Mary, Jesus’ mother, and twelve disciples were all present at a wedding in Cana, Galilee, five miles north of Nazareth. Mary felt a responsibility to help the bridegroom and his family, as their humiliation would have been intense. She turned to Jesus for help, as she would often do in her family routine. The wedding at Cana is important for its attentive intercession and the elevation of marriage to a first joyful miracle. Mary’s compassion on the distress of the poor bride and bridegroom, her faith in Jesus’ omnipotence, and her confidence in His goodness are all significant aspects of the story. The story highlights Mary’s compassion, faith, and confidence in Jesus’ goodness. The wedding at Cana is the first miracle attributed to Jesus, and it is a significant event in the Gospel of John.
The Wedding Feast at Cana is a representational painting by Paolo Veronese that depicts the biblical story of Jesus miraculously converting water into red wine at a wedding in Cana, five miles north of Nazareth. In ancient times, Jewish weddings were celebrated for an entire week or more. Mary, Jesus’ mother, and his twelve disciples were present at the wedding, and when the wine ran out, Mary noticed that the couple had no wine. Jesus then asked her to help them avoid embarrassment on their wedding day.
The painting highlights the depth of Mary’s heart, as she saw a need and took it upon herself to help the couple avoid embarrassment. Mary’s maternal mission extends beyond the natural plane, as God relies on her to be the spiritual Mother of Jesus. The miracle that occurred in Cana is the first miraculous manifestation, and it is believed that God wanted to bless the start of the young couples’ married life and encourage families. The painting also highlights the importance of Mary’s role in the wedding feast, as she wished for true joy and happiness through sharing her life with Jesus and Mary.
📹 Bible Stories | The Wedding at Cana | The Wedding Feast Miracle | Jesus Christ Stories |
The Wedding at Cana is a well-known story from the New Testament of the Bible, found in the Gospel of John, specifically in John …
Why did Jesus address Mary as a woman?
At the foot of the Cross, Jesus calls Mary “woman,” and offers her to us as a spiritual mother. Jesus loved us so much that He gave Mary to us. Jesus didn’t disrespect Mary when He called her “woman.” He honored her and praised her for being the New Eve, obedient to God’s plan. Mary points to her Son. Jesus is like the sun, the source of light. Mary is simply the moon—she reflects the light from the sun. She doesn’t have her own light, and we don’t either. Mary was a good person because God helped her. Everything about her points to God.
Don’t be afraid to love the Blessed Virgin too much. You can’t love her more than Jesus did. – St. Maximilian Kolbe.
Why did Jesus address Mary as a Woman?
At the foot of the Cross, Jesus calls Mary “woman,” and offers her to us as a spiritual mother. Jesus loved us so much that He gave Mary to us. Jesus didn’t disrespect Mary when He called her “woman.” He honored her and praised her for being the New Eve, obedient to God’s plan. Mary points to her Son. Jesus is like the sun, the source of light. Mary is simply the moon—she reflects the light from the sun. She doesn’t have her own light, and we don’t either. Mary was a good person because God helped her. Everything about her points to God.
Don’t be afraid to love the Blessed Virgin too much. You can’t love her more than Jesus did. – St. Maximilian Kolbe.
What is the main point of the wedding at Cana?
Jesus’ presence at the wedding at Cana shows the personal and communal nature of the New Covenant. Jesus turned water into wine, so the celebration could continue. This shows that the New Covenant is happy and joyful.
Was Jesus and Mary at the wedding in Cana?
In the Gospel, Jesus, his mother, and his disciples go to a wedding in Galilee. When the wine runs out, Jesus makes more wine for his mother. Scholars and archaeologists disagree about where Cana was. Several villages in Galilee are possible candidates. The account shows Jesus approves of marriage and celebrations. It has also been used against teetotalism.
Biblical account. The Gospel of John says Jesus was at a wedding in Cana with his disciples. Jesus’ mother told him they didn’t have any wine. Jesus replied, “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me?” My time has not yet come. His mother told the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” Jesus told the servants to fill containers with water and take some to the chief steward. The steward said that the bridegroom had served the best wine last. John adds that: Jesus did this first of his signs in Cana of Galilee, and it showed he was God. His disciples believed in him.
What are some fun facts about the wedding at Cana?
Wedding Feast in Cana, Paolo Veronese, 1563. Louvre Museum. The Wedding Feast in Cana is a biblical story about the first miracle of Christ. While he is at a wedding in Cana, the wine runs out. Jesus told the servants to fill big jars with water and serve the host. He notices the water has turned into wine! This sacred episode is turned into a fancy Venetian wedding. In this wedding scene, Christ is in the middle, with the Virgin and the disciples on one side and the bride and groom on the other. Also, Christ looks at the viewer. The bride is looking at us, but she looks unhappy. She’s not happy because there’s no more wine. Why is the groom looking so thoughtful? His attitude may be related to the butler’s gesture. He uncurls his belt with his left hand on his purse. He is indignant. He returns his apron in the middle of the feast. The groom does not know what to say and tastes the wine.
What mystery is the wedding at Cana?
Second Mystery of Light Second Mystery of Light: Jesus’ wedding at Cana. On the third day, Jesus’ mother was at a wedding in Galilee. Jesus and his disciples were also there.
What was Mary’s role in the wedding at Cana?
The Blessed Virgin’s presence is clear when the wine runs out. She notices and helps the newlyweds. Mary tells Jesus, “They have no wine.” She expects him to help. Some exegetes say Mary was expecting Jesus to perform an extraordinary sign because he had no wine. Mary helped the disciples believe in Jesus by getting a miracle. Mary chose to ask Jesus for wine, even though she could have gotten it elsewhere. This shows her courage because Jesus hadn’t done any miracles yet.
Who was the bridegroom at the wedding at Cana?
Saint John the Evangelist. This panel was one of the first in the series. 1. Saint Jerome identified Saint John the Evangelist as the bridegroom at the Marriage Feast at Cana. See Gertrud Schiller, Iconographie der christliche Kunst, 5 vols., Gütersloh, 1986, vol. 1, p.
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Artist: Juan de Flandes (died 1519, Palencia)
What was the problem at the wedding in Cana?
In the Gospel, Jesus, his mother, and his disciples go to a wedding in Galilee. When the wine runs out, Jesus makes more wine for his mother. Scholars and archaeologists disagree about where Cana was. Several villages in Galilee are possible candidates. The account shows Jesus approves of marriage and celebrations. It has also been used against teetotalism.
Biblical account. The Gospel of John says Jesus was at a wedding in Cana with his disciples. Jesus’ mother told him they had no wine. Jesus replied, “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me?” My time has not yet come. His mother told the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” Jesus told the servants to fill containers with water and take some to the chief steward. The steward said that the bridegroom had served the best wine last. John adds that: Jesus did this first of his signs in Cana of Galilee, and it showed he was God. His disciples believed in him.
📹 The Wedding at Cana and Jesus’ Response to Mary
For the Mass Readings on the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C), Dr. Pitre comments on the readings, in particular as they …
Thanks a million Dr. Pitre. My Protestant years have so conditioned me that I have always found this particular miracle a bit silly and an unnecessary disturbance to our Faith. But today, you have opened my eyes to the grandeur and the spectacular significance of this miracle. I can’t thank you enough. May God bless you.
I really liked how Brant made the connection to Isiah 25: 6-8, where the LORD of Hosts (the Bridegroom) will prepare a great feast for His redeemed. Essential to understand that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all the Old Testament Messianic prophecies. Thanks to this lesson, this passage from the Gospel of John has depth I never saw before.
On my view,lacking of wine in a banquet by people refers to how our fore parents Adam and Ever had full grace of god and they enjoyed in a garden but after a fall that grace disappeared and they were in need of the grace again,so Mary telling Jesus that they have no wine it meant that they have no grace why cant you give them now,jesus responded lovingly lady what problem do I have with you my time is not yet to come and mary told the servants to do what jesus was to tell them, the time of jesus was on cross when he was pierced on his sacred heart and there came out water and blood the sacraments that give us that grace that Adam and ever lost
Mother Mary and a few already knew his divine identity like for instance the Magi and John the Baptist,the statement of my hour is not come reveals the sacrifice he has to pay for our transgressions, though before hand several signs were expected to be seen from the long awaited Messiah. So Jesus made an exception in the water to wine case at Cana and whoever believed in it would be free,all actions performed by god’s son has universal meaning it depends on the people who perceive and accept. The identity is always been a suspicion by many,so I would say. Praise the lord.
I also find it particularly interesting the idea that this was a little bit of a warning and an asking of Jesus to Mary if she was alright with this starting His ministry. She was told of the sword that would pierce her heart at the Presentation by the prophet, after all. Scripture is so very deep and wrapped in meaning.
My question has to do with the amount of wine that was changed from water- the guests at the wedding had clearly been drinking quite a bit already so why would it have been necessary for JESUS to fill 6-30 gallon containers with water to be changed to wine especially considering his response to his mother- just how much wine could these people drink? Unless it had more to do with JESUS making sure people knew it was a miracle and not just another jug found.
all the hours of meticulous study of greek, scriptures, jewish traditions and still missing the essence of this “parable” that Jesus left us….Jesus doesn’t appear to be too pleased by Mary’s “intercession” on other’s behalf, as if he doesn’t have foreknowledge of what is to come and what needs to be done….kind of akin to your child in the backseat of your car continuing to ask “are we there yet?” when just minutes away from the destination.
Excellent interpretation by Dr. PITRE as usual but allow me to add a couple of points. The wedding of Cana sets 2 parallels, one with the Sinai revelation and another with the Crucifixion-Resurrection event (THE HOUR). Many hints point to that : The 3 events occur at the end of a week starting with ON THE THIRD DAY. On the third day, the word of Yahveh was given to Moses and the people believed in him….On the third day, the new wine is offered by Jesus and the people believed in him AND… On the third day, the WORD made flesh rose and the people believed in him. In the 3 texts God’s WORD WAS GIVEN TO HIS PEOPLE and his glory revealed. It is worth noticing the recommendation of Mary: Whatever he says to you, do it! Echoing the reply of the Hebrews to Moses…Whatever Yahveh tells us WE SHALL DO. MARY personifies the New Israel in its messianic aspirations…the daughter of Zion, the new Jerusalem, THE WOMAN. Moreover, the wine in Cana symbolizes Jesus himself…unknown to the master of ceremony but revealed to the servants, the wine filled the waterpots TO THE BRIM. THE best wine kept till the end! So Mary’s request for wine is, on a deeper level, a request for Jesus to offer himself and save Israel. The seemingly harsh reply : Woman, what do I have to do with you? Could be then interpreted as : Are you aware of the implications of your request? The timing of the wine is at THE HOUR OF THE CROSS! And recalling a famous quote: In Cana Jesus transformed water into wine, on the cross, he transformed the wine into his blood!
1st: They were not guests. At a Hebrew wedding only 4 or 5 people could command the servants. The mother and father of the bride and the mother and father of the groom generally. 2nd: Hebrew weddings took place in the home town of the groom, Cana. 3rd: Mary’s husband Joseph doesn’t appear at this wedding. We might assume Mary is a widow. 4th: In this situation the eldest son took the place of the bride’s father. That’s Jesus. 5th: Many more people came than were expected. Jesus at this time had more disciples than 12. 6th: The steward (sometimes the father of the groom) recognized expensive wine (not grape juice). 7th: After the wedding Jesus went to Capernaum, his home base of ministry, not to Nazareth. His brothers and disciples are with Him. His sisters are missing. In a Hebrew wedding, the bride’s natural sisters are her bridesmaids. It was Jesus’s sister who was married and He gave her to her husband in place of Joseph and as God gave Eve to Adam.
What I have come to discover is that this is a multi layered parable, representing not only Jesus’ first miracle, and as I have allude the prophecy of my return, given the exact name, date, time, and birth order, but because it is in Canaan it is also representative of the Waterbearer god. Had this miracle occurred anywhere else, like Bethlehem or Jerusalem or Jericho, then the narrative would have not had that much significance, but because the Canaanites worshipped the Water God El, it further gave heed to those who knew that this was the tribe who worshipped the star constellation Aquarius. Sent from my iPhone
I feel like He just meant “Im not ready to start my mission especially the miracles bit…,” He was human like the rest of us. He, however, loved his mum so much and broke His “code”, of waiting til He was ready. And that’s why I love the Rosary. Because Jesus will do all His mother asks 💜🧡❤ Mother Mary intercede for us.
I think it is another piece in the puzzle that shows Mary is Co Redeemer.. Mary effectively ordered Jesus up out of that Chair and do what I asked of you, she was fully confident that he would, that she sent servants over to him…. Like Solomon he will refuse his Mother the Queen nothing. first and last miracles involved wine and the best of wine. If you overlook the whole ear thing…
Jesus said that He came down from heaven to do the will of His Father in Heaven. It os not because of Mary that He turned that water into wine. It is the will of the Father in Heaven. Even if Mary want Jesus to turn that water into wine and it is not the will of the Father in Heaven, He will not do that. Of he would have disobey the Father and sinned against Father. Disobedience is a sin Hebrew 4:15 says Jesus was tempted in all aspect but He never sin. The problem is we are comparing God to the way Human think. When its clear in the scripture that God’s way is not our way and His thought are not are our thought. Because of many complicated explanations that it cannot be applied to every day living
it’s clear A. LETTER TO TIMOTHY 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus! Mattew 24:36 36 “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows,neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. Mattew 23:8-10 8 But be not ye called teachers. for one is your Teacher, even Christ. 9 You are all brothers. And call no man father (Spiritual)upon the earth. for one is Father, which is in heaven.10 And be not ye called masters. for one is your Master, even Christ…. “YOU must not let people call you ‘leaders’—you have only one leader, Christ!” (Matthew 23:10, The New Testament) With these words, Jesus made it plain to his followers that no man on earth would be their leader. Their one Leader would be heavenly—Jesus Christ himself. Jesus holds this position by divine appointment.. Jehovah “raised him up from the dead and . . . made him head over all things to the congregation, which is his body.”—Ephesians 1:20-23. 2 Since Christ is “head over all things” with regard to the Christian congregation, he exercises his authority over all that takes place within the congregation. Nothing that occurs within the congregation escapes his notice. He closely observes the spiritual condition of each group of Christians, or congregation. This is clearly apparent in the revelation given to the apostle John at the end of the first century C.E. To seven congregations, Jesus stated five times that he knew their deeds, their strong points, and their weaknesses, and he gave counsel and encouragement accordingly.
Boy, you really read qite a bit into this Bible text in John chapter 2 — the miracle at Cana. You forgot to mention why Jesus addresses Mary as “woman” instead of “mother” in this account. This is disrespectful in the Jewish culture (and most others as well). For instance if my young son were to address me as “Rocco” (my first name) — for a close friend that’s okay — but for my son to address me in that way, it’s disrespectful. In context Jesus is making it clear to Mary that she had stepped over the line — that He is the Lord and has the say on when and what to do! And Mary got the message and therefore her response in verse 5. A similar situation come up in Matthew 12:47-50 — someone says: “your mother and brothers are standing outside and want to speak with You” — Jesus’ reply: “Who is my mother and who are my brothers? Pointing to His disciples, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers. For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”… Jesus doesn’t elevate his mother above others, but puts Mary on the same level as all His disciples! Also the explanation of why Jesus said to Mary “my hour has not yet come” is a reminder to her, that He is the Lord who determines when the right time is. He admonishes his brothers with almost the same words in John 7:6 to tell them to back off. What would interest me would be to hear you explain to the viewers here where the term “saints” is used as a classification for a special, elite class of believers (most no longer living on earth) in Jesus with special access rights and priviliges before God.
The wedding of cana might have been a symbolic one, not of real people or wedding feast. This passage talks about Jesus Renewing the Creation that was ruin by the Fall of Adam as six jars represents the six days of creation and the wine represents the Blood of Jesus that will be offer to renew man’s relationship with God.Mary saying they have no wine simply means they have no life in them, as Divine Life was lost by original sin.Jesus saying my hour has not yet come, speaks of the power of Mary’s intercession as he can move God’s Divine Plan to unfold. Mary as the Woman has the power in unfolding the Hour of Redemption and so in the Hour of Judgement Mary as the Mother of All the Redeemed also has the power to plead God to extend the Hour of Mercy before God render His judgment.
Your constant flashing of the 666 handsign is truly disturbing. And Jesus is GOD in the flesh. He is subservient to no one! He never once called her his mother, but “woman”. She did not even ask him (much less tell him) to remedy the wine problem; she merely told him they were out of wine. Matthew 12:47Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee. 48But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? 49And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! 50For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. Mary was a sinner like all humans. She was blessed to carry Jesus CHRIST into the world, but he is God in the flesh and has no mother. She was a vessel used for God’s glory, that does not make her sinless. She was married and had other children, so she was not a virgin after the birth of Jesus Christ. Catholics, repent of this blasphemy and idolatry of raising up a human sinner and downplaying the authority of Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings! He is Almighty God, and doesn’t defer to his “mommy” for any decisions! Read the King James Bible for the truth and come out of her, the harlot described in detail in Revelation 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication 5And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER (“church”)OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH 6And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus(inquisitions): and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.