When Jesus Returns For His Bride?

Jesus Christ has paid a price for His bride, the church, and will return in wrath and power as the great Judge to slay His enemies and set up His Kingdom. He has given two betrothal obligations to His bride: preparing a house for her in His Father’s home and returning to receive her and take her home. The bride has made herself ready by clothing herself with fine linen, bright and pure.

Jesus tells an extended parable about the kingdom of heaven and His return, likening them to a bridegroom coming for His bride late at night. As ten bridesmaids wait for his coming, five were killed. Jesus is coming back when the God-days are full, when conditions are met, and when his bride is ready. It won’t be long before God’s soon is The Second Coming of Christ.

The metaphor of the “Bride of Christ” emphasizes the intimate relationship between Jesus and His followers, highlighting God’s deep love and care for His people. Believers are called to maintain a devoted relationship with Jesus, exemplified by preparation and faithfulness.

In Revelation 21:2, Jesus is seen as the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. The betrothal obligations are covenantly sealed through Jesus’ broken body and shed blood, which the bride commemorates in her waiting period through participating in the Lord’s Supper. The bridegroom has promised to fulfill the obligations at His return.

Believers in Jesus Christ are the bride of Christ, and they wait with great anticipation for the day when they will be united with their Bridegroom.

📹 Jesus Is Coming Back For HIS BRIDE Not Brides! Adding To The Bible Is Dangerous And Demonic

Jesus is coming back for a bride without spot or wrinkle
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What does the Bible say about Jesus coming back for his bride?

The Lord spoke to his heart: This, my son, is what it will be like when I come to take my bride home. In an instant my bride will vanish from the earth as they will be caught up to meet me in the air at the last trumpet. Maranatha, Oh Lord, come!

To our beloved readers: Peace, grace, comfort and love in Jesus Christ our Lord. My heart is focused on the soon return of our Lord and king.

In the gospel of Matthew 24:44 NIV, we read: “So you also must be ready, because the son of man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”

Beloved, are we ready to meet Jesus in the air and begin our eternal journey in heaven? As we pray The Lord’s Prayer, in Matthew 6:9-10 NIV: “Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” We are stating that we are in “boot camp,” so to speak, here on earth, while we walk in the kingdom of Christ on earth. Each of us who believes on the son of God, is born from above. We are new creations in Christ; the old life has passed away, and we are walking not in the lust of our flesh, but following the lead of the Holy Spirit of God in our lives.

He is coming for a pure bride scripture
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What does the Bible say about Jesus and his bride?

Jesus paid for the church (Mark 10:45). One day, Jesus will come for His bride and take her to heaven. He will present her to Himself as pure and spotless (John 14:1–3; Ephesians 5:25–27). At Jesus’ second coming, He will return to earth with His bride to celebrate the marriage supper. ESV: Rejoice! The marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride is ready. NIV: Rejoice! Give him glory! The wedding of the Lamb has come.

NASB Let’s rejoice and be glad because the marriage of the Lamb has come.

What is Ephesians 5-25?

25 gHusbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and hgave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by ithe washing of water jwith the word, 27 so kthat he might present the church to himself in splendor, lwithout spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and …

Where does Jesus say we are his bride?

The Church as the Bride in Ephesians 5:22-33. The Church is the Bride of Christ. Christ is the Head of the Church. We have an intimate relationship with Christ as individuals and as the Church. This is closer than an earthly marriage. Jesus is our leader, director, and guide. Jesus is our perfect Husband. He takes care of us. He wants us to be perfect, without any flaws. He is our Husband who always acts for our good. The Church must submit to Christ. To be subject means to let someone guide and influence us. We can refuse to be influenced by Jesus. That’s wrong. It’s good for us to let Him guide our lives. Submitting to Him makes us stronger. Submitting to Him enriches us.

Jesus coming for his bride kjv
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Where does God call us his bride?

The Church as the Bride in Revelation 21:9-11:. Here the Church is called “the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.”

As the corporate Church we are the Bride of Jesus, Who is the Groom. But we are here called the Bride of Jesus, who is the Lamb. Jesus in not only the Groom but He is also the Lamb Who gave His life for our salvation. He was arrested, beaten, tried, and crucified. During this whole time, He refused to call 12 legions of angels from His Fathers presence to rescue Him. He went silently as a powerless lamb to the slaughter. He was not powerless but He went to death that way in order to rescue His Bride.

Once the Lamb sacrificed for His Bride and rescued her, she became a thing of glory and beauty and brilliance—like a very costly gemstone.

Jesus was very clear about who His Bride could become if He was willing to be the sacrificial Lamb for her. He looked past the cross by faith to see Her perfected and glorious. It was all His doing and all at His expense. To make a massive understatement, we, His Bride, get great benefit!

Revelation 19:7
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How does Jesus see his bride?

He not only chose her (despite her sin) and cherishes her (despite her sin), but he also is cleansing her from her sin. He died to both secure his bride and to sanctify her, to make her holy (Ephesians 5:26). And he rose, and lives, to cleanse her “by the washing of water with the word” (Ephesians 5:26). Do our words echo his? Do we join him in washing her, cleansing her, sanctifying her, building her up with our words? Or do we oppose him, insult her, sully her, tear her down by the spirit we harbor and the words we speak in the world and post on the web?

The day is coming when Jesus will “present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27) — when all will see “the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” (Revelation 21:2). Christ is preparing his church for the wedding, purging sin, adorning his bride for that day when she will be presented to him, and every eye will see her, at last, in unparalleled majesty.

Hard Words of Love. Here we might ask about Jesuss own hard words for his bride. Isnt it the Bridegroom himself who says these devastating words in Revelation 3:15–16? “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” Love for the Bride of Christ does not mean silence about the sins of particular churches and specific saints. But it does mean that we take care how we speak about those failures.

Jesus coming for his bride verse
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How does Jesus treat his bride?

He not only chose her (despite her sin) and cherishes her (despite her sin), but he also is cleansing her from her sin. He died to both secure his bride and to sanctify her, to make her holy (Ephesians 5:26). And he rose, and lives, to cleanse her “by the washing of water with the word” (Ephesians 5:26). Do our words echo his? Do we join him in washing her, cleansing her, sanctifying her, building her up with our words? Or do we oppose him, insult her, sully her, tear her down by the spirit we harbor and the words we speak in the world and post on the web?

The day is coming when Jesus will “present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27) — when all will see “the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” (Revelation 21:2). Christ is preparing his church for the wedding, purging sin, adorning his bride for that day when she will be presented to him, and every eye will see her, at last, in unparalleled majesty.

Hard Words of Love. Here we might ask about Jesuss own hard words for his bride. Isnt it the Bridegroom himself who says these devastating words in Revelation 3:15–16? “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” Love for the Bride of Christ does not mean silence about the sins of particular churches and specific saints. But it does mean that we take care how we speak about those failures.

Revelation 19:7-9 meaning
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Is Jesus coming back for his spotless bride?

“The end is to begin with God dealing with a judgement of the House of God first. He is coming back for a blameless and spotless Bride (His Church). There can be losers or winners, but He will find things in favor of His Church. ‘O, Lord, judge me and count me as righteous,” offered Pastor Melton. “We already know the world blames the virus on the Church. How could that be?

“The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time.”

“Church, you carry burdens, but it is so much better to swap them out with the burden of the LORD, soul-winning. In the lean times and the hard times I learn through great persecution. I am the Bride of Christ. He keeps me safe! The devil is a ‘paper tiger, when he growls, the Lord Jesus stands up from His Throne and our Lion of Judah roars! Be sober, alert and aware, the enemy is coming for the Church. Stay in the Hand of God. No one can take us out of His Hand! Be not disheartened. Keep in relationship and know His Voice. Look up! He does care so much!

Who is the bride of christ according to scripture
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What is the meaning of colossians 1:22?

The context of Colossians 1:22 shows that “holy and blameless” is about the Christian walk, not about Christian salvation. The most important evidence is the sentence of Colossians 1:22-23 itself, which says that Christ reconciled us to God, “to present you holy and without blemish and blameless in his presence, if indeed you continue in the faith.” The straightforward reading of that text is that the Christian is holy and blameless “if” they continue in the faith, that is, continue their obedient Christian lifestyle. Furthermore, the sentence shows that Christ died for a greater purpose than believers just receiving everlasting life. While everlasting life itself is wonderful, Jesus did not die for that alone—he did not die just so people could live forever but behave any way they wanted. Jesus died to help fulfill Gods plan to have a family of wonderful children who loved and obeyed Him, and so Christ also died “to present you holy and without blemish and blameless,” which would depend on the believers living godly lives. A godly Christian lifestyle will result in great rewards in the future.

Colossians 1:22-23 is not about a Christian losing their salvation. Christians do not lose their salvation if they fail to “continue in the faith, established and steadfast, and not shifting away from the hope of the Good News.” No Christian has to hold steady on the hope of the Good News and remain “established” and “steadfast” in the Faith in order to be saved. In the 2,000 years since Christ lived, huge numbers of Christians started out strong in the Faith but were somehow deeply wounded in their life or gave in to the cares of life and stopped living the holy and blameless Christian walk. Those Christians were still saved, not because they were saved in the first place by being “established” and “steadfast” and having a firm grip on the hope, but because they were saved by grace by trusting Christ, and they do not lose their salvation by not being “steadfast” in their Christian walk.

Colossians 1:22-23 is also not about a Christian being inherently “holy and blameless,” that is, in their spiritual nature. Occasionally the Greek word ei (“if”), the first word in Colossians 1:23, can have the meaning “since,” and it has been suggested by some that it has that meaning here. In that case, the sentence would read, “since indeed you continue in the faith.” But the meaning “since” would not fit in the context or scope of Colossians, especially given what we know happened to the church at Colossae. When Paul penned Colossians, the church in Colossae was having some deep troubles. We know those troubles continued because by the time Paul wrote 2 Timothy, which was at most only five or six years after he wrote Colossians from prison, they had abandoned Paul and his teachings. Paul wrote in 2 Timothy, “This you know, that all who are in the province of Asia turned away from me” (2 Tim. 1:15), and Colossae was in Asia.

Revelation 19:7-8 meaning
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What does Revelations 19:7 mean?

Revelation 19:7. This verse records in advance that the bride has made herself ready. When Christ comes she is prepared to take her place beside Him. This indicates she yields to God to be ready exactly when He is, but it does not say how painful it is for her or what she has to go through to be ready.

When the time of the marriage of Jesus Christ to His Bride has arrived, then will be the time for the resumption of gladness and rejoicing. Not forgetting that it will also be a time for giving additional glory and honor to the great God, this gladness and rejoicing—shared with God the Father, His Son, and all the angelic host of heaven—will exceed anything that we have ever experienced. It is very important to note that Christs Bride will have made herself ready for the wedding. She will not have allowed anything to sidetrack her from her preparation for this most wonderful occasion.

This verse records in advance that the bride has made herself ready. When Christ comes she is prepared to take her place beside Him. This indicates she yields to God to be ready exactly when He is, but it does not say how painful it is for her or what she has to go through to be ready.

Preparing for a wedding between a man and woman is stressful. Besides the bride and groom beginning to blend their lives together, a multitude of arrangements must be completed so that the marriage ceremony proceeds smoothly. Jesus Christ is energetically working on us now to prepare us to take Him as our Husband. Paul writes in II Timothy 3:12, Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Jesus adds in John 16:33, In the world you will have tribulation. There will also be times of stern correction (Hebrews 12:5-11). It can be very painful if we fail to yield because He will apply whatever pressure is needed to motivate us to use our free moral agency rightly. Does it not seem wise to yield? Why not make it easier on ourselves?

What is Ephesians 5/27?
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What is Ephesians 5/27?

ESV so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. NIV and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

ESVso that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.

NIVand to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

NASBthat He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.

Why does Jesus call us his bride?
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Why does Jesus call us his bride?

The identity of the bride is generally considered within Christian theology to be the church, with Jesus as the bridegroom; Ephesians 5:22–33 in particular compares the union of husband and wife to that of Christ and the church. It is a favorite ecclesial image.2 Interpretations of the metaphors usage vary from church to church, with most believing that it always refers to the church.

Christ as a bridegroomedit. The Gospel of John speaks of Jesus Christ as the bridegroom and mentions the bride:

He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegrooms voice: thus my joy therefore is fulfilled.


In this video we will get a glimpse of what our sister in Christ Christine saw in her heavenly dream and who she met, This is a Must …

When Jesus Returns For His Bride
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Christina Kohler

As an enthusiastic wedding planner, my goal is to furnish couples with indelible recollections of their momentous occasion. After more than ten years of experience in the field, I ensure that each wedding I coordinate is unique and characterized by my meticulous attention to detail, creativity, and a personal touch. I delight in materializing aspirations, guaranteeing that every occasion is as singular and enchanted as the love narrative it commemorates. Together, we can transform your wedding day into an unforgettable occasion that you will always remember fondly.

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  • As I mentioned to you on live chat a while ago, I had a vivid dream that I was sbout to be beheaded for my faith, and was totally at peace about it! My son had a similar dream when he was 4, 30 years ago, long before the rise of some extremist groups…we live near London UK. Thank you for sharing so many powerful dreams from Heaven!

  • I certainly Hope and I diligently PRAY, begging Him to come soon to RESCUE HIS BRIDE, who is about to be murdered and Humiliated in a horrible way! We had best be asking Him to come to redeem the whole world 🌍 – especially all the Chinese people and the Muslim nations that are going to be destroyed by dictators – along with the Christians in North America and Europe – all over the Earth.

  • I had a few dreams of Jesus, one coming from the clouds, one standing on a roof top with a parade happening, one with a sea of people with palm tree leaves waving in their hands, it was a breaking of the seal ceremony of some kind. It was a sand dollar Lol. One with the book of life and took place in a dinning area of a cathedral, with all the named in the book. Then told to write something with a feathered pen and ink. I think to sign it. One of Mother Mary in a garden dressed in white light blue and blue ribbon cloak with yellow white roses at her feet, and threw a rose. Another with my spirit guide showing me boxes with souls in them above the world. One of my 2 children at a water fountain sitting patiently and I asked who they were, and was told they were my children. This was before they were born even. Down to their color of their hair and eyes and ages. That came true a couple years later. All weird spiritual things over a lifetime. Is God real? I’d say very much so. This over a lifetime of dreams that I remember and obviously will never forget I forgot another one, I was playing with Jesus on a golf course and he was teaching me to fly, I was a teenager then. We actually laughed and leaped about, that one was really fun but strange of course

  • That’s very cool! Although I’m not really a Christian but I am spiritual so I do have my own spiritual beliefs but I do think that Jesus is awesome and that he loves everybody no matter who they are and he is always there to guide us when we’re facing challenging moments of our life. God bless you 🙏🏻

  • Yes Suid LORD Suid Jesus Lov You so machi mai suid Holy Holy Holy spirit 🌬️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️ Suid Haleluea Suid Glory Suid Amin!!!🌬️🔥🕊️👑🙌🙌🕊️🙌🕊️🙌🙌🕊️🙌🤍🙌🙌😭🙌😭🙌😭🙌🙌😭🙌😭🙌😭🙌😭🙌🙌😭🙌😭🙌😭🙌🙌😭🙌😭🙌😭🙌🙌😭🙌😭🙌🕊️🙌🕊️🙌🙌🕊️🙌🕊️🙌🔥🙌🙌🔥🙌🌬️🙌🌬️🙌🙌🌬️👑🌹👑🌹👑👑🌹👑🌬️👑🌬️👑🌬️😍😍🌹😍🌹😍🌹😍😍🌬️😍🌬️😍🌬️😍🌬️😍🔥👑🕊️👑🕊️🙌🙌🤍💙😭💙😭💙😭💙🙌😭🙌😭🙌😭👑😭👑👑🔥👑🔥🔥🕊️🕊️🙌🕊️🙌🙌🕊️🙌🔥🙌🔥🙌🌬️🙌🙌🌬️🙌🌹🙌 SUID LORD Lov You so machi mai suid Jesus suid Lord 🔥🔥🙌🔥🙌🔥🔥💋🔥💋🕊️🕊️🌹🕊️🌹👑🌹👑👑🌹👑🌬️😭😭🌬️💙🔥💙💙🕊️🤍🕊️🤍🤍🕊️🤍🕊️🤍🤍🔥🤍🔥🤍🌬️💙💙🌬️💙🌬️😭🌹😭👑🌹👑🌹🔥🙌🔥🔥🙌🔥🙌🔥🙌🔥🕊️🙌🕊️🌹🕊️🌹🕊️🌬️🕊️🌬️👑👑🌬️👑🌬️😭🌬️😭🌬️😭😭🌬️😭🔥😭😭🔥💙🔥💙🌬️💙💙🌹💙🌹😭🌹😭😭😍👑🕊️🌹🔥🌹🕊️🌹🙌💋🙌🌹🌹🌹😭👑🌹🕊️🌹🕊️🌹🕊️🕊️🕊️🌹🔥🌹🕊️👑🌬️😭🌬️💙💙🌹💙🙌🔥🕊️