God knows the end from the beginning and may terminate a relationship with someone who isn’t in line with His perfect will for your life. He will only allow you to marry someone in line with His will and most important purpose for your life. In Exodus 14:14, God’s people learned to be still and trust in Him, even in the face of danger. In cases where an unbelieving spouse consents to remain in the marriage and is not abusive, the Christian should stay. The Bible advises the married and the unmarried, stating that marriage is honorable among all and is not a life-threatening commitment. It’s okay to experience disappointment when life doesn’t unfold as expected.
Marriage was God’s design, as it is meant for both male and female individuals. Genesis 1:27-28 and Genesis 2 confirm this, with God declaring that man’s solitude is not good. The Bible teaches that sex before marriage is immoral, and marriage is presented as the “cure” for sexual immorality. Close relatives may have continued to marry, as seen in Abram’s marriage to his half-sister.
Marriage is not a mystery, but it was a mystery for thousands of years, but with the life and death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, marriage is no longer a mystery. God’s no to one thing is a yes to another, and He will put someone in your life that is meant for you, even if they haven’t already.
When God says “no” to a relationship, it is always His mercy, and He will give you something better. God may be saying no because you aren’t prepared for marriage, and He knows there are areas in your life you need to further develop before He sends you to the right person.
When God says no to your desire for a specific relationship, it can be easy to get angry and frustrated. However, when you get married to the person God has for you, you can trust that He is good to those who wait for Him and to the soul who seeks Him.
📹 When God Says NO
Have you ever felt like you prayers were ignored or unheard? Today’s video is sponsored by Hallow – join the Advent #Pray25 …
When God says no or wait?
God says no or wait because he has a greater purpose. God says no or wait because he has a greater purpose. God is in charge. He has all power and authority. Everything that happens is under God’s control (Job 42:2). He makes no mistakes. You’ll never know what it costs to get what you want. God may spare you from future trials that would be wrong for you. We see the beauty and strength that we long for, but we lack the vision. God said no because there is a greater purpose (1 Peter 1:7). God knows what’s best for us in the future (Rom 8:28). God says no or wait because it’s not the right time. Sometimes it’s not the right time. God may be saying, wait, trust me. We’ve become used to fast food. We want quick results.
Is it a sin to be in a relationship without marriage?
It’s not a sin to have a boyfriend. It is a sin to have sex before marriage. Also, the Bible says not to marry non-Christians. Christians should only marry other Christians.
Will God ever stop loving you?
God loves you and wants you to come back to Him.
How to let go when God says no?
When God says no, mourn the loss. When God says no, it means you really wanted what you asked for. … Understand what God’s “no” means. God opens and closes doors. Make a new plan. It can be hard to trust God when things don’t go our way. The EBONY team has some tips on how to cope. I really wanted to win. I worked hard to win. I got good letters of recommendation, made it to the finals, fasted and prayed for success. I still didn’t win. By the time I told a fourth person, I was able to say it without crying. It was still sad watching what would have been a great life for the next 12 months slip away, but I’d cried about it in the three previous conversations.
When God shows you your soulmate?
Things can affect us a lot. God can bring people together in unexpected ways. He can use chance to bring people together. The Holy Spirit can also help you find your life partner. The Holy Spirit can guide people to find peace and assurance about someone. This feeling can be a sign from God. God can also communicate plans for a life partner through dreams and visions. God may use dreams to give you insights, guidance, or a glimpse of the future.
It’s important to have a personal conviction. God can make people feel sure about their life partner. This conviction may come through intuition, trust, and compatibility.
How to trust God when he says no?
We can trust and hope in God’s plan for us even when we don’t understand. Trust God with your prayers and keep praying, even when He says no. He always puts His glory and our good first. If we live this way, we can trust Him even when He says no.
When you love someone but God says no?
If he wants to give it to you, he will. Not everything you ask for is in his will. Trust that what he wants is best for you. What to Do When God Says No? After God says no, you might ask yourself, “What do I do now?” God loves you and has a reason for saying no. Don’t believe lies about God. You need to process your hurt feelings and then know how to let go when God says no.
How to know when God is saying no to a relationship?
If you feel uneasy about a relationship, it might mean God isn’t leading you in that direction. God confirms His approval through a sense of peace.
What does the Bible say about not getting married?
I wish all men were like me. But each man has a different gift from God. To the unmarried and widows, I say: It’s good to stay unmarried. If they can’t control themselves, they should marry. It’s better to marry than to burn with passion.
When God tells you to leave a relationship?
Then you’re facing emotional abuse. Or abuse of any kind. That’s not what God wants for you. Don’t ignore the signs. Listen to the Holy Spirit.
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Did Jesus say not to marry?
Jesus’ disciples said, “If this is true, it’s better not to marry!” “Not everyone can accept this,” Jesus said. “Only those God helps. Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs, and some choose not to marry for the Kingdom of Heaven. His disciples said, “If a man is married, it is better not to marry.” But He said, “Not everyone can accept this.” Some are born as eunuchs, some are made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marry for the Kingdom of Heaven. “If you can accept it, accept it.” Jesus’ disciples said, “If that’s how marriage works, we’re out of luck. “Why get married?” Jesus said, “Not everyone is ready for marriage.” It takes skill. Not everyone is ready for marriage. Some never think about marriage. Others are never asked or accepted. Some decide not to get married for religious reasons. “If you can, get married.” His disciples say, “If a man’s with his wife, it’s not good to marry.” But he said, “Not everyone can understand this.” Some people are born eunuchs, some are made eunuchs, and some choose to be eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. If you can understand it, understand it.
📹 4 Things that Make God Say “No” to a Relationship You Want
Why did God say “no” to a relationship you wanted? What reason was there for God not putting you two together even though you …
I feel this when I pray “Lord please let me meet my husband soon so I can just have lots of kids while I’m still young enough! I promise to raise them as devout Catholics!” But I keep getting older and I know the amount of kids I will be able to have goes down. I am trying to switch the intention from “God please let me meet my husband” to “God please help me do your will.” I’ll admit it’s hard!!
i’m missing a semester bc my parents couldn’t afford to pay on time and its just been so disappointing. i live abroad & away from my family and feel very much alone. i dont have a community and friends. i’d love for more than anything to fly back home this Christmas to be w my family but my parents cant afford it. anyone reading this rn, pls send a prayer up for me <33 its just been so hard & im clinging to God for strength.
i’m currently at an all time low in my life and just last night before going to sleep, i prayed the Rosary and cried to God saying “Heavenly Father, please I am not in a place where I can think for myself or make decisions for myself, please let me trust in You to guide me in life and please let me place full faith in You that you will take great care of me right now when i cannot take care of myself. please don’t abandon me now in my time of great need” not only did i have good sleep and felt better than i ever had in months, but i woke up so much earlier than i need to and found this article waiting for me. i was already thinking of going for morning mass earlier but after perusal this article, i’m now getting ready for the day to go to church before work ❤️ i definitely needed to hear that today, “if the Lord isn’t doing what you’re asking right now, perhaps it’s because he wants to do what you have ALWAYS been asking for”. thank you God, i love you so very dearly and thank you emily for being God’s messenger ❤️❤️❤️ have a blessed week ahead, everyone!! ❤
The timing of this article is spot on. I just went through a break up last night. I was having some serious anxieties over the relationship and it turns out he was too. I’m a mess today. I’m 33 and I can’t believe I had to go through yet another break up. I’m confused about God’s plan but I know he must see deeper than I do. This article spoke directly to what I’ve been feeling. Thank you so much Emily ❤ I’ve been following your articles for years.
I am having a hard day and overwhelmed with where I’m at and what God’s trying to do, because I feel very stuck. I started counseling a few months ago for anxiety and nausea related to guys. I’m working through a ton of self-esteem assignments right now that are so hard, but I know will be rewarding, and I just ironically started a weekly meal yesterday with some guy friends, which is proving SO scary and challenging, where I am faced with the projection of my own judgments and insecurities. I think it’s timely though that God does not want me to run and hide from my fears, especially as I desire marriage someday, but man, it feels like the anxiety and nausea will always be this way right now.
I needed to hear this, after some troubling past days. I always struggle with trust. Yes, I know God has everything under control, but knowing that and trusting that in the moment of pain are two different things. Like Peter getting scared and starting to sink on the lake, despite Jesus being right in front of him, I cling to what I think I know, instead of letting go and putting my trust in the Lord.
Such true words! I was once told about the story of a nymph who asked Zeus to give immortality to her human lover. Zeus did it, but since she didn’t ask for eternal youth, the guy would just become older and older without dying. Our God is not like it, it doesn’t matter how you formulate prayers, he is going to fulfil them!
Very interesting, very interesting… Im constantly praying for healing for myself and my family. Im currently on this journey of mental prayer and about to step off into the deep by moving away from my family to a place I swore I would never live in again… and Im even moving of my own free will!!! I had this conversation with my spiritual director this evening about my wishful thinking about my relationship with my parents, how I wish I had that great bond every child wants with Dad & Mom. Then she gave me the most beautiful food for thought: God wants things the way they are for reasons I don’t understand. I just have to make an act of trust, like you were saying in the article! One day, I WILL have a fantastic relationship with my parents, I have hope. 🙂 God bless you Emily!
I don’t think I’ve ever commented on a YouTube article before, but today this timing for this article was beautiful. A quick version of my story. I have experienced this in vocation. I was attracted to religious life and travelled to America (I’m Australian) when I was 19 to discern at a few convents – I received an answer of no to that. Then a year ago I went to Italy to discern at another Monastery and after a lot of agonizing and anguish came to another realization that God also didn’t mean for me to stay there. Around the same time before leaving for Italy, there was someone I truly wanted to marry – he also was taken from me which was so sad. And at the moment another man also who I could potentially discern marriage with is causing confusion. Whether the answer is wait or no for this one, I don’t yet know. The trust and surrender that is required is hard! Some days I can feel it growing, yet often we collapse and fall back into our frail human fear and way of thinking. For anyone reading this,who needs even more encouragement to add to this, a beautiful homily which inspires such joy and trust is by Fr Jim Blount on the most powerful surrender novena. youtu.be/4wwcUx8XT_A Jesus you take care of it! These things in my life have all caused a lot of pain, and so a message such as this is very encouraging especially when one is particularly fearful and discouraged, as I was today. Thank you Emily Please pray for me – Grace
This has been my struggle throughout life but especially lately as being single at the holidays is hard when you desire so deep for something more. I feel like those time sensitive prayers get answered but big questions of life there’s nothing. I also feel like I have to reach perfect surrender and if I don’t I’m failing at trusting God. It’s such a hard balance to reach. Your articles are always so timely! Thank you!
Thank you for sharing Emily 🙏 I relate to this deeply. In my life I have learnt to end with ‘if it be your will’, knowing that ultimately God can see what I cannot… things that may look like nothing now, but will bear beautiful fruit in the future. Very recently I have seen the fruit of a lifetime of prayer, and remember all the “unanswered” prayers that I now see made way for this. Time can help you to see that actually He is always listening. But in the now, leaving everything (even the things I think are good and for the best) up to Him by saying ‘if it be your will, I put it in your hands’, I have no fear and know He will take care of me 💛🙏
I LOVE this article! 💓💓💓💓Thank you for posting. I am praying for God to reveal to me the next steps He wants me to take in regards to my vocation and finding a new job opportunity. Like you were saying keeping the faith and hope in Him is key. His ways are so much better than from our limited perspective.
Helpful to hear right now. I live in a good Catholic community, but it’s far from my family and because of a few things I feel a little lost currently. I really feel like God led me here for a reason, thought it was partly to find my future husband but the one I had in mind doesn’t seem in the works… this article and the homily at Mass today really are helping me refocus on surrendering to God’s will and providential plan!!
1. This person is not who you think they are. \r 2.The relationship would be good for the person you are now but unbelievably bad for your future self. \r 3.The pain of this no will push you to be the person God has made you to be.\r 4. You and this person will be happier in a different relationship.
This is so profound and good,, I lived this . And God will waste none of your pain, using it all for the good over time . Sometimes in (that) relationship we over look crucial things and if god isn’t always first and we are determined to make are own choices, god will allow us to experience that life changing pain . But as we grow and learn what’s important to God he changes are thinking, giving us a new set of eyes to see with changing our mindset, maturing us spiritually so we can look back being so grateful that God did not allow something that we thought was all that to work out …. when god is in favor of a relationship you both will put God first Naturally, you will also have an abundance of peace even through trials . You’ll desire to walk in a manner that pleases god in return he gives you the wisdom and ability to walk away from anything that is not from him .
If you hear a clear «no» from God considering a relationship, I want to encourage you to leave it even if it’s hard. There was a guy interested in me, he repented recently, seemed nice and went to church every Sunday. I kept hearing a «no» from God but continued talking to him. When I finally realized what the Lord was telling me, I decided to stop the relationship even though I didn’t fully understand why I had to. I felt such relief and peace after I made that decision. Now I understand… some time later after we stopped talking, he went back into drugs 😢 Wait patiently on the Lord, and He will give you exactly who you need at the right time🤍🙏🏼 God bless your ministry, Mark, as you continue the share the truth from God’s Word! 💯📖
You know what the wicked thing is – we fill in the gaps of the unknown with ‘hope’ when it comes to humans, but we fill it with doubt & unbelief when it comes to God. We do this when we face unfortunate circumstances when we know deep down that God is a good God & is not a tyrant. Lord, help us to see You for who You are! P.S: “The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps” Prov. 14:15. In the case that what you’re falling in love with is not ‘wishful thinking’, but a genuine response to what the other person told you – you still need to be careful because…well, people lie. Be discerning by being constant in prayer with the Lord, read His word & seek godly counsel from christian community. I don’t mean to be cynical, but this happened to me & I foolishly believed everything the person said simply because they said it & played the part for a while. However, their mask eventually fell off. Do not be a pharisee, but you have to be mindful of their actions vs. their words. Be patient! Don’t rush any relationship…may God bless you!
Going through this ‘no’ right now, I wish I never felt this way cause I’m stuck in the same church with this person. Its distracting because we grew really close only to let go,really trying to submit to Gods plan but this is hurting me right now and im trying not to become bitter towards this person cause its not his fault and he is hurting too! Sigh. thank you!
Amen!! Been there with that and I am grateful! I, too, did question GOD why HE would put my in those situations if HIS answer was No all along. However, it’s HIS will and those relationships weren’t for me. Sometimes it means that we haven’t learned our lesson yet and had to learn the hard way. It happens. I am at peace with it because I know that GOD loves me and HE has my best interest at heart. Trust me, I was heartbroken but GOD was protecting me. Plus, those situations made me strong, wise and better. The person that looks good on paper for me (they don’t have to be a narcissist but an all-around good person of Christ) but it doesn’t mean that they are right for me and I’d rather have GOD’S best for my life. I’d rather have someone who will be good for my future self so that we can carry our GOD’S purpose for our lives together! 🙏 Thanks for the article, Mark!
Good day! Sir, you’re articles are helping me being educated biblically about relationship for I have a first boyfriend right now. And I’m still asking the Lord of why he’s the one the Lord sent to me or shall I say the one who’s waiting for me for so long. It’s like we’re destined to meet each other but when we first met I have these too high standards idealism of what a man I’m asking God. I forgot that God is sovereign and He knows exactly what’s gonna happen tomorrow and the next years to come. That’s why I’m blessed to listen to your articles and I take time pondering it so well by God’s grace 😊❣️🙏. God bless you and your website.
# 1 is pretty accurate. One girl I used to like I met at work, a couple of the reasons I was attracted to her, she appeared Godly, based on her Facebook posts that often showed Bible verses she liked and she seemed really friendly, down to earth, bubbly, friendly in person. We shared many of the same interests and values so I thought I had a chance with her and I wanted to be close friends at least. What bothered me for a while was me wondering why she didn’t want to get to know me better outside of work when I thought we had a lot in common. Some of the red flags I noticed later on: dated a non-believer or casual Christian in hopes to get him to convert, lied about threatening to kill herself and then lying about being pregnant to get him back after breaking up the 2nd time, and often discarded her friends, even those I thought she considered valuable or one of her best friends. Sometimes she would add them back on Facebook, which made me wonder sometimes what kind of drama happened and why this person was worth keeping. Also deleted her own mom and sister off Facebook for a short time, possibly for not approving of her new boyfriend who also doesn’t appear to be a real Christian. I also notice she appears to be secretive about her relationships on Facebook for a time. What I found really strange was, there was a point before I knew all those things where I was willing to give up on her, accept that she may not be for me, give it to God, since it seemed like our friendship wasn’t going anywhere, she didn’t seem interested in knowing me a lot more and I wanted her attention more.
Such a timely article, thank you as always. A few hours ago I was perusal your past article about God closing doors and finally accepted a closed one in my current situation. Then I got a notification about this new vid. It gave me a more nuanced perspective on God’s “no’s” which made the pain of accepting his “no” a bit bearable. Despite what happened, I will cling to His Word that (my) “weeping may last through the night but joy comes in the morning” (Ps. 30:5). Thank you and God bless your ministry.
Good word. I’m gradually recovering from a bad relationship where several of these points apply. She’s wasn’t a bad person, but a sister in Christ with whom God did not intend me to be with. I’m seeing signs that we weren’t to be. I can see more how God is repairing me and changing me into who I am to be in Him. Cheers!
Yeah, I’m asking myself why did I saw her out of the blue, why is she shining in my eyes around hundreds,thousands of other people(or women). I’m wondering from where is this feeling, why does heart feels different about her? Seems mysterious… Even if it’s not right for me, I’m just asking myself why does it happen so rare. And out of so many women…. Nowdays I’m not worrying about anything, if God says YES or NO. I know everything is for my own good and for her own good. 🙂 Even as a kid I learned from Bible that those who obeyed and followed God always chose right path.
When I was 23yrs.old I got married to a man, 8yrs.older then me for 10yrs., divorced me to be with a younger woman than I. Then I met my son’s father who happens to be a Arab Muslim, his parents did not approve,cuz I’m a Christian, it was a dishonor and I was not their kind, so my son’s father abandoned his son when he was 11mos., old. My son is now in the military an American Air force staff Sargent and a dedicated Christian. What really hurt me bad enough was my son’s father wanted me to have an abortion, I thank God I still have my dignity cuz I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for my son, he taught me to be a better Christian by putting God first and getting right with God. I pray that God will bless me with the right man who will love me for me as I will truly love him and we will love God with all of heart, mind and soul. Thank you God and I love you♡♡♡!!!
Hello Mark, thank you for this wise and inspiring clip, I am Catholic and I feel you are very true to the teachings of God and gifted in the way you express these messages with such clarity while still be so down to earth about it all, keep it up, still praying as a mature but youthful 57 to find my true companion and love after a very unwise choice in my 20s followed by an annulment. God bless you and your family. Mary
After reading Psalm 143 I just prayed on my face for almost an hour and then opened my phone to this. Well that was needed. I just had a breakup of a pretty short relationship, and I’ve been with people for years before, but this hurt was oddly consistent with that. I’m not even mad at him, I’m just mad at whoever hurt him like that. I guess God was saving me from the relationship, and I have gotten a lot closer with God, but if this man comes back into my life I won’t know what to think.
Brother I learned once I asked God too protect me from harm misery regret, getting hooked up with somebody I shouldn’t I found out God will protect you. I’ll take one for the team here I even told my lady friend the same thing it’s better too be single happy than being in misery, regret being married to the wrong person that is a nightmare.
Glory Be To God!! Thank you God, for Discernment & Perception. True story: An individual said to me, You’re really into God and “I’m not(meaning they wasn’t). Automatically, I knew not to start anything with this individual, I left quicker than I arrived. Another true story: An individual says to me: We can be friends as long as you don’t talk about God!! simply walked away fast. This doesn’t make me a better person than anyone, this shows my Obligation & Dedication to follow God and the calling he has set before me, Amen. God will send options or an option to you that he has Heavenly Approved and it’s well worth the wait, this person has more than likely accepted their calling, they are just like you, God Bless💜✝
In my case, i’ve always wanted a wife, God simply just said “NO” not “No, not now” or “wait” but just a flat out definite “NO”. This is hard for some people to believe but, at 53. There were some divine interventions that kept me from even starting one. God wanted me to live a lifelong celibate life with no wife or offspring. Did i want that myself.. no. But it was God’s will not mine. Does it hurt? yes😢 But God had something better for me.. even though it doesn’t feel like it.
Kind of going through something similar we get along, he’s great at understanding, and cares about me. But he doesn’t follow Jesus the way I do, and doesn’t have the same spiritual boundaries or staying pure like me which can put me in a dangerous spot. Doesn’t think sex before marriage is a sin, and also I’m seeing a few red flags with substance .. it does suck but putting facts over feelings, is helpful. Also he’s moving super fast after a month and 2 weeks, about kids and marriage already and moving in. Not really a good feeling for me. And God won’t said something I have to question.
I have a question I really hope you can answer. A man that I loved, and he liked me as more then a friend but wasn’t with passed away and I keep wondering was I supposed to be with them or will I be with them in heaven. Did I make some mistake that took me off gods path for me to be with them. Ps I would have been happy to be with him even though our time would have been short.
@applygodswordmarkballenger what advice or guidance can you give to peeps like me who are overage and aren’t meant to be in a relationship or have a family of their own? those who missed their chance even if they did all they could because it just wasn’t meant to be? So we could live the rest of our lives even if unfulfilled? How do we come to Gods terms at such an age? I am only waiting to die now
In my case I knew the girl who rejected me. I truly thought we were a perfect match. We agreed on everything vital for a godly marriage/relationship. Only issue is that we both have anxiety, and that’s why she doesn’t want to try. I tried everything I could to save our relationship. I was willing to go to a counselor. I was willing to do anything for her. I loved her. I know it’s all part of God’s perfect plan and his perfect timing. This is probably the hardest fall I’ve ever taken. My heart aches for her. I want to go crawling back begging for her to come back, but I know that’ll be forcing my will instead of God’s, if we’re meant to be. He will guide us two together again someday, who knows maybe a better woman will come by, I highly doubt someone could be better but who knows. God can do mighty things. Sorry for the long comment. I just had to let it out. If anyone has some wisdom or advice to share please feel free to leave a comment.
Sir Im also in a problem my boyfriend swore upon jesus that he didn’t cheat on me but when i asked him again he confessed yes i cheated on you please forgive me i forgave him and accepted him again but while i was angry at him last week hi saw the nudes of other girls on internet even he swore upon jesus for that that i won’t do it again but still he did it and he is calling me back and asking for forgiveness i am unable to trust him and i cried whole night yesturday because i thought he is not into this stuff please tell me what should i do😭
Your pastor is not always your friend on this issue. When it comes to relationships, after a certain age, you’re old enough to make your own decisions. I realize how blasphemous and terrifying that is in the evangelical mind – ie, taking responsibility for your own decisions. But that is how being a grown-up works. You can’t pray your way into falling in love. Prayer is fine for those who want it. But a relationship happens when two people come together. It doesn’t happen because you spent enough hours at home, alone, self-absorbed in prayer and the Bible.
Mark, I would like to talk to you personally about something. I need guidance and I’ve been a flower and subscriber for a long time. You have been a God send to me and I really need your advice. The reason I’m seeking your guidance is because I believe you could provide me said guidance. I want what God wants for me and in his timing but I just need as I said guidance in this matter. If you could respond I would greatly appreciate it.
mark .. i Love a girl who been my best friend first since 7yr and later on she brought me to jesus made me realise who lord is..i got saved ..i love her since day but never realise about it..but as i got saved slowly i realised that i really love hr n she is one and i proposed her .. she said yes but last 2 yr think between us not going good and lots of misunderstandings doubt n got genrated n all she not been faithful to me but later on she realise n came bck to me then she been faithful to me as well as lord she repent thr sins n started loving me .. n last week she said me she got NO from lord that i m nt her life partner.😢.. but mark i praying since 2 year cryin weepin beggin to lord to be with that person bcz i literally gave my evrythng on her i really love her i gave my hole n soul toh her..but she never love me last 2 year the way she love me last 7yr whn we was best friend ..And now she got NO frm lord n she left me n i still love her n need her badly is thr any possibility to get her back or Do lord change his answer from NO to YES ?? if i continously pray for that girl is there chnce lord chnge his decision??please help me out i have only that one girl whom i trusted,loved n all i dnt evn have friends at all please help me out my family are not believer i only single person who believe jesus n her family is believer i really wana marry her so i never get out of the lord presence n becme a non believer because my family don’t support me i really need her in my life 😢😢😢