if I took my medicines and take care of my food clothes everything including my study like a mother sometimes he also addresses me like a kid,he sometimes himself says that I am like a child to him, but at the same time he is very emotional and takes everything to his heart, I like to cook for him and I love food also enjoys going out and eating with me he also likes to cherish my food for love.
I have to comment on this because it’s so accurate. I have Moon as darakaraka in 2d house Sagittarius and my husband is SOO motherly, he treats me like a child always making sure I am ok and that I ate and everything is ok with me. He is so emotional too, if I say smth mean to him he’s gonna be sad for a week but he never holds grudges but it’s just gonna ruin his week. He doesn’t like fighting and he hates it when we argue so he completely ignores fightings, he’s all about making sure I’m happy but sometimes I act up because I feel like I’m a kid and not his wife. We both work but he takes care of all the expenses while i use my salary on myself. SPOT ON! I just found out my husband’s darakaraka is mercury and it was spot on for his chart too haha! crazy accurate.
First of all; thank you. This is very helpful for me to understand my karma. Actually this nails my whole story at this time. Question: If my DK is Moon in Rashi do I look at Moon in Navamsha for DK effects as well? In my Navamsha Mercury is lowest degree. So is it that my spouse will show some moon and some mercury effects? I would say from experience its been mostly Moon with some Mercury.
Jupiter dharakaraka in Sag 7th + Ketu here😊 I changed religion when married, than I fight for my old religion rights, than I totally transformed myself and way of perception of life, yep my husband got big belly and me too after having kids can’t get rid of fat belly. Very heavy karma with his ex wife who is from Pakistan and me and my husband are from Europe. His kids from 1st marriage affect my kids growing up and understanding life..Not to mention lifestyle.I’m fighting that too…where the is the end? I always dreamed about nice wedding, dress, flowers Venus in Purva Phalguni 5th house but didn’t get any…It was the most unusual wedding and me not recognising myself…Thanks God I’m back and betraying myself never again.
Widowed with sun DK in Pisces with moon in 11th. Aspected by Mars and my Ak Saturn. My husband LOVED me. He was very much into himself…a little cheap…but boy he LOVED me. He was so so so so sweet. Lol he once told me I scared him 😂😂😂. So he has to keep me happy. He was loved by everyone! He was sooooo loved by everyone. I don’t know a single person who disliked him. I miss him. He used to make me laugh and made me feel so good about myself. I have a new partner. Don’t know if I want to marry him. But he wants to marry me. I would like to but I am so scared.. don’t want to lose him either. He is a good man. He cares about humanity. He is extremely loved by people around him. I don’t care if we stay together…but I am so SO scared to get married again. If anything happens to him…I cannot go through that stress again.
I met my future husband when the 7th lord saturn transited my 7th house and darakaraka mars at the same time.. my mars is in the 7th house in capricorn.. I moved in with my fiancee when I entered mars dasha rahu antardasha. And I have a 3weeks son when I entered mars dasha saturn antardasha. Saturn is in my 5th in scorpio. 😊 I Will also marry two weeks from now. My darakaraka mars is below 1 degree. I was never interedted in material things or relathionships. He is my only one ever 😂 I was always never interested în People. Only by my self. Also my fiancee is alwasy on the road with his job. And I am most by myself
i am 27 years old, never had a relationship, never married. Darakaraka Saturn conjunct with ketu in the 4th.. (7th house lord mercury is 12th as well as 9th lord in 12th in jyestha!) Everything you explained are the things that I want in my life! I am myself interested in hard working, politics, being rebellious and ride or die situation! I know it will happen when my Saturn-turn is over, I just feel it. The ‘coldness’ makes me worry however, I am not a ‘warm’ person as well anyways (mercury atmakaraka). Let’s hope for the best!
Pisces Asc here 24 degree; Married twice now alone; Jupiter 0 degree 9th Scorpio; my sun 02 Taurus 3rd; Venus 24 3rd ; Pluto highest degree 25 7th Virgo. I can say yes career and spiritual awakening happened after few years 2nd marriage. I feel like I never want to be married again I am ok alone and just focus kids and whatever I gotta do. Married Life of struggle all over the place and work heavy responsibilities but I gave it all gave it all and I had to leave twice – I hope karma done; I astrologer teacher but I thought belly was from menopause lmao Interesting thank you!
Mine is mars in cancer in 8th house💀 but my moon is in aries so i hope that helps💀 and also is closely conjunct to rahu . Rahu at 0 mars at 1. Sun is also there at 8 degrees and venus my atma karka also in 8th house at 20 degrees. Andddd they are being aspected by jupiter and saturn in 6th house 💀💀 with all these happening i don’t think i’m gonna have just 1 husband😂😂😂
Mr Kapiel you are so spot on I am in my moon mahadasha My moon degree is 1 point something, My moon in aries 9th house with jupiter rahu venus saturn My spouse is foreigner he is really like motherly figure My husband love to call me my moon ❤❤❤ And before i met him i dream about embrace moon in my lap 😮❤ And like mr Kapiel said this life about learning karma, I dont have good relationship with mom and God bless me with motherly figure husband 😊
Kapiel, about the people who didn’t find a partner but wanted to and you said it must have been a curse from a past life: There’s a loneliness epidemic going on nowadays. I can’t imagine so many souls having done something so wrong. Maybe there are other explanations that can be downloaded spiritually for what is going on at present times? Why mention this? Because there are more people alive now than in many other ages altogether. Some of them are perhaps at their first incarnation here. 🙏🏻
I really enjoyed the vedio and it is really relatable 😊 i have Sun as a darakaraka and my husband has Saturn as a darakaraka. we both have an amazing coincidence in our birth charts, it seems like complimenting each other. sharing the details for your research and study. my dob – 23-07-1994 rishikesh time 19:55 p.m. his dob- 03-08-1991 bulandshar, time 5:15 a.m.
Ayyyyyaaaa so i have vargottama darakaraka in Jupiter in Aries both in D1 and D9. I have venus conjunct rahu in pisces as Atmakaraka in D1. So you’re telling me i will have karmic husband that has 2x belly and makes me walk to pilgrimage????? I sure made marriage contract with enemy because my rohini moon could NEVER!!!!😂
Here is an interesting chart Saturn Dk in 7th Jupiter amk in 7th Sun ak in 9th 1st 9th exchange but both debilitated, mars moon Rahu in 8th Lagnesh in 8th nakshatra pushya Saturn 🪐 in d9 also 7th Life events…. life is running due to Luck, demises house changes,job changes, education a lot of upheaval 8.8.2000 13:22 Lucknow
Darakaraka Mercury (0 deg 55 minutes, Mula Nakshatra 1st pada) in the 3rd house Sagittarius with Moon (Mula Nakshatra 2nd pada), Venus (Purvashada Nakshatra 2nd pada), and Jupiter (Purvashada Nakshatra 2nd pada). Combust Exalted Atmakaraka Saturn (Vishakha Nakshatra 3rd pada) in the Libra Ascendant (Swati Nakshatra 3rd pada) aspects 3rd house planets. 2nd house Scorpio Sun (Anuradha Nakshatra 2nd pada) and Ketu (Anuradha Nakshatra 1st pada). 4th house Exalted Mars in Capricorn (Sravana Nakshatra 1st pada). And, 8th house Taurus Rahu (Krittika Nakshatra 3rd pada). It seems all planets have their say in determining my spouse’s character. I’m unable to zero in on a single planet which will strongly influence my Darakaraka Mercury. Age 39. Unemployed and Unmarried. Currently in Moon Mahadasha and Venus Antardasha.
34:52 yes although he says yes to whatever I suggest, I know his mind is like “I don’t wanna listen to this”, especially when I talk about his career, he would say yes but get mad at me although he won’t show it, he is very rebellious to his family tbh, I think he doesn’t mention when he gets mad at me is just bcs he doesn’t wanna pick a fight and whenever I say something, he is like let’s do it later or he will just say “let’s discuss it later” 😂❤ I suggested him to study more, he would say yes at first but den he would say “I don’t wanna do, I can try but not now, I ain’t good at it”
I have a Venus DK in Utarra Bhadrapada 11th house. A lot of men I’ve seriously liked (I actually don’t like people often), or considered, have ended up being a Venus AK, and then almost all of my friends have a Venus DK like me. My AK is Saturn; ironically, I make a lot of Saturnian people relax, enjoy life, calm down, etc. But I need someone to do that for me. Funny how things play out. Edit: My parents have been married for 30+ years and actually still in love and friends, yes they have differences, but so much loyalty and admiration for each other. My father has a Saturn DK in 1st, in tropical Capricorn. My mother was in a abusive marriage before meeting my dad. My father completely changed my mother’s life, gave her unconditional and devoted support, regardless of any health problems she had to overcome thanks to that marriage, took her traveling a lot, etc. Literally unmovable for her, and she is the same for him. My mother’s DK is Sun, conjunct Venus, in 6th.
My DC – Saturn is situated in 10th house in Cancer (vargottam in navamsa). Moon is in 4th house in Capricorn. I was told that this placement of Saturn can indicate delay in marriage. I wonder if it is vargottam in my case, can it remove the negative influence? Mars, lord of 7th house, is in 12th house in Virgo and is conjunct Jupiter. Venus (AK) is in the 11th house in Leo. I would really appreciate it if someone could confirm or reject this theory.
My mom has venus in aries 0.58 degrees darakarka in 12th house.. I see the Pisces aspect which you mentioned. My father is a very sweet and venusian like man he has (purva phalguini stellium) He is also very mysterious and not interested in earthly love. IMO he is the worst spouse because he is not really a partner! I have venus in taurus darakarka (5 degrees) in the 11th house and I would hate a spouse like him. He is not ambitious and my mom was primarily the breadwinner. My mom is often frustrated with him because he is in his own world and not very present or interested.
LOL so my lowest degree planet is Saturn and I laughed so hard bc the person I’m very much into right now sleeps more than anyone I know and it was the first thing you said 🤣 Interestingly enough that’s his highest degree planet Also, his lowest is Mercury but that’s my highest degree planet so 😳🥰❓ Our story is also very crazy
One of well known astrologer who is alson on YouTube says that karkas are calculated by minutes,,,the one having the lowest minute is dk n one having highest minute is Ak,,For eg planet A 2 degree 33 minutes Planet B 1degree 44minutes,,, Here atmakarka will be will be planet B So what you think about this,, please let us know
I have a small doubt. For my parents’ the predictions are absolutely accurate. But for me and my husband, Mars and mercury are respective darakarakas. But from these predictions, I sound more like as if my husband has mars darakaraka and my husband is like I am having mercury darakaraka. It is just exact opposite. How is it possible ? Both of us have sun atmakarakas.
Spouse is physically active as dharakarka, that’s great news. I have tons of energy and need constant move, especially after so Many things happening. May I ask Kapiel, is having spouse as a Martians brotherhood something good or UFO gives It all away? Martians aliens hahahsh I feel like Mars is a VERY PERSONAL PLANET FOR ME. It rules personal houses but It’s in the House of enemies, 6 house. This mars made me very fightful and disciplined physically, I was constantly fighting enemies all my life, almost daily. Goid for fighting and defeating people, I don’t know how It fully plays out in relationship. I do have this thing on fighting, masculinity,male figures (Mars)
My DK is moon below 1 degree..and my husband does act like a mother but mostly he becomes the controlling one.. Controlling every aspect of my life..and yes he’s very emotional.. And loves to eat food cooked by me or outside both.. But the Venus description as his DK isn’t quite similar to what we are experiencing..
I have moon as Darakaraka. In D1 it’s in Leo and D9 Taurus. I love the caring and nurturing personality but I find the description at 13:29 controlling and obsessive to me and that gives me unbalance. I seek someone who is caring but stable and mature with whom I can have a deep emotional connection with. I also have mother care nature due to my mom.
What if the highest degree are 2 planets. I have both Moon and Jupiter the same degree and even minute. And Saturn is as well same degree, few minutes away. And the low is Mars 0° in Cap with absolutely no aspects. He is my best friend and we have lands together, and I feel very safe and protected. We very good team, and business grows since we together.
I’m a moon atmakarka (8th house) and saturn darakaraka (11th house). I’d love a true mature saturnian partner specially as I have my ketu in aqua and venus in cap but unfortunately, given the rest of my chart, the two relationships I had were absolutely horrid. The “saturnian” person revealed their true character later and would not leave (massive takers). Definitely gave my beloved saturn a bad name so I’ve given up entirely on relationships 🙂
Cancer Asendant- moon in 12th (Atmakaraka),mars, rahu, Jupiter in 2nd house, Saturn in 3rd (Darakaraka)- Sun in 4th, Venus mercury in 5th. Ketu in 8th. I have not attracted a man that is older than me in almost 20 years…. They have all been younger than me. Does this have to do with me looking so youthful or because Virgo is controlling my 3rd house where Saturn sits? Also in my D9, Gemini rules my 7th house.
4:50 I don’t agree that Atmakaraka is the ambition, well at least not for all planets e.g. Venus as Atmakaraka in Pisces I.e. Revati. If I understand well from you other articles, people who has Venus in Revati already experienced marriage in previous life and it is not their ambition in this lifetime. Could you clarify ? Thanks
I have mars as my darakaraka and it is also in 1st house of d9 chart. I am a Taurus ascendant in my d9 chart. I have saturn in 2nd house, rahu in 3rd house, mercury in 4th house, moon Jupiter in 7th house, venus in 8th house, ketu and sun in 9th house. Can u tell me about my spouse? I am a Libra ascendant in my birth chart with ketu in 1st house, moon and rahu in 7th house, saturn and Venus in 9th house,sun in 10th house, mars Mercury Jupiter in 11th house
Signs of being with RIGHT PARTNER- – Ur health will improve – Ur status will increase – U will feel happy all the time – There will b natural glow on ur face Most imp thing- – You will feel ALIVE ❤ – U wont think abt ur Ex anymore. U will feel ur current partner is the best partner in whole world. If u r feeling in this way, then u hv finally found the right one I hope everyone finds perfect partner in right time. God bless u all ❤
For all of you who dont understand this: To see circumstance, in man’s chart, see where the Venus is placed (in which house), that’s the way you will meet spouse In woman’s chart look for position of Jupiter, in which house it is in. For example, your jupiter (woman’s chart) is in 4th house, so you may meet your spouse in a car, in home like setting, or in restaurant. To see the SYMBOLISM, look for sign opposite of where your 7th lord is placed. Like for example, your seventh lord is mars, placed in aquarius, and opposite of mars in your chart is leo sign. THAT’S THE SYMBOLISM.
My parents’ charts matched up in interesting ways. My mom’s 7L opposing sign is Pisces. My dad used to be a fisherman (lol) and he has vedic Moon in Pisces. My dad’s 7L opposing sign is Taurus. My mom has a vedic Taurus Moon with her Venus in 1H so she’s very venusian. Her work involved beauty & creation (a seamstress). That’s again a Taurus trait.
I have Jupiter in 9th and I had to, as you said, travel a long way to meet my husband. Also, the reason why I even approached him in the first place, is because he described himself as being spiritual on his okcupid profile, and that was a huge turn on to me. So essentially spirituality was what brought us together.
My sis’s Jupiter is placed in Capricorn she met her husband at her workplace .. meeting circumstances theory results-in Taurus, they were working for an “art”related project she also has Mars and Venus conjunction in 1st house in leo 🤣 they had love marriage, and they are still madly and deeply in love with each other 🦁 🐯
Wow. This works. I checked using Vedic Astrology. Just from reading the comments, folks aren’t fully comprehending what you did to get to your end result. So I hope my explanation helps bring more clarity. Using the vedic astrology. My ascendant sign is in Cancer and my descendent is in Capricorn (the 7th/opposite sign). The ruling Planet of Capricorn is Saturn and looking at my vedic birth chart, Saturn falls in Virgo, the direct opposite sign of Virgo is Pisces. Boom! We met at Starbucks which was our first date. The Starbucks logo is of a mermaid with two fish tails…meant to lure and seduce…if that isn’t the epitome of Pisces…I don’t know what is. Thank you!
Look at the OPPOSITE sign Of your 7th lord placement.That the SYMBOLISM or CIRCUMSTANCES when you meet your spouse. Asc: 7th Lord 1.ARIES (venus) 2.TAURUS (mars) 3.GEMINI (jupiter) 4.CANCER (saturn) 5.LEO (saturn) 6.VIRGO (jupiter) 7.LIBRA (mars) 8.SCORPIO (Venus) 9.SAGITARIUS (mercury) 10.CAPRICORN (moon) 11.AQUARIUS (sun) 12.PISCES (mercury)
What symbolism should I look for when it’s Aquarius? edit: OHMYGOD!!!!!!! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE????? so my boyfriend said that the moment he met me, he knew I was the one (I met him feb. 29, 2020); he’s not my husband yet but I just know I’m gonna marry this guy, plus, he brings up marriage, kids, and our future casually so I decided to apply it. Mars is the ruler of the sign in my 7th house. I have mars in Leo in 11th house, across from that is AQUARIUS and Jupiter*** (I feel like this is a bonus) retrograde in the fifth house. So when I met him, I was working at a men’s shoe store at the mall; I remember him holding a water bottle so I thought that maybe it could’ve been Aquafina but I was stuck. All I could think of was of Aquafina and Acqua di Giorgio Armani (I’m able to recall this fragrance because I’m a fragrance enthusiast) so today, I casually asked him to recall and I brought up the fragrance snd he said: YES!!!!!! I have it. He showed it to me and told me he wore it that day we met!!!!!! acqua di Giorgio Armani was it for me. I’ll keep you guys posted on when the wedding will take place :))))))) THIS IS CRAZZZZZZZYYYYY
With my 7th lord Jupiter, being in Pisces, I was confused with what signal to look for related to Virgo. While I forgot such a thing, my wedding has got fixed. And the thing is, I met him at my house in a hall with rows of books (mercury). And the first question asked to me was, who was reading all those books. And we started breaking the ice with books. So to those who search signals for Virgo, think of books/library too. His 7th lord being placed in Capricorn, there were signals related to Cancer like home, mother, vehicle. We met at my home. And my mother and his mother were there, while his father had not come. Strangely, a vehicle was parked in front of my home entrance while they arrived. And before leaving, I asked them whether to book for a cab, to which they replied they had come in a car. Too much of details, but yes, what Kapil says is true. Thank you
Jupiter stands for where I will meet my partner. Jupiter is in my 12th House. 12th house is the last house and represents completing the lifecycle and represents endings. It stands for seclusion, solitude and emancipation. House of detachments. My 7th lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is in my 12th house. Across it is 6th House and that is scorpio. I met my partner while selling the saltwater aquarium and in that aquarium were scrimp. So I met while detaching of materialism and in that aquarium was a scrimp that looks like a scorpio in my eyes. I don’t know the time of birth of my partner as he doesn’t know hisself. But at least I know from my side he is the one and only person that has my heart. Much love. xx
My opposite sign is Taurus. The first time I met my husband we went together with friends to a bar called cowboys. A month later my future husband won tickets on the radio to see a concert. He asked me to go with him. So our first date in October 1999 we went to a bar called the stockyard saloon to watch Lonestar. WILD. Also I still have the tickets my husband won on the radio and THEY HAVE A PICTURE OF A BULL ON THEM. WILD!!!!!
Scorpio symbolism: When you meet your spouse for the first time there would be a symbolism of scorpio scorpio. One thing you should definitely notice is if u met them at some place/restaurant try to google the name of that place. It may be related to Scorpio. But in most cases a ceremony or his finding his wife in a very secretive manner. May be the husband saw the wife at some party yet they did not talk to eachother or didn’t say to each other yet the met under certain circumstances where they quietly met in a restaurant or quietly met in some places n started talking ( meeting in secrecy ) Like ex: You met your spouse in a mall and you notice a small store selling the T shirt with scorpio symbol on it or may be it said scorpio or may be when you met your spouse you were hearing a song called scorpionite or may be there was a scorpion tattoos shop.
My mom met my dad in Hawaii which is surrounded by water. Her 7th house is Sagittarius and Jupiter rules it. Her Jupiter is in Leo in her 3rd house and across from it is Aquarius and even though Aquarius is an air sign, it’s the WATER BEARER and has the word “Aqua” in it which is obviously water. Her 9th house is the sign of Aquarius and 9th house signifies long travels among other things and indeed she moved from here in Southern California to Hawaii which is long distance. Also, my mom told me the restaurant they went on their 1st date at had a water fountain and a two big vases that look like the Aquarian water bearer vases. Also, some astrologers say the 3rd house is friends and my mom’s 7th lord ruler Jupiter sitting in the 3rd did indeed show that a friend was the key in her meeting my dad, her spouse. She is still friends with this person who introduced her to my dad.
This works! Mine is in pisces. My husband and I had our first date in front of a coy pond in a botanical garden. Then we went home and had sushi, even though my husband is a vegetarian and never eats fish! He only ate meat twice since he became vegetarian– one was during our first date and the other was the morning we got married (he ordered fish tacos for some reason). Later when I asked why he ordered fish he’s like, “idk what I was thinking I must have been crazy”.
The Cancer or the 4th house also applies to routine such as work. Or also playfulness. I actually got a tarot reading and the reader predicted I’m going to meet my future spouse in somebody’s house or restaurant, because I’m going to be signing a contract for work. It will be somehow connected to water and or drinks. I have Saturn ruler opposite Cancer.😘 note she didn’t look at my chart. She only red cards.
I don’t remember deleting my post, but I’m re-posting in case this can help someone. For Aquarius – Although a brief relationship (Only lasted about 6 months), I re connected with someone for the first time (since childhood) at the airport and it was named after Charles Lindbergh, and he was an Aquarius Pilot. I have L7 Saturn in 1st Leo.
So I am a taurus ascendent and my 7th lord is mars sitting in the 4th house. Opposite to which is the 10th house where saturn is sitting. My spouse is a libra ascendent and his 7th house is ruled by mars again which sits in the 11th house and opposite to which is saturn sitting in his 6th house. Hence we met in the university, which is a formal setting because saturn depicts organisations, etc. So accurate !
This is crazy.. my first memory of my husband is when he was hanging out with two of his close girlfriends. I was a freshman of my university and he came to me with them and introduced himself. Later I used to tease him saying he was hanging out with girls when I met him. When I check my 7th lord’s placement and the opposite, it is “Virgo” btw. This is so accurate.
My friend has her 7th lord sitting in the sign of Virgo and so opposite of Virgo is Pisces. Her husband happened to live on a street named Pescado Street which means “fish” in Spanish, he also lived by the beach here in Southern California when they first met and obviously Pisces is related to water. Her husband’s last name means “sea” in Spanish and they ate at a sushi (FISH!) restaurant by the beach on their first date. And to top it all off they met on Plenty Of Fish which is the same dating site Kapiel mentioned at 13:48 when he said another person with Pisces met their spouse on this dating website.
So I’m not married yet and I’m still learning. I have a Pisces rising. My 7th house is Virgo so Mercury is my ruling planet. My Mercury is located in my 9th house (Scorpio) across from that in my 3rd house is Taurus. So I was thinking to myself where in the world will I run across a bull. I slept on this thought for 24 hours. There are a couple of guys at my job interested in me but I thought nothing of it. Long story short, I just so happen to run across my work building layout (I work in construction) a notice the name of my open spaces work area is called the “bullpen” 😂😂😂. Let’s see how this plays out. Lol 2021 UPDATE: Met my twin and I did not like him, we broke up 2020 he ghosted me (first heartbreak ever). I lost my job and my dad died all within 6 months. Yeah soooooo…… just turned out to be “bullshit” 😕
I´ve tried this with my western tropical placidus chart and it works. Symbolism of leo: I met my beloved at his bar (bar =Leo, his bar = Leo ) which translated in english is called “castle bar” (castle = Leo- king) . The bar is at the center of a small town ( center = Leo). My seventh house Lord is Jupiter, so I met him on a Friday night, the bar is next to a church ( Jupiter again) and my jupiter is in aquarius so this person is an aquarius…etc etc
My opposite sign came to be capricorn. I hav met someone i am in love with (one sided love though) . To the maximum i can recall to relate and daydream that he is going to be my future spouse is that When we met for the first time, i was wearing a night suit having reindeer on it. But capricorn is signified by sea goat! Now am seeing this reindeer as goat only🤣 i am just hoping this works 😭❤️🥂
I worked hard to figure the story out. My Jupiter in 12H I didn’t know exactly where I was, it was very far, abandoned place on an island. So I feelt more isolated. I keept going to the sea and waves. My sign got Sagittarius and It was a full moon party. And the moon was in Sagittarius. The DJ was wearing something tribal and I remember yellow and red pattern very firey. His Venus in 2H and the sign he got was Cancer. Now for me it was very 12H but he knew more where he was than i did. He saw me but was to SHY to approach. However just before he meet me he looked at the SEA. Then I said I was looking for a ride home and he drove and we TALKED alot (2H) in his VEHICLE. We stopped for food at a RESTAURANT and intake food (2h). He drove me home to his HOUSE and asset (2h) and I sleept in his bed for 2hrs and put a blanket on me (nuturing), then I woke up and we chilled at the POOL then he DRIVE me HOME.
My parents met at a baseball game, and my dad has Virgo asc/Pisces on the 7th, so Jupiter is 7 ruler. (Or if you use Neptune it would work both ways as he has jup/NEP conjunct in Libra) so opposite Aries. And Aries is a symbol of competitive sports. However my mom, she has Libra ASC, so Aries on DSC, 7 lord Mars is in Gemini, opposite that is Sagittarius. I’m not sure if there were any horse/bow and arrow symbolism, but as she also has Aries as the DSC, you can see the sports theme that way too! **update***so my mom said the team that was playing the game were the Indians…hence bow and arrow symbolism for my mom! This is crazy how accurate this has! I haven’t met my spouse yet, but ruler of my 7 house is Venus, my venus is in Sagittarius would also be my opposite sign. Maybe I need to hang out around horses/bow and arrows!
Omg I meet my boyfriend in an abandoned and very isolated and far place on an island that we live in, to be honest I didn’t even know how to get there again untill over a year after. And my Jupiter is in the 12h of isolated places, islands. I meet 3 big loves on this island even, to add. Was also next to the sea/beach and Jupiter is in Pisces.
That’s awesome! My 7th ruler is in Leo.. My mans 7th ruler was in Virgo.. So opposites would be Pisces for him.. Aquarius for me… We met at work. And the first 2 times we met (2nd time more formally) was in front of a HUGE fish tank.. With fish in them. An aquarium.. With fish in it. 😹😹😹 I used western astrology.
It’s crazy how accurate it is. I have Jupiter in Capricorn… And I met my ex boyfriend when I was with my mom.. standing beside a road eating ice cream .. he saw me there for the first time. He was driving his own car. When after we became friends with each other he told me the story… Now I can totally relate. Pretty interesting !!! 😂😂 But we broke up after dating for 6.5 yrs. . Because we aren’t compatible emotionally. I was lacking emotional attachment from him. So we parted ways ….
Your explanation has made things so much easy to understand! I have lots of interest in astrology! I keep reading about planets, houses, planets’ position etc. But it is completely a different science! Hats off to ur predictions! Astrologers shouldn’t scare people by telling directly the negative aspect of their lives! They may also tell them the remedy or precautions! Anyways, ur articles regarding different planets and their placements and their effects on the people’s life……It is simply superb!👌👌👌👏👏👏👍👍👍✌
I just want to say….this is really creepy. I don’t take astrology seriously but i was curious. I met my fiance on a matrimonial site…7th house lord in 5th looking at 11th…which means technology….but thats common. HOWEVER …its pisces….my first date with him was SUSHI! wtf so I got curious and decided to look at my fiance’ s chart….his 7th lord is in Sagittarius 2nd house. He travelled across the nation to meet me….across is GeMini 8th house….he stayed in a DOUBLE Tree hotel in an area called TWIN CITY. WTF!!!!!! post sushi. You can figure out what happened. …8th house
My 7th house is in sag so according to this, I am supposed to be looking for the symbolism of the Gemini Twins. I don’t recall anything related to twins/duality surrounding the meeting of my first husband. My ex-boyfriend (and true love) shared a long conversation with me on our first date about”twin flames”, so I wonder if that means we could still have a chance? I couldn’t find anything regarding “twins/duality” in regards to the meeting of my current interest, until I realized his first name, Thomas, LITERALLY MEANS “twin”. What do you think?! I couldn’t believe it.
In India most people still have arranged marriages. So it does not work. Many times, the couple just gets married without even seeing or meeting each other in person. Now a days the trend is shifting to online matrimonial. The boys and girl stays at times continents apart, interacts online and then gets married.
This is crazy! My 7th lord is in Aries so opposite of that would be Libra. My boyfriends 7th lord is Capricorn and opposite of that is Cancer. My grandmother had her first chemo treatment the day we met. Our first date we went to an ice cream place called “Freddy’s” the name means “Peace Ruler”. I was also introduced to him through knowing his mother! We ended the night talking for 5 hours in his car until the sun came up.
This is a western example that I think works. Aries rules my DC, Mars in leo/11th – in whole sign, opposite Aquarius. I met my husband online, through myspace ( community, online) and my Uranus is in Sagittarius in the 3rd (technology, communication, foreigners, travel) He lived in another state and I had to travel to see him before we were married! This is so cool. Thanks, this is an awesome technique!
Haven’t discuss about opposite houses. For example: you have discussed venus in the sign of “Aquarius”, 7th house from it is ” Leo”, which means while the partners meet, they will have a Royal like environment. What about placement where “venus” Is placed in the sign of “Leo”, what kind of environment, they will meet their spouses?
I met my husband at a “Cabot Lodge” hotel the first time I met him. My 7th house lord is in Gemini. “Cabot” proper noun. 1The name of two Italian explorers and navigators. 1.1 John (c.1450–c.1498); Italian name Giovanni Caboto. He sailed from Bristol in 1497 in search of Asia, but in fact landed on the mainland of North America, the first European to do so.
Accurate. I’ve got Jupiter in the ninth and Saturn in the seventh (Aries ascendant). He also has Venus in his tenth house. I met him in a foreign country (Jupiter in the 9th), Mexico, at his place of work (my Saturn in the 7th – ruler of my 10th house, and his Venus in the 10th). He’s a dentist and I went in for a cleaning.
Okay let me try. My 7h lord is Venus, in 3rd Gemini, opposite sag. I meet him at a Full Moon party in quite “nowhere”. Party=Sag? I also meet his friends before him (Gemini) and through communication got introduced to him later. I couldnt stop talking with him either at first. I meet his housemate first and got introduced that they were housemates (Gemini) and She became my best friend so i loved them both! We also ended up to live close me and them (Gemini), his friend lived closest to me so its like 2 geminis. I couldnt stop talking when i first meet him (Gemini). His chart 7h ruler in Capricorn, opposite cancer. We meet at full moon, by the sea/beach, he drove me home (with friends Gemini), there was a way home to us (Gemini) and i sleept at his bed and he gave me a blanket cover. I woke up 2hrs later and we all hanged out (more Gemini) and then we went to the pool (water).
Wow! The first technique works for me, with a small twist. I have Jupiter (7th house lord) sitting in my 4th house. I was introduced to my first husband by my mother (4th house) at home (4th house)! To test this out regarding my 2nd marriage I looked to the 9th house. I have my 9th house ruler, Saturn sitting in Pisces. I met my 2nd husband at a gathering where people had gathered for devotional singing (kirtan). Pisces and 12th house is associated with spiritual devotion! However, this technique does’t work for me when I look to the opposite sign.
Wow. My husband met me at a restaurant called lure bistro, he was the chef, pursued me, i was a server in a relationship at the time. I wasn’t going for it then, why when ye says you dont remember or know at the time.. but now after 16 years, and 8 years of marriage, we’ve known we were meant to be and continue to uncover why.. and guess what, add this to your repertoire..I’m a peices. LURE bistro, fishy huh lol
I met my man in a gathering. I was invited by my friend and he was my frd’s cousin(7th house lord in 9th house indicates meeting through gatherings). The min i entered their home,all were having lunch and the dishes were fishes. And he was having in his plate and was eating. Then we went to beach the same day with their family and we caught some scorpions(his zodiac is scorpio as well).My zodiac is pisces, his zodiac is scorpio😶😶😶. And my 7th house lord placement’s opposite sign is scorpio as well. But still we are not in relationship. Im in love with him. He will propose me soon And we will get married❤
Ha ha I’ve met my boyfriend online and he is from closest city. My 7th house is in Sagittarius with Jupiter (lord of 7th house) in Sagi too. His 7 house is in Cancer and his moon (lord of 7th house) conjuncts my Jupiter in less than degree in Sagittarius. So the opposites for both is Gemini – short travels, communication, social networks (his moon is in 11 house), cell phones and etc. On the top of that my moon and ascendant in Gemini. So he came to me 2 days after we spoke on the phone. Exact match in absolutely everything. It’s just unbelievable.
Wondering about symbolisms of taurus as the sign opposite 7th House ruler in vedic chart. When I first got to know about this person by contacting them through email they said they were a “sales” engineer, which really stuck to memory, dunno if sales is actually related to taurus though. Interestingly, in my western chart, the sign opposite 7th H ruler is Sagittarius,(and if the shoe fits) the first time I met this person was at university, in class (7th H ruler being jupiter in gemini).
I tried this one on our lagnas. My partners 7th Lord (Mercury) is in 10th (Virgo), so across from that is Pisces. We met on POF. My 7th Lord (Jupiter) is in 12th house. across from that is 6th house of Scorpio. We didn’t see Scorpions on 1st date but he did gift me a Rose Quarts Gem & I heard Gems and Amulets are tied into Scorpio. !!
This is accurate for me in my two past relationships. I am a venus in capricorn and met my first boyfriend, who was a venus in capricorn in a vehicle in which he introduced himself to me. I met my second boyfriend who is a venus in Aries in the workplace and I introduced myself to him. Usually, I do not go to men and would rather be chased so this is oddly true.
An ocward situation here 😂 I am a Taurus asc while my ex is a Scorpio asc. He was my classmate and I first met him in class 8. We used to talk a lot about an Indian TV show Adaalat which generally deals with court cases, etc. The symbol of Adaalat is again, ⚖. We actually fell in love with each other in the beginning of October. My 7th house lord i.e Mars in in Aries while his 7th house lord i.e Venus is in Libra. It is difficult to call him my ex as though we broke up 5 months ago we still are secretly best of friends. Its was a harsh breakup with an involvement of a third person. But no one really knows that secretly how close we have come once again.